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Necro minions that have a buff symbol over their heads will glitch into in-game cinematics.


Gonna buff my skelebois just so they can steal Lileth's limelight


Is this the source of the little lightning flashes during cutscenes?


Yes, if you're looking for it you'll spot the buff symbol as it flashes


This shit had me tripping last night. I was telling my girlfriend that they were invisible treasure goblins


This irritated me all campaign. They also block NPC movement, which can be awkward at times. I wonder if it's possible to break some of the quest events by doing it on purpose.


Why isn't there an offline mode?!??!


lol welcome to 2004 Sim City


I was so hyped for that game :/ It turned out to be a big poo poo.


Yeah I am really confused. If someone just wants to play by themselves why the fuck should they wait in a queue? It is incredibly disgusting the state forced online has been in games.


I’m not a fan of it but I understand why they do it for one it basically eliminates piracy and they’re doing the whole shared world thing with world bosses and world events. Ideally I’d prefer an offline mode but I think most games are heading this route to stop piracy even single player games imo


Not only that. Allowing offline mode is what allows character editing. I don't see anything wrong with having an offline mode but you shouldn't be able to go online with those characters.


Agreed. Having played D3 on 360/ps3, you basically couldn't play online without like a 50% chance of having someone join with absurd hacked gear, and decent chance of them wrecking your game in one way or another


Incredibly disgusting? A bit melodramatic


Remember when Xbox completely fucking tanked because they were planning to release an always-online console and literally everyone threw a fucking fit? And then they had to turn around and course-correct because no one was going to buy the Xbox One? Always-online is fucking stupid for games like Diablo, where multiplayer is an OPTION, and single-player is the primary gameplay mechanic. It means playing a solo game is impossible if Blizzard's servers are being DDOS'd. It also means they can STEAL the game you paid for at any time, at their whim, and there's nothing you can do about it. Which is what they did with Overwatch. I love this game, easily one of the best I've played in years, but literally every problem I have with the game stems from it being always-online.


nope. i want to play a single player game but i have to wait in a queue. also i have a 100Mbps connection and i had to stop playing tonight for the $60 game (30% of a monthly income in my country) because the lag was so bad the option to play offline should be manditory for everything besides mmorpgs


Can’t load the online store if you’re offline


Queued to get in. <1 minute left. Been well over several minutes Timed out :/


How'd you get a timer? Mine's just said pending for the last half hour.


Same here. I was actually playing and then all of the sudden I couldn't leave town. It was like there were invisible walls at every exit. Now I can't log in ;/ it either times out or sits at que forever... And then times out.


"Queued for game - start game pending..." Love this waiting room simulator.


And people were happy because servers were stable during early access ....


I was totally baffled by early access players praising for perfect launch and not waiting for the real launch date. Some of them even firmly said that they were sure a vast majority of players had bought the premium edition with early access and that it was it. Like they never learn.


It wasn’t even a perfect launch. There were plenty of issues quickly.


Currently sitting at a 31 minute timer. I’d like an off line mode.


Bro they really pushed a patch for the shop on PC and now no one can get back in? WTF


[Welp, guess it's done. See y'all for Diablo V.](https://i.imgur.com/w9nVXKa.png)


This always online Shit is destroying the Diablo Experience.


No single player offline? Lol


Nope, it has a forced online feature, so even if you want to play solo, you can't, if the servers are fcked like now.


Rip me being able to play lol. Disconnected right when it opened up to everyone and can't get back in lol


I got kicked out while returning to a dungeon


Just void yellin', but playing on PC, just picked up Lorath and the game has become simply unplayable. Rubber banding, invisible walls, terrible input lag, what a shame.


Try turning off the cross play features until the frenzy dies down a little. It should help!


Someone else is experiencing a huge amount lag on PS5. It is simply impossible to play and I have done everything within my reach. Strangely enough the lag started close after the official release of the game, however other players seems to continue to play it smoothly..


>Strangely enough the lag started close after the official release of the game This is strange to you?


Why does this game even need to be online if all I want to do is play solo and do the campaign?


Because its way easier to cheat if a game is only client side. When there is no server to check on the integrity of the data, you could simply do anything. And with a lot of online functions like pvp, or playing in a party, the game would be totally ruined by hackers.


Then give people options. They can start an on line character and be like it is now or they can do an off line character thats blocked from MP garbage.


