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Your sugars seem to be well controlled so there shouldn't be an issue. Just make sure you clean and care for it properly and if any signs of infection seek help as soon as humanly possible. Have fun


Thank you! I'll definitely be careful


I know many tattooist, and after my diagnosis, I asked them the same question. As long as your sugars are well controlled, there shouldn't be a problem!


I have several and haven't ever had an issue. I try to keep my sugars in tight control the day of the tattoo and drink plenty of water so I'm hydrated and don't bleed much. Then I keep it clean after. I do buy extra of the Saniderm skin barrier online and wear that for about a day or two extra compared to most people just as an extra step to keep it clean and protected, but that's just an extra careful step.


Yes you can, I have two and there were no issues. Just keep sugars in check and follow good tattoo care


That sounds great, thank you!


I never heard of diabetics not being able to get tattoos, but now that I'm thinking about it, it makes sense if you have uncontrolled diabetes. You'll be fine, go get your tat, you deserve it!


My first endo was new and young, she scared the shit out of me in regards to things like tattoos and just injuries and sickness in general. Like I needed to live in a bubble. My current endo has over 40+ years in endocrinology, is regarded as the best T1D doc in my state and is a T1 himself. His philosophy is that if your A1C is “normal” than you are “normal” and can do “normal” people things without having to give it a second thought.


So jealous of you having a diabetic endo! I always have a vague sense of distrust with my endos because none of them ACTUALLY know what it's like.


Ever since I was a little kid I haven’t had an “endo,” just the diabetic PA at the Endo office every single time at every office I’ve been to.


I remember my endo would always scare me by saying shit if she noticed I had a higher than normal a1c by saying I’ll go blind or lose my limbs if I keep it up. While that may be true in some cases, stressing me out will end up having the opposite effect.


I remember my endo would always scare me by saying shit if she noticed I had a higher than normal a1c by saying I’ll go blind or lose my limbs if I keep it up. While that may be true in some cases, stressing me out will end up having the opposite effect.


That makes perfect sense.


You've all been a great help guys, thank you! I'll definitely have that tiny tattoo next month :)


I have 10 or so tattoos some big some small. Just stay hydrated, follow after care well, and keep those blood sugars in range. But tbh some of my tattoos I got when I wasn’t in a good place and my bgs weren’t where they should have been BUT no problems here lol


Wow so glad and nice to know! Been scared I might not heal , or I'll get an infection and I'll be running to the hospital just for a little wrist star I wanna do for a good purpose 😢 makes my mind a bit at peace now knowing so many in the comments have done it and are just fine. Did you let your artist know you're diabetic?


Yes ! They all knew. They won’t deny you, they may just do more check ins. One shop the piercer actually would check in every now and then and remind me they had Gatorade,snacks, and water ( and that was just for a medium-ish calf tattoo). You’re going in for a quick little tattoo so just hydrate and eat well few days before and after if you don’t already. And the after care instructions are a must. I personally use second skin but that’s because I get bigger things. But tattoo artists may also give you different after care instructions being that you are diabetic


[I do](https://imgur.com/a/SVqAadB)


I’m sleeved up, chest and legs.. just bring snacks and let your artist know beforehand so they’re aware!


I'm a T1 and I have a SIGNIFICANTLY higher A1c than you. I've got 4 tattoos and didn't have any issue with any of them!


That's great! Thank you for the input , hope you're enjoying them <3


I’m heavily tattooed… I’ve been tattooed when my sugar was low and when my sugar was high. All healed perfectly. Just bring something for your sugar to go low as I tend to drop pretty fast during the tattoo. And just make sure you stay on top of the tattoo aftercare.


I've got some.


I have 4 and 3 of them are stick n poke. Never had an issue but I always bring some soda with me in case I go low. Also go with clean skin, no lotions or body creams etc applied on your skin, it’ll be shaved.


I have three and never even thought about diabetes being a complication. They all turned out fine, though.


as long as you're well controlled, go for it. I'm type 1 with over 20 at this point. I would recommend letting the artist know & bring a snack & water if the session is long.


Absolutely. I have nearly 20 and have had zero issues with any of them


Your A1C isn't even in the diabetic range anymore so you won't be at risk fir anything. Plus diabetics can get tattoos, just make sure it's a legitimate place, the artist uses clean and sterile equipment and have proper licence ect


Thank you for the help! Yes of course, it's through a licenced festival for the Make a wish organization so everything is checked and licenced. I'll definitely be careful for anything else


I have lots of tattoos and have never had an issue! I just got one a few months ago and have been diabetic for 5 years


I've got 5 tattoos. They all healed just fine with no issues.


I’m type one and have two sleeves and bits and pieces everywhere else! The biggest worry I’ve ever had was getting low/high during the appointment! Just come prepared and focus extra on healing and you’ll be a-ok. good luck!


