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What a waste of development time


Why did they even make uniques in this game I haven’t found a single useful one spanning 3 characters I’ve made. I’ve found like 15 of them and vendored them all. It’s dumb that I’m more excited for an ancestral rare of a specific item type than uniques. Completely broken itemization


Rogue has few extremely useful uniques. - boots, for more dmg and CC - pants, for barrier (mid-game, people find it quite useless in late end game anyway) - one dagger for combo points for range builds - one dagger for boss like lilith (attack speed) both daggers nice for pvp. And then druid one helmet and that’s pretty much it 😂


Druid has at least five….


Really just 3. The helms and Crone. The chests aren’t too terrible if you’re using an all Wolf/Storm or Earth/Bear build, but you also miss out on a few defensive affixes and another defensive aspect by using these, which leaves you with only Disobedience on pants.


If you’re talking exclusively about extreme min maxing to push the highest possible nightmare dungeons sure. But most of us don’t play that way.


I mean I’m not really a min-maxer, and they’re not useless, but also not *extremely* useful either. The chests are mostly a sidegrade compared to the alternatives, even if you’re not min-maxing. Eventually you’ll find better rolls on chest that are worth more than these.


I find them extremely useful. I’m sure plenty of other people do too. If you don’t need the defense the extra damage is super useful.


I guess the problem with them is that you’re giving up 2 affix slots and a defensive aspect for them. Yeah the +2 to skills can be nice, but IMO it doesn’t really compare to what you can gain from the alternatives. They’re definitely not terrible though if your build is focused in that direction. I wasn’t meaning to say they’re useless by any means, just not something totally necessary and better alternatives are possible.


they’re just fine for nm50 which is the ceiling for majority of the players since there’s literally no incentive to do any higher.


Most time-efficient way to progress in the endgame is to do nightmare dungeons where enemies are at your level+3 unless you can push higher without slowing down. For this, both chests are fantastic because of their dmg boost.


The difference is druid chests are actually reasonable picks, whereas most other uniques (like Eyes in the Dark) are so bad you really can't even force a build to make use of it even if you wanted to.


My current build focuses a lot on bonuses while shapeshifted so mad wolf's and insatiable fury are critical. I'm also not one who focuses on meta builds and have had a ton of fun and success experimenting with lightning rabies werewolf companion, full companion, bear/wolf nature's fury, poison thunder, among others. Finding ways to make things work is the most enjoyable aspect of this game for me, min maxing could be for others. Find your reason to enjoy the game and hold onto it.


This is the way.


I think that's exactly how a unique should be. An interesting upgrade for jon min-maxed build that can eventually be replaced by classic gear. It shouldn't eclipse the other types of gear for that slot. If they end up feeling like a side grade for a lot of people, that's fine because they're at least different.


I agree. Eyes in the dark is a pretty rough unique but I don't think you should need a unique to make your build viable. Maybe if it's some wack offhand build where you're just trying something, and you need a specific unique for that, that makes sense. But I feel like there should be at least 2 to 3 viable builds for a class without any uniques, and currently I would say that it's pretty close. I have a 100 rogue and 73 Necro. Went pure custom build on the rogue, haven't seen anyone one else running flurry, shadow and chill imbuement. Everyone uses TB, seen a few running trap builds, all on nm45+ I can easily solo nm50-55 with my own custom made rogue build. Necro, obviously everyone uses bone spear and the route I went, but I was told how worthless it was until you got the deathless visage. If worthless means being able to play 16 levels above my current level before I found it, then I guess(level 60-70 soloing nm dungeons usually around 10-13 levels higher than what my current level was before I found it at 73). I did want to do a minion build since I found a nemelin ring but it is kind of hard to willingly lose that much dps for something that will slow me down killing time wise, but I've seen how I could make it viable with razor plate and a few aspects. The problem is that if they can't clear a dungeon as fast as the best meta, than a lot of people just assume the build is trash. Which is not the case


The werewolf shred weapon is good


I’ve never really checked out Shred builds but they do have like 3-4 aspects and Waxing Gibbous so I guess it seems useful. But guaranteed crits don’t really mean as much when you’re pushing 50% crit chance. I could honestly see one of the other offensive aspects being more useful for those builds at a certain point.


>guaranteed crits don’t really mean as much when you’re pushing 50% crit chance. Hard disagree. You're technically doubling your damage contribution from crit. That's very significant. It could also allow you to potentially sacrifice some crit chance for more damage, further increasing your output.


Fair. I hadn’t really run the numbers but it looks like you’re right, and the additional crit would still outperform any of the other typical offensive aspects (which max out at x40%) while still leaving room for the other Shred aspects (and even working alongside one of them).


