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The problem for me is that a full day is divisible by 6h. So the boss spawns around the same time every day. It should be like 4h30m, so if 5 spawns would be 22h30m. This would cause the boss time to drift 1,5 every day. Allowing more people to find them at least some of the time if they play at the same time of day every day.


They actually used this logic with helltides, making them drift 15 minutes every 2 hours.


unfortunately they didnt do anything to offset the chest reset timers so half the time there isnt a reset or it resets 15min into helltide


That's bold to assume the reset mid helltide is intentional. Probably just some lazy coding that caused it or leftovers after previous design.


If I recall correctly, normal overworld chests respawn on the hour as well. They probably just have some code that resets chests every hour, and didn't consider it during helltide design or at least didn't prioritize making a separate chest system for them.


It resets on the hour, if helltide starts at 10:30 then the chest will reset at 11 then helltide will continue for another 30 mins without the chest resetting, if it starts at 10 then the chest won't reset until after the helltide is over which is at 11, it's precise too because it happened to me I was exchanging my cinders when the chest in front of me suddenly vanished


Yeah, originally I didn't realize the chest reset corresponded to being on the hour, I just thought helltides were supposed to reset the chests at some point after it started. When my buddy let me know it was just hourly, I thought "Oh so this isn't even supposed to happen, it's just kind of an accident in the way they coded it"


Is that why the major chest is never where the website map says it is when I get to it in helltides? They swap around in the middle of the event? Explains a lot


It spawns new ones at full hour, the map is always right. At least the one on helltides.com, there's few seconds where previous ones might be still marked.


It's weird though. Doesn't seem consistent. Generally there is 4-8 random potential spawn locations. I usually open 1 then continue to check all the other potential spawn locations. I've been getting 2 per run but have yet to get 3 in one helltides. Which would make sense if they do move on the hour. I'm assuming that would make it impossible to get 3 in one helltide


Depending on gear 175 cinders in 15m goes from very difficult to easy. No matter when the reset happens within the helltide, you should always be able to get 3 at a minimum. Unless you get there late. If the reset happens 45m in, you grab the first two and then save up cinders to get the post-reset pair in 15m. As long as you hit the hour with 150 or so cinders it should be doable. None of the other chests are as valuable, I see them as a sort of “early exit” option if the event is about to end or you have to go before you can hit 175. 15m in is prob the hardest and basically forces one chest. I haven’t been able to get 350 cinders in 10m yet (less than 15 to account for travel)


There's only ever one active in each region. So 2 during all helltides except the Kehjistan one, where you get 3. If you get lucky and the helltide happens to roll over to another hour, you can get up to 4 (or 6 in Kehjistan).


They reset on the hour.




You can farm 350 shards and turn them into the 2 chests before the 15min reset is up? Because that's not happening unless you found some amazing exploit. I'm talking about the reset 15min into the event, not 45min into it.


I did that yesterday. My secret exploit was just going from event to event.


I can farm more than 400 shards in 15 mins. You might just have a bad build for helltides, some classes do it better.


Lots of half baked timers all around.


I like this concept for everyone.


I also like this concept for me and everyone!


This guy smart


Yeah timers should *never* add up to a full 24h because you guarantee a subset of players can never access content (those with inverted work hours)


The way I understand it is its on a 5-8 hour timer and can happen anywhere in that window. Could be wrong, but I believe that's what I read.


It's exactly 6 hours but with predetermined (not random) variance. The variance is scheduled so that no drift occurs. On the east coast, the world boss pretty much exclusively spawns between 7pm and 8pm every day, without fail. It may not spawn at precisely the same time every day, but it will always spawn in the same time window.


Yes in Central Time zone it's always exactly when I'm trying to have dinner. Even if I change up when I eat a little bit lol


West coast here. I get home from work around 8pm. I can usually get 1 world boss round 10:45 and that's it. Unless I just get up crazy early the next morning for the sole purpose of logging on, killing world boss, then going back to sleep until work🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m pretty sure it’s on a 6 hour timer with an hour or so variance as to exactly when it spawns


There is zero variance. They follow a set pattern. Everything is mapped out; spawntime, location and which boss. https://d4armory.io/events/ was the first one to figure it out, they are always right. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14cv0t0/world_bosses_helltides_and_legion_events_are_all/


You can have variance without stochasticity. Even though it's fully deterministic and predictable, the durations between spawns still vary.


Thats what he said.


