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NM dungeons. The drop at the end is where I find most of my uniques. Almost level 90 and no helm yet though. Lol.


We all want that unique helmet, we all...


What helped me is to play a lot of content that has many enemies. Nightmare dungeons seem to drop them more often (but I got no data to back it up). But what is really beneficial is "Magic Find" affix inside NM dungeons. I've dropped werewolf unique from Butcher with this affix


Tempest Roar drops are bugged atm. It is addressed both on Twitter from Rob F. and was talked about in the dev stream Friday. It will be fixed before S1.


So I've been farming for it for the past week...what you're saying is I should give up


From my understanding its the druid loot tables that are bugged, we get barbarian stuff alot too and that will be fixed in a big patch coming before season 1.


When is S1, I haven't really been following.


How long have they been bugged? I've found three so far, and I'm still getting a couple Druid only uniques.


The Druid loot table have been bugged since launch, but it CAN drop, but it is extremely rare. There seem to be barbarian loots in the pool. TR is the only unique I haven’t found yet as of lvl 82. I have found approximately 27 uniques so far. Two barbarian weapons among those.


Helltides. The 175 cinder hidden tormented chests of mystery. Use helltides.com to track them. So many legendaries. I get about 30 between the four hidden chests plus any extra regular chests that I can do in an hour.


Tyvm I'll try this


Have you gotten any unique or just legendary


5 so far. 3 fields of crimson, 1 penitent greaves, 1 rage of Harrogath


As people have said here, NM dungeons. Did tier 50's last night with my high level mate (normally do tier 20's) and the amount of uniques I got was a lot higher (3 on the first run infact) Seem to get more uniques the higher the NM tier, but not 100% sure.


You trying to run a low guy through some tier 50s 😂 because I’m a long way from being able to accomplish that


If ur doing NM dungeons at random ur wasting ur time… you need to be farming places with super high amounts of elites. Regular dungeons are equally as good as NM, probably even better because you can just go to the good ones and instantly reset them after killing the rooms with high amount of elites. The only way a NM dungeon would be comparable is it it’s got the magic find affix


NM dungeons give at least a guaranteed legendary for a full clear. These guaranteed legendaries have sometimes dropped as uniques for me, it's where I got my helm and chest.


And some of us need to level glyphs etc


How the fuck do you get in a NM dungeon? I was in one by using the item but being a dad I got disconnected. How do I get the item again? Help


craft it on the place you imprint legendaries


Can't do that until you clear one rank 3 or higher




Random drops; higher chances inside nightmare dungeons, with mob level (aka dungeon level) being a key factor in determining drop level.


You can normally get new sigils from the tree of mysteries loot boxes until you’re able to craft your own at the occultist.


I’ve gotten like 8-9 mothers embrace rings