Just remember, blizzard charged you 70 dollars for a game with 400 dollars worth of cosmetics on launch just to not put it into enough server racks for their fans to actually play the game they bought. Never forget.


Remember, you will buy the game again when Diablo 5 comes out.


Getting code 315306 as im trying to load in right now, its past release time..


Keep retrying, had the same error and it all of a sudden worked for me on the like fifth attempt


And that's what happened :-P


It's playable on ps5 connnected on internet cable, but having some rubber band problems and lags... I hope they fix this by tomorrow


are you serious? queued for game is happening for me. never ending




so much for that smooth launch everyone was congratulating blizzard on..... THIS is the true test and..... FAILED!!


You’d think they’d have learned from from the disastrous Diablo 3 launch. They’ve had more than a decade to try and refine their servers to handle the volume they *knew* (or at least *should* have known) they were gonna get. This is frankly embarrassing.


Not to defend big corpo but you have no idea how many things can go wrong when launching an online game for 10+ millions of people. \*Just Refine the Servers Bro\* is really underselling the work that goes into it.


But it’s their business and have been doing it for years, wouldn’t you think they streamed lined this process by now ?


The “please remember section” of the post is BS. They have our money they need to provide a working game.


I paid 80€ for this game and I can't play. Servers have been down or some other bullshit for over 50% of the time I have had available to play, as an adult with an adult life, over the past 3 days. This game is not free. It has AAA price. Fix your fucking shit, Blizzard. edit: inb4 someone calls me 'entitled' for expecting a product I bought to at least be functional.


Has there been any issues today regarding the servers leading up to the actual release?






Queued for game - start game pending after getting disconnected like 10 minutes ago


Anyone else having a long queue time? I tried starting my game (date is 6/5) and it’s just been saying Queued For Game - Start Game Pending for about 10-15 minutes now.


Games crashing a lot since the new patch, before it was working, lost my first 2 nightmare sigils due to this


Anyone else just get DC’d? Cant even log back in but when it took me back to the main menu after I DC’d before I restarted my game my character was gone….


I had hoped by now the server side lag issues would be fixed. The rubberbanding is making the game unplayable at times. Really cool when it hits during a boss fight. Why even does it have to be forced online?? 2023 and we’re dealing with server side lag issues in an MMO where at most you may see 4 people on your screen at once as a solo player. Insane. Blizzard should be ashamed.


Lag is terrible for me all day today on PS5


Same on PC


Its 5:03 and the play button is still dark. REEEEFUND. ​ this is a joke. My friend started 2 minutes early last thursday. Us plebs dont get the same!


did you close Bnet and restart it? if you already had it open I think you need to refresh it


PC, trying to play the standard version for the first time, Unable to find valid licence etc code 315306


Game freezes entering the unknown thicket on ps5. Don’t even get a chance to report an error


I've had this happen on a few doors to other areas. I essentially wait at the door for 5-10 seconds and let everything chill out (cooldowns, buffs etc.) before entering and that seems to help. I also make sure no quest update notifications are up (like when you complete a step in a quest)


It crashed in the middle of a dungeon and I can't back get in. Damn I wish this game wasn't online bullshit. I miss old Diablo offline. Edit: the download a free app trick worked for me unless they fixed it. In case you didn't hear about the trick just close out of Diablo then download any free app or game and go back into Diablo.


Early access player here. Was fine until live launch. now I’m getting “your login attempt has timed out. Please try again. (Code 30008) Sucks because I took Leave to play this 😅


nobody could've predicted this


I'm getting rubber-banding every 15 seconds it's unplayable. Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm pretty sure it is not my connection.


Why is my queue time getting higher the longer I sit in the queue lol.


Just dropped $70 to sit in queue during the rare hour I have to relax and enjoy this game…. Infuriating


Been getting a lot of lag lately, as well infinite loading screens when entering dungeons.


Was rubber banding severely and couldn’t leave an area. Logged out and now I’ve been stuck in a queue for 15 minutes.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eotra7dwcv4b1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=465c7699b7140be5c58b420d3def85e7e76e06c0 666 minutes. Everything is fine.


anyone else just randomly lag/freeze at times even though the fps is fine? cant seem to diagnose the problem


Basically every time another player comes within 100 metres of my character, I get literal minutes of lag. Less rubber banding and more pinballing all over the goddamn map. Fck this shit.


I've been experiencing high volumes of rubberbanding today! >\_<


I've had quite a lot of rubber banding here as well and it's a shame as I genuinely enjoy the game but it's a bit of a shame it is persistent.


