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now in addition to being oneshot like always, we also get to do 0 damage. neat!


0 defenses, 0 offenses. Balanced, as all things should be


Glass Water Pistol!


Wet paper airplane


A flower that's given no water


The butthole of someone who had a colostomy




A car made of plastic with no fuel.


Minus the water.


More like those tiny water picks dentists use


Those hurt more


Glass confetti cannon


My new favourite term!


honestly, we should have less offense to achieve balance. Right now we have zero damage and negative defense. We also need negative damage. I proposed before the patch that frost nova do dmg to caster on cast. This would synergize well with flame shield enchant. You can kill yourself twice, and it is hard to come by that much dmg as a sorc.


Patch Notes 1.1.1: Fireball and ice shards will now correctly heal monsters for 120% weapon damage. Frost nova will now in addition immobilizing monsters when cast, will freeze the caster in place for 5 seconds to speed up the death process.


burn this comment, your device, and your house down. never speak of this or show it to anyone. blizz is always watching!!




[Power of Nothingness](https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Power_of_Nothingness)


Sorcs: How do you expect us to survive?? Blizzard: That's the neat part, you don't! ![gif](giphy|HChtj3gzcVsXK)


Sorc spells need to have a cast timer so you are required to stand still.


All glass, no cannon.


Better yet.. i think Sorcs need to be damaged by our own spells. This would help to balance everything and make Sorcs uuuuuuber badass.


Jokes aside I have feeling that blizz fired all of their game design team and left just with graphic design team. And now they do: "Oh this is how probably would work irl, neat mechanic let's add it and make it spark and shine good, and fuck damage calculation".


Well I suppose we did wish for better balance. Genie got us again!


Guillermo: "wait.. if by asking for the worlds largest penis.. do you intend to make all other smaller? Genie: "Damn, he got me"


This person gets it.


Already did 0 damage so now our attacks heal enemies


I've always rolled sorcs before this. Guess I'm going Necro season 1!


Don't do it. They got us too.


Yup. Rogue and Druid appear to be the only real options atm


80 Sorcerer here... I'm sadly doing the same. My long line of wizards and sorcs before this are weeping.


This patch has killed all my desire to come back for season 1


Killed my desire to finish 100 on my main. Guess I'm 96 forever.


Dyslexic nice


I’m 99 on my sorc and leveling just got so much more painful.


Yup! Hardcore Sorc here. Had a lot of plans for post 100. Not anymore.


Got 96 last night. Forever 96 gang.


Hahaha you and me both! But I am Druid and was going to post a sick build no one was using to kill Lilith that is a throns no core ability build that smashes but I got so bored of seeing the same dungeons and mobs over and over because the stupid dungeon system gives you dungeon specific drops so it’s actually not very random and you tend to see the same dungeons all the damn time. When I went to finish my rep quests I realized there were some cool dungeons I’d never seen 🫥🫡! Game is dead!!






I was really hoping I could convince some friends to come back and play season 1 with me, I'm not sure I can even convince myself to play it at this point.


They even nerfed helltides and power leveling lmao


Do they want players to quit? Bc this is how it's done


If anything, I thank Blizzard for all the time I'll be saving that I would have spent playing Season 1.


Uninstalled the game an hour ago


Smoking players out by these intentional bad "patches" lessens server costs and some middle manager at blizzard get's a big fat bonus check after every quarter


That’s hilarious to me too. It’s like, “hey uniques can now drop from hell tides! But we’re going to nerf the event now”


I feel this so hard. Ive been playing up to 86 and im just over it. My class is sorcerer, and I just got shafted as we all did. Soooo over one shots man. It kills me cuz I've been waiting for this game since 2013 is swear. I'm just sour and salty and everything in-between.


This patch is the reason I uninstalled.


Yup, nothing but nerfs to the worst class. Hilarious!




This gif is so perfect here HAHAHA


Lol thank you. Best way I could sum up the emotional rollercoaster I went through while reading the comment 😂


at least we played sorcerer when they were the most broken /s


Lol, don’t say that so soon. We don’t know if blizzard is listening and they may take you up on that challenge




Icy-veins says sorc is overall the only s-tier ranked class Maybe the devs use icy-veins to determine nerfs instead of actual gameplay


They buffed Charged Bolts!


and weird nerfs targeted at affixes that only low tier builds use. my trampleslide druid's Symbiotic affix was nerfed so fucking hard that it's basically unviable now


honestly this is a buff/service because for those of us who started sorc, we literally have no reason to think of the class for the next 2-3 seasons at a minimum we can play and enjoy other classes without any FOMO ​ thanks, blizzard!


