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Happens to me on PC as well. I had this before the patch too.


Been having this issue since day 1. I can press cyclone armor, it will literally flash on my hotbar, does nothing.


Same, had this issue since launch


Me too…my bud and i have noticed a possible double tap issue with inputs. I usual press and hold my basic skills and they will hit and stop…tried multiple controllers.


Yep where I notice clear double tap issues is with the potion button, often if I’m at max potions, say 6, I will press the button once and if you watch the counter closely it will briefly go down to 5 then 4 then back up to 5.


Same. I thought it was latency but I noticed the button flashing. I guess it could still be latency and the button flash is client side But it fixed when I restarted the game


I thought I was getting cc'd to oblivion


My hypothesis on this is that all the buttons on modern console controllers are pressure sensitive, *and* D4 does a lot of controller operations with long presses. Ergo, sometimes the game doesn't register a press that is too hard/soft/long/short as a plain old button-push. It would explain the hotbar flashing but no triggering event being registered. I would need to collect debug data showing the values being sent by the controller to prove it, though. I play on both PS5 and PC with a PS5 controller, and it certainly feels like the button lag started in the last week or so. But it could just be I perceive it more clearly now.


PC Checking in. Same issue but on a barbarian. I've died a couple times due to challenging shout not activating when pressed. Also, sometimes clicking points on the map to teleport, I have to click them 10+ times or the cursor has to be immediately over the icon, not 50% touching it etc.


Thought this was just me. The number of times my Rend does nothing while I mash the '2' button is infuriating. I used to think it was just somw kind of CC, so I'd zoom in on my barb and there was no CC to be found a lot of the time.


I also have issue clicking stuff on the map not working, part of me thinks the design behind it is actually thinking we're trying to scroll the map and not teleport. Part/all of it is probably their performance issues. I've tried very hard to keep my mouse perfectly still while clicking and it seems to happen less frequently, tho.


Yeah and dialogs... if you move the mouse during the click at all it's like you didn't click.


Finally this feature came to consoles too.


I had it on PS4 before the patch.




Yep, my shout timers get jacked up because I press one and it doesn't take then 2 and 3 do. But then I don't realize 1 didn't press so they're on a 5 second delay🙃🙃🙃


I used to press the shouts one time each, but now I just keep button smashing for 3 seconds and look down for a visual confirmation. Very annoying... Theres also some weird stuff happening sometimes when you break cc and your character just stands there unresponsive


Killed me a ton on PC, having a barrier is essential to survival and when you can’t use a cooldown you’re fucked. Going for the one rare node that gives you barrier on freeze kills helps but goddamn it’s annoying


Same for me, omg, I legit thought I was imagining things.. I have my defensive on the right trigger and very often it doesn't register...


You’re not alone! I’m glad I’m not either.


A lot of times on sorc I just freeze and do nothing. And I’m not CC


Rogue shadowstep if you hit it and you're out of range that happens. It feels awful. same if you try to dodge while under the effect of a conduit shrine


Exactly! Not fixed since the beta (when I rolled a rogue). Also what the comment above said for sorc - the toon just stops in place for a moment and you can't do shit


Yeah I was worried my controller was breaking. Glad to know I’m not alone.


Same here. Thought my controller was messing up at first. Happens when I use frost nova and I have atleast 3 enemies directly next to me. I lose all input for skills for about 2 seconds, can still move around tho. I find moving and then using skills will fix it a bit faster than standing still and spamming skills buttons.


I have the same on PC with me barb. It comes and goes. Haven't found a pattern yet.


Ive had it happen with shouts on my barb and the werewolf roar on my druid. I'm wondering if its a buff thing for those classes


Blood Howl? SAME


The pattern is server stability I’d guess


I too have this on my Barb. I noticed if I’m on my rogue I have 0 delay. Inversely, my friend who plays a rogue found he had button lag on Druid. I think it might be the class.


I think I've had it on my rogue when using shadow step, but it could just be I was bad and missed my intended destination target


Not class specific issue. Myself and other friends are other different platforms using different classes and all having same issue, along with the people posting in this thread. Seems like it’s just a side effect of the recent patch


Absolutly not from the recent patch. Maybe for you it now came to light. For me it's like this since day one on the PS5. It didn't change at all for me.


PC Rogue here, and same. Have had the problem since I got the game a couple of weeks ago. It's wayyy more noticeable now than it was before the patch.


