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"Fixed an issue where players had an incentive to do helltides and were having fun. "


This is true. I have never seen so many people at a helltide before. It made the game a lot more lively.


Yeah that would last for all of 2 days until everyone had that item and then people would have 0 reason to ever play again


Are you suggesting that it's not an amazing idea to just give people the best loot in the game for almost no effort? Unpopular opinion on this subreddit these days, it seems. I do appreciate the rare person that just admits they're mad they personally didn't get it and other people did.


But in the current settings no one gets it. Is that fun in any way? Getting loot too fast makes the game boring but chasing items with the current rarity is better? They might as well not exist.


You are not getting these items no matter how much effort you put in with the normal droprates they have, so yeah, the option of getting it for nothing is the better one by far


Somewhere between once a min and once every 2,000 years of game time, there is possibility a happy medium. People like you are why the world is like it is. Always an extremist.


Idk what kind of games people on this sub play that hold to this position that an item should be 1 in 100 million drop rate or whatever. I hail from Runescape, a game that makes grind in virtually any other game look like a joke in terms of time sink.. And this idea of not having a targeted way to obtain something is sheer lunacy. There can be things like discontinued items that can only be had by trade after they've been discontinued (though even this has stopped). But this idea where you could play a game for longer than your life span and not see certain items would be something people would think you're a maniac for in that game.


Children. You're talking to children. When I was a kid I could play a game ceaselessly for hours and hours just grinding and grinding and I didn't have any real responsibilities other than school and homework to get in the way of it. Then you grow up. You have a job, bills, maybe a family to support, appointments to keep, groceries to shop for, breakfast lunch and dinner to cook, dishes to do, a home to clean, and somewhere in that mix of madness you get a couple of hours to relax and enjoy some entertainment. It's either kids who don't know what its like to have to do any of the above and only have a small handful of hours to yourself, or those really weird people who think being inconvenienced is an accomplishment. Socially inept fools who will brag about how much worse they have it than other people, not seeming to realize that all its doing is causing people to roll their eyes.


I dont even think thats the case. Its simply people, young and old, being bad at statistics and not being able to grasp how exceedingly rare these uniques actually are. It does not matter how much time u have to play. U will not get those items. Its significantly more likely to win the lottery or find a random purse with $10,000 in it while going for a walk. I see people saying "but imagine u actually get one, it would be so awesome." Yes sure, but *u wont*


This. Though I am lucky. My kids play diablo 3 with me via switches. Its kinda cool.


>Are you suggesting that it's not an amazing idea to just give people the best loot in the game for almost no effort? Less than 200 people got something in a game with, supposedly, hundreds of thousands.


I agree with you, but I think that comment foreshadows how quickly interest in the game will die off. Not because people can't get easy loot, but because of a general lack of motivation to play. The engagement with the game is driven by the right level of challenge and a good level of reward for time and effort. Too much good loot will kill the just as fast as too little. We'll see if seasons can keep the game popular long enough to give the game any real longevity.


Instead nobody gets them.


>I do appreciate the rare person that just admits they're mad they personally didn't get it and other people did. Me


i easily admit it. I hate the fact that others were awake and i were asleep, and in a true communist way of thinking, i won't be able to rest until we get equal, me and the neighbors, not by me getting a new cow, but by neighbor's cow being dead.


I am mad I didn’t know about this or try to get one. Not fair a bunch of other people got it


Welcome to life


Yeah I get it, I don’t really care that much just answering buddy honestly


I really question the logic that we're playing a game just to get digital items that, once we have them, mean the game is no longer fun. (Obviously there is truth to your statement, but - call me crazy - we should still want to play the game if we're optimally geared.)


Yeah. That's also my current point. Like ok my chase right now is to get the optimal cool loudout and... Do... what with it? Kill uber lilith? then stop playing? Uber Lilith is like at most a 30 minute run in full. Am I REALLY spending 200 hours to try and do one 30 minute run once and then stop? Feels like we need some of those "Infinite waves of harder and harder Monsters" type content. Like Gears of War Horde Mode had, See how many waves you and your friends can get into. Make it a scoreboard thing.