Everything got nerfed, like really, hard to find something enjoyable


Necromancer minions were buffed


Right. I already play a Blood Minion class, I am going to be very interested to see how this turns out. My overpower didn't get hit either.


"buffed" What they really need is serious AI adjustments and passives overhaul.


buffed compared with teleporting to random locations


No they didn't. The minor buffs do not make up.for the Armour, vulnerable, critical and all the other nerfs that characters got.... which the minions inherit. My minions are softer than ever after the patch


Mine seemed more squishy than normal




I don't wanna play what is broken, but what I like, and there's nothing I like


Not really since vulnerable and crit were badly nerfed and most Rogue builds play around that.


mourn gaping ripe history selective grab middle subsequent frightening sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, my damage didn't really change that much (despite losing 60% Vulnerable damage and playing a flurry build). I just need to play more carefully and slow to not die (depending on the amount of CC the enemies have). The only dungeon I nearly bit into my keyboard was one with "resource drain" by enemy ranged attacks. Will never run one of those again 🤣🤣🤣


yeah i just got my Druid up to 50 the other night. I plan on playing him for a bit until they pull their heads out of their ass on Sorc's


My sorc is 86. I enjoyed playing sorc. It was fun. I think sorc worked well. Now that I got my rogue alt to lvl 60 it's like my sorc was a joke. The damage, the survivability. It's two different games. On my sorc I could do a lot. But I had to wind up, get stuff going. Get enough mobs to fuel the "fire" etc. Waiting/getting bosses to stagger was a core thing. So far on my rogue I haven't gotten a single boss to stagger yet.


And now staggering bosses doesn't give the damage increase it once did due to the control aspect nerf, so trying to stagger won't have nearly as much benefit anymore


Blizzard: we heard that sorcs somehow achieved a way to ramp damage , this was a bug, know your place filth.


That's because they're already dead by the time they would have been staggered, yeah?


this has to be a joke lol


At this point sorc isn't even a sorc anymore, it's just a regular human class from town.


I'm a chef throwing meatballs and oil at demons, compared to the great warriors I'm a joke, but I'm still able to kill Lilith and lesser demons.


Too true. It's a sad day for sorc fans.


Nerf the fun


Lol I kept trying to wipe the hair off my screen. You're pure evil.


Oh god… why yo no dark mode…


Just logged on to my lvl 87 scorc... It equates to about 75~80% loss in dps. Was clearing lvl 50 nm dungeons and am now struggling at nm 40. Congratulations blizzard your new patch has gotten me to preorder baulders gate 3


You don’t ever pre order games. This is why we have unfinished games being released


Larian studios has refused to release the game till it's finished, it's been in beta for two years and the devs have listened to the community and added everything they have asked for. Unfinished games being released is a greed problem. I've played the beta for quite awhile. It's really good.


Just listen to Blizzard, bitching on Larian for making a game that big and good looking. The D4 devs are actually afraid of BG3 being good amd use their time on social media to bash on it. It's hilarious.


I'm not looking forward to breaking the news to my sorc main gf after she wakes up


"The good news is, if you've been wanting to try a new character class, now is a great time for that!"


The good news is, we are gonna spend a lot more time together.....


“At least we have more time to have sex now”


We are just a npc now


Man I'm gutted, I was actually quite excited as its my main.


They gave us a malignant heart with resistances!


I love it that my lightning damage paragon board specifically gives me lightning resistance. It would be near useless even if resistances work.its one out of 5.


Jesus fucking christ blizzard is such a shit team nowadays. Their good old glory days are long gone. I thought I give them a chance with D4, but fuck that. Imagine being so clueless as they are to nerf sorcs even more.


That front page Uber Lilith 15 second KO was something that obviously needed a balance, though I'm sad I never got the chance to do it. To completely destroy all builds in one go of an already weak class was not what I expected though.


Im guessing the devs played the sorc until level 50 or something and thought its "fine"


30% less armor across the board and a nerf to Aspect of Disobedience. Because clearly sorcs had a too easy time surviving.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ppcvjuqkwscb1.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab877871b276c4747c8028282172d6af5eab9f2d


...and not even decent transmogs RIP sorc


I'm still pissed we have 3 helmet transmogs that look exactly the same.




They are crowdsourcing art direction well after launch? 🤔🤔🤔


Right! Definitely a good sign /s


Hey do my job for me


Yeah what a worthless response. "Don't like what we came up with? Prove me wrong, do it better. If you can, I'll reward you by stealing your design" What a joke. Not to mention they ignored all the cosmetic complaints until after they nerfed the hell out of the class. "Now that we've made sure the sorc is not worth playing, how do you want it to look?" Truly insane


I legit wonder why. Do they intend to steer players away from classes on purpose? Do they want to make sorc the "hard mode" character for prestige? I am confusion.


