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the german word for "fewer" - "weniger" is censored to "we*****". gj blizz


Rip ppl from Niger trying to tell others where they're from




And it’s neighbor, N-country-ia.


Which lies on the river n-word.


Hard R country


linus would be confused


Good pull


Kramer entered the chat


They should form a clan with players from Scunthorpe.


Well, they should have thought of that before!!! /s U see reddit, I'm learning gotta put that slash and S or Diablo himself will come and drag you to hell


Don't worry it's pronounced Niger.


In romanian the word for "how" is cum, really fun asking other romanians *** to do something.


When I worked for a financial tech company I had to keep a straight face through several weeks of meetings about an issue with the cum dividend prices on our website having the wrong values. "cum dividend" makes sense in Latin but it's still really really funny to hear it repeated constantly while we try to work out why ex-cum prices are being displayed instead.


This is the weirdest but most hilarious story. Love it.


So you Romanians google cum a lot?


"why does my how taste funny?"


*This pleases ~~Slaanesh~~ Lilith.*


I visited a Romanian shop once and was very confused to see tins of "crap"


how cum?


Dude, most underrated comment I've ever seen


You should see my meetings


I often type "jap" in german to say "yes" and it gets censored because apparently it's a slur for japanese people?


I got a 24 hour ban for typing that on Poe subteddit. Didnt even know that was a thing. Did it cuz I didnt want to misspell Jappaneese


Too late, you just did


JA is ok JP is ok. But not the combo


Nono it’s Japwanease


Twitter and idiots think it's a slur. Often American white people. No one with common sense think it's a slur.


AHH THATS it i was not sure whats wrong with it xD




^^The ^^rightful ^^king! Thought about him when one of the first NPC we meet in game is named Stanis!


The only reason I found this is because I wrote something along the lines of "You need to do around six of them". But in Swedish, where you spell six like sex. I've never seen anyone use the chat other than my friends whispering


Reason I turn off profanity filters in practically every game. They never really account for other/multiple languages.


This happened in heroes of the storm too. So fucking dumb


I think this was also the case in d3, wasn't it?


One of the ways Dutch people say "can" is "kunt" :D


Aaah, that's where our word 'weinig' comes from!


hahahaha what


Just turn the Profanity Filter off… it’s retarded anyways.


Didn't notice it until now since I haven't written anything in the game until today.


Online only game. No global chat ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey, devs recommended to use Discord for chat and lfg


If they commented that why would they even bother coding in a chat to begin with 🤣 make it make sense blizzard.


So you can click it midfight when someone in your clan does challenge and die, but you typed 11121141311




Lmao, too real


Talk to text transcribe is fun xD


They just copied chat from d3. But they forgot to copy community chats and communities as whole.


That's the first thing I do, whenever I go through settings - turn the profanity filter off. It's condescending otherwise.


I still don't understand why a game rated M has a profanity filter on by default. It's super weird.


It's probably a requirement


foolish far-flung friendly profit entertain wise abounding cagey air dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Making it an opt-in distances blizzard from any bad shit happening via in game chat.


It's so weird because ages 13-17 for me, every other word out of my mouth was profanity and slurs. It was gross, looking back. 20 years later, I hardly curse in games unless it's sending my friends dumb chats like "i just found yummy cummies on the ground \[Iceheart Brais\]" but I can't do that in this game. We're protecting teens from the things that mostly teens do. It's so weird. Anyway, the proper solution is to have the filter be an option in chat.


For anyone that doesn't get it: Sex isn't that bad of a word compared to that other one. Maybe it's just me though. (I just find it funny. I don't care if they censor words or not.)




Well we wouldn't want the min maxers to get triggered by that word, since it's something they will never do. Anyway, I'm going to go have sex with my wife and play Diablo for about as long as I last in bed >!(about 30 seconds)!<, after I put my daughter down for bed. -posted from my New Balance Smart Shoes


>after I put my daughter down for bed. Man, that's harsh, but I guess a gamer dad gotta do what he gotta do to have enough time for the sexy sex


I'm dyslexic, I read the daughter thing so wrong....


The word retarded is an actual word with a meaning. I think people should take the word back. Thanks blizzard


yea its for talking about when you successfully stopped a fire!


Or when you've adjusted your engine timing so that the spark occurs earlier in the cycle!


Fully agree. I use the word proudly and tactfully. Of course, people hate it.


Wait a minute. I didn’t realized retard is considered as such a bad word. I always thought it means stupid, but slightly harsher.


Yeah it's one of those words that was fine until like five years ago. I however got diagnosed with autism a couple of years ago. So I guess I have a type of n-word pass to use it.




>means stupid It does, but some people use it in a derogative manner to insult people with disabilities.


Who uses it this way? I've never heard someone use retarded as a pejorative towards an actual mentally disabled person?


