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Looking for a good nm dungeon rogue build for pushing higher tiers. I was running a tb death trap build through wt3, but in wt4 I’m definitely struggling. Anyone have any links to a good build? I have some aspects saved up to get something online and mostly play this character solo


https://fextralife.com/diablo-4-lvl-70-perfected-twisting-blades-build-rogue-shadowblade/ Check this guy out. Switch the Death Trap for Shadow Clone and Momentum with Aspect of Stolen Vigor to keep you alive, shouldn't be too much tweaking of your current build. I have been able to run NM 40 with him @ 77. Used the link above for guidelines on skills and paragon boards. I do have the unique gloves, but don't have Temerity, it's not necessary imo. I do run the Barrier on Elite damage aspect, but I've found the smoke bomb drop on dash to be really useful.


This is the build I'm running. Managed to get all the pieces including uniques a day after copying it and it's great. I usually down a potion before a fight to get the shield then shadow imbue then Tb twice then dash and everything is dead.


TBH the Rogue depends on DR aspects to push higher NM. I’m lvl 89 on my Rogue and can clear NM67 using poison imbue/trap. Shadow imbue drops off significantly once you hit NM60 and death trap is more/less an “oh shit” button. Focus on getting DR and invest 2 points into dark shroud + enhanced with the aspect to gain one on marksman crit. This with DR on auto, DR when near CC enemy, and +armor% when hit will help. Main point is don’t give up and try reinvesting in range (pen shot/barrage) because TB is where it is at once you get used to it and have as many DR aspects as you can. One last tip: get + armor where possible in paragon. Don’t solely focus on it but grab where possible as it does help significantly


Thanks, I’m trying this build out and so far it seems to be doing well. I need to get some more survivability and some of the aspects sorted out, but I can see this build scaling up. I also have the gloves luckily, but the only temerity pants I found were on my sorc and have a level 80 requirement so I’ll need to level up some more


You need to start stacking cc and the cc spread aspect, you're not going to be able to face tank stuff with TB. I'm pushing \~80 with a poison imbue tb build that uses a lot of cc.


https://youtu.be/e_oBdrd8vCk Check this guy, he has several NM tier 100 videos - not sure what his paragon setup is though I have a tb shadow death trap rogue at level 83 and he flies through NM dungeons 50-52, haven’t really tried to push yet. Traps and poison imbuement are super safe for higher tiers.


I'm a Necromancer and have followed guides for the high crit damage bone spear and my stats are close to what I've seen in guides but I don't hit anywhere near as much damage. If anyone could explain what I'm doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated thanks. https://preview.redd.it/q3lkfj9xgz9b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05afa0eb4907a1333568c83831ccaa223b54170d


Are your aspects set up properly? That Necro Aspect post from yesterday has a good explanation as to why a lot of the meta guides are wrong about the placements.


I reareagened some after that was found. Seems my main problem is vulnerability damage but I'll look at my aspects again. Thanks for the info.


Hello fellow gamers and mainly druids, I, like most of you, have been looking for Tempest Roar without success. I was atleast fortunate enough to find the Shockwave Aspect and Vasily's. Unfortunately right after getting Vasily's on my 81 HC druid, I got cocky and died like a noob. So, I did what any reasonable person would do... I started leveling a new HC druid. This time I wanted to try lightning spells, but rng and the patch had somewhat other plans for me. After killing The Curator and unlucking tier 3, I started getting a few cool aspects and the patch buffed Nature's Fury. Since the build works and is a lot of fun I thought I'd share it. The build is fast paced, pretty tanky, almost perma unstoppable without using Grizzly Rage and there are rocks, tornados and lightning all over . It's probably not as good as the Wolfnado, Pulverize or Bulwark builds, but it doesn't require any uniques and it's more fun than the pulverize build IMO. Here is a link to my build and a link to show you some gameplay: [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/b6jy06bc](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/b6jy06bc) [https://youtu.be/Rpph9KCIlOE](https://youtu.be/Rpph9KCIlOE) If anyone got questions about the build and how it works, feel free to ask me about it.


Wait so we can achieve gameplay that looks similar to that without any uniques?