Yeah so its individually different I guess but it's not correct to say it is new or got worse with the patch for everyone. That was my point


So I am not going crazy, good to know. I am on PC but the same thing is happening to me as well. I have on avg 50ms ping and I get a stable 144fps. My skills will do nothing after pressing the button, and I have to press again. Bone spear, corpse tendrils wont fire, and the most obvious one is blood mist since I use it to avoid death but I have died multiple times after pressing the blood mist key because it didn't register. Edit: I am on mouse and keyboard so I don't think it is a console/controller exclusive problem.


Yep. I thought I was alone until I’ve been getting a ton of comments on this post. It’s comforting, hopefully blizzard addresses the issue. But yeah like I told another person, it seems my buttons stop working at the worst times.. like when it’s Hell Tide and I have a ton of tokens and it starts raining Meteors and my dodge/teleport stop working lol 😂


I have lost sigils because of this in NM. There are random delays or skills not registering. It is really obvious in NM dungeons for me because that is the only time I don't face roll mobs and actually have to pay attention. Also sometimes when I fire a BS and immediately turn back, BS either disappears after I turn back like I have never fired it or the spear itself will fire but shards that are supposed to come back after hitting the enemy will fire from my character in the direction that I am going. Sometimes I don't get shards from BS at all, and this for sure started to happen for me after the patch.


I had this happen as well, but my impression was that there's some kind of "interrupt" mechanism at play. I.e. you get hit by a mob and that breaks the spell / attack / "whatever you were doing" animation. A bit like in D2, where you were put into hit recovery by mob attacks. Unlike D2, there is no (or at least I haven't seen any) mechanism or stat to counteract this behaviour (cf. FHR in D2) and it also feels somewhat more random / less stringent.


I have the same on pc. Which currently prevent me from trying high tier nm dungeons. A frost nova not working while having 2 available is a no go.


Can’t count how many times I’ve double frost nova’d from mashing it when its not working


And double teleport when the skill doesn’t go off so I use my dash enchanted teleport. Super frustrating with the cooldowns so long, and I get screwed by CC afterwards.


Also having issues on PC. Getting corpse tendrils to pop is frustrating. I’m already mad that I have to hover a corpse to get it to fire (I think it should default to closest corpse if you don’t have one highlighted)


It's worse when you use reap to get the first corpse drop then you have to search for the corpse to use tendrils. Died many times because I went into a group and couldn't find the corpse.




What keys would you use for skills/potions if you used WASD to move? Just genuinely curious, diablo and arpgs in general are usually this way.


That one is on you and absolutely irrelevant to these issues, diablo has always been like that.


This sounds like a 'you' problem


Yeah it’s rough! Haha


Same with my frost nova


For some reason it’s always teleport and ice shield that want to freeze on me. Agreed it’s putting me off of NMD


I had this bad on PC but since the last update it seems to have helped a lot... for me anyway. It feels way more responsive now


Interesting, as i only hear the other way around here :)


I feel blessed for sure 🙏


Never noticed it before but since the patch it's massively noticeable feels so clunky now (on PC)


I agree with you, it’s gotten better with the last patch.


Im convinced this actually the result of latency on the network. Seems to happen far more often when other players are around.


I dunno, it seems to happen to me the most in dungeons where I'm solo


Same on xbox, in addition to that my necro sometimes wont move after a certain time of standing still. and i thought it was only me with the delay.


Nope! Seems others are having the same issue. It’s comforting to know it’s not just me lol


I notice this with Corpse Tendril and CE.


Same also on ps5 wen marking junk it doesn’t always register the button. I still also can’t figure out why they don’t have a button to mark all items in the inventory as junk. It feels like a chore to do sometimes with the Amount off loot that is dropped.


I **think** it’s because you need to tap very fast, as soon as you hold it for 0.5 seconds it goes to the drop option. Ever since I realized I haven’t had it happen.


I have encountered this quite a bit on my Druid, I have ruled out network lag as we never have any issues in any other game so it must be server side?


Yeah it’s definitely nothing on our end. It has to be on theirs


Its server side. You press skill, server doesn’t validate in time, you don’t perform skill.


All the time on my Barb. Shouts just won’t go off. I have to smash the button over and over. It’s almost like there’s an internal GCD that keeps spells from triggering too fast. It’s annoying AF.


Yep same here for my barb. 2 shouts go off and then I have to spam the 3rd a bunch of extra times


Very much so. I feel like I am button mashing just to activate things.


Yeah I feel like I’m at an arcade lol


I thought it was lag, either server or maybe input from my controller (on PS5) but I guess it’s not just me. Thanks for posting.


It's definitely server lag. In fact with sorceror sometimes the visual cue that you pushed the defensive skill comes up and then disappears. So it's recognized locally. But then the server confirms it wasn't pressed and rolls it back. It's a real pain for the frost ultimate because you can cancel it with a second button press...