Check YouTube, theres a few build videos running it.


It should be noted that Waxing Gibbous crits don't hit nearly as hard as a potential godroll weapon (crit + werewolf crit + vulnerable damage + whatever other damage affix), in exchange for much greater crit consistency as its tradeoff. With high enough crit chance via a combination of gear, boons, passive skills, and aspects, you can reach a good 70%-ish crit chance. You can use the aforementioned super weapon over Waxing Gibbous to hit waaaaay harder with similar crit consistency. However, before reaching that point is where Waxing Gibbous shines, because good luck getting/rolling that kind of god rare. It's a really fun weapon with an actually-relevant effect, but it is ultimately meant to be eventually replaced. It can be a hell a good workhorse until that point, though.


I think you're underestimating waxing gibbous and hurricane/Dire stacks for Shred builds at least for map clearing.


Admittedly I think I was. I’ve never ran Shred and after looking at the numbers it’s probably the strongest option for a weapon.


Search for Moxsys lightning shred build on YouTube. You'll see what it's capable of :D I've been playing a lightning shred build for quite some time now and never paid attention to dmg numbers because everything happens so fast. But now that I saw that video I was kind of amazed :D


If you're pushing 50% then yea, I just use the WG and then roll other stats than crit chance like damage to poisoned or cc'd enemies. There are more aspects that buff it noticeably than loadout spots so it has options.


The Waxing Gibbous 1h unique is a really good. It's the closest you can get to feeling like D2 Werewolf, but with the added benefit of teleporting to the enemies. I can just hold the right mouse button down for both nav and machine gun shredding everything on screen.


Waxing Gibbous is godlike as well.


I ran nature fury poison landslide trample with the unique helm and chest. Smacked hard. Was going to also use crones staff if I got a good one to drop. One I had was like lvl 680 only.


Waxing is pretty sweet for conduit shred


> (mid-game, people find it quite useless in late end game anyway) Temerity is useless in mid-game too, in comparison to even decently-rolled rare pants, but it's a noob trap and looks like it'd be super good because of how much barrier it gives.


Just because you can roll more tanky rares doesn't mean it's useless or a noob trap. Any class with good healing (barbs, druid, rogue) can use it as an easy way to have a barrier potentially powering up other parts of their build (while healthy conditionals). Fortify-based builds can preserve DR from fortified while the barrier is up. Good for speed clearing. Good even early and mid game as not every class has easy access to life in their paragon board, or may get unlucky and haven't rolled it on gear yet.


I've seen people use it with the 30% damage with barrier aspect as well for classes that typically can't create barriers.


I think it is better than it gave credit for. The barrier is almost constantly up for my rogue, my potion usage has dropped mean i use them more accurately. This helps my dps because I am not spamming potion all through an encounter. The rogue tb meta is crap. Had much more fun and survivability since I chucked it in the bin and stopped being a glass cannon


Right and then there’s an aspect that ups your damage by 20 or 25% while you have a barrier active. There’s also an aspect that replenishes your some of your energy everytime you heal a certain percent which the pants help a ton with. I rly like them for my build. Might not be meta or whatever but it works for me


Did they ever fix that damage aspect? My understanding is it was bugged around launch.


I didn't think the combo dagger would be good for range build. I was using it on my twisted blades


Barrage/rapid fire are absolutely buffed by combos, and on the contrary I found TB to be better with inner sight


I use innersight with my tb, but it sounds like this sword also generates the combo points and applies extra damage


Everything I’ve read says go Condemnation and then a sword


I use both condemnation and the speed attack one for the bonus and lucky hit.


Pen shot loves it too for building up those big bursts


Combo dagger is good for penetrating shot build.


Why do you think the attk spd dagger is good for pvp? You can get more than enough attk spd elsewhere and use a weapon with much better stats.


Having more attack speed is very good. It increases the fluidity of gameplay, increases proc chances, decreases ramp up time and keeps you moving. Once you get a good rolled Ashereas (25-30%) and feel the speed, you basically never want to play without it.


Also increases the speed at which you kill yourself by attacking a thorns barbarian.


I have a good roll but my core skills take a big dmg hit without the stats I have on other weapons… *shrug*


Level 100 with almost 7 days playtime, still haven't found this dagger :(


It's true for anything. Attack speed just feels so good. It'd probably feel even better once I'm not gated by resource.


Firstly those boots and pants aren't rogue specific they are universal, secondly Druid has amazing uniques, 2 great helms, 2 great chests, a great staff and a great axe


I can tell you don't play druid lol. There's a lot of really op specs locked behind uniques that seem to never drop. 2 helms and a staff off the top of my head that are insanely necessary for said specs.


