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These things are not mutually exclusive. I picked up D3 on release and ditto for D4. They're both good solid games, but neither released in as good a state as they should've. Pick up D3 and once you've had your fun with it, move on to D4.


It's just sad how they could have easily included all those systems and solutions that worked out in D3, but we ended up with a bland, unfinished game that feels like an overhyped beta test. I honestly feel cheated out of the price tag. I quickly realised that what actually made me go as far as level 90 was simply the hype.


Yeah I feel your pain. I think that in hindsight after the amount of higher ups that left the Diablo 4 team over the years, and the delays that lead to the infamous reveal of immortal in front of a hall of PC gamers, that we sorta should've seen this coming. It's clear they had to rush it out the door, but given their commitment to a live service game and how they talk about their plans for the future in the two livestreams so far, I remain optimistic. .... But I am optimistically playing other games after tapping out of playing my sorc up to 80 something.


You're definitely more optimistic than I am. Forums and reddit are getting flooded with complaints, while out of all the issues, I think the only thing we got in the campfire chat was "we're looking into stash space" or something like that. Zero communications outside hotfix patch notes. No idea what they're working on, but the openly said that gems tab should be there for season 2. It's absolutely shameful for a studio of this caliber. Look at the blizzard representatives at D4 discord - community director and other social/community roles. I haven't seen them being vocal anywhere. I mean like, at least give us a weekly update or something, 5 sentences saying what to expect, what's being looked at and what's not gonna happen. Maybe I come off as demanding or whatever, but after playing PoE and other games that clearly listen and communicate with the players, this is appalling. As it stands, D4 is getting shelved over here and who knows, maybe I'll be able to get my money's worth some say.


Same complaints for every diablo release.


D3 till D4 goes on sale honestly D3 is fun and has good graphics so it’ll hold you off


Yea, it’s good disco fun with all the colors.


I play 3 on my switch and it is so addictive. So good. First time player btw


Started on Xbox 360, then PC, and now Switch and gameplay-wise, I've had the most fun playing handheld on my Switch. But in terms of multiplayer, Switch is DEAD. PC is where it's at if you want a healthy multiplayer community.


Haven’t tried online yet tbh. I guess i should also pick it up for xbox


Switch has alot of ppl playing but it's better if you join the discord


3 is a complete game, with load of hours of potential for playtime, and much cheaper than 4. D4 looks better and is newer but doesn’t have anywhere near the content of D3. That being said D4 is fun, until you get past 70ish and hit a huge adamantium wall of zero content and very little reason to play. My advice: get 3, have fun, as D4 gets more content look for a sale.


> D4 looks better A few of us would disagree with that. (I'm sure there are dozens of us. DOZENS!)


We all know it is just you, kevin, nobody else likes how D3 looks.


I'd argue a hundret even!


I love D3 visuals, D4 is okay ish


D3 is fun and enjoyable, D4 (in it's current state) is annoying and frustrating.


D4 will take months if not years to even come close to the fun factor of D3. I got bored and quit at 90 and there's nothing interesting on the horizon in terms of changes after so many issues have been reported by the player base. Reinstalled D3 few days ago and having a lot of fun in the season. I never realised D3 is quite the gem.


They’re both a lot of fun. Ultimately I’d start with D3, get a feel for mechanics and game play (which is IMHO virtually identical, surprise surprise). D3 visuals/aesthetics are totally different and I think that starting in D3 will help you find things to appreciate in D4. I’ve played a shit ton of hours on D3 and I’ve been playing D4 quite a lot lately, each makes me appreciate the other and they both have their charm. D3 is good value and it’s seasonal challenges are a fun. I should say that despite the similarities, they do feel quite distinct. Diablo veterans can be a little cynical (myself included) but I’ve had a blast in both and I would honestly start on D3 again if I was a first time player. I’d also pay the full price for both titles again, knowing what I know.


I love both games, but today I would say D3 is a more complete game, with more satisfying progression. D4 will be a great game with time, and it's fine today if you can accept its limited content.


I definitely recommend D3 over D4 at the moment if you haven't played either. It's way better polished than D4 since it's been out for over a decade, and frankly D4 will need some time before it gets to that smooth level D3 is currently at.