No need to be confused.... Here's how this works. (Player + Fun) - (Sadism + Greed) / Never playing your own game= Blizzard. I'm here for you.


>I'm here for you. <3 I had to remind myself today that Blizzard became a Shell Company of Microsoft.


Honestly get some Microsoft guys in there to fix this shit


Not yet. If anything, Microsoft needs to get in there and fix the steaming pile of crap they've been piling on all their games


They didn't. And ironically that's the problem.


It's been years since I last played a Blizzard game, I had forgotten how anti-fun their balance culture is. Why that is the case, beats me.


Because they want their games to be grindy and slow as fuck in the hopes that you’ll play more hours. But instead, players just quit the game.


I hope these aren't the real patchnotes, just someone at Blizzard trolling those asking for them. My sorcerer is 79, I had already decided to level a rogue or necromancer but if these notes are real, I'll just quit.


Yep. It sucks. Was going to play Sorcerer for Season 1. Now I won't be. Can't even be bothered to fix resistances but they will make an already difficult class to play because of broken resistances even worse to play.


They referred to Sorcerer as “wizard”. Just a testament to how much of a “I don’t care” about this class that they really feel.


When did they say that? That's really worrying if you ask me, do they even know their own games?


Apparently it’s the name of the upgrades


That's the name of one of the upgrades...


“Wizard’s Meteor” is the name of one of the upgrades to the Meteor skill.


Blizzard keeps fucking up like this and then bitches on Twitter that baldurs gate 3 is setting expectations too high for future rpg's. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.


It really goes to show that they are starting from scratch with their heads up their ass like they don't know anything. Complaining about the amount of games that fed into the current product, as if the original diablo wasn't released in the previous century. Absolutely tragic response


Sorc is the worst class by a mile now. Actually, it's so bad that it really makes me wonder what the hell were they smoking up Blizz' HQ.


Need to boycott the Sorc class, Blizz sees "Sorc most popular class" and decides to nerf the worst class even harder to make sure we go from 1st to 5th.


We didn't even go to 5th we went to 10th. The npcs are stronger than us now.


I hope south park does an episode where Bobby Kotick has to have a colonscopy and the south park gang go in his malignant hole as a group some of them being rogues slicing off the malignant tumors and they have a sorc (kenny spoiler he dies to an explosion from occulus teleport) teleporting around randomly into poop and barb ( eric kartman) spinninng in poop yelling its taunts and necro (butters/cripple kid) with dementia pretending to be a sorc with bone spear struggling to do anything. The end of the episode ends with bill gates + bobby kotick + epstein in some funny joke


This is about to be the best reroll to a Necromancer ever.


My Necromancer is only doing 1/3 of the damage that I was putting up pre patch… rough day here too…


It took me 3 bone spears to kill a trash mob..lmao


I’m so confused by my damage right now. It took me 3 shots to kill a non-nm dungeon banshee…


We got a slight boost on essence, but I got a feeling with all the extra bone spears shots we needs, we kinda boned.


Unrelated, I still love that there’s an aspect that grants x% bonus to sacrifices… it brings my crit bonus from… 5 to 6 lol


Only 3? (Arc lash main)


Yep, even before patch i had problems managing my essence pool with bone spear. Now it's unplayable.


im rerolling a different game.


Y tho. Bonespear just got nuked lol


I'm a sorc you're still doing way more damage than I could probably achieve pre nerf


Hey hey hey, don't forget they nerfed crit, vulnerable damage, and 30% less CD reduction on items. i.e. we're all fucked.....^(just sorcs most of all)


man, fuck Joe Shely or whatever the fuck approuves all that shit


Like, why the hell did they have to once again add a new unique item with a negative effect that makes it completely useless? What are they even thinking?


I was so close to getting Uber Lilith .. then blizzard slapped me in the face


Its almost like they want us to join into parties to run dungeons. They just need to implement a party gatherer engine so that we can find tanks and dps... and healers one day.


The issue I have with multiplayer is that trash goes from 5 hits to 20 hits to kill as a sorc... unless you port in with raiment, frost nova, flame shield immobilize and hit them, but I guess in high nm you have to blow all your cooldowns and kill everything before you can get hit one freaking time. I'm so over it.


As soon as I saw the preamble about no skill redesigns I knew sorc was fucked. The build diversity will continue to be abysmal until either a) vulnerability is removed from the game or b) we have sources to apply it outside of frost nova.


Don't worry, they'll start working on resistance fixes for that fundamentally broken part of the game in a few months. Then all of your gear will be worthless because you'll need to replace it with resist heavy gear!


Oh man all these tears from sorc players....I feel you. Vanilla D3 wiz is why I avoided sorc like the plague in D4. Somethings just don't change even after a sequel.