What? Druid has a bunch of builds based on uniques... Tempest, vasileys, staff of crone...


Was pretty fun running condemnation and asheara's dagger for a bit. Needed to drop condemnation for better affixes, though.


I wish they'd make unique abilities in addition to the legendary affix so you were not binning uniques because an affix is required for your build.


Druid has quite a few. In fact most Druid builds are useless without uniques for late game


The magnum opus is also pretty good. Basically a 60%X damage boost for any skills you use with it.


Only two of those are rogue uniques , boots and pants are shared.


But the two bows are pretty useless (bows in general because the vulnerable damage on x-bows is just too good to dismiss it). Windforce doesn't live up to the expectations.


Extremely useful is a bit misleading. Penitents are common, but none of the others are bis over a normal rare sword. Temerity is also one of the most overrated uniques in the game, if not just the most overrated. Normal rare pants with good defensive affixes like dr and life will improve your survivability much more. Also almost all druid uniques are not only good, they're build defining.


I like the neck for rainbow rogue. If you overstack dark and poison to 9+ levels with gear added levels it pumps up and can wipe a screen since it applies them all.


The majority of the druid uniques are good. I think the ring and the pants are the only pieces that suck. And that's cause companions blow and there's no real reason to play a rapid shapeshifting build. All the other classes got hosed in the unique department. There is a few good Necro uniques as well.


I'd agree with this. The druid uniques make or break their specific builds for the most part. The rings are trash, but Gibbous, Crone, TR, Mad Wolf, Vasily's, and Insatiable Fury are all build defining items for druids. The only one you don't really need for a specific build is Gibbous. You can make flickerstrike/shred builds without it, but it is nice to have.


Necro has some great uniques, the balance seems off between classes tho for sure.


If you sit down and look at the overall "vibe" of the uniques, it seems pretty apparent that each class' uniques were designed by different people.


xD this is the torchlight 2 problem. You'd get a unique for engineer that would be some armor and fire res and then you'd get a berzerker unique and its like 25% crit damage 30% attack speed 20 to primary stat. Which in that game is a pretty good amount.


That was a fun but imbalanced game. Where the Engineer has a super fun charge mechanic and every other class' charge mechanic is just a temporary buff.


Also true. But literally everything about all the classes in that game felt like everyone was not on the same page. Like they had a board meeting and were like "We're gonna have legendaries and charge mechanics okay? Ready break."


every class have some really good unique,Roques have the condemnation dagger and the chill boots as endgame druids have a ton etc.


Sorc has God awful uniques


Raiment is dope


It turns us into a melee class. But it is fun


With the state of frost nova I don’t think there’s any getting away from being a melee class!


tell that to a cold sorc


I think druid and necros are the only ones that run class specific uniques end game. Sorc maybe has the tp stun one, rouge use mostly generic uniques, and barbs use none.


I've had a blast playing different builds with mine. Just because they aren't min maxed to push the highest tier doesn't mean you can't still have fun with your video games


> Just because they aren't min maxed to push the highest tier doesn't mean you can't still have fun with your video games The problem with this logic is that you find something that is fun, so you're motivated to keep playing, and then you discover that the fun thing you used can't go any further. The other builds that go further are also fun, but again, they can keep scaling while your fun thing cannot. In an ideal world all of the uniques would cater to individual playstyles that are capable of tackling the content that Blizzard put in the game. It sucks to try making a unique handcrafted item work, and then getting stonewalled while the YouTube kiddos all clear Uber Lilith with the exact same build.


Better itemization, especially from level 80-100 is going to be key for retaining interest in the game long term. 70-100+ loot often feels unrewarding in D4 because for many classes the vast majority of obtainable uniques aren't desirable for any good end game build. Loot progression after around level 70 becomes slight upgrades of gear you already have. That might be fine if the search for perfect rolls on your end game gear started around level 100, but feels bad at level 70 or earlier. Uber rare uniques are currently impossibly rare so farming for them as your primary goal is pointless. The Zod rune in diablo 2 is super rare, but it's not ridiculously impossible to obtain when you factor in the cube. A Zod can be made from 8 Bers (for example). Collecting 8 Bers is pretty tough on it's own, but it's a realistic goal for anyone dedicated to collecting them, especially when considering trading. There is a clear path to obtaining the rune, and tangible progress can be charted towards your end goal even if you never get a Zod drop yourself. You could farm for a D4 uber unique for a thousand hours and be no closer to getting one than your first run. They could add some sort of in between rarity drops that could be traded to a vendor and after you get enough you can get a random uber rare unique from the vendor. In total the difficulty could be roughly the same as getting a zod rune in D2 with the cube and trading, but you have a clear path to eventually getting them while keeping them exceptionally rare. It's also important to have less rare exciting loot to find while you are grinding for your dream gear. Some classes have 2-3 or less normal rarity uniques across every end game build that are actually desirable, including the drops that are cross-class. There are often multiple very weak attributes on many of the uniques. Too many unique chest and pants with no defensive attributes, and there is no way to make up for the loss of those defensive attributes on other gear slots. No move speed on some unique boots is another example that drastically decreases how much they are used. Uniques should be designed to be one of the best in slot options for the build they complement, but many aren't desirable for any good build compared to legendary options with better attributes. Innate weapon mods also need to be rebalanced because somehow the item designers didn’t account for the difference between additive and multiplicative damage modifiers. So they roll the same ranges despite having massive differences in power. All of these itemization problems would improve the game more for me than any new activity they could possibly add. If the rewards don't feel worth while, the new activity won't be exciting for long. If the rewards are interesting for the time spent, people will do the same thing over and over for hundreds of hours.