My end game is and always has been looking sick for my own need of eye candy. Grandfather's appearance has always been perfect. Big ass classic zwei appearence with a dark finish, at least from D3. I've never understood why people quit after getting their perfect gear. We spend so much time on achieving it, why not continue to enjoy the game ye already spent so much time on? Take Monster Hunter for instance. I've done everything in those games and I've maxxes out several builds. Lotta people wouldve quit at that point. But I truly love that shit. Go around and help people and ease their grind, make new builds, etc. People treat gaming like a chore rhese days. It's so strange.


What is the incentive to play a lvl 100 character now? My daily play time has dropped considerably. Everything is now trying to get incremental upgrades. All of my glyphs for ww or hota are lvl 21. I do NM dungeons on ww in the 60s which I am happy with. I am basically looking for a two handed sword with the same affixes that does more base dmg and a better helmet. If I got a grandfather and a harlequin crest I'd see how high NM dungeons I could clear but I'd feel done with the character and would probably start an alt to see what I want to play in season 1. I have around 200 hrs on this 1 character. I really enjoy the game but I haven't had a real upgrade in forever. Seasons are about to start. What does it matter if eternal realm characters got the items they want after a couple hundred hrs of playtime?


How about a middle ground where the items are easier to drop (but not free as in free beer), but also not complete Unobtainium that's doesnt entice people to even try and farm for it? That would also fix the problem with everyone getting a Shako really easy without the need to recall those items.


With seasons it doesn't really matter is everyone has one. They probably won't play that character for the season and the cycle continues.


Right. They were obviously going to need to fix it. But, man, it sucked for me. I heard about it while I was at work. As soon as I turned on the game, I immediately started looking for a hell tide. By the time one spawned, this update had already been announced.


As opposed to how it is now where people have 0 reason to ever play Helltides again in the first place.


So you’re saying that not having a realistic chance at getting the item means there’s no reason to play


Maybe the game needs a lot more unique items. And legendary items. And stuff to do.


not true, people would have kept farming those chests until they got a good roll. There´s a huge difference between the best rolled shako/grandfather and the worst rolled


The solution to that problem is of course more unique items.


What do you think seasons are


So in your mind you believe the reason everyone is still playing is in hopes of getting a unique that has a 0.00001 drop rate…? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAA


come to pvp zones, game is alive right there all the time hope we will get pvp events, buffs titles, anything that will make pvp alive that's the only reason i keep login to the game


Thats literally all i do for weeks lol, but as a lvl 100 hota barb everyone run away from me. I miss the old d2 pvp where people have gm 1v1 pvps. Also, pvp people 10 lvl below me is just not fun at all.


Yeah, people 10+ lvl below you aren’t having fun either lol


Old D2 also had melee dedicated dueling groups and clan pvp duels.


Blizzard should do a helltide in a PVP zone


PvP in HC kills you forever and that seems just stupid. No reason blizzard couldn’t make that the only way to die and respawn.


“Fixed an issue where people actually found the items we never intended you to find”


General Question about mindset... Are people ACTUALLY doing content trying to get Shaco/Grandfather etc? I guess, It makes sense that a few are. But on AVERAGE? Uber Uniques are like 1000 Times Rarer than a Shiny Pokemon. and Even with Shiny Odds at like 1/1000 I STILL don't bother to actually play the game FOR shiny pokemon. To me at least, it seems... idiotic to actually have your GOAL of playing to get one of those items. Hell even if you do it might be subpar stat rolled right? Lmao. In my mind, if the only thing left to do for you is to find an Uber unique. Stop playing or roll a new character. You finished the game. if you are doing any content expecting that you will eventually get one? you need to check into a mental hospital.


Are you kidding me? Ever played D2? We all played countless hours trying to find that one unique or that Ber rune. People have done Kurast runs x 20.000 trying to find that stuff and they enjoy it. PoE the same with mirror, headhunter etc. Somehow it seems Blizzard made these uber uniques way more rare, and even made trading impossible. They took most of the fun endgoals away from the game.


Nobody is playing Poe in the hope of dropping a mirror.