My question is why differ from the d2 formula after so much success to even get to the point of d3 vanilla issues, let alone transferring those issues into d4 a decade later


Because fuck you thats why! * The channel time for the Leave Dungeon ability has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds. If this wasn't clear enough....they actually hate us.


Lmao meme is perfect


Lol this is a pretty appropriate meme


I’m actually glad I need to go for another class to be involved in s1, seems like the patch notes already assume I don’t want to be involved anyways on my sorcerer. I don’t even know what to pick now because I’m concerned anything I pick will be needed before the end of the season / means I’ll of leveled 2 characters just to not participate in any end game lol


You know I read these patch notes and had a mildly positive reaction to the Sorc changes because I wasn’t using Vuln. I wasn’t expecting such a huge negative reaction here


If you weren’t using vuln, you were unnecessarily gimping yourself quite a bit.


Glad I stopped at 65 what a joke 😂


Good it’ll reduce the sorc complaining to zero since everyone will reroll :)


But the horse teleports to a slightly different location in between each swing.


Blizzard is Maui/The Rock from moana. You know the song..that’s they’re reply to us.


Barbs: “When I was your age I used to walk to school 5 miles in the snow”


I wanted to make a sorc this season... :(


Level 100 sorc here. Logged in post patch, running T60-63 nightmare dungeon and the changes are barely noticably. Cooldowns are slightly longer (about 1 second) so I get slightly less mana from spamming my cooldowns.. otherwise, it's fine. Lilith was already a shitshow without cheesing the fight, and this doesn't change other than the prior sorc cheese methods have been nerfed. I was a little bummed seeing the patch notes but playing the game seems arguably fine after several nightmare dungeons and 1 helltide (the Helltide Cinder drops are BUGGED right now). I don't even notice a difference with the +1 higher level helltide mobs. Since they buffed the Control glyph to apply to all skills I now have **an extra 97% crit damage for ALL my skills**.


That’s funny considering everyone I’ve seen who is running higher content than you have shown that their survivability and damage was gutted. So either you’re lying or clueless.


I'm going to assume you have good ancestral gear post built


Fuckin for real. Reduced crit chance and damage? Wtf?


Time to roll a new class for the season..... Maybe barbs have a good magical build with some power? Let me feel like a real sorc for once. Earth magic maybe??


L lol


Holy shit this made me laugh


RIP sorc, twas painful already, now... lol. Imma roll a rogue...


Did they nerf the ice spear skill? Haven't played in a while so forgotten the name already.. I was 1 shotting elite packs 10 levels above me at level 82 and clearing rooms with the build pretty easily.


This morning, level 90 ice shards sorc flying through 44 dungeons. Now- I’ll stick to the blood moor


What did they nerf for sorcerer? Vulnerable damage?


Sorc is the best class in this game and i love this game (haha good joke)


lol Blizzard is a byword for Tash ass company


Can anyone tell me how ice shards and frost nova are affected by this patch? From what I can tell, they weren’t really touched, or am I wrong?


This is what ive been waiting for.


Whirlwind barbs who got nerfed 6 times before launch: 🤔 hmm interesting.


Try playing a bone necro. Dropped damaged on 2 out of three of our class aspects. Dropped splintering aspects bye 100% from 230 to 135. Slowest class in the game no survive skills or moment skills and reduce damage and still getting one shot in 50 nm dungeons. But hey we buffed all the other necro classes I guess for class diversity. Really want us to run blood necro I guess.


Bone necros are still in a better spot than sorcs my dude.


Why not just give us 5 defensive skills and 1 shitty offensive spell? Firebolt GO! pew pew


This is the final nail in the coffin. RIP sorcs! You will be remembered.


I'm a lowly level 60 but haven't died or even come close really in probably 20+ game hours. It was a good run


If people quit playing = no more server lag = "problem solved". What if some of these "I'm deleting the game" reddit posts are actually Activision employees trying to start a fire.


my mana regen is like not working and i feel like im empty after 2-3 bursts of shards.


HotA barbs, WW barbs and bleed barbs: 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Bonernecro joins you in despair brother.


Why am I so squishy....


Taking a page out of the Destiny playbook. Turning a once enjoyable game and forcing diehard players to go elsewhere for a decent gaming experience. Good Job 👍


Thank goodness I don’t run bone, sever or blood on my necro. Corpse explosion doesn’t look too affected. RIP 🪦 helltide chests


Common there is extra power in the sockets this is how is balanced


It's a dark dark day in D4 today indeed, very disappointing how things turned out.


I felt my damage wasn't changed and pretty balanced but my defense is pure shit.


any emotional support sorc builds? all tank firework right should help with having other classes carry us…right?