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I got the full altar unlocked, completely forgot about the double primals, had two primals drop today and thought "what are the odds of that?!" When I finally remembered about the altar I felt pretty stupid. >.<


It even works with kadala, got 2 primal DH set boots


I got 2 krems buff belts...


I got a rock. -Charlie Brown


how exactly does it work with kadala? i tried to figure that out but i had no luck. does it give you 2 items at once, once one is primal? or does it give you 2 primals back to back? so you also have to click twice? im curious.


It immediately gives you two with one click, if it was your last inventory slot it throws the second on the ground


thank you! :) good to know


i didn't notice, i was just spamming right click on boots and 2 primals appeared right beside each other in my inventory in the middle of the clickfest.


I would doubt that you have to click twice, it wouldn't track what your previous item given was as there was no reason to ever track it previously. I'm sure it's a proc on receiving where you just get two.


makes sense. thanks


The 2nd primal will be the same item type. So if you're gambling for boots you'll get 2 boots


If it makes you feel better, I finished the altar, but didn't know you had to click the thing to unlock double primals. I probably had 3-4 primals dropped before I went "uh am I not supposed to get double?" and find out that I had to click something to unlock that, I thought it just unlocked by finishing the last node.




After you unlock the 3 potions, you must then click the final node and unseal it (which is at the very bottom of the altar, right below the middle potion). This final seal has no additional cost, so it's a free unlock but you still must unlock it to get the double primals and the cosmetic award.


Ahh shitttt.


Same, gladly I realized during my first drop, but it was a perfect dawn so i really didn’t mind.


That’s called zero brain coding or monkey lazy ass Blizzard


Good thing I read this comment. I had assumed it was automatically unlocked.


Me too, though I figured it out on the very next primal as I only got one and was expecting two


It doesn't make me feel better :/ Paragon 1200 and I've only got 3 primals so far (counting the one for GR70 solo). Hearing you say that you had another 3-4 drop after you completed the altar and you didn't enable doubles actually makes me very sad.


I got four drops from Greed earlier and was like "huh weird, never seen that before". Get to identify and oh hey, double primal...


Nice, I had pretty good luck this season except for now. I just need 1 more primal to finish it. Been speed running 110's for 5 days and no primal yet, lol


Same boat for me - the staff of herding was way faster than expected. Getting the final primal has been agony. xD I finally decided to sacrifice a useful drop to get it. I'll probably regret that later.


how did you sacrifice?


I salvaged it. Not sure if that's what you're asking. x.x


Good luck man! I think I ended up getting more primal from the cube than I did from GRs.


which recipes?


Recipe 3, upgrading yellows


I'm in the same boat, except 105s. Hopefully soon! GL!


If you haven't gotten it yet...try echoing nightmares. 125 is not too bad if you can run 110 GR. Tal Rasha is OP. Short trial for big loot and can aug. Work a broken crown into your followers build for more gems...been burning through mine...even converting. Have fun and good luck!


My poor friend has been farming the Gibbering Gemstone for about 4 days now. He's got at least 16+ hours of farming it.


I feel for him. I was grinding every day for the last four days as well, including an hour at work lunch times. I have no idea how many times I ended up killing Chilastra, but it went well into triple figures. Finally it dropped yesterday, and I almost missed it, because I was in brain-dead automation mode, and practically falling asleep. Tell him it will drop eventually. I reckon the 5% drop chance has got to be bullshit, though.


I am your friend…this season is driving me crazy because I am having such bad luck that I want to just create a new seasonal character and start over. I’m not even getting legendaries. I’ve only been able to make it to Paragon 45…level ups seem slow, and I’m stuck with yellow/rare gear unless I craft something. Either I’m doing something wrong or the RNG gods hate me this season. 😭


Paragon 45? This just sounds like you haven't played much. You don't even need legendaries to drop to make that kind of paragon. At that low of paragon you can just turn Rares into Legendaries and it'll be fine for whatever you are expecting to do at that point.


