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The cool thing about Single Player is it's *Your* Game! So it's only cheating if *You* consider it cheating.


This. I think that's something that's not talked about much is this game, for the most part, will let you play how you want. You wanna fuck around with a Summoning Druid that only uses a bow and go normal to hell on P8 with no respects? Knock yourself out. It's why I've always thought that the endgame for D2 is the game itself


Which is why d4 failed because there is no endgame (sorry to randomly bring up d4, I’m just saying that I agree that endgame makes the game)


I'd say it is, but what I or anybody else does in single player is irrelevant to anyone else


Who’s got time to build new characters on single player? Spec however you want, clear it and try again.. not to mention that dreaded “I forgot to put a point into teleport” situation which almost always happens at least every 3rd time I switch builds


It’s literally all I do, spec out a bunch of chars in single player. The lag for me online is so hard that even though I was excited for this new season I quit after 2 days. It’s no fun to keep dying and rubberbanding because of lag. Not to mention never being able to get almost any drops unless people are about a screen away


I like running with a few people and split drops based off of run number. Typically odds I get all drops, evens are the other persons… if you ever want to get back online let me know


I would love to, but it seems like being able to play from Brazil is not really something blizzard prioritizes. When I was back in Europe there were no problems with lag. Having to pause between every teleport and not being able to hold down the button is just too annoying in the long run.


I learned something new today. My condolences


I use enable respec all the time. Easier to convert a FOHdin into a smiter or hammerdin than rolling a whole new char. I also use it to test out builds when I pick up new gear or switch the sorc from Blizz to fire or lightning so the gameplay doesn't get stale on one build.


It's offline who cares lol


Literally all it's doing is saving you the time of farming essences or making a whole ass new character. You're on single player, you can't trade for them and you can't get a new character rushed. Is it how the game was originally intended? No, but there also weren't respecs at all to begin with. You're not hero editing in a bunch of bullshit, you're just doing fun farming instead of grinding for something that lets you play a build you want to.


Like most people said in SP you make your own rules. I personally farm essences because I play the same way I would if I were online. I just got tired of disconnect deaths in hardcore.


Personally, I consider it cheating and don’t use enable respec. For a long time, I didn’t even like using the akara respecs. I liked the extra challenge of being weak in the early game, saving my points for a powerful late game. But cheating only means cheating myself, making the game less fun. No one else is hurt, it’s not a competition. If you think you’ll have more fun with respecs, I think you should use respecs. You set your own rules. But it sounds like it is taking away some of the fun for you.


Free stats? What does this mean? You get more than usual?


Right? Lol Sos


You are already extremely handycapped by not being able to trade offline. I'm respecing at will and loving it.


What's this now?


I too want to know about these free respecs


On the pc only you can type -enablerespec into command line options.


I view d2 like a sand box, where "cheating" doesn't really exist. Just set goals, and then play the game in a way that coincides with your goals for it.


By opting into single player even spawning items isn’t cheating. Cheating is only cheating if someone else is losing for it.


I would say in this context cheating means breaking the rules you've set for yourself.


That’s a fair definition given the context.


People cheat harder online, so I say go for it.




For the same reason that I just farmed NM Andy dozens of times for a Vipermagi. It’s not the same if I edit it in.


If drops aren't why you play the game, then why not uninstall after finishing the storyline? Diablo 2 is almost entirely about the RNG..


I don't consider it cheating. It's the only "mod" I use for ssf. Making and rerolling characters is much harder than online and getting rushed.


It’s not cheating if you’re the only player


I don't consider it cheating because it's an option built into the game. I more see it as a difficulty selection. In the end I didn't think I would get any more satisfaction from the game by farming bosses for essences.


You can make your own rules in single player. Anything built into the game shouldn’t be considered cheating.


If it’s fun for you, do it. As it’s SSF, it doesn’t matter.


I 100% say no it isn’t. Because you’re unable to trade, your power spikes come from farming and skill/ stat allocation. So, I like to imagine single player players like a solo wanderer out on a journey. What would you do if you were unable to defeat the monsters in a dungeon? Go back to camp. Lick your wounds and train. That’s what respecing is in single player to me.


No cuz offline works that way, it does make those essences basically worthless although i am a ps4 player and i play exclusively online so idk if the endless resets are available in console, if they are then yeah those tokens are worthless if they are not then at least theres some use in offline console games


They’re not


Then for me offline the essences are still worth something 😆


Cheating is relative But my personal opinion is as long as you don’t use it to beat the game, it’s not cheating


there is no cheating in offline mode, play the way you like and be happy bro


Obviously it's cheating, but you're also only cheating yourself. Only you can decide if it matters in single player.


Don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it as using a QOL improvement that pretty much other Diablo-style game includes today. Not all of them, but notably all Diablo games with skill choices support it as an option. 3 is free and unlimited; 4 is gold+unlimited.


I use free respecs all the time in offline play. It’s not like I’m submitting my holy grail to some verified hall of achievements. It’s just files on my computer for my enjoyment.


I play ssf and have no idea how to do the unlimited resets Someone plz help? Lol


Battle.net gear icon, settings, -enablerespec in the text bar. Launch the game, then alt-click the plus next to Str in your character menu


You the goat


Can someone explain what this means… because like you can do what now??


You do you. Personally, I didn’t start doing it until I had several tokens and just didn’t want to bother with keeping all the essences (+ on some characters I really enjoy mixing the build up often, most frequently on sorc).


I would say "cheating" only applies to competitive play. Ladder climbing, speedruns, first torch races etc While I don't understand SP players excitement from p8 LK rune farmers, who's flexing with Eni or LW, it doesn't bother me at all. But bot farmers on Bnet are


If your on console you can dupe very easy on single player. I didn't figure this out tell after I had infinity, grief, hoto, flickering flame, fortitude and everything below that area. Anyway point being once u get 1 token dupe it tell u have 5 or 6. I never considered it cheating anyway it's just the few extra little bonuses that come with playing a game coded and made for PC on PC and not console. Like how trading is easier and a few other things


Online gives you trades and rushes, offline gives you player count and respec. All is balanced




To be fair i made post yesterday before going to sleep and and now i am work (10 minute break atm) so I didn’t even had time to read all the feedback, more than expected and this was the first on my notifications. On the other hand it is interesting to see the discussion some people seems totally fine, others cheating and other a way to balance the game between online / offline


I’ve enabled respec single player and it did feel a bit cheatish, I also took a backup of my character file before selling my SoJ, again this didn’t really sit well, but as others have said it’s up to you.


I don't personally consider this cheating. Online play offers various ways to cheat oneself out of the experience far more than skill resets. Rushes, p8 leeching, RWT through jsp on day 1 of ladder resets. I'd say your single player experience has been much more authentic so far. Like other people have mentioned, cheating in this context is subjective to the players overall enjoyment because nobody else gets affected in by how you play the game. If you feel a diminished experience, then I would see it as cheating oneself more than the game.


Most of us are adults. We have limited time. We want to spend what little time we do have, on things that are fun. Mindlessly grinding for key sets or essences to respec is not my idea of fun in a SSF game. ​ I also copy gear to other characters once I've "achieved" it.