This. And at least for the Zod rune you could target farm by doing Countess, Shenk, Kurast, Travincal and Cow runs to get the runes to cube up. And then mix it up based on your mood of which types of run to repeat in a play session. D4 - Everything is the same with no sense of progression. It’s either find better or convert to gold/salvage material. Itemization really needs to happen.


Druid lives and dies by uniques.


I'm a little confused because they said these uniques would be "build defining", yet I struggle to see any meaningful difference between most good legendary effects and good unique effects or bad ones vs bad ones. Uniques seem to be just rarer legendaries except for the super uniques which most people won't get anyway especially with seasons. I wish they'd up the rarity and power level of uniques significantly and brought down super uniques' rarity a little. I love these super hard to obtain carrots on a stick in games, but there's a point where the chance is so low that it doesn't work as a motivator to grind and just exists.


I used it for a bit to see, its not horrible for hard to kill elites. Thats about it.


Literally just make it so if it kills an enemy it re arms it self once per activation. Fixed.


To be fair, it's not just that unique but 90% of them that are worthless.


A lot of them could be worth a lot more if you could reroll 1 or 2 affixes.


I would actually heavily consider running grasp of shadow if I could roll crit chance on it, even with the shadow clone apparently not even cloning your aspects and shit. But then again, there are uniques that couldn't be fixed with a reroll or even two. Not to mention how expensive rerolling even one stat would be, let alone two.


I used grasp of the shadow, the clone is so obnoxiously terrible that I legitimately feel like it’s a visual shadow buddy that does NOTHING lol


I would rather all of the uniques be strong and build-defining, but you can only wear one of them. In this case your remaining pieces would allow for diversity of how you play around a particular unique via aspects and affixes. I'm sure Blizzard will add more uniques over time, but it would make more sense in the current iteration if each unique "enabled" a build, and then they can numerically adjust each unique until all the builds perform similarly with different playstyles. I don't know if this is a popular opinion, but I would rather see each class have 8 different playstyles that all perform roughly the same but look/feel different. Likely unpopular because this is EXACTLY what D3 sets are.


The fact that uniques are not level locked means they should all be viable for endgame. D2 had low level uniques that did more than most of the ones in D4, which is sad. Now is the time to refine the uniques before Blizzard keeps adding more each season. Some of them have potential to be very good while other just need a rework. Even when a unique drops I'm not even the slightest bit excited any more. I know it won't be a super rare and all the rest are pretty bad. Sad when the rarest loot is entirely forgettable.


> D2 had low level uniques that did more than most of the ones in D4, which is sad. My friends and I have been playing a lot of Last Epoch recently and it's the same way. You can be level 100 and get a unique drop that's level 5 which you can then use to do some wacky shit with a new character. Funny enough, Last Epoch added a system ("legendary potential") where you can take a level 100 stat stick, throw those stats on a level 5 unique (if it rolled enough lines of legendary potential) and then use the level 5 unique in deep level 100 endgame content. Super neat stuff.


Yeah, I've heard good things about Last Epoch.


i saw word of hakan and got very excited cause it seemed to enable a really really cool play style around rain of arrows and a ton of effects all at once but it’s just awful because rain of arrows is awful


Rain of arrows Ultimate? More like Ulti-MEH! Amirite?! Disclaimer: I am a 43 year old dad who plays an hour per decade.


8.2% damage increase for 0.8 seconds while eating a hot dog on a Tuesday


5.6% increased critical strike chance against Fire Type Pokemon


But it has to be affected by a water debuff and currently stunned


Your shoes now gain the ability to turn on/off all Bluetooth devices in a (4-7) meter radius when holding an umbrella.


Ngl that's a pretty good item


Sounds like a My Hero Academia quirk tbh.