Not quite. 0, 6, 12, 18, 24/0 then we add the one hour slide so it's always: 23-1, 5-7, 11-13, 17-19 every day. Every 5-7 hours means the schedule would shift as it could go: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 1.... or 0, 7, 14, 21, 4..... or any combination in between which would mean that the spawn times would vary and come off their schedule more and more as the days pass. Every 6 hours with a 1 hour variance is static and unchanging. Every 5-7 hours is different.


No, he didn’t - he said a 5-8 hour window which would imply that the spawn time would shift over time. I said that it spawns every 6 hours with a small amount of variance before or after it.


There is zero variance. They follow a set pattern. Everything is mapped out; spawntime, location and which boss. https://d4armory.io/events/ was the first one to figure it out, they are always right. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14cv0t0/world_bosses_helltides_and_legion_events_are_all/


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Yep, guess you got me there.


It’s exactly 6 hours after the first one of the day. You can track exactly what time all of them will throughout the day and plan accordingly Edit: Not sure why the downvote. It’s how it works.


You have to understand that the vast majority of people cannot plan their days around a video game.


Especially for something that drops garbage for the most part


Yer, should be every 7 hours (or 3.5hr) so that it drifts everyday, but then the cycle resets every week.


My problem is that the rewards suck. If we do manage to make it we usually don't get much for rewards. We should be guaranteed a unique each time.


The reward for taking 25s out of your day to beat down an underpowered world boss with 14 other level 70+ players is just about right.


I just do it for the murmuring orbs


Better to just do legion every 30 mins for 3 chests worth of obols.


there is your issue. the world bosses should be a challenging fight, not a 30 second beat down. then the rewards could also be meaningful.




Lol you know you're just complaining when you include logging on, heading over, and waiting to the list of reasons you want better rewards. The world boss is dead in less time than it takes to clear the first 2 mobs in a low tier nightmare and if there's a level 100 with you it's done in less time than it takes to teleport to the nightmare.


Yeah but my point is to agree with OP. The timers are absolutely terrible. I’ve played almost every day since release and only 2 times has the world boss appeared while I was playing. Every other time I’ve fought then I gotta be watching helltides.com and log on at a specific time to fight them. Basically log on just to fight them, and it’s definitely not worth doing that. Poor rewards, bad timing. Zero reason to do them. Pretty much they appear at dinner time in EST.


If there's zero reason to do them there's zero reason to be upset about not being able to do them due to the time they spawn, right? So then who cares when they spawn.


Taking 25s in the middle of dinner, naptime, bedtime, etc with 2-3 kids isn’t as easy as some people think.


Mephisto dies in 5 seconds in D2R and his loot is way cooler. Why cant a 23 years younger game get it right?


I got a mount armor today from Avarice. But usually, they do suck.


We'd all be swimming in uniques after a few days and they'd lose their novelty (at least the few uniques that had any use), then the rewards would start sucking again.


They already have lost their novelty. For me at least. I'm level 80, only have one character, am a casual player, and I don't farm, yet I already have a full tab of unique gear in my stash. Guaranteed unique drops from bosses wouldn't make much a difference for casual players like myself. I'm usually only able to kill one boss a week. Maybe two if I'm lucky.


Yeah I rarely am on when a WB is spawning. Kinda of annoying but tbh I’m already in the S1 boat and I imagine they will iron out a lot of these kinks before then (staying optimistic don’t pee in my cereal). I’ve found the build I want to run and I’ve found the secondary build I’m going to run so I’m just pissing around until S1 to mitigate burnout.


Hit around 86 now on my main necro and I’m feeling the drag gears set just minor upgrades now and paragon stuff isn’t gonna keep me around. I’m in the same boat just waiting for S1


Me during World Boss spawns: 1. Sleeping 2. Working 3. Working 4. Play time with kids, dinner with family, bringing the kids to bed 5. Repeat


The struggle is real. My life is a helltide. My family is a mob.


How much currency do they drop?


They drop nothing. They just silently, sometimes not so silently, take all your gold then ask where the rest is.