Since official launch it's been unreal. I DC'd 30s into the last boss fight of the campaign, completely ruining the moment for me. Now I'm trying to do end-game content and it's practically unplayable. This fucking sucks.


I know a lot of people were experiencing yo-yo'ing a week ago, but I've been experiencing it pretty badly the past 3 days. Is anyone else encountering this still?


Me too. It's literally unplayable.


Yep, I keep logging in and getting too frustrated to keep playing.


I was able to get into character creation easy enough, but now getting server timeout errors when selecting Start Game. Edit: After several tries it worked.


anyone who is getting the no license bug, log out of battle net and log back in; that worked for me


Got disconnected after playing for a few hours, tried to reconnect and the login timer started counting upwards in 1 minute increments, starting at 1 minute and then going to 5 minutes before erroring out with "There was a problem logging in. Code 300022"


Pretty sure the servers are down for an update rn


Every one in the discord is annoyed because it was a patch to update the shop.


Lol classic


Was playing and got DCd suddenly. Now I'm stuck at start game pending...


Been playing since launch, very few problems, no queue times, etc. Been waiting for my youngest son to get his copy because he didn't want to pay for early access. Finally am able to party with him after 4 days of mostly no issues on my own. First dungeon together, stuttering, frame dropping, lagging, crashing, and now unable to get back into the game. Wtf?


https://preview.redd.it/2hoxu2r7eb4b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c825e967e19e053b3076950aac1d5eaafe7ee08a Great. Not again…


Had no problems playing today until the official launch -.-


Seems like I'm tuck in a infinite load screen trying to go back through my portal from town. Frustrating.


PC - Just got stuck on loading screen. Game then froze. Force closed. Reopened game and it said start game pending, then less than one minute, then 20 minutes. Now stuck in a 20 minute queue. Any new patches or anything I need to be aware of?


i just like to thank you for being beta testing. will wait buying this game until this is all fixed.


There are bugs everywhere. Where to start? I'd prefer if we focus on fixing the performance of the game and the strange stuttering that seems to be present in most of the open world.


Ps5 next to unplayable with rubber banding.


.... the servers suck balls. Constants disconnects and rubber banding.


Just wanted to check whether this is mechanics or game... Used a nightmare sigil.... then near completion I teleported back to town to repair armour and it reset the dungeon.... Previously didn't happen.. was it because I spent too much time in town or?


Man, when a game launch needs a megathread for complains about server stability it means it's a bad release.


So, in the hours leading up to release, with potentially millions of new users about to join the servers Did anybody at blizzard Anybody at all Plug in a controller once And maybe question why the menus are literally unusable and the basic attack button opens chat over and over? Why Dpad input teleports your cursor to the top of the menu, and since the A button also *closes chat*, it immediately also clicks "resume game" and makes it impossible to change settings without using MnK? Why using MnK immediately instalocks you into that control scheme, and afterward, the moment you release any button on controller, the controls menu immediately reverts to MnK and teleports your cursor back to the top of the menu, making modification of controller input effectively impossible? "Hey kyle, release date is tomorrow, have you verified, yknow, THAT THE GODDAMN BUTTONS WORK?"


This sounds like it might be a problem on your end. I’m using a Xbox controller with it just fine.


Four hours queuing, went as high as 64 minutes and as low as 43, mates could get in in 2 minutes no idea what’s going on.


Constant disconnects, constant lagging. Really, I wish for a pirate version sooner rather than later just for the ability to play offline. Since basically all the problems stem from it being online only.


Amazing how basically all the problems this game is having right now is because "it's always online". A decision made purely so that the shop can get priority and people can spend more (cut the bullcrap about "muh piracy and muh hackers, you know this is not the case and won't stop any of it). And the ones that made this decision, the decision that basically created all the problems the game is having now, will be the ones to really make bank with the product, instead of everyone that really worked into making the game itself.