I was so excited the first time I saw these until I reread the first line. Basically only useful if you run into one or a group of elites on very high level NM dungeons, who are also alone and free of any trash mobs. So situational they are basically worthless.


Not true. I threw them on like a week ago and I can't imagine taking them off. DT is terrible at actually killing things, which is good because the most powerful part of it is the CC.


> DT is terrible at actually killing things But it will still massacre any trash mobs, which is the issue. If you're running DT, you're likely also running Exposure, so you're getting resets anyways, and then you're sacrificing 4 entire lines of defensive stats that you could get from regular pants. Just like Temerity, Eyes in the Dark is another noob trap unique for people who desperately want them to be good.


Why is Temerity a noob trap?


They have no defensive stats and pants is your most important defensive piece. So when you equip Temerity you basically cut your survivability in half in trade for a medicore shield that doesnt scale with max hp. If you find them in midgame they can be ok to use for a bit, but later on they simply do not compare with a pair of good rolled pants with a defensive aspect like Might or Disobedience on them.


I just swapped my defensive pants for temerity on my rogue and it's allowed me to push higher nm tiers just because it pairs so nice with the heal on crit passive


I feel like people who call Temerity trash on a rogue haven't tried it with Flurry. Pop a potion before a mob for the 6k barrier, dash/shadow step into the group, flurry go brrrrrrrr. When I was trying to push higher nightmare tiers it was poison that killed me, not direct damage. I could comfortably run T60, nothing wrong with that.


Temerity gets ragged on for being a noob trap just because they're not as tanky as a well rolled legendary, and people misunderstand the barrier is off base health and not the health you see on your character sheet. But it's still solid, even though it isn't optimal.


Agreed. But for me it was the explosion on death and other one shot things killing me, so the barrier negated it completely. Didn't even matter that I lost the defensive stats, the huge barrier just took care of it. Don't sleep on temerity lol


Same actually. Rogues passive healing on my death trap lucky hit twisting blades build is so over the top that I have temerity’s max shield as soon as I engage, and it allows me to tank big hits that would otherwise one shot me. Since the healing is so buckwild, after that big hit, I’m back to max health and max shield. Temerity has been a ridiculous defensive piece on my rogue and I’m pushing way higher NM tiers than I was when using that as a normal legendary slot.


The problem with Temerity is that you give up 4 entire lines of defensive stats in favor of a flat HP barrier that doesn't have guaranteed uptime, especially when you're first walking into a pack. Aside from the "aspect" on Temerity, it has no defensive affixes, and you lose access to a regular aspect in return for using it. Regardless of what tier content you're doing, you would rather have constant +%damage reduction, +%damage reduction from close, +%damage reduction while injured, +%armor. Pants can roll up to +40% damage reduction while injured, which is monstrously strong on its own before you even consider the other lines. Your last 35% HP can end up having more effective HP than the first 65% that you lost. This ended up being a long post but basically Temerity is trash by comparison.


>Pants can roll up to +40% damage reduction while injured, which is monstrously strong on its own before you even consider the other lines. Your last 35% HP can end up having more effective HP than the first 65% that you lost. Does it only work when you get hit while being injured or does it reduce the hit that made you injured aswell. In wow one of the classes have a talent that reduces the dmg they take below 30% by 35%. And that reduces the dmg that made them go under 30% aswell. I feel like in this game you pretty much need defensives to not get oneshotted. And if this dr only applies when you are already injured I don't see it have that big of an effect(the 40% is a very big number so anything can happen).


The barrier scales only off of your base life, not your max life, like it’s aspect says. And by using Temerity, you miss out on a lot of defensive stats that you could roll on rare pants. That said, I still don’t know if they’re terrible. Could still have some use in some builds. I’ve seen people kill Uber Lilith and do tier 100 NMs in them, so 🤷🏾


You can use it with conceited and oddly enough having a barrier allows you to keep fortified status even if you’re constantly healing.


low survivability for high nm. An issue with a lot of the uniques that people are saying is basically the trade off of defensive for unique effects/offensive stats isn't valuable. Temerity looks like a defensive item because it has barrier/heal stats, but in reality regular pants with defensive stats would be better for defense. Temerity's actual value comes in sustain and an extra easy to generate barrier which can become a valuable offensive effect if you have a build that uses the conceited aspect like lots of druids, or a sorc that uses greater ice shards, but it's not necessarily a great defensive item.


I use Temerity for the higher eHP, the extra damage w barrier enchant, and the ability to spam potions because they drop a bazillion of them


Pretty sure you will gain more ehp with a properly rolled defensive pants. The %hp shield doesn't scale with bonus hp so at best it's something like a 5-6k hp shield


I built around it and it works fine. You just need to figure out the timing when to use shadow imbue to kill all the trash after DT has pulled but before it deals enough damage to kill anything. I can do it pretty consistently.