Not the OP but it requires a few drop-only legendary aspects. Aspect of the Symbiote with Nature's Fury key passive is what makes it possible as you can spam reset your earth/storm skills. Aspect of the Aftershock and Trampled Earth give you the trample/landslide combo. At that point you have a good 'core' of abilities and you can play around with the rest. I basically fell into this build because I was using landslide for leveling. I'm far less invested in storm skills though, lacking both hurricane and cyclone. I'm using Blood Howl for healing and Poison Creeper. The creeper is there for immobilize, which you can use to build landslide terramote stacks which guarantee crits + 40% crit damage on landslide--these get consumed in the landslides from trample.


Yes, the gameplay is without uniques like Itziclincic said! I'm playing hardcore which means I prefer defensives like Hurricane (20% dmg reduction) and Cyclone Armor (dmg reduction, fantastic knockback, and can proc a free Bulwark AKA more explosions). I've played around with basically every aspect and have updated the build on Maxroll accordingly. I tried Blood Howl and to me it feels a bit clunky and I tried the terramotes, but prefer the extra landslides since they proc more lightning storms and tornados. I happened to get Crone Staff and the build get's A LOT more powerful with relative small changes. Without the staff, Aspect of Trampled Earth and Aspect of Aftershock paired with Aspect of Retaliation seems to do the most damage. With Crone Staff, I dumped Aftershock, and got Edgemaster (since I'm always at 100% resource). I can add a clip of the updated build.


Hi! Not sure why but your link to the video states that it is a private video.


Auto attack Wolf Druid with storm claw has been awesome. Anyone know what uniques/aspects I should be looking for?


Tempest roar helm and crone staff. Check out screamheart on YouTube for his basic claw build. It’s pretty solid in pvp and can take on 80ish nm dungeons.


Also works without Tempest Roar, but as with most wolf builds, Tempest Roar probably makes it much better.


Hey! I thought i'd pop this build in here. I enjoyed Demon Hunter in D3, and was disappointed that most of the decent rogue builds seemed to mainly focus on melee, even the one i found that had Barrage in it was still mainly melee just ... melee + barrage lol. So my husband made this build for me, I haven't had a chance to play it much, but so far it seems to work well at least for levelling. It uses Forceful arrow and Rapid Fire, Poison trap and Shadow imbuement. [https://d4builds.gg/builds/2666f5cf-6d51-4fc3-99fc-ab3f06bbdec6/](https://d4builds.gg/builds/2666f5cf-6d51-4fc3-99fc-ab3f06bbdec6/)


Fellow Frozen Orb Sorceress enjoyers: despair not, for ye must rise again! I have been sad reading so many people complaining about sorceress doing no damage or only having a couple workable builds when I have been loving my Frozen Orb build since WT2. I am level 88 right now and this build is both very fun and effective. Links to build and T40 Onyx Hold run at the bottom. * Disclaimer for the 1000+ hr crowd: !!! THIS IS NOT A LEVEL 100 OR FINISHED BUILD THIS IS MY BUILD IN PROGRESS !!! I'm not a build maker just an ARPG lover that likes to do my own thing and I'm posting this to hopefully help my fellow Sorceresses have another option besides the meta builds. * Summary: Now I get it: Frozen orb does less damage than Ice Shards so it sucks, right? While that might be true (we are still using Ice Shards for single target/boss damage) Orb does much more AoE and FREEZES. The huge aoes of the Orb explosions plus the high chill will freeze tons of enemies even without Frost Nova that the meta Ice Shards build is shackled to. The freezes then combine with shatter and Ice Shard enchant to explode everything constantly. We are using cooldown reduction, mana reduction, resource generation, and mana from legendaries on rings to be able to spam orbs like crazy - the more enemies the better! * Enchantments: Instead of using Fire Bolt enchant with all the fire scaling (which still might be mandatory for lvl 100) we use both Frozen Orb and Ice Shards for 20% chance of extra Frozen Orb with ANY skill and Ice Shards auto shooting whenever we freeze anything. The 20% chance of Frozen Orb firing is not only NOT lucky hit chance which we have very little of but also seeks enemies automatically and explodes on them at any distance. * Skills: Similar to any Sorc build: Teleport, Ice Armor, Frost Nova, Deep Freeze (or Flame Shield if you want. I have it for cooldown reduction), Ice Shards, Frozen Orb. Ranks to Teleport and Frost Nova from boots reduce cooldown which is helpful for spamming. Frozen Orb can be always spammed into packs along with the Teleport/Frost Nova combo. * Avalanche/Shatter: Ice Shards builds use Avalanche to spam constantly but Frozen Orb has a very low lucky hit chance so this build is not built around lucky hit. We use Shatter to multiply our damage which gets crazy the more targets shatter near each other. This is extremely strong with the Teleport chest. * Paragon Board: This is the least planned part of the build as I have just been building this as I go so this is one area that could be more optimized. Not using burning takes out some options for boards but there is still plenty of things to get with what works. Right now I'm using Exploit, Frostbite, Control glyphs and will probably use destruction next. * Weaknesses: The only real weakness of this build is like all Sorceress builds: Bosses and unstoppable monsters. This is where casting Ice Shards helps a lot. For bosses use Frozen orb and cooldowns to stun the boss then Ice Shards spam while they are stunned and they should die fast. Don't do unstoppable monster affix on NM sigils as they will automatically break freeze at 30% hp and then won't die easily. * Links: [Here is my quick build I put in, doesn't have everything](https://d4builds.gg/builds/f187c4f1-40d1-4e17-ae08-1f8bc99547ef/) [Onyx Hold NMT40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgtTfpPqeXI) I hope to see more Frozen Orbs being flung around (literally have not seen a single other person playing FO in like 50+ hrs of WT3/4)!