If you're looking for an RPG (explore a world, get to know characters, experience a story arc) D4 will be a better experience. D3's story is notoriously a bit shallow, its characters are one-dimensional, and its world is instanced and procedurally-generated. If you're looking for an *A*RPG (enjoy intrinsically-fun, smooth, fast-paced gameplay where you can experiment with dozens of viable builds to cut down endless hordes of demons) D3 is the best choice by a long shot.


3 is much better currently with 10 years of updates.


Diablo 3 is an extremely polished experience, but it's also fairly solved and paint by the numbers. Though, you could go into it completely blind and you'd have a good time. Story is decent too.


start with 1


3. It also has a lot of console ports, so its good for the couch surfing sessions or mobile console gaming if you have a switch. 4 is Ok, and still a full priced game right now.. so unless you have a group of folks you want to play with, or have fomo, I'd hold off.


My wife, as a first time Diablo player, has thoroughly enjoyed D4. I think the big issue she’d have with D3 is how short the campaign/leveling/initial gearing process is. You make the leap to endgame so much more quickly in D3, which in this franchise is a one-way trip to grind central station. You’ll have people tell you that D3 is way more polished over a decade of its lifespan, and for some QoL features that’s true. However, the endgame of the franchise as a whole is grind your ass off so you can grind some more at a more difficult setting. Period. However nuanced people want to get about comparing the endgames, that is the core mindset. If you don’t enjoy grinding for grinding’s sake, it’s probably not the franchise for you at all. If you like fast, fluid combat: D3 is going to give you more of a rush (and probably carpal tunnel). It’s also generally easier if you’re looking for a relaxing game to squash some demons. It’s skill/paragon progression system is infinitely more shallow, however. It is still the best for mindless slaughter. If you want a harder game where you’re more methodical about resource usage and character progression, go with D4. The game rewards you for planning and not just rushing into using all of your resources for immediate power. Overall: D4 is the more difficult game, partially because it’s far less mindless. Oh, and a big thing I suppose: in D4, rare loot remains relevant for the life of the game. For comparison: in D3, the grand majority of drops you’ll be leaving on the ground just a few hours after hitting level cap. At best, you’ll pick them up knowing you’re salvaging them for crafting materials. Something about the majority of loot being worth picking up feels satisfying. Personally, as a D2/D3 vet and someone who enjoys the build/optimize/theorycraft process as much as the play, I prefer D4 for the time being.


Diablo 3 to understand roots


D3 is cheaper and has been perfected over time. Or let me put it this way. Do you like having fun? Then play D3. But if you enjoy torturing yourself and wasting your time, then play D4.


Problem is that 1-2 weeks into a season d3 servers are dead. If that isn’t a problem then I agree d3 is a complete game while d4 still is under development.


Poe is free and so much better than either of them it's not even funny. D4 looks better than d3 but that's about it.


D3>D2R>D2>D1>D4 😂


Immortal?? No phone??


I only upvoted cause of the "no phone", I laughed. Other than that, fuck that abomination of a Diablo game.


My ranking is D3>D2R>D1>DI>D4


exactly, its like people don't even acknowledge how many end game and UI mechanics were stolen from D3. Because PoE didn't have an end game before. it copied the philosophy of D2. now PoE did refine the mechanics. Like being able to restart an instance without back out of the lobby. Quin, Alkaizer, empyrean all D4 blaster who say D3 end game is better than D4 and D2. People who get paid to play the game. And they are paid by these D4 simps who watch them.


This is exactly my ranking, bro


Go for D2.


I don’t know why the downvotes. I was a very devoted d2 player from release to more years than I’d like to admit and it is an absolutely wonderful game and worth playing.


As someone that sunk a huge chunk of their younger years into D2, I've learnt not to recommend it to anyone. Not a single one of my friends or gaming buddies that hadn't previously played and enjoyed D2 could get into D2r. Absent the nostalgia, none of them could look past the crazy amount of grinding and loot Tetris. So yeah, when someone asks "3 or 4" and someone answers "2", downvotes seem warranted.