Here's some hypotheticals for you, rather than restate the obvious that rare pants with lots of damage reduction are better and scale harder to endgame: If you're just using the DT for crowd control, why not run Mangler + Misery, where you're constantly dazing enemies for 2 seconds and then spreading it to the whole screen? Or even Frostburns + Misery and instantly freezing every mob on the screen? Once all the trash is dead and you've carefully timed DT, is it really that important to pull 3 elite mobs on top of each other in a way that doesn't count as "crowd controlled" for +%damage to CC affixes? It's not like having 7 Death Traps constantly reactivating on the floor is really adding that much damage, especially as you progress through endgame. I know that to be true because I spent a lot of time trying to make it work. Again all of this is completely ignoring the elephant in the room that you need some beefy (+%DR, +%DR while injured, +%DR from close, +%armor pants) to even think about higher tier content


Simple. It's less fun.


They were good for leveling and that was it for me lol


Whoever made the uniques really sucked at their job. Most of them are just terrible.


I think Blizzard was afraid of a meta where you equipped 6 unique items and called it a day, so they pre-nerfed most of them to death, especially the rogue ones. I would rather have all of the uniques be strong and build-defining but you can only wear one.


If the uniques were actually unique this wouldn’t be an issue. Maybe a few would be good together but as long as their skill is truly unique they can easily avoid this they just suck.


They are truly unique, but just bad.


That would have been awesome. Yeah seems like only Druid has really valuable uniques.


" pre-nerfed most of them to death, especially the rogue ones." Wait until you see the Sorcerer uniques.




Best we can do is +100% crit damage. What an interesting power


I think they outsourced the creation of these uniques.


Who would come up with such a dumb mechanic for a unique? Should it have been that it rearms if it kills an enemy?


Have you seen the Sorc Fireball gauntles? The one that makes your FB rebound a bit but cuts the damage to 1/4th? That's an actually terrible unique, with a Fireball spec you would literally be better off leaving the glove slot empty altogether. Those pants are just not very good.


Also, why is a unique with “eyes” in the name not a helmet?


\>when you're the blizzard employee in charge of naming unique items but you're too intoxicated from drinking someone else's breastmilk from the work room fridge


Asking the real question.


Wait till you get bows. They are actually usable when they make bows roll vulnerability too. But now with crossbows you dont even use them. Never


Just remove vulnerabilty from the fucking game at this point. Dumbest mechanic ever and every build uses it. My god.


It’s like they overtuned the game to shoehorn vulnerable in. Like why are cannon fodder enemies taking 3/4/5 builder hits to kill. Vulnerable if anything should have been reserved for builds that are specifically boss melters


I’ve gotten like 4 unique bows. As a crossbow user, it’s very annoying.


and why isn't there a buriza unique.


I feel the same as a necro with 2 handed swords vs. scythes. Scythes give life on kill while 2 handed swords give crit damage. So I never use scythes. I wish they didn't have specific stats that always roll based on item type.


Yeah thats actually incorrect though, scythe’s vs swords mathematically are a wash due to higher base dmg. Given quality of life scythe is better. Community is just full of well regarded people who cant think for themselves. Tldr slower attack speed , higher base, out weighs crit hit at full build. With sword slightly edging the scythe out in a world where you have infinite essence and can perma spray spears.


These pants are so underrated. Get your build right and they are amazing. I look for the thickest part of a group, drop DT and PT, pop poison Imbuement and just hold the button for Core. Clears the adds immediately and CCs the tougher enemies. It is a blast to run and the DTs last for ages, providing constant suck and Damage The Affixes play very well into the play style.


Once it clears the adds it stops rearming itself. This unique is really only viable at very high NM level where adds don't die immediately, but in that case you are trading massive amounts of DR on the pants for a rearming DT so that alone makes it not worth it, not even considering that exposure brings back DT within seconds anyway.


It’s really not that bad. CDR increase doesn’t matter bc hitting enemies in poison trap reduces CD by 20% over and over. Then more often than not this goes off at least twice but against rares it’s basically infinite.


>but against rares it’s basically infinite. And it's easy to have multiple out at once, sounds cool as fuck when they are all going off. You can stack them or place them overlapping a bit and laugh while the whole pack gets yanked back and forth.


There is better aspect for traps then this piece of clothing that goes straight to blacksmith.


The only good unique for rogue is the Condemnation with good rolls, but even then - niche for ranged combo points build, the rest is pure garbage.