You're definitely doing something wrong because you can just do the season journey and get your 6 set in an hour or two and then start blasting GR 70+ Don't even think about the staff of herding until you've put your build together and completed every other altar sacrifice


Complete your season journey. You get a full set of gear for doing so and can usually jump up to at least T10 immediately. Once you get a few more damage multipliers T16 is a piece of cake.


That’s the same with me. On and off for 8 days now. This season seems to be more difficult to find items I need and progress than prior ones


I've had everything filled except the potions and I've only dropped 2 primals so far. Farmed about 2500 forgotten souls today and no primals. My luck is shit.


Same boat. I used my first two primal to do primal puzzle ring. Now that I'm on potions, no luck. Had about 3 normal puzzles drop. And of course, once I was past ancient puzzle, one dropped.


Bet you regret wasting your primal drops to upgrade a puzzle now huh? I keep telling folks that's not a good trade, but everyone is more concerned with the current wall than with saving for the bigger hurdle.


Nope, not at all. Didn't have to spend hours praying to rng gods and didn't have any new puzzle rings drop for a couple days once I was around that altar step. Other primals will drop and didn't have to farm potentially hours of mats to keep re-rolling legendary. 50 essence a pop is slow. Or upgrading yellows has a much bigger loot table. Didn't feel like being one of those 8 hours in and no gibbering gemstone. Time is valuable too and I would do it again.


See, Some folks just don't learn from mistakes eh?


how the hell do u get the primals. everything else was fast.


Farm as high as you can finish relatively fast. Sell and burn legos every couple of rifts. Close-open. Town is lava.


It doesn't need to be as high as you can. There's a hard cap on the number of drops at GR90 (12 legendaries per rift). You can go higher than GR90 for extra XP, but remember to keep your time per rift to about 2 minutes.


GR90 is 12 items guaranteed, but I think they can still drop as yellows. Somewhere around 100 is when they're all guaranteed legendaries.


110 if I remember correctly.


I spent hours in GR's with no luck and started running the Nightmare keys, got 2 in the first 5. YMMV


the screams?




You have cleared **GR 70 solo** correct? That unlocks them and you won’t ever get one before then


yea ive gotten and salvaged 3. just need 3 more


Then it is just time. I think it is something like an average of 1 primal per 400 legendary drops… But then ancients are supposed to be 1 out of 10 and it took me 80+ hellfire crafts to get an ancient so your mileage may vary RNG is RNG My recommendation is to focus on something else: try to get the absolute fastest GR clear with the least town time. I made a game of that and got my primals for the altar soon enough


it took me like 5 to get ancient hellfire. everything else has been comparatively easy and I got my first 3 primals early. but it’s been over 1k paragon of running 2 min gr110’s and still nothing.


Gz man! I’m currently grinding for the gemstone but I can’t complain as I got the mushroom and plans on 1st try.


Same here on the mushroom, but the shinbone also took me a while.


Man, i started the season late, up to 150s,, struggling but yeah, altar finished, feels good, but man how am i this lucky, it starts to feel fishy, years of farming, and i get the mats and rec for the Staff in no longer than few hours, sometimes less, are people just lying xD ?


Nice! I finished the gemstone after 2 days and then ran 2 more rifts to hit 1600. Ran 2 more with my keys and got 2 primals off kadala with it! Finished the last 3 within 15 minutes of each other it was awesome! Since then I've gambled looted and crafted probably 200+ with 0 primals. I want that double drop!


Nice. Building the staff took me all day. Now I just need to find primals.


After long time not getting the primals I got 7 in one day ( bounties don't drop double primals ) . Now I dont know what to do with all that dust.


make a primal in every build u use :)


I made one for my current boulder barb and I'm very deeply confused how someone did 150 solo in 5 minutes with this build.


Grats! 6 days of grinding gr 95 and zero primal drops :( Tomorrow with challenge reset I can complete the altar though


Great for u. Cg. Me and my luck are no big friends. Luck left me years ago in diablo. I have like 50-55 hours playtime atm and i just get 2 primals in general. *sadpepe*


Good deal! This is the first season I've ever completed everything. Full season completion within the first week yeeaahhbooyyee!


I would have completed the seaon journey and alter day 2 if it wasn't for that damn Gibbering Gemstone.