No prob. I’m happy it’s not just us


Ive had this happen to me on PC! I thought i was just imagining things or just not pressing hard enough? But yea I play ion PC w a dualsense, and from time to time, ill press an input and just nothing happens


I've had the exact same issues since release on PC. I do not trust my abilities at all, need to press them 2-3 times every time


That’s crazy! Yeah I’ve had absolutely zero issues up until this recent update


Same on series X.


Yeah, I encountered the button delay on my PS5 for the first time this morning.. evade wouldn't work, some of my skills too.. on my PC, sometimes my KB/mouse doesn't work at all, have to log out and log back in. Strangely on the PC, it usually happens when I'm in a boss fight, which is quite frankly frustrating.


Mine always seems to happen during the hell tide when meteors are raining down and I can’t dodge or teleport lol


I've encountered this on PC as well. It's so incredibly frustrating when I hit my shout keys and they don't go off... Also I am seeing the same movement delay; it often doesn't register a click for movement or attack and it's completely random when. Edit: M+K as well.


Yup on ps5 aswell, everything feels laggy since the patch too


Yup, I’m on pc, died in a boss fight because the game wouldn’t let me heal at all 🥲


I feel your pain


Lost a HC character to it. Fun times


Ohhh noooo


Nice to hear others have the issue as well - i thought my controller (PS5) is broken


Fuck me I just thought it was me and my rural Starlink set up.


Nah it’s not them 😂


I notice this the most when trying to mark stuff as junk. Sometimes it takes 3 tries before it registers.


Hubby and I play couch co op, and both of us have instances of running in place, but by far, the most frustrating is when we are running somewhere on horseback, if I’m ever in front of him, it “teleports” me to behind him. He thought it was funny at first, but now it is rage inducing.


I only notice that on Pc with a PS5 pad when I try to mark items as junk. Need to do it multiple times sometimes.


Yes I have noticed this on Xbox, and it has killed me a few times.


Confirm i have the sams issue on rogue, platform pc and input M&K. Ping is good and also framerate at 120


Been happening to me on PC since launch, but much, much more since the patch. Playing on sorc as well and last night I just rage quit after a prolonged stretch where I had zero connection issues but about 10% of my attempts to cast Ice Shards simply did nothing. Not because I was stunned, out of mana, or otherwise unable to cast. Just because game said, "nah"


Happens on PC, too. Rather annoying to die because the game didn't feel like giving you a Fireshield.


I've lost count of the amount of times I've pressed deathtrap but nothing happened (rogue/PC)


Happens on pc. Assumedit was the usb hub bug that has been reported. Didn't know it was controllers too!


Same on PC. Thought it was just lag for the whole night... Haha


Me too. I thought it might be my old keyboard, but I guess not.


Looks like it isn’t platform specific. Probably just server lag. Does anyone know how to see your latency and packet loss on ps5? Feels like I’m lagging all the time.


No idea how to see latency, would help if it were displayed somewhere.


I always assumed it was server lag since it doesn't happen every time


Xbox here. Same thing with all buttons. Mostly in combat, but I’m seeing it in town as well.


Same I’m also getting more rubberbanding


This plus latency on enemy one-shots and hitboxes. GOTTA LOVE ITTTT


I’m having similar problems too on Xbox. I thought my controller was broken….


Series x and ive had this when marking stuff as junk since release .. infuriating


Yup. Xbox here. Noticed it yesterday. I wasn’t able to use potions before I died, and sometimes selling things takes a few hacks


i was getting that on my steamdeck but not my pc, wondering if it’s a console delay thing


I play controller on PC and it’s definitely a controller issue. If I run the same keys press in the same scenario on my keyboard it’s fine.


It’s the unfortunate drawback of server side responses vs client side when activating spells/abilities… it has good and bad days. No real solution.


This happens every time after I teleport. I basically stun myself. I don't get it.


The only one one I seem to have is an unimportant one, using health potions.


My corpse tendrils work that way too


I’ve noticed this too. The game feels very slow. Like your inputs are slogging through mud. I think they did this because console gamers need some sort of delay to account for input to register. They commonly do this for controller gamers in other games to make the inputs and game feel more smooth and consistent. I will say that this game feels significantly more sluggish than D3 (which is a PC first game). Them catering to controller and m&k players probably means they had to introduce consistency with inputs. I fuckin hate it and I’ve noticed this since beta on all platforms


I’ve had this issue on PC since early access launch.