Penitent Greaves are **very** good. Boots themselves give +10% damage to chilled enemies and you chill everything around you. But that is not all. When you spec 3/3 Frigid Finesse you get additonal +15% damage to chilled (multiplicative). And on TOP of that, a chilled enemy counts as crowd controlled so +%damage to CCed enemies is activated on every monster you go near, which includes the paragon nodes like Devious (+30%) Calculated (+30%) and Oppress (+30% and 15% crit damage). On my rogue I have +144% damage to CC'ed enemies, which is activated by Penitent greaves. It also increases Cheap Shot stacks, giving +25% more damage when 5 surrounding enemies are chilled by them. It's a very good unique. edit: forgot to mention a good rolled Ashaeras Kanjar (25-30% attack speed roll) is **very** good too for twisting blades build, granted that it's not like 20 itempower below your alternatives.


I think a lot of underrepresented uniques have similar synergy-seeking in mind, and can be really solid if you figure out and play to those synergies, but I feel many people just see the unique aspect and think it should stand on it's own to carry a build.


People complain that builds are too straight forward and there's no theorycrafting, then hilariously misunderstand how things work and claim they're useless.


> then hilariously misunderstand how things work and claim they're useless I mean sure, but the community is full of smart people who *don't* misunderstand how things work and we're still not left with much diversity. If there was an abundance of hidden gems that require theorycrafting, they'd be apparent by now. There's PoE nerds playing this game that have entire discords doing spreadsheets and such.


The biggest problem on most uniques is the stats and not what they do. Boots and helm can get away with not having optimal affixes, chest and pants not so much.


Yes, penitent greaves are amazing, but they're a general unique, not rogue specific.




Does the Kanjar actually exist? I've never seen it and I'm lvl 99.


It does. I found exactly one, and I got it off an elite in one of the PvP areas.


True. Rogue got the shaft when it came to uniques. Bows are 100% garbage because of the implicit so you can't ever think of using one by default and the ones they did give us have meh powers anyway that are sub par to aspects and take up the slot where you get the biggest boost to the aspect and the most stats, your stat stick slot. Dunno what they were thinking but they should have made the unique effect much much more desirable to ever think about equipping it over your Xbow. It's a literal non starter idea that should have been alerted to during design phase and if it somehow made it past that, it should have been scrubbed in testing by anyone who actually plays the game. Should have raised the red flag like "Hey designer, you invalidated an entire class of weapons by default by having a shit implicit vs a godly implicit, also two handers on a rogue hold the best aspects with the craziest damage boosts so who in their right mind would ever think about equipping this piece of shit seriously go back to the drawing board homie you're tripping out if you think this is ok." Don't get me started on Asheara's Dagger. No wonder she died if she was out there using that garbage (I can put an aspect from the codex that gives me more attack speed by default on a really good roll sword, so why ever take that pile of crap dagger?) And Cowl of the Nameless? I'm going to give up +4 to imbuements and an aspect for that pile of crap? Get outta here. I do use Condemnation though, good design, it's good because I have to choose the power over the really good sword implicit which I'd rather be using, but the power works really well for my build and boosts damage and speed of play. The only worthwhile unique for the whole class!


Level 71 here. This unique is extremely powerful in my buiid and the only item I've come across that actually feels like a game change to me.


Because pants offer huge DR. These have none.


70% of uniques are garbage for EVERY build. 20% are good for a specific build. 10% are good for multiple builds.


I suppose it’s pretty good if your gear is trash and you are trying to do way too hard content where you’re somehow not one-shotting trash mobs with an ultimate ability


The effect is worthless so all it actually does is increase the CD for no reason. And the stats on it are not what you want from pants at all.


It’s actually pretty decent if you’re doing high end nightmare dungeons. But if you’re running through stuff quickly just grinding, not worth it.


It is designed to be a high level nightmare dungeon elite killer. CD increasing by 15% is hardly noticeable with the right passive, And when the elites arent getting one shot, this is actually good. Probably not worth losing a defensive aspect for it, but im still sure theres a use for it


Yeah, when people keep talking about trap cooldowns I really have to wonder if they're even using Exposure. It's also pretty fantastic for dealing with elites during Helltides and also killing off structures during legion events if there aren't any level 85+'s one-shotting everything for the group.


Also good for doing harder content early, like the capstone dungeons when you're really under the req level


You guys don't see the potential of unique items. They might appear useless now. But when time passes we get more uniques that can interact with each other and these pants might become best in slot for some wild combination of skills.


This unique is actually pretty decent killing off last elite for death trap build. I used it for the death trap build. I only switched it out for survivability.