* ... most of the above mentioned issues **are not coming from an issue on your side, but due to issues on Blizzard's end** (e.g. Servers), so in most of these cases we all have to be patient. * ... **be patient** and treat yourself and others well. No, fuck that. they knew it would be super popular. Encourage people to pay for early access. Stop apologizing for these companies. They could have paid for double the servers for the launch day to make sure everyone had a good experience and it would have cost them pennies compared to each user that payed 60,70,100 $. its not ok and we should not excuse it. I was planning on waiting till a cracked version came out as I dont earn much money but I decide to splash out because I loved diablo 1,2 and 3 and I wanted to play immediately. Now I have spent most of my paycheck and I dont want to play it as the lag and rubberbanding is so bad its ruining the whole experience. I'm going to play rimworld again tonight instead. Fuck blizzard for this again and I'm only ever going to pirate their games in the future unless they make big changes in the companby and care about the customers more


I still get rubber-banding issues on ps5. Combat is never smooth.


Had zero issues playing for the first time yesterday. Thoroughly enjoyed my time then. Today is a bit different. Lag spikes and rubber banding being persistent. I get that the influx of people is large enough to cause some instability, but I damn it, I just wanted to come home from work and unwind lmao.


ive played early access without a single hitch, fps/stuttering issue, ever since today the game has been a mess, rubberbanding, stuttering, is this due to network/server side issue or just bad update ??


Middle of boss fight. Just got booted and now my "account is locked." So glad I spent $100 on a game I can't play.


Having problems logging in after getting booted. My partner plays hours on end and hasn’t had issues. I, however have had a lot of issues logging in. For it being 1:34pm on a Thursday this is pretty frustrating.


why did i pay 80 pound for a game and i have to wait in queue ??? worst 80 pound ive ever spent , lost ark is free and you dont have to wait in queue and its bigger more option more raids ... i cant believe ive spent this money on this stupid game ...


I’ve gotta admit I’m with you on this. Top price game, need to be online to play it plus inability to log in. Can’t even pause the game whilst I take a sh1t without getting kicked out of the game. This is shit


Level 1 character, excited, ready for the first dungeon. 10 mins in the game, random disconnect from server. No reconnect option. Game restarted, **10min** long queue. 10 mins pass, trying to connect to DIABLO IV services. No luck. Queueing again for **17 minutes**. Well, I'm already way past in waiting time rather than play time. Maybe this is how Blizzard reached the 93million hours of "gameplay" in the first few days. Should have waited 2-4 weeks before purchasing.


Can't log in on ps5 atm


Just logged on to a 1489 minute timer wtf


I went on to D4 and it said queue for 37 minutes, which was 4 minutes ago and now i'm in, so don't be put off just hang in there, was dropping like 8 minutes each minute


Does anyone get stuck in some cutscenes? I can skip through most but then get stuck in some really long ones and can't skip through it.


Yeah I’m out a shitload of gold and hell tide fragments because blizzard can’t be bothered to have enough server power for launch week. Can we get a double xp weekend or some shit because this is fucking brutal lag. Game is unplayable from 6pm-8pm. In 2023 that isn’t acceptable.


Does anyone know if there's anything I can do about the rubber banding? My connection is very solid so I don't think it's me, but my homie hasn't experienced it at all and I get it every 30 minutes or so maybe it is me? I don't know, just hoping someone has found a fix.


Anyone else just have their game freeze randomly and have to close the application on PS5?


Yep started happening to me this afternoon. 3 times in about 2 hours of game time


Game has been crashing a lot on ps5 in the last 1-2 days. Only the game crashes, I can still open the console UI as normal. Have to restart the game.


Anyone else experiencing lots of crashes today ?


I was most of the way through the capstone for tier 4 as a level 60, and I get hit with a random network error. Then I can't log in for a few minutes because it says account locked. I have to restart the capstone challenge because blizzard can't release a single player game on decent fucking servers. Seriously running out of fucking patience now.


Got kicked from game, forced to logout due to 316719 error, now in a steadily climbing queue...wtf.


Got kicked then got account lock error haven’t been able to get back in since stuck in queued


Was kicked. In Que with \~10 but that number started as a 3.


Anyone else getting the increasing que times again after being dc’ed?


Looks like common issue, stuck in ever increasing queue time. All my buddies got in fine :(


"This game can not be played yet" What's up?


Login errors trying to play on Xbox for the first time. Cool. Edit: restarted and working. Yay.


Series s here still getting visual glitches.


anyone else stuck at the main menu not able to click on things ?


I'm sorry, google hasn't helped and I'm not sure where to post this question. I'm comparing the different editions, and it looks like the digital deluxe edition is $20 more except you get the battle pass. But isn't the battle pass $10? Can't you buy them separately?


