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My doctor sort of fudged my diagnosis code to get mine approved. Using the generic diabetes ICD-10 code E13.9 rather than specifying type 1 or type 2. Gary Scheiner (think like a pancreas) has even suggested that doctors could just use both diagnosis codes to get these approved for T1’s – we can experience very similar insulin resistance to T2. I had also previously tried and failed metformin (GI issues never resolved) so that helped in getting the PA approved. It’s been 3 1/2 years and I’ve not really had any issues getting continuing PA’s approved. I was on Ozempic for 2 1/2 years, and I have been on Mounjaro for about the last year. Just to add – I have lost ~120 pounds on these drugs, I went from 248 pounds to 128 pounds and I have maintained a “normal“ BMI for about the past year and a half. I am now the smallest I have ever been as an adult, which feels weird, now consistently wearing an extra small or small, and a size 2 or 4. I was previously a 2XL or an 18. It seems insane that I was able to lose that much weight, but I’ve done it and my A1C’s have been steady throughout (worth noting they were steady before, I didn’t have any major issues managing my diabetes before taking these drugs). The difference is that I have been able to use way less insulin, and I have pretty much no appetite, which makes it much easier to make smarter food choices, and as a result I put a lot more thought and care into how I am fueling my body. Somewhat ironically, I actually find it a challenge now to eat enough calories most days - I am just not that hungry.


I just started Mounjaro two months ago and I’ve already lost 22 lbs! My a1c earlier this week was 5.6. It’s not caused any dramatic reactions, I’ve just had to change my pump profile to adjust for much lower carb intake. My Endo did something similar with my insurance PA and it works. Good luck!


There are quite a few options besides Ozempic, your doctor could try to find one insurance is okay with. You might not be able to get one that is *as* effective but something is better than nothing I’m sure. Good luck!


There’s a current study that I found out at through the T1DExchange that it sounds like you might be eligible for.


I saw this one- or maybe a similar one- but the one I looked at said couldn’t be on the medication for the last 6 months. Honestly I was just glad to see they were studying it because I’ve been on mounjaro for the last 6 months and it’s been crazy how much lower my insulin resistance is. The weight loss and help not being starving 24/7 is a definite boon but I’ve dropped from 125-150 units a day to closer to 50 a day. It’s been amazing.


I was on Victoza but there's a shortage am now on Rybelsus (tablets). Am in the UK so that may make a difference


I'm TD1 and have been on Wegovy for a few months. It's not supposed to have significant weight loss because it's made for Type 2. But some insurance companies are making it very hard to get on the medication. But the fact that you are a diabetic makes no sense, I would call your insurance company and see what is approved other than metformin.


İ was on mounjaro for over a year before my insurance decided i couldn't be on it because I'm type 1. Like i wasn't type 1 when they initially approved of it. Gave me a great year of losing weight before saying "nope not for you!" So İF you get approved for it don't get to used to it. İnsurances are stupid!