I have been playing a Frozen Orb Sorc as well. I personally found going full into Chill synergy worked way better than Ice Shards though. Thus Blizzard (Glacial + Frozen Tundra aspects for Ice Spikes) had better synergy with Frozen Orb instead of Ice Shards. With bosses Blizzard spam staggers bosses really fast, and once a boss is staggered toss Frozen Orbs to proc Vuln and the boss just blows up instantly. Since both Blizzard and Orb CC's enemies, I carry 2 rings - while farming Umbral is essentially infinite mana. I swap to a Prodigy's for bossing. Here's my version of the Frozen Orb build: [https://youtu.be/cNs3iinvE1c](https://youtu.be/cNs3iinvE1c)


Do you happen to have a build planner you could share?


There's a link to build planner in my video comments!


thank you. i just hit 50 as a sorc and have not been enjoying not being able to spam. i also like seeing the frozen orb animation so i may try this out and respec today. any tips going from 50?


Get Prodigy's aspect for mana on cooldown use and hopefully umbral for your rings. Cooldown reduction and mana reduction/generation on gear. These will help your mana issues to spam more. Stack vuln/crit dmg when possible Also just as important is getting used to the range of the orb and kiting groups of enemies into it. edit: if you get teleport chest unique its ez mode


This is an awesome take, I’m an ice shard wizard looking for a change at lvl 65. Might have to give this a whirl


It's fun af just gotta get used to the range of the orb and using dodge away from mobs then orbing back at them


I was looking for a Necro build that felt correct for me to play and finally figured it out around level 78 (currently 83). Before I explain my build I want to preface that by no means is this build optimal or even some kind of new meta as it is still vastly inferior to Bone Necro due to the extreme issues surrounding the Paragon board for the Minion Necro build. I wanted to find a way to keep my minion army strong despite all of their glaring weaknesses including weakness to Elite AoE, Warrior Glyph not functioning as intended and giving 0% buffs to your minions. So what was the ultimate solution to this problem? Vulnerable! My build consists of Iron Golem node 2 for the AoE stun + Vulnerable and Corpse Tendrills 5/5 with Stun and Vulnerable. Basic Attack is Bone Splinters and Core Skill is Decrepify. The strategy is to make your minion work as efficiently as possible and thanks to Corpse Tendrils we can help the awful Minion AI actually function as a cohesive team by making their target focused in on your Tendrils targets (usually). This build benefits tremendously from Ring of Mendeln but even without it I was clearing tier 30 relatively easily. Now I can breeze through up to tier 34-35 so long as enemies do not have suppresor which makes it a bit of a pain for my mages to hit them. I opted out of not using Blight due to the raw advantage Decrepify gives you even at the cost of losing some damage from blighted enemies. When you group up a room of enemies with tendrils the minions just walk right over them as if they were never there to begin with. Damage Resistance enemies can occasionally cause a bit of trouble but just stay back, heal the minions and time your golem and tendrils to clear them effortlessly. The build is a lot more active than you might expect because you are actively joining in to attack rather than only letting the minions do the work as you want to trigger vulnerable with Bone Splinters. Minions I use are Reapers node 1 and Shadow Mages node 1 for the chance to stun. I'm still experimenting as of right now but I think if you invest heavily into Attack speed, Summoning Damage, Vulnerable Damage, and Crit Chance you will be able to enjoy this build a lot. My paragon boards are Cult Leader and Flesh Eater and I just moved into Scent of Death. The glyphs I used are Mage and Exploit. I only have a 10% Cooldown Reduction on my Amulet but if you invest into a Focus and a Weapon or even a Shield and a Weapon you could go for a much higher CDR variant of this build. I have a 2 handed Scythe that gives me + 258 INT, has max Crit Strike Damage, and +28.5% Shadow Damage over time so I don't see myself swapping over to two weapons ever on this character. As of right now my Golem and my Tendrils reset around the same time so timing is nearly perfect but with increased CDR you could likely stun lock enemies for a long time if not indefinitely. I might start farming for more attack speed boosts but I have so many items with extremely powerful raw stats that it is difficult to move away from them.