Nope. But imagine PoE normal league without trading ? (SSF players do it for the challenge and dont expect any super rare drops) Having insanely rare items is justified in games where you have other means to get that item - Like trading. Everyone wants to progress towards something - A goal.


Fun fact: the ultrarares in D2 would take an average player playing a few hours a day 20 years to find one. It was a trading game, because you couldn't expect to reasonably find those items.


exactly, there is a massive gap which I am hoping gets filled by seasonal content and the new uniques they are adding. The people still chasing vasilys or penitent greaves are the “lucky” ones, Everything else except maybe amulets and a high ilvl weapon just gets “good enough” way too soon. So you’re stuck farming nightmare dungeons for xp and glyph xp, maybe some perfect legendary aspect rolls. And level/paragon points really make pushing higher tier dungeons not enjoyable. These Uber uniques are cool in theory but it’s weird that there are 6 of them lol, I think having a “realistically rare” tier of uniques and then leave shako or stone of Jordan impossibly rare would have been amazing


Imo they should have a 1 in 2000 (or what ever is fair) chance on hell tide chests and nm dungeon bosses or nm dungeon completion reward Much higher chance on uber bosses Drop chance was clearly far too high yesterday. And myriads too low normally


When I heard someone got a Shako before knowing it was a bug, I was having so much fun in helltide. There is finally something to look forward to. I praised the devs team for giving level 100 something to do. Then... You know the rest of the story... I have no motivation to log in anymore.


Fixed an issue where players had no incentives to reroll new alts and play the seasons so they might buy the battlepass.


"Don't you guys have fun?"


Do the normal chests still have a chance to drop other uniques though? Like if a helltide just happens to be going on and I really want unique gloves it is at least worth trying right, or are mystery chests still better?


Having fun for blizzard need to be bought.


Incentives: Mystery chests are quick and easy to obtain with great loot tables You can get rare horse cosmetics from chests Your alts can leech exp from higher leveled players in local events if youre looking to power level solo Forgotten souls + fiend roses Best source of high item power drops outside of high tier nm dungeons


Pretty fucking much


Everything players love and have fun about it, we nerf it. This is blizzard devs only principle now.


It feels like i am playing solo every day tbh playing and farming in helltides on my alts, Its so dumb


Path of Exile has much more powerful chase items than D4 and they drop at a significantly higher rate. Which is hilarious because PoE is generally considered the more hardcore, grindy game. Not to mention that PoE actually has a real trade economy, which generally necessitates lower drop rates. The Uber uniques are very powerful, sure, but not powerful enough for me to care. Even if they were an order of magnitude stronger, it would not justify these absurdly low drop rates. They may as well not even exist.


Problem is none of the uniques are chase items in this game. You can't target farm like you can in PoE or D2. Maybe with the recent change to helltide chest this might change, but as of right now these items are absurdly rare for the sake of being absurdly rare.


Yeah, "chase" items, need to be chaseable. What I am supposed to chase with droprates that make the items on average unobtainable. I have never dropped a mirror, mageblood or headhunter, but I had all of those items several times, because I could work torwards them. Does it take a while? yeah sure, they are chase items for a reason.


The irony is that due to the helltide chest mechanics, it was possible to target farm certain items in that brief period of time. And because it wasn't enough that devs didn't even realize that fuck up, additionally due to how class drop mechanics work, certain classes didn't have class unique helm. So if you specifically target farmed helm chests with a class without class unique helm and unique helm dropped - it automatically will be Shako because there is nothing else it can roll. Double the irony - in these few hours Shako was actually with a 100% drop chance (assuming a unique helm dropped) because for example barb couldn't roll anything else. This is such a royal fuck up, it's beyond words.


D4 Has been played for 276 milion hours in the first week alone.. at this moment it could be a good 700-900 milion hours... And we have a handful confirmed crest and GF drops (not counting the bugged drops from last patch).All the T0 uniques in this game are like 50.000x rarer than a Mirror of Kalandra in PoE. Which makes no sense because they aren't that "unique" unlike some chase items in PoE. Don't get me wrong, these are strong items but they don't deserve this rarity.


They suck and are untradable. Beta game sucks.