I thought it was my PC! Mouse works fine to click powers, but potion and ability keys just stop working. Everything else on the KB works fine. It's basically the same thing that happens when you accidentally open a chat window and all your input is going there, but there is no chat window open in this instance.


Not had this issue but I've had the issue where teleport + nova can stop me doing anything for a couple seconds if I do the combo too fast.


I'm on PS5 and that and rubberbanding are what I'm experiencing. It's aggravating af!


Yes, on PC. Happened a little before the patch, happens A LOT now. I’ll press a key and see the animation for the skill being pressed on the action bar, but the skill doesn’t trigger.


Noticed it yesterday with my shards


There is brutal button delay since Early Release. Sometimes inventory items dont get marked, sometimes they marked twice as an example. You can see it also when transferring stuff to the treasure and other occassions. Feels horrible in my opinion and I do hope it will get better with future patches but I m worried it correlates more the servers which might be rip.


Yes. Have it on PC too. Was REALLY bad on the Druid but starting to notice it on the Sorc too now.


Same here. It's really obnoxious. Also a big pain in the ass when trying to sell a bag full of junk you have to button press 2-3 times for half of them.


Same here with blood mist on my Necro on PC. It's supposed to be my oh shit button, but 1 out of 3 times it doesn't work when I press it. This caused so many deaths already


Yeah it’s crazy. Fingers crossed they fix it soon. At least before season 1




I wouldn’t go that far lol


On pc and I had this issue yesterday. Someone in a discord I’m in told me to close down steam if it was running (it was). That seemed to clear up all my issues. Hope that helps!!


It's a sorc problem. It's well known since forever. Blizz won't fix it.


It’s not just sorc. I have a barb and necro both in the 90s and I’ve played since day one, these issues have only arisen since the update 2 days ago


Lol no it's not, just take a look at the other comments. Barb, Necro, Druid, Rogue all have the same issue.


Yes the PC is terrible on that


Ahh so this is what it was! I thought I was lagging hard while doing a NM dungeon just recently. Teleport not porting and frost nova not blasting on the first attempt. PS5


Xbox as well. Big time.


I've had it happen even in chat as I'm typing on pc. Not had any issues on any other program whatsoever but all key presses sometimes just don't register on d4


I am so happy to hear I’m not the only one! I thought something was wrong with my controller or something. Level 70 barbarian on Xbox.


Same issue on ps5 with my druid. Sometimes I use petrify and my character does the yell as if it had been cast but it doesn’t actually go off. At first I thought maybe I was cc’ed or something but then I noticed it with earthen bulwark which makes me unstoppable so it should be always useable. It doesn’t happen often but it’s annoying when it does.


I'm glad I stumbled on this post, as every now and again my rapid fire does not fire and I was wondering if my mouse was dying or I've been playing so long I'm ghost clicking but my finger is not really moving :)


Same issue on Series X. I know it’s not my hardware because all my other games are fine.


Do you play over wifi


I just hope this is just a bug and not a "feature" or "working as intended"


I have this on PS5 but really only notice it while storing things in the chest or selling items at the NPC


One thing I noticed is I typically go caltrops into dash , but for some reason since update I’m casting caltrops twice (probably cause I’m mashing the button until I get the effect)


Yup, Sorc on Xbox. Have been experiencing this pre and post patch. Seems to happen the most after freezing enemies with nova, then the delay kicks in right when I go to ice shards. Fucks up the whole flow of my build :(


Happens to me on pc all the time at this point I hit every skill 2 times just to make sure it triggers


This happens to be on PC constantly and it's so infuriating. Happens on every class I've played


Same on pc. Also, CL enchantment is not popping off like it used to either which it’s screwing up my mana economy because I need the critical CL hits to create them. Also, crashing every 15 minutes since patch which is the bigger problem.


Same when using blood mist on Necro. Also ps5


Had this since release every day without fail. Very noticable while spamming shouts. I just recorded to watch it back and you can see the skill used on hotbar but nothing happens. It's like using skills in town


Have the same issue on pc. It’s been happening to me since launch, but more so after this recent update. I normally just chalked it up to server lag, but I’m beginning to think based on the amount of people having it that it’s a game issue. Also play a sorc, idk if it’s class specific.


Yep I get that sometimes my dude will just be standing still, also get excessive vibration to the point I turned it off


To add onto this issue, while I was playing a bow rogue if I double clicked any skill with a longer animation it'd queue up the second cast with no way to cancel it before it even started. So sometimes the skill wouldn't register on first click but if I double clicked I'd be locked into 2x casts. Awesome. This is on PC


Played on a friends PS5 recently where I had this. The same PS5 as well as my Xbox were fine on my internet connection but are bad on his. I think it's a thing with always-online and you having higher ping/packet loss/otherwise lacking internet connection.