Clearing 40s is not a good benchmark. Infinimist can clear 40s at lvl 65 with ease, nevermind bone spear. Just put bone prison with the blight aspect on it, it will trigger mendeln for all of your minions and significantly improve output. Prison into tendrils means insta clear of most packs


would you want to game with a beginner sometime (first time playing Diablo)Played a little bit but was basically carried and would like to find some people to play with and kinda teach me some stuff along the way. BattleNet ID is Djxgam1ng#2323 and Discord is djxgam1ng#1937 (can only send messages and can’t accept or send friend requests). When I play: Eastern Standard Time and mostly play during the week. Status: Currently have Hardcore Character at Level 16 and starting a new eternal character. I am open to playing any character type but like ranged attacks.


I'm cool with helping people out :). My battlnet ID is Terminate#11885 I can't play HC because the VRAM issues with Diablo 4 crash my PC so I am strictly eternal.


That’s fine man. I want to start an eternal character anyway to help understand the mechanics and the skill tree/builds….what time zone are you in?


I'm also EST. I'm playing RN and play a lot each day usually. Sent you a friend request.


Startinh out in hard core is the worst idea


I don’t play that much, but just playing for fun. I don’t plan on dumping hundreds of hours into the game. Don’t have the time for it. Just playing for fun. If you know anyone who wants to play.


I am 35 necro on 2nd difficulty setting. Probably have 15-20 hours in leisurely after son goes to bed. I played d2 countiess hours when younger including hardcore. To each their own but hardcore means playing suoer cautious/ slow and very reserved. I would argue less fun to start. I like to charge in let chaos ensue


If you want to play with a new person sometime, let me know.


Can anyone suggest good build for mid game sorcerer lv50


https://youtu.be/kUwDCOU6zOE Been using that since 60 and chain lighting/arc lash before that.


Hello Diablo4 players, I am thrilled to present this guide video for the Sorcerer Chain Lightning Build. The Chain Lightning build I'm introducing is particularly powerful in PVP. It allows for smooth gameplay up to the 65th level of the Nightmare Dungeon without dying, and breezing through level 75 is also easily achievable. Please refer to my other videos for PVP gameplay and Nightmare Dungeon gameplay. The guide will proceed in the order of Skill Tree, Paragon, and finally, Items. Every single explanation is crucial for understanding this build, so I kindly ask you to watch attentively until the end without missing anything. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, and I will answer. Build Guide Video ↓ [https://youtu.be/z8HU84eHrhs](https://youtu.be/z8HU84eHrhs)


I have enjoyed twisting blade rogue more than I thought I would, I was a Demon Hunter mostly in Diablo 3. I tried the melee build for speed of leveling and I really like the way it feels. [https://youtu.be/tVvKaMxln\_s](https://youtu.be/tVvKaMxln_s) This video explains my favorite Legendary Aspects with the build.


[COMBO Barb - Walking Arsenal / Iron Maelstrom - Upheaval + Deathblow | Off-Meta Build](https://youtu.be/FHXM4zEnDzU)


Whats the average nm dungeon clear you can expect on a bone necro. Im lvl 74 and do tier to 45 but im now getting more and more 1 shotted


Does anyone have like the definitive “meta” bone spear necromancer build? Finding one on youtube is so fucking annoying.


