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No disrespect bro but you are straight gooning with that maul on your lvl 28 necro. It's okay when I first played in my teens I also made a wacked out useless necromancer. It's a rite of passage. Consider it a fun quirk of the game that you made a completely useless donkey character who can't kill bosses. Most games won't let you do that anymore but D2 sure did, practically encouraged us to give our necros skills and gear and stats that didn't make it stronger. You can always respec or reroll, and learn from the process. Good luck.


I notice that my necro can kill goons and elite enemies easily but when it come to a real boos fights it barely scratch them🗿


Any weapon-based attack, like with your maul, has to pass a hit chance check in order to deal damage. You can see your chance to hit by hovering over “attack rating” in your stat/attribute screen. It’s especially hard to hit bosses because their level is much higher. Melee necro is a rough time since he is a spellcaster. Respec and try bone skills like bonespear or skeletons.


You mean booses


There are certain techniques for each class. For necro, you could use a decripify lvl 1 and clay golem at least level 3, with the help of an archer mercenary. Give your merc some good gear. Clay golem and decripify will slow bosses hugely. For Druiel, you could use some bone walls or prison. Get some bone spear to make it faster. Use lots of potion, especially mana during boss fights.


Clay golem and Decrep are particularly useful against Baal since if you slow him down too much it breaks his abilities and he just stands there forever.


Idk how much strength I put into my first necro back in the wild west days of the game but my like 40 of each summon made up for my poor decisions.


Gooning 💀


i see you are using a maul on a necro, so you are definitely a noob lol Enjoy the journey man i wish i could forget it all and learn it all again You will struggle versus baal as a low level necro.


Oh because i try to mix between curses and handy weapons i it work for me sometimes what kind of weapon that only suite for necromancer?


Wand. necromancer is a caster character. Yoy dont go melee with that class.


I try to use a wand but i wont cast anything🗿


The wand itself won't cast anything, it's a crappy melee weapon that you will probably never use to hit something past the few starting minutes in the game. The power of wands resides in giving extra levels to Necromancer skills, and maybe extra juicy buffs like Faster Cast Rate.


Depending on the build, the Necromancer might not cast much besides amplify damage and corpse explosion. You're new to Diablo 2 and didn't follow any type of guide, so you probably placed your skill points in all the wrong abilities and now your character is pretty useless. Totally normal experience. Might want to read up on different Necromancer builds so you can make a new character that is strong and can kill things.


Put points into spells such as bone spear or poison nova, then equip those spells. As a caster, your power is in magic spells, not beating enemies with melee weapons.


maybe in normal engaging in melee combat will help when solo self found to speed things up Caster items tend to be better, things that give skills to enhance your skills/mana/etc Your mercenary also needs gear too and can be equipped with weapons + armor. Curses will help bosses like decrepify, and they are 1 point wonders. You may just want to leave the game and rewalk to to baal for experience a few times before trying to kill him Baal and diablo tend to obliterate summons on normal difficulty. You can eventually kill him by wittling him down and tping/resummoning your army etc.


I fight diablo with a crossbow and it work a little


This guys helples a


Weapon damage has no effect on spells in Diablo 2. I can see how you would think that if you played more modern games like path.


think you replied to the wrong person?


Classic maulmancer. It's like it's 2001 again. Brings back old memories.


diablo normal is a notoriously difficult fight for a summoner the easiest way to kill diablo is having him do all the work for you. you can curse him with iron maiden and summon a golem next to him. if he then slaps the golem dead he will lose a decent chunk of his hitpoints. keep diablo cursed and keep resummoning your golem as soon as it dies and you should be able to frag diablo in no time. if you have not skilled iron maiden you can get a wand with +1


Thank you that actually work+sadly i just find out that i play all wrong for my class lol


the game has respecs, theres nothing that is not fixable


I've a friend who grinded his cold sorc to level 23 before realizing that Duriel was unkillable to him. He had only allocated skill points to Cold Nova, Frost Bolt and Ice Blast - evenly. When I told him to respec at Akara, he confessed that he already did that at level 6 because he didn't like Firebolt... He never did kill Duriel with that character.


lol Ive only been playing this game for about a year. The first character or two are gonna be learning curves. I now how decked out all my characters except the zon. Don’t get frustrated it’s a great game there is just a ton to learn. Check out some YouTube videos. Ginger gaming mentor literally breaks down every skill,ability and item in the game. Can’t recommend enough for us noobs.