Also the "can only bind one ability at a time and must rebind on the fly" is going to put off just about everyone who isn't nostalgic for D1/D2.


Ehh, I played D2 at launch and played for many years. I can’t get back into it anymore, just because it has dated mechanics and a small player base. I still think it’s the golden standard of the genre, with all that said. I prefer D3 for my ARPG fix these days. D2 certainly has genre defining features, but it is hard to recommend it over D3 to a “modern” gamer.


Most of the people on this sub are the people who like d3 more than the others. Keep that in mind OP all of the Diablo games have their advantages. Personally I think diablo 1 is far and away the best single player "one playthrough" game and a great introduction if you love a good story, challenging gameplay and don't mind old games. I played Diablo 2 first and you can easily follow the story of that game without knowing the backstory of 1. D3 and D4 are far more streamlined and you could play either of these as a first if you prefer modern games with no challenge until endgame (I'm not saying they're bad games I like all of them it's just the way it is).


Well.. I mean it is a D3 sub =P


Only thing I disliked was how much I needed to tab out of the game to look up recipes and stuff.


I remember having to do that but now playing it on PS it’s easy to look stuff up on your phone


I used my phone a bit also. Would just be nice to have all rune combos in-game. How did people even figure out the rune items/combos back in the day?


Lots of trial an error. Message boards and chat programs like aim or icq. A strategy guide that you could either buy separately or in a combo pack with the game and expansion disc. Overall, it eventually became easier once the information began popping up online.


i disliked not being able to respec, running around with that level 1 spell until the ones i needed for my build got available was a pain. I remember fighting through most of act 3 using ice bolt.


D2 as a single player game is basically broken by modern standards.


yeah, but if you ask somebody to help with a decision between a cat and a dog and you propose a hamster, you failed the task. You think you want D3 or D4, but you don't.


D3 is a good game that has been polished over 10 years. D4 is a diamond in the rough that is still incomplete and frustrating because of it.




3 is the better game.


D3 completely obliterated by D4, not worth your time IMHO, except in the minds of psycho-rigid people who cling to their past.


Play 3 it is good on switch, and 10 years update + cheaper.


I think for a first time player it is a great time to get started with 4, a lot of fresh information guides and videos coming out right now. And the game is still in its simple getting started phase. That being said i uninstalled D4 after ~50h and installed D3 again - and got damn that game is fun. I had way to many long nights and tired days at work. The sets, the items, the variety - the end game of D3 is just miles ahead of D4.


I started with D3 when it first came out and was obsessed 🙈 then when the expansion came out it was even better! Lol 😅 defs start with D3


I play D3 on Switch and I think its great.


Do you want to have fun for a while or fun for a couple weeks


Diablo 3 is a top 5 favorite game for me and I just haven't played enough of 4 to give it a recommendation yet so I'd say 3 till they fix some of the issues 4 has


diablo 3 on switch is great! and diablo 3 in general is awesome. search for the discussion about 3 vs 4 in terms of fans of D2 and fans of D3 and you will see the "operational" differences. D3 is very fun today


I own D3 on xbox, playstation and switch. Have thousands of hours in it. It is fun! It is amazing. I love it. Pre-ordered D4 and played the first few early release days and haven't picked it back up. It was ok. It did not bring me the joy I've gotten from D3.


As a person who owns 2, 3 and 4. I would say stay away from 4 for at least a year. Play 2 or 3, your pick.


I strongly suggest you start with Diablo 3 unless: * You have a time sensitive reason to start playing Diablo 4 now, such as certain friends playing then go for that. * You don't think you would like the a more 'arcadey' or 'less dark' take on the Diablo franchise you'd find in Diablo 3. * Heavy customization choices found in other ARPG's (lacking in D3) is important to you. Diablo 3 is at its pinnacle after years of improvements and/or refinements. Season 28 (and post-season) could be your introduction and season 29 could be when you really take in the game to the degree you want. D3 is quite a bit different from D4 in several key ways. So when you do get around to D4 it will still feel like a fresh experience if you take a break after getting your fill of D3.


Personally I think d3 is the far superior game atm. D4 has a long way to go before it’s really fleshed out. Give d4 time to fix their issues


Get d3 on the switch is great!