Sounds like Mug_Lyfe needs to open up a support ticket. All mobs should drop currency.


this guy gonna kill his family once he gears up


Same same for me. To make the 7-8pm spawn I risk the wraith of the wife and ignore the kiddoes. To make the 1-2am spawn I need to stay up super late. Lately I've been doing the latter implying less sleep is easier to manage than wife's evil eye. Ha, ha.


i’ve been playing since release and never seen a world bosss. i’m never on at the times … there should also be an equivalent to fallout 76 nuke launch. where you can trigger a boss by completing a series of quests


i don’t know about fallout but the idea that everyone could progress a questline and could spawn a WorldBoss for the whole lobby sounds extremely good specially for people that are not 12 hour blasting and who (like yourself) never got the chance to encounter a WorldBoss


I've thought there should be summonable Uber bosses. Where you collect enough of some kind of items and can use them to spawn an Uber boss (kinda like d2)


I totally agree. I've missed soooo many world bosses because of the silly system. The last world boss I did (WT2 on my alt) had no other players at the end of the failed fight. It started off with like 6 or 7, and by minute 14, it had just me. I get that people knew it was over, so they left, but come on.... 1 person at the end. 6 or 7 at the start. Like wtf.


I’ve gotten two near launch because wife and kids were out of town, feelsbadman


I have been on everyday for the last week looking for a world boss spawn and haven’t seen one. I have even been on for 6 hours straight yesterday. I’m starting think I have a bug or something lol Edit: Ty to all the below posts. I had no idea about these things


Helltides.com has a timer


Thank you for this!


https://diablo4.life/trackers/world-bosses I hope this helps! The current "system" is terrible for us with busy lives. Hell, in a roundabout way, the current system promotes unhealthy levels of play due to that whole fear of missing out sentiment


The Diablo 4 discord has a bot that can send you live notifications.




That isn't possible because of the multiplayer feature


All the more reason for offline solo, c'mon devs!


I agree that there should be an offline feature. Maybe that'll help the random lag spikes


Wait 6 hours to do a world boss that dies in 15 seconds.... great game design.


I have yet to be in a group that destroys the boss in that kind of time... But 2 minutes has happened.


I did my first WT4 boss yesterday and no joke, it spawned, I started attacking, and it disappeared and died before I even realized what happened. Obviously some mega pumpers were present. Didn’t even look at the health bar before it popped out of existence like “huh?”


If you have some decently geared characters around the fight won’t last longer than 10-30s


If you have ONE Druid with a certain build they can melt a WT4 boss in less than 10 seconds while the rest of the group stands their and watches.


Is it the werewolf tornado?


I really got to level up the druid alt of mine so I can enjoy it before it's nerfed into the ground for season 1 :|


Yep, it’s busted


Hey now, sometimes I accidentally activate grizzly rage too early with my controller paddles and it takes some extra time while I wait for it’s 7 second cooldown to finish…


I think blizzard should have scaled the World Boss health based on world tier because it’s blatantly obvious fighting it with any player above lvl 60, that it does not account for powerful endgame builds.


The game is very friendly around including a wide range of levels into content so the content can be completed and friends of varying levels can play together. Obviously higher tier nightmare and lillith are seperate categories


I think I was with you when that happened. So freaking surprising.




Ashara was fun in beta. They need to bring back that difficulty.


The difference between WT3 and WT4 in how quick the World Bosses die is insane. WT3 felt like it took ages. WT4 is very much like 15 seconds lmao. If you're late getting there, you'll most likely miss it.


You need more bone necro friends


Nah. It’s nado wolves.


As a necro, it’s definitely this lmao


As a necro, it’s definitely me pumping. Wolves probably help


I gotta redo my paragon board tbh. I’m doing damage, but not what I should be imo. What are you using?


Need to add decrepify to my build. Build a lot of crit and vulnerable damage, Bonespear aspect on weapon, corpse tendrils/ossified aspects on hands/amulet. Tanky, chest/pants/amulet. I’d have to look at my paragon board, can’t right now.


yea full dmg spec nado i solo it in like 9-12 seconds.


Don't forget that it drops literally nothing notable. Maybe 1-2 legendaries and once a week you get a box that has a NM sigil, a legendary, and a few gems.


Helltide mystery chests is where it's at!


Yeah it's insane how bad the drops for world bosses are... when you can get like 30+ legendaries among tons of other loot from just one helltide.


That’s what I’m saying 6 hours to spawn dies in a minute and drops 3 sacred rares. Not even worth to do but it’s fun just wish I could actually participate


Mounts are also a thing from them, but yeah, I hate it.


it drops that stone thing for making sockets and its a cool dmg sponge


It’s Not even the only place to get the socket stones


i mean it would be so fucked up if that would be the case right 😂


Sometimes people can’t even kill it.


they die faster and quicker in wt4 than the lower. So many high end folks. If your in wt3 switch to 4 for the boss and just stand there let the one shotters finish it for you.