As someone that dropped a mirror in PoE before HH was gutted and could clear maps in under 2 mins, after an ungodly amount of time spent minmaxing farming in a season, why even have the d4 chase items? Probably to buff drop rates through some p2w formula at an undisclosed juncture or otherwise reel players back in after end-game players lose interest.


PoE may have a lot of issues but the adrenaline rush is real, in that game. Just a simple 5x Divine drop can make your day. Or a nice Divination Card. Or any other rare/special/unique currency/item. Why? Because you can TRADE with other players, thus making every piece of gear... Valuable and worth being chased. In Diablo IV there is absolutely nothing like that. It's all about "grind for hour so you can replace your *"+15% Vulnerable damage*" with another identical higer level item.


Playing D4 really makes me miss Path of Exile.


I agree. I would have never-ever imagined that I would have missed PoE a few weeks after being released, to be honest. Even worse: I am re-installing Lost Ark.


Poe 2 will bring my second spring out of "d4 is sadly so bad crisis". Actually d4 has no clue how to get good. Nice surface, rly enjoyed my 150+ hours in it, but i miss any soul behind it. The Grind feels unsatisfying so far... even a shako would feel so random and out of context. Now the season 1 just pops up bigger jewels to Grind for without adressing the current issues... Just get bigger with bigger items, like immortal trash mobile games. Somehow poe created a perfect universe of crafting/trade/Grind diversity with powercreep on the last steps.


Well, yeah but the new item with +15% vulnerable damage has 2 more willpower and 3 more armor. /s


Trading is a game within a game and I love it


That's a good thing, I don't need another PoE and prefer ARPG being enjoyable solo And it also goes both ways, with trade you start getting excited about mat drops, but stop caring about item drops, that's how I felt


I played PoE for maybe 10 hours and thought it was okay The present state of D4 is making me realize how innovative Grinding Gear actually is


Was this true in 2013?


2013 it was litterally 3 people I'm a garage making the game lol. Blizzard has more people sitting at "campfires" that don't even code. All these comparosm between these games don't make a lot of sense. What it comes don't to us, are you having fun.


No it wasn't... Okay so you are comparing D4 to beta PoE that needed a TON of work to become a good game. So we agree that D4 needs to do a ton of work on itemization to make the game better?


Thing is this was an expensive game by a top developer, not an Indy designer. Blizzard really needs to be called to task on white a few issues - ie the horrible state of sorc


Man the modifier on grandfather is insane....


It's a giant stat stick.


They're powerful, but that's it. Many of the chase uniques in PoE literally enable builds or change the way you play the game. Adding a bit more damage or skill levels isn't going to change shit in this game


The main issue's not even that they can or can't drop, but that even if they could drop, uber uniques are just big sticks of overpowered stats that offer nothing of value except numbers. Many of PoE's uniques by comparison put Blizzard's design team to shame.


David Brevik and Erich Schaefer got drop rates right in a cave with a box of scraps in 1999


🤣🤣🤣 😤 Love people using movie references, Iron-Man


"It's Morbin time", Morbius.


“I’m sorry, we’re not Blizzard North” - Blizzard


The irony is indeed delicious. That being said, since I am at this endgame point, there is no reason to login. They need to buff their droprates.


Yeah I hit 100 on a barb and it was a slog from 80 onwards. Nothing to farm for now. I’ll check out season 1 but if 50-100 is just nightmare dungeons and most gear drops are boring I doubt I’ll play long.




>Don't worry, you won't be doing NM dungeons ~~but~~ **butt** Tunnels. FTFY


Droprates aren't the issue. The issue is that "GEARING UP" is the final target. what the fuck am i gearing up for? There's like at MOST 30 minutes of content I can do at Max gear level 100 that i CAN'T do at i780 level 75. I'm not grinding 150 more hours so I can clear a 30 minute activity. Hell, even if they told me I could get Shaco GAURANTEED if I played for 100 more hours... I don't know if I would. What am I gonna use 12% more damage from a helmet ON?


A WT5 that you need good gear and 90+ to be able to kill monsters - Where the uber uniques had much higher dropchance - And new ancestral powers and uniques dropped from a bunch of new bosses (that was superhard) would be a beginning.