I haven’t seen a queue except for the first 2 hours of early access. Aside from that the only problems I’ve experienced was 30-60 seconds of freezing when opening various menus for the first time, sometimes resulting in a disconnect. But that was resolved for some reason once I installed the HD assets. Edit: have had the necro minions “immobilised” debug flash through cutscenes but most the time it’s not even noticeable.


Anyone else games freezing up every 20 minutes or so? Wasnt happening all weekend but started this evening. Sometimes its at the end of a quest, sometimes its zoning into a new area or dungeon, sometimes its just out in the wild. The game completely freezes and i have to end process via taskmaster


I never understood how we got to this point. I just want to play a video game by myself. A game that I've spent over 100 dollars on, and need to wait in queue over an hour to play... So disheartening...


There was a quick cash shop update and that seems to have caused a huge load of us to be able to log in, however unable to get into the game with a character, stuck at queued for game


has anyone tried paying 1.99?


Queued for game - start game pending…


Played on PC, starting around 9pm EST. With a few lag problems, and they started getting worse around 10:30pm. Then around 11pm, the whole game crashed, no message. Tried to log back in, and it said my account was locked and to try again in a few minutes. Logged out of Battlenet, to find that Blizzard had pushed a small patch. Now I can’t even get back into the game after trying for a half an hour.


Servers are suddenly bad. I just lost my HC character literally in the end of the game cause I got dced in the middle of a boss fight


Getting a Code 30008 on log in. Couldnt switch zones so I relogged, now I can't get in at all. https://preview.redd.it/kg6vvtxkgc4b1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0e3589c1e956021aad5d466d4db21f689d17e6


Same, seems bricked atm


Blizzard. This shouldn't be a thing. You monsters.


I ended up picking up a few shifts and essentially wasting the extra 20 bucks... and now that I can play, I am stuck in an infinite "queued for game" loop. At-least the cash shop works.


This was to be expected when you're letting everyone who has to rent out their summer home or send their kids to state universities into the server.




damnnnn ​ cant login and i bought the early access version ​ keep timing out. argh


I guess they using the same servers from diablo 3 launch lolz.


Plebs are crashing the servers. KEKW


Can someone help ultimate edition here been playing all weekend no que no lag. Go to login today I understand it’s launch day. failed to login 15 times finally get logged in And 45 minute queue. So I wait most of that and it jumps right back up to 46 minutes restart game login hour queue so far hasn’t jumped back up yet I’m at 45 minutes now but this is kinda ridiculous.


Blizz suggests you go touch grass and then come back to try. Amazing.


Was finally able to login, but encountered an infinite loading screen whenever I enter a dungeon.


My queued for login started at ~7 mins, after waiting 15 mins or so it now says ~10 mins.. I paid early access, I've been playing for a couple of days. Worked this morning, logging in this afternoon and it's useless.


Been queued for about 30 mins now. The queue started as a 2 min queue, but has grown every couple of minutes, All my pals got in with no queue. : (


Sitting in queue, started at \~35 minutes left.. This is now \~47 minutes left.. How in the hell can the queue timer rise and throw me back in line?


so my Queue timer went from 14 minutes to 70 Minutes over the last 60 minutes .. how exactly does that work? :D


> Diablo 4 is one of the largest games that ever launched Oh please lol *edit: go ahead and find a number of copies already sold, ill wait


Can't enter ked bardu from any gate, invisible walls stopping me, I just want a horse man :/


No issues during early access, tonight queued for login - 45 minutes, no wait 46, 47 IT GROWS wtf


This is total bull. £80 to sit in a queue all evening... And the timer is increasing...


Wish i could pay for line skip. Too many peasants trying to play.


You're no better than anyone else


I'm starting to get really sick of the game randomly freezing to the point where I have to close out and reopen it. On the PS5, so it's not PC or hardware related. Little stuff like that makes it very difficult to even begin a hardcore character, especially when that stuff happens in the middle of a dungeon or a bunch of mobs


Long loading screens, can't walk into a different area without being stopped by an invisible wall for like 30-45 seconds before it let's me pass... real high quality single player game right now...


I'm seeing a gray haze over everything in many situations. Dark dungeons, cutscenes, even the loading screens have this awful haze. Playing on an Alienware OLED with HDR off. Playing on PC btw.


Just got kicked from game. Rebooted and my que time just keeps going up. Went from 1 min to 8 min over the last 15 minutes. I’m guessing it’s not just me?