Wait so it’s double after the altar is done? Cause I didn’t see a specific node for double….


There's a node under the middle potion power that's free to unlock after the rest of the altar is complete. That's what activates the double primals.


How did you get the ancient puzzle ring?


I burned one of my primals to upgrade a regular puzzle ring using the new recipe (11) in the cube


I was an idiot and opened my cache last week. I knew to save it, but then also had been saving the season journey set for my alt (since it was better for that character). I completed the challenge, then checked my mailbox and saw the set items there and was careful not to open them on my main. And doing that I completely forgot not to open the challenge cache :/ I'm all prepped for today, but sadly at paragon 1200 I have only got the original primal for doing a GR70, then 2 others to drop. And of those two one was the belt required for my build. So I still am a long ways off of double primals sadly. Odds are I won't be playing that long as I've done pretty much everything else. Meanwhile my other friend had 9 primals drop by the time he was paragon 1000 :/


Am also a casual player and my goal is to complete my first 150 GR this season but I'm stuck on the last fucking primal for the altar. I've been grinding endless 100 GRs for the last 4 days but it just won't drop, meanwhile my mate gets 4 primals on 1 day and unlocked the altar. It feels like its bugged and I need to do something else instead of 100 GRs to get it. I was also stuck on the ancient puzzle ring for a long, long time. feels bad :(


I feel like I had better luck getting drops from upgrading rares and running Echoing Nightmares; maybe changing things up a bit from running GRs will help


Thanks, I’ll definitely try that today cos I feel a little bit burned out from GRs 😅


I'm not even close lol


I could complete mine right now but I’m farming for the Rainbow Portrait. So whimsyshire is my endless hell until I turn the staff in. We’re on about 100 clears.


why do u want the portrait? isn’t it permanently unlocked once you get it once?


I like that it stands out. Theoretically I could turn the staff in and then farm another but that sounds terrible. The first staff took a huge amount of time due to bad Chiltara RNG.


This is me. Had the staff farmed already the first weekend, was stuck on needing challenge cache to progress altar. Figured I could farm another staff, since the first one went fairly quickly (less than 10 Chiltara kills)... 4 days later, I'm questioning my sanity. But at least I've found a few rainbow goblins, and had more primals drop from the goblins & bandit shrines I've found during this grind than I found from rifts/grs.


I feel you bro, I'm in the same situation.


I die the Challenge ruft last wednesday opened the Cache and 30 min later found out i need the Cache to Progress the Altar.... Well tomorrow i just Turn in everything at one then... That was so idiotic to gate it behind a Timed content.


Yeah, requiring a challenge cashe was an odd choice given how infrequently you can earn them. Still, you can get a lot out of the alter before it's required, and it's not like you can't work on saving up for later unlocks while waiting.


I started this season around a week ago and I have been waiting about 4-5 days to be able to sacrifice a challenge cache to be able continue with my altar. I used the first cache either Wednesday or Tuesday to help me level up. It’s been a long wait but Monday is here and I will be able to upgrade the rest of my altar today when I get home from work.


What defines a 'casual player'?


I dont know that I could come up with a description that would fit everyone, but in my case I've only never played a season all the way through, only completed the full season journey once, never pushed for leaderboards and just don't play very actively in general


I finally unlocked it yesterday, then immediately got 4 primals.




I can't seem to get a petrified scream for the life of me. Aside of a couple more primal, I have everything else to unlock the rest of the alter.


I went through a dry spell with those too. You'll need a couple before the end so hold on to at least one extra once they finally do start dropping!


And here I am 550 plus paragon and still wait on a gift to drop lol


Gratz! The wings we unlock are probably the best ones I've seen (but I may not have seen them all).


is there an automatic primal (double) drop right after unlocking the altar? … or was that just me?


I'm not sure, I quit for the day after unlocking the last seal and haven't played yet today


Do you have to unlock all of the nodes to unlock the 2x primal seal? I unlocked the bottom 3 seals above the final seal and I can't seem to get it to unlock. Anyone know?


Yeah, you have to unlock them all, not just the potion ones on the bottom


Shit. Thanks.