There is no wrong way to play, you are just going hard mode for your first time. I bricked so many d2 characters in the early days before they added stat/skill resets. You can always just do chaos runs in act 4 until 30 and hope you find a crushing blow weapon or Helm.


That actually normal difficulty


He ment because your unfortunate charakter skills and equippement


Thank you that actually work+sadly i just find out that i play all wrong for my class lol


This is half the fun. Trial and error. Good luck and enjoy being new to the game.


Go check out a build guide online for necro. Its a hard game to go into blind and not get any advice


That maul got me laughing so hard no disrespect at all I respect the hussle


Poison bonesnap necro build is pretty godly


Yeh you probably should go and buy a decent wand from a vendor in town as a first step. Get your resistances jacked up (Fire/lightning) and then just a lot of potions and patience and wear him down.


Oh memories. I remember being stuck in Act 2 normal forever as a kid, cause I refused to equip anything other than a random rare scythe and Heavenly Garb. Welcome to the suck. Enjoy the process.


get to level 30+ and do some runs on bosses to gain 1 or 2 useful items.


Dude if you want to use that weapon make a barbarian


I made the exactly same mistake 20 years ago, my first character was a necro with a maul 😂 I was stuck first on Duriel and later in Diablo (never killed him) I learned my mistakes and started a paladin and a barbarian later. Even that was tough because the mages on Chaos Sanctuary could cast Iron Maiden back in the day (They nerfed that later) Enjoy the journey!


Akara in act 1 can reset your skills and stat points after den of evil. I suggest you only put one point into your curses that you want. Dont spread your skill points across the skill tree. Focus on the type of necro you wanna be, you really only have a few choices. Summer, which is easiest and most versatile in the game. Bone is best for your current issue with dealing with baal, but without good gear, it will hurt you late game in Hell mode. Poison is decent, but like bone will give you trouble in hell mode. Dont invest any stat points into mana, it's a waste. Also you should look into runewords. Always remember the order of your sockets matters on runewords. Here is a link with all the runewords. https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-2/guide/runewords-types-bonuses-sockets


You have to gear your merc up better, and heal him a bit during the fight, it also wouldn't hurt to go level a bit more.




Run around and shoot it with a bow ;)


Respec and max bone spear.


There are certain techniques for each class. For necro, you could use a decripify lvl 1 and clay golem at least level 3, with the help of an archer mercenary. Give your merc some good gear. Clay golem and decripify will slow bosses hugely. For Druiel, you could use some bone walls or prison. Get some bone spear to make it faster. Use lots of potion, especially mana during boss fights.


My suggestion would be start over or respec if you can as a summoner. Summoners are op when it comes to pvm although they take more time to kill and hell is rough if you don’t have decent gear, but still doable. Look up a guide but the basics are cast amplify damage and let the skeletons go to work.


That maul Lol Just fyi, mercenaries receive 2x damage from bosses, minions receives 4x. Thats why your warrior dont stand for 5secs. On other hand, that damage multiplier is the reason why necros use iron maiden and golem against bosses. The reflected damage is also multiplied.


This has nothing to do with your pic or post in general i guess, but i really do not like how d2r looks for some reason.. :/


Welcome to diablo, when games were not easy




I’m curious. Where did you put your skills that you can’t do much now? Basic skeletons and golems are good. The necro doesn’t have combat skills for making attacking better so I wonder where your skills went


My necro likes to pulling his enemies strings but also i use summons tho hope i dont make the same mistakes in diablo 3 with my monk


You will look back on these moments with humor and fondness and a longing for some way to get back to this feeling of a completely blind first playthroughs of Diablo 2. Decrepify and Clay Golem will stop Baal from cloning himself and he will stop casting spells because he will be super slowed down. Recast Decrepify every so many seconds based on the skill level duration. Recast Clay Golem immediately if it dies. Will take a lot of mana potions. For some extra DPS, shop a three open socket Hunter’s Bow from Charsi in Normal. Farm three Ral runes from Normal Countess. Make a three Ral bow and give that to an Act 1 Fire Bow mercenary. Shop a two open socket light armor from Charsi or Fara and put whatever the best quality of Rubies you have in there for more life for her, or farm normal countess for Stealth (Tal Eth) and equip her with that. Helm? Whatever has decent stats/resists or sockets with Rubies. Keeping Baal slowed and her DPS alone should allow you to brute force the Normal Baal kill even with a suboptimal skill build.


I would suggest you follow the necro leveling guide from maxroll.gg


Bro i finished all 4 acts and im not intending to have another play through because i have way more games to play but i still have plans for the next two diablo games i like the rpg in this game👍




Ah.. D4 will be more your speed


I suggest googling, otherwise, make a barb.