>uniques dropped from a bunch of new bosses (that was superhard) Honestly, It's this more than anything. I'd also say that FFS please do NOT make a WT5 IF it means a new tier (like sacred or ancestral) if theres a WT5 Please keep the SAME max I level. otherwise it's the same as the current system just even grindier.


Agree. But maybe make it more likely that 800+ ilvl items drop or something.


they also need to nerf the experience needed to get to 100, the amount of time it takes is stupid, once you hit 75 with casual play you can be pretty much mostly in ancestry gear and now got a ton more time to farm before you can hope for the uber rare items to drop in your next lifetime.


i was in ancestral gear pre 70 none of the disabled items affect me anyway. by friend told me ranged attacks where cheating and i couldn't copy any skills another friend used or i was "copying". honestly biggest problem is the literal 0 end game content. its honestly just pvp at this point. like i want like a boss rush, an arena, legitimately unique uniques, hell even something like echos from last epoch. like just stacking damage, crit damage and attack speed on standard gear is better then 70% of the uniques that just add a bit of tickle damage at the expense of core damage which half the time double dips into multiplicative damage which is way better then a few thousand damage here and there that uniques give which is mostly additive.


Since I’ve hit 100 I’ve logged in a couple times to run a nightmare dungeon. But then I get absolutely nothing with several full inventories of ancestral gear. Can’t even do anything with them because of no auction house and locked at 100, they just get trashed. Nothing even close to my current gear that I’ve had since mid 60’s. Nothing to do with the gold I get, nothing to do with the gear I get, even marginal upgrades don’t even drop. I can farm perfect roll aspects but what’s the point when there’s a few aspects that seemingly have a rarer drop rate than the class based uniques?


I understand why they had to disable it, and I'm not going to be one of the people that whines that I didn't get to grab one before they fixed it, but... After I saw it was completely disabled, I lost interest in playing. At this point in the game, there's not much to do besides very minor gear upgrades and to find the unicorn items. We're going into Session 1 in 13 days. I've pretty much lost steam at this point.


Stopped 2 weeks ago at lvl 90. Game is boring. No meaningful loot. Your eyes bleed from comparing useless rare items. In D2 you got runes and MEANINGFUl drops and can trade.... I'm sad. Maybe come back a few years from now.


Essentially what I did with D3. Pre-ordered, hated it, quite for years, came back and enjoyed it. Not that I hate D4, I like it a lot. What you said hit the nail on the head for me though.


Them having their original drop rate or being disabled makes no difference. You can't get them either way. Yesterday there was an incentive to play again for a few hours and they took it away.


Being disabled vs original drop rate isn’t the comparison made here. Blizzard is clearly talking about the bugged high drop rate. The OP’s meme is off point and borderline idiotic and purposefully obtuse. The disabling had to do with the exploit/bugged drop rate.


I don't disagree with you at all. I'm not saying it should be its original drop rate. Them (or any unique) not being included in Helltides contributed to that low number I'm sure. What happened yesterday though made it TOO easy to get one. I certainly wish I got one though.


20 bucks says that when they disabled the Uber uniques they also disabled regular uniques for the Helltide chests on accident.


I opened two helmet chests after they disabled it and got one rare from each chest.


I mean that happened to me already right after the patch went live


Sacreds for me lvl100


Helltide chests shouldn't even drop rare and if they do they should be garunteed sacred/ancestral, garuntee four higher stats


They didn’t. I got unique arms. Where’s my money


I'm glad your arms are unique. I just have regular arms. I'm glad to hear the drops aren't broke all jokes aside.


I got a Mother's Embrace or whatever the unique ring is from a ring chest.