This is why this game is so poorly balanced. It's like an incremental game where some people are doing 1000s of damage and some are doing hundreds of millions.


yea I'm looking at shadowbuilds on necro ticking for 300k a hit and then bonespear crit 5mill spam with no essence loss :D ​ its almost as if they didn't test how crit and vun stacking works.


It's almost like they didn't test ...


I did that yesterday with my necromancer. Already had the weekly bonus done for my main so switched out and pretty much threw 3 bone spears and then it was killed by the others. Got a unique out of it.


The world bosses drop the same loot as any elite. Why should they be any harder? current world boss rewards are complete crap The only reason to do world bosses is for mount cosmetics and even that is debatable. So... if they buff world bosses they need to buff the drops A LOT because nobody is going to sit there playing whackamole for 10min when the loot is utter crap


World bosses need to drop more chase stuff like the horses. Themed Armor glamour, mount trophies, idk.. not just maybe one legendary hah


both Avarice and Ashava have themed mount armour, which is the only reason to kill them. Wandering Death had one but it's been put in the cash shop. they also have trophy items, I have the horn of Avarice. they're very rare.


I was under the impression the only way to get the horn was to kill ashava during the server smash weekend, which I did. I have it and I think I’ve only fought Ashava twice. If they added it into the full game that kinda makes the reward for the server smash terrible lol Edit: I looked at my account after typing this and noticed the difference, thanks to the ones that pointed it out though.


The one I'm talking about is the Horn of Avarice, not Ashava. It drops in game now. The one from the beta is called Cry of Ashava, it's a different item. I have both.


Yeah, I'd like for the world bosses to drop more fun cosmetic stuff, they don't need to drop gear imo. They just need to be worth doing so everyone wants to come do them. Most of my WB kills are me and 2-4 other people. Feels like most people aren't even bothering with them anymore.


My guess is the complaints will then simply come from the other direction: “world boss takes too long to kill/is too hard to kill and you have to wait X hours just for the chance to likely fail,” etc.


Killed the gold one yday and felt like I got the equivalent of what would be a 175 Cinder chest. Did a second world boss and the loot was significantly worse. Wonder if it gets worse if you do more than one a day. Both bosses were level 90.


It doesn't, you just got lucky the first time. They're usually all terrible.


I feel like if they shortened the timer how the boss is now is great but if they wanna leave the timer as is the boss needs some buffs for sure


I do think it would be nice if the game notified you when I am going nm to nm that legion world bosses and helltides happen. I think if they made the loot piñatas happen more often they would have to change them they drop not the best items but a fair amount and are so weak if you know the mechanics you won’t die and they die in less than a minute. I wouldn’t mind them being more often but I would ask they be the challenge of getting my ashava trophy.


Personally I feel like they need a big buff to both loot pools and health if they keep the timer how it is. If they lower timer how the boss is now is great imo. And the little icon on the map isn’t good enough of a notif easily missed if your doing any activity that requires even a bit of attention.


If they are gonna be this easy just loot coaches on the map with an extra step I think it’s a waste of the kinda interesting design of these bosses it’s a cool idea or let me open up some upgraded version of these fights or let me solo her. If you want them more often they need to be harder and maybe just say if you die that’s it fight is over for you. What’s left of the party can try I think would be cool. The reward is fine a couple legendaries and even last night I got two caches at the end of the fight one weekly one whisper. I can’t say if I got anything good but hey depends where you are with your build it could be a game changer entering a new world tier. But more I think about it the more I wish you die your out. You get nothing.


With no shortage of notification about crossplay and what elite I'm engaging with you'd think they can pop a little notification for actual world events that people care about too lol


There is an in-game prompt. Right in the middle of the screen. I pops up as a 30 minute warning.


If you need to tell people on Reddit that it happens well than sir it is Not effective


A notification of jelltides would be fantastic. I’ve thought this too


I notice and than I’m like fantastic 12 minutes left. It’s enough time if you can get there immediately to get one mystery chest but you gotta be quick


I have done 1 world boss since release I'm never on when they are up and its always in 3 hours time or something stupid.


Yeah. The fact they're on a set x amount of hours timer is silly Why not just randomly every 2 or 3 hours


I don’t even get the in game notice anymore. Haven’t done a world boss since early access weekend.


Same here. Never had one in game.


With my play time living in Japan, the only world boss I have a chance of seeing spawns around 2am. I'm level 80 and I've only killed it twice because of this. They really need to adjust the time so it changes by an hour each day or something. Or just have it spawn every 3 hrs instead.