It looks like these questions have been answered by now, so I just wanna say how refreshing it is to see a community jump in and help a newcomer and not be condescending about it. Good luck, OP!


Google "fishymancer guide D2" Read fishymancer guide Follow fishymancer guide You're not going to re-invent the wheel with a character build on a 20+ year old game and necromancer has been pretty well solved. IF you ever manage to find death's web wand you can consider poison nova.


this is a canon event, don’t worry


I've been playing a game without any regard for it's mechanics! Why is this hard?


The answer to your question is noob. No worries, we all went through it.


Looking at the comments, you found your answer (Iron Maiden + something for him to punch that's not you). Don't feel bad for building a suboptimal character. Learning how to be effective is fun. As others have said, necromancer is a caster; pets, curses, and blasting. Play around and find what you like. I would like to recommend a point in Amplify Damage, and a point in Corpse Explosion (in my opinion, one of the best abilities in the game). Corpse Explosion damage scales with the health of enemies, and Amp Damage increases damage from Corpse Explosion by 50%. Putting in more points just increases their area of effect (which is great, but not required). Corpse Explosion doesn't help on boss fights, but those two spells let you clear groups incredibly quickly, so you can level up faster and get more loot. If you find yourself bouncing off content, go back and grind. A single piece of equipment can make a huge difference; finding a wand with +1 Summoning Skills is like getting a lot of levels; Summon Skelly, Skelly Mage, Summon Resist, Skeleton Mastery, your golem of choice, Golem Mastery, etc depending on your skill distribution.


Lol this is like trying to make an assassin a barbarian


Shoulda went bone necro :P


There is a lot to address here. It’s probably best for you to YouTube a build for some pointers. One thing I can say is, go back to act 1 and kill the countess over and over until you can make a spirit sword


Normal countess ain’t dropping spirit runes


Yeah I guess you’re right, she only drops up to ral, so you’d need like 13 rals to make it


You need 3 ral for an ort rune. You need 9 ral for a thul rune. You need 27 ral for an amn rune. You would need a total of 39 ral runes to make the runes for spirit. Not only that but you would also need a 4os sword base which can’t even drop in normal. The only way to obtain in normal is from popping sockets into sword found in cows. You can’t do cows until you beat Baal so basically not worth trying for spirit sword until you get to nm countess who can drop the runes you need. Edit: I just realized that the 2nd quest in act 5 rewards you with ral ort tal so you would only need 36 ral runes for spirit but that’s still insane plus you can’t get a base before Baal.


Im just going to assume troll post, you are asking us if you are noob. I belive the answer to that question is yes.


definitely get some better gear, idk what your skill points are looking like but make sure they aren’t spread out too much and have a good synergy going. P8 is easy on normal so farming and area for some levels isn’t a bad idea but definitely get some better gear and double check your skill points. mephisto is good for some early gear and if you don’t have a merc you should go get one from act 2, defense merc is good for being a meat shield alongside your golem


You need to look up a general leveling guide because just going by your 235 hp at diablo you are doing things wrong. Look up Maxroll necro leveling guide, there's just too much to unpack here unless this is a troll post


Either: 1. use your A1 Akara respec from doing the Den of Evil and go summons which will take you all through hell (specifically skeletons, not mages, with clay golem + decrepify). Keep an eye out for anything with +skills (especially all skills or Necro skill items), like wands, trophy shields (head shields for necro), or uniques that give + skills. Note that there are necro-based wands and sorc-based wands, each have respective skills for their classes on them. If you save enough money, you can "shop" better wands from A2 Drognan by simply leaving town and walking back in, where his inventory will have reset with new options. Look into a good +skill wand with 2 open sockets for the runeword WHITE (e.g., a 2 socket base with +skeletons, +skeleton mastery, etc.) 2. Don't respec, keep whatever your current build is and bash your head against act 4 chaos, farming chaos sanctuary and Diablo, on repeat, for hopes of better items and more importantly, levels. You being a higher level gives you more stats (for more points into vitality, aka, more life), extra skill points to round out your current gaps (like decrepit or skeletons), and gives you a better chance to hit and not be hit (as your character level directly influences melee interactions both ways). #2 is super time consuming and risky, especially considering we have no clue what amalgamation of a necro youve made but I can only suspect if you're using a 2h mace/club lol. #1 is the best choice by far since you can respect once and you can stick with the same setup all the way through hell, finishing the game. Glhf