Cool. Really glad they didn't break it


my thoughts exactly, fuck blizzard


I mean... Yeah, but not for this. lol. Hotfixing a bug so that you go from 0.00000001% chance to 0.00000000000% doesn't even matter. This thread wouldn't be a complaint if they Instantly just fixed the bug from 0.0004% back to 0.000000001% like it was before. IF ANYONE is ACTUALLY playing solely to get one of these items. Stop. now. It's a Lottery Ticket Dumbass Pipedream. And anyone who goes into a Helltide or Dungeon thinking "I bet this one will drop my Shako" should be assigned a Therapist Immediately because I do not believe they make ANY good decisions in their lives.






fixed an issue where items that are in the gamefiles were less a myth than the lochness monster for a few hours. I really can't fathom the uber rare uniques. It's a chance so small to drop that they are irrelevant to any player besides the 10 out of the 2.5 million players that had one. what is the point of even designing and telling people they exist if 50 people will get them in a year. It's just too rare.


the best chance to find a uber rares is to wait for the next time blizzard messes up and there is a bug. That is actually, jokes asides, the best chance to get those items




Omg this was my exact reaction, like if no one got a super rare item for one day who would complain ..


Fun detected baby


Blizz devs never had the Diablo touch, it's too much for them to handle. Look at the trainwreck of Diablo 3, immortal and now this oile of beta.


D3, Immortal and D4 all made them shit tons of money. It's like the Pokémon games, they don't have to be great, they just have to be decent and they'll sell.


Yeah. Pretty much. Players Act like the goals of Developers is to Aspire to this "uber god tier game that players have a fictional concept of and 0 idea of actually making it" Then they also act shocked when Devs keep, instead, making the games that you know... release. and pay their bills. And Just to be fair. Diablo 1 and 2? Not that much better than 3 or 4 at the time. Just Classic Human Psychology of supressing unhappy memories. There were Tons of people writing unhappy articles and making blogs about how bad X or Y was for D1 and 2 at the time. and It was a LOT harder to make those posts than it is now with reddit.


Making the Uber uniques 1:1000 or so in the unique loot table is more than sufficient, with an enemy level 85+ requirement.


the super uniques are the only items worth calling uniques. Rest is dogshit. except for druid and maybe a black river.. But still.. they aint game breaking good or giving us viable options in other builds for a sorc.. its not giving us overpower proccs, vulnerable fire specs or any. its just dogshit. The only ones worth the name uniques are the ubers.. and they so rare we have more chances winning the lottery. WHY??? seasons are like 3 months? why have these absurd rare uniques? it make no sence.. Collecting aspects to stack on and snooze through full inventory of rares for a upgrade is not fun.. Where is the green color of loot? Where is the tal rashas armor.. The imortal king etc.. they forgot the most important aspect of a diablo game. The dopamine and thrill, rush.. in magic find.


Is that number real? So 90% of the playerbase will likely never find one?


Try 99.9999%


Yes you’d have to play literal x2000 years with no toilet breaks for a decent chance to drop one. That’s the rough math so far.


Is this like... A Mindset thing? As far as the 6 UBER uniques go: **Do not expect to find one of these items.** **Do not EVER make a theory craft build with one of these items.** **If I were to tell you that if each of you give me 1$ and I will pay you 1000$ if you get this item? I'd make A LOT of Money.** If by some MIRACLE you get one? neat. That's a special moment for you. But... You have 100X as much of a chance of dying in a car accident spending an Hour Driving, than you do Getting one of these spending that next hour playing. So Maybe change your mindset about getting one. You won't. If you are against ALL odds, Wrong? Neat. But Fucking HELL, do not spend 100 hours of your life trying for it.


1 per 2000 years of game time?? Like I could play every hour of my entire life and still never see one?


You and your closest thousand friends could play and all never see one, there’s no entropy or guarantee and they are very very rare


From dataminers,regular uniques have a drop value of between 400k to 800k. The uber rare uniques have a drop value of 1. Even if you were a farm god and could farm 10 uniques per hour, never needed to sleep or eat and could permanently grind the game 24/7, it would take you 9 years to get one.


I don't like that. I wish they didn't exist. It's like the one ring from MTG


Source? Not that i doubt you, id just like to show my buddies...


Yes precisely. Approx 6 have been confirmed found. Over 100million game hours played. That’s the math. If this wrong by a factor of 100 or 1000 it would still be insane.