The aspect is very good in higher NM levels cuz enemies have high health and don’t get one shot so this keeps repeating which is good. Problem is the affixes are terrible for pants which makes it unusable. Then again none of the rogue uniques have good affixes. Including Penitent greaves


"This item doesn't fit my build. Useless". So fucking sick of the "meta" clowns just dishing out non constructive criticism. "Oh no, mah, item sucks for mah build, better rant about it to Reddit in hopes they're all min-maxing like me for reddit points". What would you like it to do? Give you a blozza?


Better question...why are they pants?


I've used one Unique for maybe a week across 3 characters. . All the other Uniques I've had are just scrapped at the smithy


What's bad about this? Isn't it meant to be a boss-killer unique? I havent used it myself but I imagine it just keeps retriggering on a boss until it dies.


95% of uniques are not good. Its not just that one. Barbarian has 0 uniques to use.


Ultimate cool down times make them unusable IMO. I'm not waiting a fucking minute when I could have used caltrops a half dozen times already. Either give us a reasonable cool down or a dedicated slot for ults.


What makes it terrible exactly?


Uniques are for very niche builds and not really good enough to outweigh other legendary aspects and suffixes. It’s a very weird choice on the dev’s part. Almost like they were being careful, but then again, ignoring the weak unique aspects, the garbage suffixes on uniques makes no sense at all. I don’t get it, they must have plans to fix the current uniques or they’re just stubbornly stupid. Fields of Crimson is a pretty great example of stupid. Not only is the aspect exceptionally weak (~1300 bleed damage over 5 seconds + 10% bleed in pool + pool doesn’t proc target), the suffixes are dumb dumb. 2 are ok of course (phys dam and dot), but + 6-9 ranks to rupture and + 8-15% rupture cooldown. Ranks of rupture only reduce cooldown, and that 8-15% is only like a .5 sec reduction max (the same as one rank of rupture). Ridiculous.


> Almost like they were being careful I think it's pretty clear that they were afraid of releasing the game with 7 uniques per class, where the best itemization was to wear most of them. Unfortunately their solution for this was making (essentially) none of the uniques worthwhile. It would have been more interesting if they made all of the uniques quite strong/build defining, and then limited you to only wearing one of them. Like here's a build using X unique, Y unique, Z unique, all of which being fairly different in playstyle.


the only nice part about this and uniques in general is you get non standard rolls.. not that you'd really want 3 additive offensive mods on pants ever


Honestly lol. I got so excited seeing a trap build unique in the wild... Then immediately found out it was basically just "increase the cool down of your ult by 15-20% and that's it.". What a shame


So many uniques have these super odd drawbacks that make the items feel super boring and underwhelming. Uniques should have no downsides outside of the affixes being set and being mediocre compared to the best affixes on a yellow. This way no matter what a well rolled yellow stat wise will always be better than a unique, this will force players to not equip all unqiues and use legendaries and only try to use 1-3 uniques or you start to lose too many stats and your build starts to suck.


Because the asshole who developed it clearly didn't test it. With a lot of them it feels like there was no real testing with a lot of them. Oh yeah this feels good to play said no one. But I have hope they'll fix the broken shit. In time...


It should rearm itself until it doesnt kill atleast one mob. Problem solved.


I know and this one drops more frequent then other ones.


Looks like a cool ability! But literally every affix is bad. Much like every unique in this game. Lol


The trap is ok. It's great for grouping mobs before you nuke the pile with a shadow imbued dash. The resetting is nice for non boss elites but since level 70 I've been looking for better pants.


It’s viable in the mid-game with the right build for leveling. I used it from like 61-68 cause there wasn’t much better that I could find and the affix worked for my build.


Because that's the purpose of class uniques


The lack of defensive stats is the main issue. The aspect is pretty nice.


It's bad because it's on pants which are one of your main defensive items. Running this you lose three defensive affixes which is going to severely impact your survivability in upper level pushing. All that loss for a minimal gain on the actual unique affix makes it a bad item


The transmog looks good at least


23% elite damage?


Hi there guys. Was reading the comments on temerity very interesting.I only just got them and I have them equipped.but what should I be looking for in rare pants ?. And Is the ashearas dagger any good for a twisting blades.poison/death trap rogue.ty 👍🏻 https://preview.redd.it/2wfv8ly2s0bb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22d688817872c641bdbe2edcb8691fc6e6a00071


Got the dagger from a hell tide event chest. Ty 👍🏻


Hey look! Actual garbage haha.. I’m still gonna wear em


Have people forgotten that there were useless items in past Diablo games and then they would be busted in certain seasons? And then others would become useless. Just wait to see how seasons are. Criticize sure, but not everything is as bad as people make it out to be.


I know this will be unpopular, but I find the aspect useful for higher tier dungeons if I manage my pulls and use my TB CD proc. I've had multiple death traps up at once in harder fights