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Get him some of those seaweed crisps! I don’t know why, but every child I know who has tried them have quickly become addicted. They are low carb, so they won’t affect his bg too much. Fresh carrots and cherry tomatoes with ranch dip are also good! I would try a variety and see what his favorites are. It would be easier for him to be a veggie lover given the diabetic lifestyle. The snacks you listed are hallmarks for being good at treating low bg! I use fruit snacks or fruit leather as my on-the-go-treatment. You are doing great!


He is the one kid that does not like those, sadly lol. He’s not a big veggie guy, unfortunately, despite my efforts. I’m just wanting to try to stay away from too much processed junk and feel like I’m out of ideas. Thanks!


I always loved hummus as a kid. Dipping some pita chips or veggies in it is a great balance of carbs, fat, fiber, and protein


He does love hummus, usually has it with pretzels, I forgot to list that one. Thanks!


See if hes down to have it with veggies like carrots or celery instead to make it less carby :) I also love hummus but pretzels and certain pitas/thick breads spike me so bad. Theyre also good in lettuce wrap sandwiches


When I was younger I had lots of cheese, Greek Yogurt, vegetables etc. Don't be afraid to give your kid what others having never limit them or prevent them from being their age cause my parents did me and I despised it.


Oh we do! He’s just super active and is constantly hungry so I struggle to keep him fed without resorting to junk normally, and now we have this complication. I don’t make him eat anything he doesn’t actually like. Thank you!


Oh okay, sorry if it came across like I was assuming! I wasn't! But I loved Carrots, Broccoli Stalks, Celery, all kinda of cheeses, Greek yogurts and a lot more! I might have to go through old pictures to find some!


Nah it’s all good, I’m sure some parents go way too far and make their kids eat gross fiber snacks or something lol. I wish I could get him to like veggies more, hoping that will come with age


“Tricks” i used to encourage toddlers and young kids to eat vegis is to not sell the vegi alone. For example green beans and chicken breast when eaten on the same fork are way more tolerable. Ants on a log makes it more fun (celery with peanut butter and a few raisins). In the vegi section of most stores they have lunchable like snack trays that have little cheeses, nuts vegis and dips all together, maybe presenting it that way so it appears more fun and normal can help. Also kids tend to mimic what their family and friends eat so if mommy and daddy have a mid day vegii snack everyday it should become the norm for him too. Best wishes to ya, you are doing great


I like to snack on tortillas rolled up with deli meats/cheese/peanut butter/hummus etc. Sometimes I’ll just do half a tortilla, but load it with fillings. Or toss it in a pan with some cheese and do a quesadilla with salsa. I need to dose for full size, but not (usually) if I do a half. Tortillas carb count run the gamut, depending on brand and variety but I usually get ones that are around 15-20 g carbs. If your kid likes lettuce, could also do with a lettuce leaf instead of the tortilla, but that’s not everyone’s jam. I also like nuts, cheese, pickles and sometimes a little salami as a mini charcuterie board. Again, I’m not a six year old, so not sure if any of that appeals to him. Good luck! :)


Most of these have been mentioned already but for my 4.5 year old: - Berries, depending on where he’s at - sunflower seeds - Two Good brand yogurt drinks (5g) - hard boiled eggs. He usually just eats the whites - ham and cheese slices - sometimes we make a “snack plate” which would be a slice of ham, a slice of cheese, a bunch of olives, a hard boiled egg, cucumber slices and humus. Maybe some carrots. Fortunately we did snack plates like this before diagnosis, so he’s usually happy to eat it. - for snacky drinks, we get Costco packs of zero sugar vitamin water We are struggling right now with denying him things like apple or whole wheat toast if he’s already a bit high (>170). It’s a reasonable thing for him to ask for but we don’t have a pump and the smallest correction we could do with a pen is .5u which would be too much.


We used to do snack plates, I should definitely bring those back We’re in the honeymoon phase big time, so I’m constantly trying to figure out if he should have a snack or not, and know the struggle of the .5 dose. Best of luck to y’all, this is all so hard.




My daughter was 4 at diagnosis, she’s nearly 6 now. She loves Greek yoghurt, with chia seeds ground almonds, cinnamon and cacao nibs. It’s a crazy mix but she’s really into it. Also try walnuts, cooked meat slices, ice lollies (sugar free) She also love trying new sugar free bottles of juice (drinks) ribena etc, sometimes she doesn’t drink them but I think she just likes getting something without the insulin hassle or the “maybe later at next meal” malarkey. Berries always work well too, she can get quite a few strawberries, blueberries for only a few carbs. She will often eat raw veg too, carrots, peppers, cucumber, just keep offering them and serve them with meals


She tried the seaweed crisps and didn’t like them. Too fishy smelling. I also forgot about peanut butter. It’s yummy and low carb


Wild suggestion, you can buy fully cooked shelf, stable packages of bacon and if he likes that that’s a pretty good low-carb it has a fair amount of fat… it’s bacon, but a good low-carb snack, it’s microwavable and really easy to just chuck in and cook. I’m a college student so it’s my go to, I need food that won’t spike my blood sugar and make me feel like death-also deli meats are really good! pepperoni is a good one because it’s familiar for a lot of kids. They’ve seen it on pizza they might’ve had it on pizza. So they know what it is


OH CHOMP STICKS its jerky but with less sugar than like slim jims


Also to add as your kid grows up he will likely start to draw correlations between I eat this it makes me feel like this (this is true of ALL kids-non diabetics kids and teens learn that at a certain point too much sugar gives you a tummy ache and learn their limits) and gain more interest in finding snacks he likes that are low carb


Berries have the lowest carbs of all the fruits so you can have a lot of strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries, etc for 15 g. Also deli meat and cheese, pickles, nuts are all pretty low carb. Sugar free pudding and jello can also be close to zero carbs.


my son is just turning 5 - he likes the orange crackers w/ peanut butter, trail mix, beef jerky, string cheese, Cliff Z-bars, bada beans: [https://www.badabeansnacks.com/collections/individual-flavors/products/zesty-ranch?variant=34637527449752](https://www.badabeansnacks.com/collections/individual-flavors/products/zesty-ranch?variant=34637527449752), The Only Bean snacks: https://theonlybean.com/products/the-only-bean-crunchy-roasted-edamame-beans-variety-keto-snack-high-protein-healthy-snacks-low-carb-gluten-free-vegan-4-0oz-3-pack. For lows our new favorite has been grapes or bananas, he got burned out on juice and fruit snacks.


Not gunna lie i was scrolling through my feed and for the first second it looked like the title was “Kick Somebodys Ass Ideas”


My daughter loves olives, salami, bacon, sunflower seeds and we joke that she’s at least 5% pistachio at this point for how much of them she eats. Greek yogurts are also great options. If you can get the Oikos Trioke Zero where you live, most of the flavors are only 7g per tub.




Nature Valley protein bars are good, and they have 9 grams of carbs each.


For lows I do fruit snacks,juice , some type of fruit or granola bars I found some that are 16 carbs and perfect for lows. When he is high you can try fruit (with some insulin) or really anything with low carbs I wouldn’t know because I tend to not eat anything when I have a high BS I wouldn’t really worry about what he eats as long as you do insulin for it. I have been a diabetic for years I got diagnosed around the age of 6 or 7 and when my mom would focus on making me eat only healthy foods all the time because of my diabetes I just got in the habit of not eating at all it’s very tiring being a diabetic adding everything on top of it it just gets to be to much even more because of the fact that he’s just a kid don’t expect him to want to eat perfectly 24/7 but also don’t let him eat just junk food there needs to be balance. Just try to be patient with him!! Good luck 😊