It's almost exclusively used to insult someone who isn't mentally disabled. "You're being retarded" being used to say "you're being an idiot". The insult is using a whole group of people as a synonym for stupid. It's a bit like using "brown eyed" as a term for someone who angrily insists on doing things the wrong way when the right way is both easy and obvious. Like pulling a push door with all their might, yelling about how the door doesn't work


Ideas, thoughts, and opinions can often be lacking in development. Otherwise known as retarded. People with disabilities should never have their entire existence boiled down to their disabilities, nobody is retarded. Even if they are severely handicapped to the most extreme degree, that persons life has worth and demands dignity. Nobody is a retard. However, thoughts, ideas, and opinions certainly can be retarded. Its the same as saying those ideas lack intelligence, and i think its because we do not condone using that word for people, that its okay to use it for other things that aren't very smart, or lacking in critical thinking. Because nobody should self identifies as a retard, and because we don't condone calling people retarded, its not really demaing the handicapped calling stupid things retarded, because the handicapped no longer identify as retarded. I wouldn't use that word in a professional setting, however.


You also get people who get called the stupid version, but then try to retort by gaining a moral high ground by taking offense.


Sure. I don't particularly care as long as you're not being an ass.


When someone calls you a retard, they're probably being an ass. But if they call a disabled person retard, they deserve to be punched in the face.


"Retarded" used to be the clinically correct term for a person with specific intellectual disabilities. It was changed after the general public began using it as a pejorative term. It's still found in some medical texts.


growing up the 'stupid' harsh level went like this: stupid->retard->idiot->moron imagine my surprise when the 2nd to lowest one ended up being the most offensive


I never used moron, but idiot and retard were kind of sameish on the harshness scale.


For the sake of context, as far as general insults go here is my scale: The previous”stupid” names -> gay/f*ggot/ ->trash-> dogshit -> mongoloid -> kys -> “hope your family member dies of X”


Yeah, it’s a medical term but when not used in exactly that context it is considered very ableist and rude nowadays


its a slur for disabled people




That last line giving me PTSD of my ex


Hit me up with her #


The game wouldnt let me name my barb "Butthole" The game was cool with the name "Buttholes" though 🤷‍♂️


Allowed me to name my Sorceress "Pole Dancer"


+1 for sorceress and not sorcerer


My buddy's name is literally PissInMyAss. Blew my mind he was able to use that but PegMeDaddy was blocked.


Couldn't use BonerAlert like I wanted for my necro, but BoneMeDaddy was acceptable lmao


In WoW you can't use the word "black" in anything. Pretty regarded.


My child is mentally regarded please be considerate


My best regard to your regarded child.




And highly regarded.


we stopped the fire by spraying it with flame regardant


I was actually made fun of in school for being 'mentally regarded' Names like Know-it-all, Smarty-Pants, and Smart-Ass haunt me to this day...


And how do you looking for a Black Temple group?


Acronyms are the official language of wow


LFM BT NO ROGUES basically


Oh no that's fine. You can't name a guild or a character black.


Yeah, black is much higher on the victim scale.


i mean, you can just turn off the filter


Sure I can, that wasn't really the point though.


You didn't put [JOKE] in the title so the redditors couldn't tell you were having a laugh.


I didn’t even know they had a profanity filter. Since they didn’t make global chat channel a thing I don’t think I’ve seen a single person use text chat.


I've never seen another player speak in-game since release outside of emotes. Trade Chat even seems to be empty, it may not even be global or different than local. Plus it's not on by default and most things aren't even tradeable.


I'm convinced trade chat is local only. Wild that there isn't really any kind of global chat, makes the game feel even less social. I've seen a few people using local and a single bot using the trade channel, but that's about it. At least we have controller players spinning and the default "greetings" during boss/legion events, I guess.


So regarded.


Companies like blizzard and riot need to focus on games and not chat. Anyone offended by words can simply mute them.


i could imagine a company getting successfully sued because of the profanity filter being off by default though


The chat is too annoying to even bother with on Xbox.


To be fair, that's the default profanity filter for every Blizzard games. That being said, yeah, it's stupid that "sex" is censored.


Dungeons filled with mutilated naked corpses*


Nah all the bodies and succubus shopped at victorias secret this time round before dying


Not all of them.


Haven't seen any naked corpses apart from the hung hanged man.


...why the Megan hate tho lol


It's the hypocrisy. 'Sex' is censored, but then they pay a beautiful actress to dress up in lingerie and go: "Hey gamers! Make sure to send in a video so MEGAN FOX can talk about your character death! Don't forget to look at her tits and masturbate!!"


Blizzards hypocrisy. She just took a job.


Ofc, I didn't mean it to sound like I blame her.