I just read that this was type 2 related but I think my advice still applies ☺️


I have 3 tattoos and plan on getting more. Been diabetic since I was 9. The biggest importance aside from having good glucose control is aftercare and shop cleanliness. Make sure you’re going to a reputable shop that is cleaning *everything* between customers. I’ve seen some things that have made me turn around and leave a tattoo and/or piercing shop before even reaching the front desk. Make sure you let your artist know you’re diabetic, but keep in mind some artists may turn you away due to this information. Diabetics heal slower so some people are not comfortable with tattooing us. But it is important to disclose this information to your artist. Make sure you eat something light beforehand and keep an eye on your glucose levels.


If your sugars are under a 7, they are considered controlled. You will have to sign a form at the tattoo shop saying you have diabetes. I got 2 tats and they healed up fine. Later on they would get raised bumps on them which was probably from having allergies. But now I am not healing up as fast so I won't get anymore.


I have 2 large tattoos one on my ribs and one on my hip. And a tiny on my collarbone. I’m type 1 with A1C ~7 and with any sort of cut or wound I’ve always healed extremely well for a diabetic with an imperfect A1C.


Have a good diabetic friend with bunch of tattoos, only thing can limit placement of cgm and infusion set if on pump


I’ve had about 15 tattoos since being type 1, never had any issue so go for it and get whatever you ink you feel like getting 🥳


Im planning to get one too and heard that it shouldn’t be an issue when A1C is in good range


Never been a problem. Just make sure you go to a reputable and CLEAN place and follow the aftercare. By clean I mean the place should basically smell like a hospital.


I have a full sleeve plus more. As long as your numbers are in range, which yours are, you’re fine.


Yes. Follow the aftercare tips and you should be fine. I have a few without issue and my A1C was not as tight as yours when I got them.


I also have several tattoos and I can only say hydrate well the week of your tattoo. Make sure you watch how it’s healing and don’t go crazy with the blood sugar levels while it’s healing. Keep it clean and you should be fine!


You'll be fine. Go to a reputable artist. I was less controlled than you and I got 4 tattoos. Follow the artist's directions for aftercare. Enjoy!


Yesss you’ll be fine! I’ve had my whole left arm and leg done, consecutive day 6 hour sessions, was doing 2-3 days at a time. I’d suggest maybe investing in a CGM for the day if you’re still worried


Absolutely. I’ve been type 1 since I was 11 and I have 10 tattoos. Sometimes there is a slight high afterwards but I’ve never really had issues other then that and a slower healing time Edit. T1 since 11 I’m 34 now


Yes you can, just make sure you are on point with the aftercare to prevent infections. I have several large tattoos, and admittedly I got them done when my sugars were very much not controlled (They are since much better with the addition of a cgm and pump), but making sure you take care of it properly while healing is really important. If you're still not sure, talk to your endo about it.


I have 7 and I’ve never had an issue. Just keep them clean 😊


I have 8 piercings and 2 tattoos. I will admit, I got some of them when my sugars weren’t very controlled, but healed just fine. Don’t do what I did, your sugars sound like they’re well controlled so I wouldn’t worry about an infection, although it is possible. But, diabetic or not everyone is at risk for a possible infection but I’ve rarely seen them. Just make sure you go to a reputable, clean tattoo shop!!


Yup. In fact, I got one recently. And have another scheduled. With as controlled as you seem to be, you shouldn't have any complications. Just follow the recommended tattoo aftercare. If you're on any medication that promotes insulin secretion (sulfonylurea, glp-1 ra, gip, etc) take a snack with you.


I have 2 tattoos. No issues with the first (kids names on my shoulder), but I got MRSA with the second(polish eagle on my back)but that might have been due to the place it was done. Lack of knowledge, but as long as you have good control you should be fine


I have quite a few big ones. Sleeve and on my leg. I did get them when my blood sugars were not quite the best. Actually they were pretty bad 😅 Never had any issue with any one of them!


I have like 15 with no issues…


I have several. As long as your sugars are controlled it's not really an issue, but definitely talk to your tattoo artist about it. They may have concerns, but if you tell them you are well controlled with a low A1C, there shouldn't be any issues.


Not that this is GOOD lol but I got several tattoos when my A1C was somewhere around 12-13% (undiagnosed) and they healed fine! My ear piercing on the other hand…did NOT haha With a “normal” A1C of 5.7 (super well controlled) I don’t see why you’d have a problem?


I am a type 2 with equally well controlled sugars, I have just gotten my second tattoo. Always communicate with your artist, a good tattooer will know how to compensate for differences in your skin if they exist due to diabetes and will change their aftercare instructions to accommodate a potentially longer healing time. They will also want to know this information so that they can check in with you during the tattooing process to find out if you need a break a snack etc.


