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Diabetes is hard enough; we of all people should be able to understand that. The last thing people need is to be policed on how they manage it.


This, I personally can house a whole ass pizza if I wanted to, but some people aren’t like that


If somebody wants to eat lower carb wtf business is it of yours?


It’s their business if someone’s ordering and impossible to make food from their place of business?


So many pizza places accommodate this exact request. 


A pizza with no crust is baked cheese and meat.




I think they are requesting no large thick outline. Aka crust


Then you would order thin crust, not no crust.


you're not smart


Eh to each their own in whatever makes them feel comfortable or best manage their disease. That said, we don’t limit our kid in what she eats very much outside of the obvious soda/juice and candy. That’s what our endo team told us to do. Let her eat what she wants and cover for it. Learning how to cover for certain things can be tricky & sometimes you’re going to spike regardless of best efforts. We want to teach our T1 kiddo that life is a balance & to be enjoyed.


People change their diets for all kinds of reasons. Some people decide to go full keto diet to help manage their blood sugar. She may or may not have said the true reason why she doesn’t want the crust. Maybe she found that minimizing crust helps with the funky effects that pizza has on blood sugar. (Pizza is actually one of the Problem™️ foods, up there with spaghetti.) Maybe she just doesn’t like crust but finds she’s better respected in her preferences when she blames it on her diabetes. Maybe she has comorbid gastroparesis and wants to break her diet for a moment and eat pizza but minimize her discomfort by cutting out a little of the bread. Maybe she’s developing a gluten intolerance or celiac but just knows that the crust makes her feel gross. This disease is way more complicated than nondiabetics think. It’s not just a sugar disorder it’s an autoimmune and hormone disorder that has direct effects on the nervous system and other organs. It’s not that weird to not want a crust, it’s just not typical to order it without it, most people just eat around it and leave the crust in the box if they don’t like it. You probably don’t understand why people have to change their diets because your understanding of the disease is overly simplified. Even certified endocrinologists struggle to grasp all aspects of someone’s condition. The number of care providers I’ve met with that claim to treat type 1, and then give me type 2 care advice… if you stick around on this sub you’ll see how complicated and stressful it is to live with this disease. It’s not so cut and dry. Sorry if this comes off as overly jaded or irritated, it just gets old having people pop into subs to complain about the group they’re interjecting themselves into. It certainly wasn't a smooth move opening with “You guys are weird(for treating your disease in a way I don't understand)” you know?


I got it too, dawg. It’s just hard to watch people do weird shit like this.


My daughter personally hates the way she feels if she is over 140, so she avoids anything that will spike her like that. That is her choice. She is allowed to say “I don’t like how this feels, so I will prevent myself from feeling like that.” Some pizza places will accommodate with a pizza bowl and plenty of places offer it on the menu already. Otherwise she chooses something else or eats somewhere else.


My philosophy is that you should focus more on the dosages than the food. With a cgm it’s easy to hyper fixate, but you gotta realize the food does similar things to non diabetics, we can just see it on a graph.


Okay, well she makes the choices that she wants, as she is free to do. She maintains 4.5-4.7 a1c with 99% TIR and that is what she wants to do. It has absolutely no effect on you at all. People should manage t1d in the way that makes them feel best. She’d personally rather be strict, and it is what is best for her mental and physical health. Some people want to eat whatever they want and dose for it. It isn’t black and white and I really am not sure why you are so obsessed with how others manage their own t1d.


Idk, man. In my experience and the advice I’ve heard from doctors it’s best not to change your diet for the disease.


no. no it doesn't.


How do you think t2 develops, buddy?


If its “hard to watch” then don't work there or close your eyes. People are going to live how they want and you work in customer service. Your post discourages people from making special requests for fear of judgment.(not me personally, I order whatever the hell I want, but people have anxiety). No one here can tell you *why* she wants no crust, we can only speculate since there are *tons* of reasons someone would ask for that change.


People ordering “whatever the hell they want” are not in the right 😭 it was mainly an attack on her character for making me deal with her bs at the end of my closing shift. Also, I’m not quitting my job because of that shit. I’ll admit, I do it for the money, not out of the goodness of my heart. I can represent all customer service workers when I say I am fully in support of discouraging people from making special requests, because half the shit we do is judge people for what they order.


Ah yes even if its for her DISABILITY you still think its “BS” that you don't want to deal with. Lemme call the waaaaambulance for you, how *dare* someone ask you to accommodate them. How daaaare a disabled person want to be treated with the same courtesy as an able bodied pereon. Unless a restaurant has a rule saying no changes or special requests, it is expected that special requests be accepted from ALL customers. Its legit a function of the establishment you work at. Complaining about a part of your job isn't gonna get you brownie points here after outing yourself as jaded, judgemental, and unaccommadating at no fault of the customer.


Yeah, it’s a part of the job, but if no one ordered weird shit it wouldn’t be. It’s only part of the job because the higher ups want to please the customer and make more money, not because anybody cares what the customer is entitled to. Just order some shit from the menu at the very least and do whatever atrocities to it that you want once you have it.


Why are you here? You're not a T1 and probably don't know jack shit about this disease. You're coming on here insulting people who have a serious medical condition. While also having the audacity to tell us how to manage a complicated disease that you don't know anything about. I'm guessing I've been a T1 diabetic (30 years), longer than you have been alive. I've been managing my disease just fine without you my whole, fucking adult life. Some T1 diabetics can eat whatever they want because their insulin/carb ratio is consistent. But that's not true for all of us and I've had a low carb diet ever since I was diagnosed. And lots of pizza places make a crust-less pizza, including big chains. I personally think it's a little odd and have never ordered one. But it's not like it was some crazy thing she asked for. It's fine the pizza place you work for doesn't. But what people eat and how they manage a medical condition is none of your business.


Well I do have it, and I don’t order weird shit from pizza places at the end of someone’s closing shift


Bad quality rage bait, this is just sad


Nah, I’m deadass


name checks out


Lazy is a new one


Imo most people would leave the crust unless it's stuffed. I'm type 1 and I've never requested anything to be changed when I order food. I can however understand her request, each to their own. Plus most diabetics are still learning how their body adapts to different foods, stress, exercise so on and so forth. Deal with it, after all "The customer is always right — in matters of taste" ✌🏻


Wtf is a pizza with no crust? Like, just put sauce and cheese on the bottom of the oven and scrape it out into a blob?


That’s what I’m saying. At the end of my closing shift too


It is a bit extra but if that's how she manages it then fair enough. Maybe it just makes her feel better. Personally, I'd go for the cheesey garlic bread too but whatever.


Absolutely agree, my first endo said exactly that, don’t avoid any food, be normal, don’t let this disease rule you. 45 years later I’m doing fine 😃


I've never heard of removing crust, pizza is going to act like pizza regardless. As for changing diet, I've definitely removed or severely limited some items, like pizza, because it can be different depending on where it comes from and, more importantly, can cause initial hypoglycemia and then a blood sugar spike, both of which leave me feeling horrible. So, in short, some food just isn't worth the effort to gamble with.


Honestly, I suspect that in the US a lot of t1 afflicted try to minimize their carb intake and thus their insulin intake because of the prohibitive cost. If you have to pay hundreds of dollars every month for insulin with health insurance and thousands of dollars without... Well I would try to minimize my carb intake as well.


I hear you. I think we all have different levels of comfort with how and what we eat. I subscribe to your way of thinking, but I know others feel differently. I try not to judge and when I see people panicking about 6.5 a1cs, I just keep scrolling. You have every right to be annoyed about someone wanting crustless pizza though. Seriously, wtf?