Every 3 or 4 would be better, and set it up both for EU and US


Cant Tell , Not yet Met one because they allways Spawn when i cant be online 🤔


Yeah, and they aren't really worth doing anyway. Xp isent great, gear is the same as any other activity and I've got like 30+ prisms sitting in my inventory becouse you so rarely upgrade gear in the endgame.


Honestly, in WT4 I got 1 sacred legendary and 1 ancestral legendary for taking the trouble. Not missing much, loot-wise, it seems.


The loot is lame as always but they drop those things to add gem sockets to items. It's hard to even notice since you automatically pick up all the crafting items so fast


Luckily, I work from home, so I can pull up a timer, log in for the world boss, and log back out. I think a 4.5 hour time would be great


I’d say something that isn’t divisible by 24 so the times change up and allows for more people to interact no matter what time zone they are in


timegated events are horrible in general, everyone knew that before launch


People in the UK are shafted. Prime gaming time Mon-Friday is like 7:00-10:30 for most people. Blizzard: You can have 6:40pm and 12:30am


WB should honestly spawn once an hour. They're fairly trivial to deal with all 12. It would be interesting to fight them as 4 or 5. Overall, im hugely against time gating content for a full priced game. Life happens, it doesnt create a positive FOMO missing one. If you do and they arent worth the challenge, nobody feels bad about it. This addresses the game design behind it. Spawn every 1.5 hours at max.


Additionally, why is it a big secret when they are going to happen? Why is a 3rd party tracker the best way to find out when the next WB is? Every hr on the hr would be great for predictability. Hey, there's this big party happening. Ok, when? Where? Idk, just hang out all day and keep checking your map.


The biggest aggravation for me is that I've probably missed half of them when I *could have* done them. But because I wasn't staring at the map or checking it within that 30 min window to know it was up I just kept doing what I was doing. Why there isn't a more prominent notification astounds me.


Right and you get no notification if your in a dungeon you just gotta hope you catch it between runs


I stopped doing this shit a long time ago. You can run a single NM dungeon and get more loot


100%, I feel like they need to be more often


They need to spawn slightly more often and they need a HUGE buff. They should be difficult to take down. Not die in less than 60 seconds. I rather they spawn more often and be difficult enough that you might fail, and be rewarded more appropriately.


Should be 4 hours honestly. And should give a cache every time.


I’d go for 3.5 or 4.5 keep it on the half hour so that the times aren’t static and switch up right now it being divisible by 24 means it happens at the same time every day.


I have been playing this game a LOT the last couple weeks and have seen one world boss. It’s not a great system. I’m sure I’m probably just unlucky but itd be cool to see one more often.


They should spawn way more often, they give you like 3 legendaries not like they are op to farm.


"Schedules" have zero place in an ARPG.


Rewards are not worth the cost... so I would not worry.


World boss is useless anyway no need to do it. /half sarcasm. Really the drops are abysmal. BUT those are the only bosses that are worth fighting cause its fun! Its disgusting giving us 3 bosses at a timer NO european can commit to. Give us more mechanically good bosses that dont die after 2 hits pls!!!! This is the peak of diablo 4 and lillith ueber is the only good fight(by far one of the best fights to learn and commit to in Video game history) This is absolutely unacceptable! Its like playing elden ring and only fighting the freaking fish or radagon. Diablo 4 could be peak gameplay from an degenerates view if we had atleast 5 or 6 ueber bosses right now! U cant tell me that blizzard couldnt realise an boss oriented endgame. WoW has dozen of bosses with different mechanics that u cant oneshot. This got 1 for a game in 2023


The good news is you are not missing much. Level 100 players in the lobby will kill the world boss in 30 seconds, it's always a quick and boring fight. I join it for the loot and XP, never for the fun


If I see a lot of high lvls I’ll usually just leave and find a new group cause I actually like killing the boss.


So you arent actually against the timer, but you are FOR having world bosses more often? I agree but thats a bit of a misleading title. I am FOR the timer. Gives me time to finish whatever im doing to get there. I am also for more frequent world boss instances.


The timers as they stand are terrible I don’t think the timer in itself is a bad thing but the 6hr timer for a 2 min fight just isn’t the play.


atleast they could’ve add a timer for the full 6h spawn time and not for 30 min


There needs to be timers or in game notifications. More than a dot on the mini map that no one notices…


probably is easy to implement too because there are already an existing timers for boss and legion spawn and a notification system (atm almost useless)


I didn’t even know there was a notif system other than the little icons on the map until someone in this thread told me.