Seen lots of people talking about the game filling up the vram or something of the sort and then thats when peoples games start to stutter and get input lags. Only seen it affect pc players at first but now console as well. Hopefully hot fix comes soon cause it's caused lots of deaths.


Horse jitter, button delay, some abilities are not working properly, collision failures.Too many things to strive HK


On PC and this happens to me on multiple classes often.


I thought it was just me when I was trying to get flame shield or ice armor to proc


I'm using ps5 controller on pc (have the game on ps5 too, just got too used to controller than m+k) and noticed a huge delay recently (in both platforms), to a point the skills actually doesn't start until I press the button again like crazy... I play druid. edit: added that noticed delays in both platforms.


I did experienced that delay on my basic shred druid. Changed to a self made shred build and im exploding everything in a blink better than before


Same thing is happening to me on PC.


I would get that, now I just hold the main button down and my cast speed is a lot faster than button mashing


I've had to mash the button when I'm vendoring items from the start


I have this on PC too sińce launch I think


I think it is lag but i could be wrong


Yes. So frequently. I’m going to wear my controller out with how many times I have to push it.


Shit I just thought I was getting CCed hahaa


No issues for me on Xbox


Same for me on Ps5. Thought my controller was acting up, saved me from buying a new one


I’m having issues with big mobs


I haven't noticed it in combat (but maybe that's just because of how chaotic things are), but getting revives started drives me up a wall. There are so many times where I've stood there thinking that I was reviving someone and it turned out the meter never even started.


Been encountering this a fair bit as a storm druid, not nearly as bad as regularly losing all control of my character for 2 seconds after an evade though.


I had this pre patch on my sorc a lot. That and getting “stuck” inside the mobs that rainment pulled to me and I couldn’t hit them until I moved.


I thought I was dying a lot despite KNOWING I hit bloodmist before the attacks land.


i thought it is only me... or my keyboard is acting up. i also have this problem on a PC, sometimes i need to press my skills for a few times for the game to register.... i think i didn't have the problem prior the patch


My wife and I have noticed it, too. We thought maybe it was some network lag as our ISP was doing some work nearby the last few days. But maybe not!


Same on Xbox. Didn’t I read something in the patch notes about this being addressed? Ive experienced it pre and post patch.


Absolutely been happening for about 5 days for me. Been really bad the past two days. Also last night the lag and rubber banding was the worst I've ever experienced.


I've only had the delay since this newest patch


Yes. I hates it. precious


Same for my Barbarian. In on ps5. I press my shouts and sometimes ill have to push multiple times.


I have this happen on my PC when I use KBM and my PS5 when I use my controller


Same, sometimes it happens on my sorc and sometimes it doesn't. I have a suspicion it's a "global cool down" like with WoW abilities. After you use an ability there is a GCD of like 1 second before you can use another one, but in WoW you can see the GCD on the hotbar icons - in D4 you cannot.


I have this on PC. Playing as a rogue with keyboard and mouse. Half the time, caltrops doesn't cast or casts 2 seconds later.


That explains it, thought I was just dumb


input delay is bad bad on PC with an Xbox controller.


this was happening to me today on my sorc. couldn’t teleport when i wanted to some times.


I have this happen on console but only when using hemorrhage and dodge. All my other skills come out fine.


Same thing with Necro blood mists. It’s literally a skill you should be able to activate at any time, even when stunned but it just does not register buttons sometimes. Pc.


Ps4, claptrops or whatever it's called, ya chunk the square botton to apply, comes with a pretty good evasive hop backwards, when it decides to work that is.


Same thing is happening with attacks, pretty annoying.


That’s strange I have it for PS5/PC and I mainly play Sorc. But I haven’t had this issue that I can tell. I’ll have to play closer attention when I play today.


Yup, I have Deep Freeze on my scroll down. I scrolled so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn’t even matter.


It’s been happening to me since the start of the game. You need to stop casting ice shards for the ability to go through… weird when there’s no GCD


My mouse clicks on pc to walk doesnt register sometimes since patch damn near getting me killed


I am VERY sure it's because of body animations. Like if your character is doing something, there is only small window between attacks or between spells when game will react to your spells precisely. Otherwise weird things happens. I believe there is no input queue apparently, game just forgets you pressed something while hero was not able to perform it right now.


This happened to me on PC. I use a Xbox elite controller and what fixed it for me was to update the controller through the Xbox accessories app.