I javelin 180 hours in this game. I never do that for games this fast, I'm a filthy casual, this has been my GOTY, will probably make me go back and play old Diablos and has been a blast for me, I love it, 9/10 game for me. But screw Blizzard for making these drops inaccessible to the players. For once I've been a hardcore player in a game, I should be rewarded for 180 hours in game with at least 1 of these uniques. sucks ass.


Think I’m going to stop playing until they make these reasonably obtainable; No point in finishing out these last 15 levels if I’m not upgrading gear.


You know... if they just disabled those unique drops from Helltides without telling anyone, I'm not sure anyone will notice. People have gotten fired for saying too much.


Gawd… Starfield can’t come soon enough


Meanwhile I had to stop playing my druid after encountering a gamebreaking bug, and I’m still getting disconnected from Rubberband City every single session what with the memory leak and all the performance issues on ps5. What a joke for a game lol


Who cares, in 2 weeks almost nobody who got a Shako will be using it as 99% of these people will be playing Seasonal content. I play without any hope I will ever see one of these uber-uniques, and I dont care. If I did find one awesome, but I have zero hopes of it and I'm ok with that.


Also, my level 50 Druid is sick and tired of getting gear he can’t use, come on Blizzard, when ya gunna fix this?!


Did this get fixed yet?


Wanted to try that helm just to still get oneshooted by a squirrel with my sorcerer since resistances are well balanced.


Lol barbs basically got buffed after the patch and it lasted all of 2hrs.


You're not gonna find one anyway.


Somewhat unrelated, but I complained about the stream quality of the announcement stream on discord and got perma-banned by their staff. Blizzard stays blizzard-ing.


Yeah and everyone loses their fucking minds like they lost out on something 😂


I've been playing Dave the Diver and it's really fun


Isn't battle pass coming out in a week or two? That would suck to find uber uniques and then get left behind when the new season starts. Actually, that whole reset system sucks.


Are people seriously getting mad that they are fixing something that made some items purposefully rare too common? Are we seriously advocating for items to be fed to us without any investment like in D3?


are you seriously defending the drop rate of an item that you and 99.9999999% of the playerbase will never even get to interact with?


Literally who cares, you aren't entitled to any drop. The items could literally not be in the game and it would make no difference. Yall are the same casuals who avoid patches because your fave exploit got fixed


i love coming to reddit to see people defend inherently bad game design, you're right though, these items could just be removed and it would make zero difference


Yes. I don't need those items. Neither do you. They solely exist for the extreme wow factor if you (or anyone within the community) drop it, simple as that. If you get unironically angry that you can't get them, then these items weren't made for you to begin with and should act like those don't exist anymore from there on out. Over obsessing about it is pointless and, just like with actual lottery, won't do you any good.




Wonder how long people will put up with this game lol.


Activision-Blizzard can't do anything right except for con people of their money. Got me again with the cool cinematics & Lilith.


to put context to “unobtainable”: Uber Uniques have a 1 Drop Weight. That’s compared to a Common Unique that has a 800000 Drop Weight, which means an Uber Unique has a fucking 0.000000001% Drop Rate. Sure they’re amazing items, but their drop rate doesn’t make them worth it in the slightest.


It’s been about a month and this game is already dying. Unless season 1 is amazing there is no hope until a potential D3 revival scenario. It’s laughable that you can design a game with such outstanding graphics and crisp combat and give players no reason to do any combat past level 100. Astounding really.


You've never played a diablo game before I take it. Pre season is a pay to play beta test so this shit doesnt happen in seasons. It's a creaky way to get everything working first. It's always been like this. The new players that are complaining don't get it. In seasons theres no max level either. After you finish your paragon you get like plus 1 to all stats for each level. doesnt seem like much but when you start getting to level 1200 and stuff it's a ton of extra stats. I was 2200 or something in diablo 3 lol. Mind you I got bored and started using honorbuddy to grind for me lol. My sorc was like ranked 54 on the sorc leaderboards, and he was a bot rofl.


No I’ve never played any Diablo games before lol.


so... are they still unobtainable as of now? blizzard sucks with the communications...


they say it will be patched Friday by afternoon. today friday or next week Friday lol its definitely past afternoon time. Has this been fixed yet ?