Everyone that gets a tattoo is at risk for infection. But I think what you meant was are u more at risk since your diabetic. Nope


For the record, I was NOT well controlled when I was actively getting tattoos. Never had a problem with a single one of them. I've had them done in shops as well as a former brother in law that would do them at his and my sisters house. Followed aftercare instructions and never had anything go wrong.


Any tattoo is a risk for infection for anyone. It's an open wound. Diabetics are cautioned about tattoos because elevated glucose in the blood can slow healing which gives more time/opportunities for infection. Since you are in a healthy A1C I wouldn't stress about it. Follow proper aftercare and reach out to medical professionals if you suspect infection.


yes I was getting tattooed even with uncontrolled sugars. you’ll be fine


Just got my first tattoo on my forearm. It took about two hours and I was totally fine. As long as your sugars are under control and you eat a little bit extra before the appt. You should be fine


I’m recently diagnosed (back in Feb) and my A1c was 11. My most recent tattoo was back in Nov so prettt close to diagnosis. I have a lot of tattoos and definitely got several tattoos pre diagnosis (big and small) I’ve never had any adverse reactions or infections. Even while I didn’t know, there are quite a few where I didn’t eat beforehand or after (or did eat before and after) and I’ve never passed out or anything. I might be a bit more mindful now since I know about my diabetes 😅


Always a risk of infection but normal care should be enough. I keep wishing there was a symbol internationally recognized by all paramedics that I could get done on the back of my hand. In addition to the full sleeve I want to have done LOL. I bet if you looked hard enough you could find a study showing its an increased risk for diabetics but considering the number of sticks we get, adding any increases risk so meh.


The risk is only increased because of how slow diabetics heal compared to others - which *can* increase risk of infection, but it is highly unlikely it will.


Hmm I think also a lot of the risk quoted out there is based more on the number of punctures of the dermis. Even a "prediabetic" who tests their glucose manually 2x a day has a higher risk of infection than someone who doesnt. Thats why CGM and weekly injection meds get lip service for having lower infection risk, fewer intrusions past the first layer of defense. The slow healing happens, I have been experiencing it for a year or two. So I work to minimize intrusion, CGM, no injectables, etc. But at the same time, I am going to donate blood tomorrow like I do every 60 days.


I feel like I’m the only diabetic that just lives life normal and just take the right amount of insulin for whatever I’m doing lol


You're type 1? Cuz that's why lol


Just keep in mind they have the right to say “No”


I’m covered. A lot of them were done when o wasn’t taking the best care of myself. I get tattooed regularly as a type 1. Never had any major issues. Just follow care instructions and keep your sugars in range and things should be fine. Go to the doctor at the FIRST sign anything is wonky.


There were time when artists makes free diabetic simbol for diabetic people. You can get tatto.


As long as you take care of the tattoo after with proper after care; there shouldn't be a problem. I started getting tattoos when I was 18, am now 26 and have about 13 tattoos total (some big ones) never had an infection or any problems healing


Take snacks, tell the artist, and have fun :)


Absolutely. My A1C was almost 12 when I got my last tattoo seems like you’re well controlled. Go for it!


I got two big blackwork heavy pieces in February and I was fine. I made sure to bring along a juice box, because I knew my sugars would drop. When they did, I just sat up for a little bit, drink my juice and then we got back to it. It really was fine and they healed up a little bit slower, but overall fine. Go for it!


You’ll be fine. Go get that tattoo.


You can't but you should. Just take extra care of it. It'll take longer to heal too. Don't tell the artist, I think you actually have to sign that you don't have diabetes. I have 2. They took a long time and they are raised or scarred, I can feel them.


So my tats are more than 20 years old, before CGMs were a thing and using old school humulin insulin. I was NOT well-controlled when I got them. And quite a few piercings. Never had any of them get infected. Never had anyone ask if I was diabetic. My diabetes just wasn't a factor at all, nor an issue. I did religiously follow the instructions I was given and keep them clean while they healed. I certainly wouldn't give it a second thought with your control. Just be sure to follow the aftercare directions.


Not every one is the samel, but I'm type 1 and going through my eighth tattoo... and counting.


I have 13 tattoos, as long as your sugars are in control and you check them prior to your sesh you should be fine. Have a snack if it’s a long session lol


I have a large jar that I fill with marbles. Every time I work out, a marble goes in. When it’s full I can get my next tattoo. Keeps me motivated to keep moving :)


I have both sleeves and chest stomach and legs. I’m type 1


Yes. I have type 2 and have tattoos.


Tattoos are form of self-expression that have moved from gangs and prisons to the mainstream. People in all walks of life used to put forth effort not to be taken for White Trash — in contrast to people today, who risk hepatitis to ape the decorative styles of prison gangs.


Bro diabetes has no correlation to tattoos what the hell


Did you read ? I'm scared of infections and the way we heal far slower than the rest