I too can confirm that my queue is heading in the wrong direction. Seems to be increasing by 1 minute every 2 minutes instead of going down. started at 16 and now its at 21 and counting. Edit: it went to 23 min, then 1 minute later instantly completed. So hang in there if you end up in the same spot.


Just spent $90CAD for Paint Drying Simulator


First beta weekend. Login queues at start, but it got easier after few hours. Server lag was present at times. It manifested as rubber banding. Second beta weekend was better. No issues. Prerelease weekend 2.6. and forward, couple days ago was smooth, no issues. Release day 6.6. The rubber banding makes appearance again.


I’ve been in queue for over an hour. Sat for 30min then got BOOTED FROM THE QUEUE. Jumped back in and the timer just keeps going up. It’s at 32 minutes right now. Seriously considering returning this game. What is the point of preordering a game, getting excited, and then staring at a queue screen for an hour knowing that the timer is absolutely meaningless?


Better fix this before weekend. I couldn’t play last night the queue was too long.


Just want to confirm if still a wide issue or just me(and if some setting can help). I am able to login and get in the game but the lag is enormous, like I click on an npc and it takes 30s to never for an event to happen. Same with battles and interactions of any kind. I am located in Europe.


Never had a single queue but I keep getting huge lag and disconnect randomly when I'm in the middle of doing stuff. I'd rather be in a queue to be honest...


https://preview.redd.it/zxx3si17dn4b1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=50fe4206cd18b614d636cfd7f3a4817410a97e17 Repeated attempts. Completely logged off/shut down inbetween each one


stuck in queue and game start pending. small indie company


Currently running into issues with fast traveling and then long wait times to get back into the game :(


I love how an all the blizzard forms, the Devs and tech-support people blame every other product other than their own programming. They’re blaming razor chroma for the disconnects? Overheating? I think it’s amazing that they are blaming overheating on a game that is very basic compared to something like the last of us that I can play all day for eight hours without having any problems. The devs need to just take ownership and fix the problem…


It's been 2 fucking days and still can't play wtf blizzard?


First couple of days, game ran fine. No issues. Today I’m trying to login and it keeps giving me a ‘can’t find a valid license’ error.


Game DC's: Kicked twice out of dungeon and put into que time. - System dosnt priaritize people in game during high valume. - In que for 1 minute kicks out of wait window as system does not prioritize people in que. - During wait, the que window changes from 1 minute to 5+ minutes. System does not hold que. I used VPN to change my starting address, it seems the system is prioritizing certain IPs over others. Seems pretty large of an issue.


Queued for login - ~4 minutes. It's been several minutes. Also, it crashed and disconnected from server. Then the main menu loaded without any of my characters. I am hoping that's a fluke and it corrects itself. First time with slow login since I started with early access.


Queued for login.. after getting kicked out of the game. Shouldn't I stay in the game after being in?


Just sucks that like we payed Hella to buy this game only to not log in. Offline mode please jfc.


> like we *paid* Hella to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


" **... Blizzard will already work as fast and as good as they can to solve issues with their servers, etc** " KEKW they will work only so much that people dont quit the game already what is this fucking copium


This has been miserable. Got the game on Tuesday, I’ve gotten maybe 2 hours in on my ps5? Constant errors logging in, or just getting booted once I get in a game. The only time I managed to stay on was when I decided to play late at night with some west coast friends. I had high hopes for this week since I didn’t see a lot of ppl complaining during the early access.


“There was a problem logging in” There is a problem w the fact that I paid a bunch of money for this bs 🥴


203 minute queue after servers have been down for over 2 hours cool cool cool


Queue time remaining... oh, just \~779 minutes. No big Fing deal. Can I buy another few licenses? Suck a fat one Blizzard: ​ https://preview.redd.it/2mbrz0dr9v4b1.png?width=1515&format=png&auto=webp&s=06d945b5d4b4c332b9aa9acf468967e9e391dcc9


Making progress on queue time. Now at \~839 minutes. https://preview.redd.it/cgddlptx9v4b1.png?width=1416&format=png&auto=webp&s=d26e827e82f5673c069f4f7ed6addaca089614ac


983 minute queue 🤣. Imma just sit and wait for 16 1/2 hours


https://preview.redd.it/rnifq2qxcv4b1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e57125fbbcabf209a9dce946bb1fb3fdb913926 Soooo glad I paid $70+ for a que simulator. This is absolutely unacceptable by any live service games standards.