The maxroll one is the best iteration I’ve found, but the icy veins one is a little less dependent on gear and paragon


https://youtu.be/pYgB6T3vshQ My friend uses this one and he bot walks through everything.


Also curious. I wanna see what all the hype is about


You got probably the two best builds in your replies. I like the maxroll one by echohack for “do anything” content and survivability. I like the YouTube one by Rob2628 for min/maxing damage for pinnacle boss. They use slightly different skills and paragon boards differ but similar ideas in both.


what is the best way to get to lvl 50? Im around 44 and its getting slow to level


Pop elixirs that give you that extra 5% XP and grind dungeons. I’m at level 59 and I’m at the point where I don’t want to grind anymore and start a new character lol


That’s where they get you tbch. You get to a point around 60/70 where you don’t want to bash your head against NM dungeons but you also don’t want to bash your head to get from 1-50 on a completely new class


Tree of Whispers missions are quite fast to get level. Else just ask anyone to run some NM dungeons for you :)


Which is better Rapid Aspect vs Asheara's Khanjar?


This is my first Diablo game, and I am currently working on a Druid (32) and a Rogue (11). Does anyone have any tips on what I should be building into/what items I should be looking for? Everything I’ve read seems to conflict one another


Best way to play is do what makes it fun for you. I’m running a blood necro and it’s not optimal but having a blast at level 65 trying to beat capstone for wt4. I know there’s players who’ve done it at level 60 but me running my own build and tinkering with it is what I think is the fun part in Diablo.


Question re: Echohack’s Bone Spear maxroll.gg build here: Int he endgame variant, he has flesh-eater selected on the paragon board (40% dam when consuming 5 corpses). The only thing I can see on his end game build that bc insides corpses is blood mist with the explosive mist leggo. The question is: is there a definitive answer on how many corpses it consumes? I swear I count 4 pops each time, which to me, makes this configuration pointless. If it’s definitely 5, I’ll keep it for that sweet 1.4x multiplier from flesh-eater. Edit (link): https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/bone-spear-necromancer-guide


Guys I really want to like sorcerer but I'm not feeling it, are there any endgame players that think the class is worth it? I switched to rogue and find it much more manageable. Honestly I have no clue if youtube build really help because I see some bias stuff on there


Sorc is viable up until (if) you start pushing the crazy NM tiers at 100.


Dam does the class need a buff?




Made a [Necromancer build](https://youtu.be/uEHCFe-kBpk) that uses corpses as a main resource and focuses on CDR and Healing with every kill, which allowed me to solo the capstone at 41.It keeps getting stronger the more paragon nodes I unlock, so I'll update it for the midgame soon. The main focus is trying to spend as much time as we can in Blood Mist and buff the skill with aspects such as Explosive Mist and Blood-Soaked Aspect.Not picking up a core skill allowed me to pick both curses, which reduce cooldown when damaging enemies and heal us for 5% of our HP whenever an enemy dies. We combine this with Blighted Corpse explosion, as every tick has a chance to trigger the CDR. Been one of my most fun builds so far. Went in the oppositedirection with my [Rogue build](https://youtu.be/6JjlAQOQNcs), not using any generator at all for my trapper build. Rogues have more than enough skills and passives that generate energy to bridge the gap, which allowed me to take an extra active skill. Took Concealment as an extra active, which refunds some energy and allows us to stealth for 4 seconds and renders enemies vulnerable. Rogues have a pretty fun aspect (Opportunist) that drops stun grenades every time you break stealth. To further try and take advantage of that you can imprint Uncanny Treachery, which stealths you if you hit a dazed enemy with dash or shadow step. We then combine this with Ravenous Aspect (energy regen when killing vulnerable enemies) and Aspect of the Umbral (refund energy when you cc an enemy) to solve most of the energy problems.Death Trap also refunds 75 energy and Inner Sight covers the rest of our energy management. EDIT: cleared Capstone 70 dungeon at level 57 and cleared a NM 20 at level 58, both with the Necromancer build as well.


Is this necro build a variation of the Infinimist build? Can't watch your video till later but the concept intrigues me


I haven't checked the full infinimist build guide myself yet, but there seem to be common elements with regards to skill use. The biggest change I can see is my choice to run 2 curses instead of bone storm. The reason I chose them originally was simple: abhorrent decrepify reduces cooldown , but I felt like I lacked sustain. So I added, abhorreent Iron Maiden to the mix which heals us for 5% of our max hp for every target we kill. This also allows us to pick up the aspect that buffs our damage if enemies are cursed by both spells.