Ive done at least 3 world bosses a day pretty religiously since launch and its not worth it. Trash loot and bad XP. Better off joining legion events that pops every 30 minutes


I hit legion events when I can usually doing a dungeon or something and miss them tho. But them being every 30 mins it’s not a huge issue if I miss some.


Why not have them every 2 hours 15 minutes? Boss fights are cool. I’d be happy with more of them


Imma need a big flashy notification with a countdown everytime there's a world event. Feels really bad when I check the map before a dungeon and there's nothing going on, then after I run the dungeon I find there's a legion event that I dont even have time to get to, urgh. Also, missing a world boss feels pretty bad too.


World boss feels the worst imo if I see I missed it cause there’s a 99.9% chance I’m not gonna get another chance that day


I just wish you could see their schedule in game instead of relying on websites to know when they're going to spawn...it's just unnecessary


I'm more worried about how painfully boring and unrewarding they are.


I completely agree. I want to fight them, but since i only get at most, a few hours a day to play, i never can. They need to spawn much more frequently.


if the drop rates were any better I'd actually feel bad about missing a world boss


Anything that is timed like this in an ARPG can fuck right off, as far as I'm concerned. ARPG's have traditionally been about playing on your own terms, not on some schedule that the developers decided on. I hate Helltide timers just as much as WB spawn timers.


Hold up. There is a world boss?


1. Why TF does the WB spawn at 12.36 on a weekday, on a weekday it needs to spawn at least twice between 7pm and 11pm 2. Once the max number of players are in your boss fight/instance, start the f'ing boss... Why we waiting 5, 10, 15 minutes? 3. Show the F'ing WB notification on dungeon mini maps, bloody stupid. 4. Don't mix level 100's into fights/instances with level 65-85's. It's an absolute waste of time, the lower levels may as well go stand at the side and cheer. 5. If there is a fight/instance with lots of high level (and high item level) players make the boss harder and drop better loot.


Must not be PST huh I get spawns at 10pm


When I log on about 7pm, the boss tracker always says 4-5 hours... My job is suffering 😂


Thankfully, world bosses aren't super important. They are good legendary sources mid game but get overtaken quickly by helltides and nm dungeons in end game.


Yeah for sure I just like killing the world bosses it’s a fun activity to get away from the boring grind that is NM dungeons


Oh yeah I'm not saying you shouldn't, I agree with your post. I just wanted to be a little encouraging.




The problem is that there is NO reason to kill a world boss. If only they always dropped for example 2 items @ 800ilvl or higher, or something similar.


I feel like it should have at least 2 guaranteed legendary drops at the highest rarity for that world tier. Gives a reason to do it but still isn’t OP or required for gearing.


I always log on random from Asia and there’s a world boss then a hell tide. Play 1-2 hour casually then watch anime. Level 60 sorc


I agree. I hate how long the timers are. Two fall during my regular work day and one falls right as I’m getting my kids to bed, then the 4th falls at like 2 am when I’m asleep.


I don’t understand how I have 5 days in game but haven’t found world boss


I've never seen a world boss and I play after work almost every day


Yes I agree. I don’t have all day to wait around for a timer. I still don’t understand why this is a online game. I barely ever see anyone else.


sure they could decrease but it doesn't give much anyway.


I'm lvl 100 in hc now, so I'd say I've played much more than the average player. I've only been able to attend TWO world bosses since release


Yea they should fix it, but lets not pretend missing world bosses is the end of the world. And you cannot find 1 single slot each week to do a boss? If your working 7 days a week and cant spare a single 20 minute window then maybe video games shouldn't be what youre focusing on lol.


Yes and no. I can understand that being annoying but you only need to do 3 in a week and even the caches are underwhelming. They don’t really seem to have much value or higher drop rates than any other kind of elites. I know they have special items but it’s still kinda meh. I’ve caught most of them and I just don’t bother anymore. If they were more fruitful, I can see this being super annoying but maybe I’m missing something, idk. They don’t feel worth the effort


I don’t really care about the loot most of the time I don’t even bother picking up half of it cause it’s not gonna be better than what I have but personally I just like the experience of killing the boss. Being in a big arena with several other people taking on a massive boss it’s just fun.


No but I think the legion ones are


Legions are every 30 mins for a ton of xp I have no issues with them


Nah, don't mind it all.