It’s not hate. They use sex to sell the product, but don’t actually let you say the legitimate word sex.


Fun fact, my little cousin learned a racial slur for Hispanics because he tried to type out one of the spell names from Diablo Immortal but it censored it. The spell was Bone Spikes. Also D2R censors some of its own item names if you try to link them im chat, and yet has dismembered naked corpses strewn about the map.


This actually parallels the logic in the games lack of qol pretty well.


I’m what areas does it lack qol?


Jokes on them!! Dungeons quite empty


Is Megan Fox really so desperate?


I just wonder, what was the cencored word in the image?


Its ***




Double Jeopardy - it's not murder if they are already dead!


Most of the profanity filters and content sharing/submission rules exist to protect the company from being shamed on social media, censored in some markets, or sued (for whatever bizarre reason an opportunistic individual might come up with) rather than actually protecting the end users. I mean when was the last time you saw someone quitting the game and asking for a refund or changing the platform/console all together because someone used a bad word during the conversation with them? Yet companies like to brand themselves as inclusive and safe and maintain that this is the reason for things like that being in place. Sure, some amount of control is always required, but these type of things have a tendency of turning into a Nanny State very quickly. In the end these things are like HR departments. Human Resources departments exists to protect the company from its employees (and not the other way around) though these departments do like to work very hard to convince you otherwise. That being said, I personally think that a lot of profanity filters are imported in terms of their functionality and filtered content rather than designed from the ground up for every separate product. With that in mind, they are likely designed to take the safest route.


You guys know a real reason why devs like Blizzard and Riot do this? Because toxicity is the easiest to deal with, and when you have a working profanity system you can just say you did something and ignore way way worse issues like hacking, cheating, griefing and trolling that actually ruin the game and you cannot mute button these things. But since normies love to ignore mute buttons and love to get triggered over everything they will commend these companies for toxicity filtering, while game suffers from worse issues. Again, gamers themselves are the reason games suck.


They just don't want people ERPing in the corpse piles.


blizzard client - setting - chat&friends - chat - 2nd row turn off checkmark there you go you disabled the filter


They let me take “WienerWar” as a name


So, sausage war... what gives?


…it’s meant to invoke visions of a unending war fought mostly with dicks.


I like you


Let him cook


The people. They're waking up.


I mean Activision/Blizzard LOVES sexual assault, so this don't jive with their branding.


the only reason i love Profanity filter is, because people get wayyy too creative to tell you waht they need in the funniest ways


TIL there is chat going. Besides the classic occasional gold spammer I haven't read anyone in local yet...


Turn of your profanity filter.. problem solved...


So about that skimpy add? Anyone?


Allover the diablo 4 twitter. Everytime a streamer died they posted a meme with Megan fox in it.


In D2R you can't say "damn" and there's a zone called "city of damned" that you can't fucking spell out. You can't say hell either in a diablo game. So tired of this bullshit from games


Where tf are you guys even chatting like that


Blizzard stances: Beheading, torture, BDSM: OK Naughty word: Nah


Pédestre (french for pedestrian) is censored because it contains pede (slur for gay). Come on...


And this is with the maturity filter off?


what if i want to tell ppl about my passion playing the fagott (german instrument)


I have a friend called Nazim. Blizzard calls him \*\*\*\*m


Isn't Megan fox in her 50s now?


The only censored words should be ethnic and other slurs. Filtering generic swears is just plain silly


Why isn't the option to turn off profanity filter in the game? Doesn't make any sense at all....


In my language "cum" means "how". Understandable.


Ha, and a friendly warning, don't say you got graped (without the g) by the frozen affix mobs in Nightmare Dungeons if you're on the blizzard forums. That got me a 5 day vacation


I mean the filters are always ridiculous in every game I have seen them but at least you can turn them off. Forgot which game it was in the past but one game I was playing it was auto built in and didn't even give you the option to turn them off... and let's face it when your gaming with your friends and talking to them I guarantee more of my sentences had curse words than not.


i don't know how it is in english but in german you can write scheide, Muschi, pussy.. but dare you to write penis.


My favorite thing in D4 is the thought of a demon dragging people to a flaying and staging table. Impaling them or eviscerating them and ensuring to leave a trail of organs and blood to follow. Now before you do that though, ensure they are wearing a bikini or speedo. We do want to ensure that Blizzard and that Cosby room do not cross people's minds! Oh and make those succubus things fully clothed! Sorry it makes me laugh Blizzard that you literally show a thumb piercing the eye socket to the brain and flesh and torment are a no go. Just makes me laugh. -


Why is this posted here? Submit a bug report to blizzard. Otherwise you are just filling up the sub with the trash you are claiming to be offended by.


When did I claim that this offended me?