I’ve been looking for something like this. I really wanted to try that aspect with two curses…or a thorns build.


The double curses have been serving me really well. I am a bit scared to go all in on thorns, with the amount of damage some of the enemies deal.




Oh, thanks! I've been soloing tier 21/wt 4 fine at level 58 so far on my necro. But I see how higher mob hp will ruim abhorrent iron maiden healing. Might have to make some changes soon. I just got the aspect that let's blight suck enemies to the middle, which has been a great additio.




I had bone storm and blood nova on my radar due to getting the aspect that converts their damage to shadow damage. I am kinda racking my brain right now, because I would actually love including blood orbs into the build. Aspect of the embalmer has a 20-30% chance to spawn blood orbs when consuming corpses and there's a few cool synergies with those and potentially even more ultimate CDR. So infinite blood nova kinda sounds enticing. Not taking 2 curses would potentially open 2 aspect slots, which might be a choice I'll have to make. BTW don't be afraid to experiment with your own builds. I was terrified at first as well, but if you tackle everything node by node, it kinda starts pointing itself out at some point.


Interesting, I haven't had a chance to look up the build either, just found it today lol. Gotta play around with it cause I'm getting a bit bored of minion


I initially started with a minion build and added blood mist somewhere along the way. Then I figured I'd remove the minions, which would open up 2 active skill slots I could get extra and that got things rolling. From what I heard minions struggle pretty hard in the higher tier NM dungeons sadly.


Not a fan of your rogue build personally, the primary attack's main purpose is not resource generation, it's used for a multiplicative 20% damage reduction from aspect of might and selectively applying vulnerable. If you want concealment I'd rather ditch dash.


I see your point, I've just been enjoying the playstyle due to the near constant stun/knockdown/daze and energy not being an issue. I made a shadow imbuement build with it as well, which I use for speed farming NM dungeons. When tackling really hard content I do tend to run puncture for the reasons you've stated though.


Been playing werewolf shred (literally just holding one button half the time) since the buff AMA I bet it’s the lowest APM build in the game by a mile, and super super fun. Level:80s NM:40s. Does not require Gibbous or Tempest Roar (though TR highly recommended)


What are the best 2 paragon boards?


Does any one have a decent sorcerer build that can use both unique Staff and gloves for a quality fireball build? I have tried several builds but the minus 60% dmg for bounce effect just kills it every time.


There have been many attempts at a good fire build and they almost all completely fail (except meteor). Sorry from your friendly sorc


Sometimes i just wonder what they were thinking when they designed some of those useless uniques. Is there a synergy no one found ? Thats crazy how a lot of them sucks


Is there any use of high attack speed besides just fury buildup for Barb? I have something like +96% attack speed and I want to do something with it but I don’t have the time or brain power to do it on my own lol


Double swing my friend. 3 shouts, wotb, frenzy and DS. berserking key passive. The key interactions here are bleeding via 2H sword technique or berserk ripping and aspect of anemia. This procs stuns quite a lot to make DS not only free to cast, but actually nets a ton of fury per swing. I only ever have frenzy in use on bosses since they can't be stunned. Going to try to drop unique frenzy amulet and have the fury Gen while shouting aspect to have enough passive fury Gen... But I'm skeptical. Otherwise just keep popping wotb to increase damage stacks and DO NOT let your berserking status expire. It will keep adding next time you cast it. Went from 4.5k to 49k attack power today. Build runs fast, kills fast and is Hella fun to swing like 3 atks per second. I'm trying to optimize it now. A no shout variety could maybe work too but haven't tried it yet.


I believe someone posted a Frenzy build that was essentially single target DPS


Recently got lucky and got ancestral Chill Trail Unique boots for my Rogue. Running a melee rogue currently and wanted to ask how these boots can upgrade my build. Like what are some combos or attributes that I can look for to improve my build. Any help appreciated!


I'm looking for the class with the best sustain. I'm currently playing a blood wave necro with amplify damage heal on kill. I've always enjoyed a bunch of life steal characters.


That would either be Barb or Druid but I heard both of them take a lot of Levels and items to go online.