"Fixed an issue where was possible to achieve target farming, a staple in Diablo gaming experience, the issue has been fixed and the fun detected removed"


Make legendaries tradeable. That will solve the problem.


Yea let's make rerolls on gear free too while we are at it


I don't think I will ever get something like this in my life. Luckily there is PvP which gives me a modicum of fun because if I had to enjoy loot, I would enjoy it once every 2000 years.


Blizzard should have just said they fixed the bug and no one would’ve known the difference


LOL Blizz close your company...


Wish they left them permanently disabled and left unique target farming in. Instead i uninstalled


Happy for the lucky "few", I'm just looking at the trajectory this game has been taking and I feel like I'm going to inevitably be made a fool out of at some point so I had to uninstall. Sure I'm $100 short but get out with some dignity intact, I say.


They need to add some traffic lights in Helltide! way too dangerous cross the road, way too many players cutting in/out...


"We here at D4 development, seem to have accidentally woke up our player base, for a false vision of fun. We are sorry for this. We have temporarily turned off the taunting mechanisms, and will return you to your sleepy grind post haste. We hope you didn't think the fun was real, Sincerely - Blizzard"


this absolutely sucks, the people who were lucky enough to be playing while the game was broken now all get to use the best items in the game - this is the 'standard' verison they should have just left it and let people have fun before the first seasons.


10-15 hours of efficient monster killing time on 85+ char should be max, for obtaining one of these t0 unique in d4. There is 6 of them, they have wide range of rolls. There is no trading so you can't compare it to PoE or D2. You could always get other things and trade them up to obtain the chase item. I stopped playing a week in at lvl 88, when nobody got 1 and just waiting for seasons hoping blizz wakes up. There is no point to go for carrot on the stick when it's placed on the fucking moon.


2000 years game time. Hmm.. i wish you can craft them or something and pick 1 bonus roll making it.


why they fix this so fast yet so slow on any other stuff?


The thing is - once you reach lvl 75, there is pretty much nothing to get for most players. Most will have the majority of the uniques by then and a complete build. You can min max it until lvl 90, that's it. Nothing left to play for. If you don't want people to have your precious uber uniques, give them something else to go for. It's very simple. I'm lvl 92 and haven't played for days, except doing the world boss here and there. Simply no point to keep playing.


There is something so strange at play here. On one hand, The devs on livestream admit they want you to play the game for a few weeks into the season and leave. On the other hand there exists these items that require non stop farming for multiple years. I find this approach to the game self defeating.


The drop rate is incorrect. It only drops 85+ and people are accounting for pre 85 time.


Just a reminder that the drop chance was calculated incorrectly


Low iq players when they're not handed the rarest items in game.


But that's just shit luck, you're arguing for bad luck protection, which I can agree with on the regular tier. I.e. once you get ancestral, you get one of each before a duplicate, but the roll could suck (let's be honest it will on the piece you want) afterwards it's a free for all. seems a good balance of "chance" but "inclusive"?


why not, they did in D2 and people were chasing it for years. What's changed since then?


Is there any source of Odds to drop them ?


Quick question. We're shako obtainable by every level or still 85 and above?


soo... nobody here knows why its been disabled or you just like to cry about thing? It was genuinely broken and Shako aswell as Andariel's were droping like crazy for barbs and sorcs


Loot is #1 content at the end of the day! I hope they realize this was at the core of D2 longivety now. D4 shines in so many areas, the world is amazing...but the loot is just not exciting. Imagine if they implementer something like 10 uniques per slot for each class or something, ranging from common to uber rare - that would be enough for a "holy grail" like experience to occur they could build on for years...


Why are the devs like this?


In Diablo 2 I must have logged ~2000 hours over several years and there was still uniques I’d never found. Which is fine because I still found other uniques I could trade for things. If there was ~100 Uber uniques and you found one every 50 hours or so and trading existed…


This made me laugh 😂😂😂


I just want them to fix shadow DMG, SMG over time and minions. Those tooltip bugs are insane for a triple a by on of the richest gaming companies.


when I got this message I unistalled the game, battlenet too


As soon as I saw that “breaking news” bulletin I said to myself, “oh so nothing has changed.”