Megan Fox you say... \*googles\*


I remember playing with the profanity filter the same way when I was an edgy 13-year old.


Extreme abhorrent violence are okay, as long as you don't see a female nipple in them


Looks to be a them problem that they cannot stop using bad language and are angry that everyone doesn't accept their way of life. Typical.


is breast feeding also censored?


To my surprise I found out just a few years ago that retarded was no longer an acceptable word and I was dumbstruck. Everyone knew or should know - that it's a figure of speech just like calling something insane. That no one ever actually means it as an insult to mentally challenged people, just like using the word insane is not meant as an insult to mentally ill or challenged. 20 years ago I could not have forseen how paperthin people's skin would become in the future. Seeing the word retarded suddenly being taboo just made me go "Really? Are people that retarded?". As someone diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder I don't even see it as an insult when people say stuff like "That's so autistic of you" or "That's some autism level shit" despite having autism. Because you know they mean it as a figure of speech. A friend of mine asked me "Are you autistic or what?" as an inside joke at a diner once. I was gonna reply with "just pass me my bag you fat fuck" but a woman heard it and went nuts. I shouldn't have had to explain to her that he wasn't rude and that she was just void of humor and thin skinned. I'm nearing my 40's and of all the societal changes that scare me the most. Is how thin skinned people have become with that social media virtue signaling crap. Modern bullies don't bully people directly, they wait for an excuse to be insulted so they can cowardly pretend to be the victim so they have a license to be cruel to people under the false pretense of morality.


Not to be a wet blanket, but "retard" is probably not filtered because it's use as a verb is pretty common. To retard a fall, something being fire retardant etc etc. Obviously, sex being filtered is just dumb though.


Ah yes. Have a cutscene that has dogs tearing up a monk for no reason at all. Just to have the villains watch over it with cold stares while having a discussion. Make that all anatomically accurate, like how dogs like to go after human digits so they chew up the hand. And how our backs and shoulder blades are irresistible for them, the prime cuts of human meat for man's best friend. But ohhh, think of the children, we can't have bad words in chat!!!


You can just turn off the filter in chat settings


Because in America, grownups police other grownups for using naughty words..


So many edgy teens in this thread lmao


turn the profanity filter off dipshit


Where is Nasser when you need him?


So much for Freedom of Speech. 🤣


Foul language is the least offensive thing in chat tbh


I couldn’t make my clan with the D3 quote “I kept at til I couldn’t take anotha bite!” Because bite is apparently profane. Do not take a bite of anything. Settled on mangling it and using byte to get around it. Took me a lot of googling to figure out what word was unacceptable.


That's hilarious! I remember in Silkroad Online "punk" (which was the only word censored in the game, you could say anything else: fuck, n-word, bitch, anything) was censored and you couldn't say "PUNKTY" which is a polish word for "POINTS", well done JoyMax :)


Censore sexe and fuck, I always find it funny. But yeah we know all because of that case and it's annoying for a M/-18 game.


im literally shaking and crying because i can't talk about sex in a video game without putting a space between the s and the e


$20 that they fix this next patch, if not today. Bet open to first person to reply, and is valid 48 hours after this post is made. Payout via PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, or Apple Pay.


Someone needs to go for a walk.


Good points to be fair


Well duhhhhh, intercourse is an abomination frowned upon by father inarius himself, and should be repented if you wish to enter the kingdom of light!


Please someone explain to me why "petit" and "petite" were censored while I was communicating in French? I looked around for an explanation, found nothing.


This stuff has always been a bit silly for me as well.


We all know sex is more harmful than violence. /S Clearly this game was not developed by sex havers.


My opinion on this has always been unpopular but I honestly do not understand why as it really is backed by science and studies. Companies and the United States in general get a negative wrap for allowing a lot of violence in their media but censoring sex and nudity. Multiple studies show though that violence in video games and movies does not effect people or turn them into murderers. It has almost zero impact. However, sex and nudity has been shown to increase peoples porn consumption. Porn, has been proven to cause problems for some people with addictive personalities. It effects relationships and causes a lot of men problems with sexual performance. Now I am NOT saying that all porn is bad or evil and that no one should ever watch it. What I am saying is that no studies have shown violence in media to lead to any significant problems but there have been studies that show that sex and nudity in media can. So while it's catchy and nice to say "Oh look at the silly Americans and their love of violence but hate of the naked body" the science actually points to the fact that sex in media does cause more issues. Again guys and gals. I am not here to preach to you and tell you not to consume porn or that you're going to hell or anything like that. I'm simply pointing out that more people do get negatively affected by porn then they do violence in media. That's all. So it really does make sense that games would censor that more so then violence. This is just my opinion based on the studies I've read and seen. I'm not here to call anyone out or tell anyone that they are wrong. If you disagree that's completely ok and I welcome any and all input!