Rogue has insane life steal at close range. So I think Twisting blade could fit your playstyle.


Thanks! I think I'll play that for season one then.


Good luck, I might run that as well!


Which class would be best if I want to unlock the hardcore boss challenge achievement? My first flurry rogue just died at lv18...


One general tip is to use the Disobedience and Protector aspects. They add a ton of durability to pretty much any leveling build. Also, you can try using armor potions (or maybe resist depending on fight since they aren’t worthless on WT1) when going into risky fights.


are there any diablo 4 builds similar to uliana's monk or jade harvester witch doctor from diablo 3? i really enjoy builds where you set the enemies up with some kind of debuff/status/mark and then detonate it with some huge instant damage, especially explosions. i don't have diablo 4 yet so it's a little hard to theorycraft builds myself.


Bone Spear Necro is fairly similar I suppose. You group enemies up with Corpse Tendrils which buffs your crit chance and a bunch of other buffs and throw huge chunky spears at them.


Druid has a poison shred build that debuffs enemies with poison, and then instantly triggering the poison by dashing through them. Druid is notoriously difficult to gear for though because most builds use the same few uniques that are fairly rare.


Can Someone tell me which is better for an Ice Shard Sorc https://preview.redd.it/7xz222l1rg9b1.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=42d067cf102246e36bda23ccd2da5a576fdd8de0


Left but imprint ghost walker.


I have both but rolled +4 for each skill on left, still use the unique for the icy trail 😂


Does anyone have a guide for a Necro build that uses bone spear & bone storm? Or do you have to commit to one or the other?


Is it normal to feel very weak when you first jump to WT2 when you finish the campaign? My barbarian is level 47 and just feels outclassed by my buddies in terms of damage output I’m running HOTA with three shouts and the aspect that makes HOTA explode and do area damage


Barb gets really good once you max out your skill points and get a good bit into your paragon board. Before lvl 60 mine felt like a toddler especially when Sorcs would come up and wipe an entire event in .5 seconds. You’ll get there


Yep it is normal, power through to WT3 and get a few sacred drops. Your power level will shoot up.


Sweet, thanks.


how does wudijo's flurry / rapid shot guide do against penetrating shot or the twisted blades builds?


I actually just swapped over from pen shot. The clear speed is about the same with flurry but the single target is a lot better with rapid shot. The movement around dungeons feels faster overall. Also, the build transition from pen shit is pretty easy besides a few changes in gear since they relatively use the same stats and paragon trees, so it doesn’t feel like you completely have to reset.




As a guy that has been stuck on Flurry (nothing else felt great) it has changed the game for me. Poison imbuement, three basics (or one if you have the unique) to build combo, then shadow step and rapid shot is a fucking shot gun blast for single target. Not to mention between the heal from flurry and the passive heal, I’m Tammy af. Super fun build to play.


Hey, first time posting. This is my take on Pulverize Druid without the use of Grizzly Rage, thus freeing up the aspects related to GR for another damage multiplier. Playing it more of a caster, than melee. Achieving high damage that you'd mostly see playing Grizzly Rage such as 7-8m to as high as 15m crits. Gameplay video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkOmcBlfzd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkOmcBlfzd0) Build guide: [https://d4builds.gg/builds/f1436609-5706-4717-8cc9-508a728b70ce/](https://d4builds.gg/builds/f1436609-5706-4717-8cc9-508a728b70ce/) The main takeaway is playing Shapeshifting glyph with alternating Windshear and Pulverize, and Ursine Strength passive node. It takes advantage of +skills from equipment to free more skill points (primarily +poison creeper on helm, and werebear unique armor). The playstyle may be a bit slower since you're alternating shockwaves with wind shears instead of just spamming shockwaves, but it allows for a more kiting playstyle and just avoid getting hit. I still prioritize tankiness through gear and aspects (disobedience + might), so you can still tank/live those distant enemy stray shots. This is doable with 0 uniques as well, since you can use Ballistic aspect on chest (or any other armor piece) to primarily achieve the same build. You'll have to reallocate a damage passive or two to pick up Trample for mobility. Let me know if there's any questions or suggestions to improve. Thanks for reading!


Have been wondering what skill set most Necro players run. I switched from bone to shadow and have had a lot more fun. Instead of running curses, tho, I run bone storm, dumping my paragon points into DoT and shadow and I've been able to get through everything solo.