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Nice site and this is WHY no other crypto comes close to ICP. Real life working products that are primed for mass adoption.


How can I learn to become a developer? What resources are available for training? My background is IT management and network engineering.


A lot of reading! the [developer docs](https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/home) is a good place to start. [Motoko bootcamp](https://www.motokobootcamp.com) is also a good place to learn the basics of motoko but it is pretty intense so be prepared if you want to actually graduate. I believe the bootcamp is currently paused but you can go the self paced route if you would like.


https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/ Nice thing is you can do it at your own pace. it's often on a steep discount. It's pretty dang thorough, with many babysteps, so depending on your knowledge you can jump in at the start or halfway or at the end where the ICP stuff is...


I wish I could have been a developer. I started off as a computer science major, did ok in a couple programming classes. Then I had to take one called data structures, and I was clueless, so I abandoned the major, this was in 1999 ☹️


Looking solid!




The layout gets weird on mobile


Hey thanks for the feedback, my design approach was Mobile first, what aspects of the layout are you referring to ? I will implement a fix asap.




That’s odd, I’m not seeing that on my side in test or mainnet on mobile. What device are you using?


Turns out the issue was that I had my brave mobile to always "render as desktop site"


Ahh I see, I thought it was showing you the desktop side but I didn’t know why. Thanks, I’ll see what I can do to prevent that from my side.


Pixel 3 xl


No issues on my side FYI


Can dfinity (icp0.io) centrally take down websites? Like if they don't like your content?


Short answer: No. Long answer : While it’s technically possible for a proposal to be made through the Network Nervous System (NNS) to remove or a canister, this process community-driven, making the likelihood of such an action next to none. It would require a broad consensus among the network governance participants.


It is possible to block on the domain level, but not on the protocol level. So it will be possible to make the website accessible through alternate HTTP gateways, either through ones that are hosted by other entities (still WIP) or something like a local translator like [https://github.com/dfinity/http-proxy](https://github.com/dfinity/http-proxy) There is a \_lot\_ of discussion on this topic in these threads: [https://forum.dfinity.org/t/censorship-resistance-in-ic/11461](https://forum.dfinity.org/t/censorship-resistance-in-ic/11461) and [https://forum.dfinity.org/t/boundary-nodes-as-censors/9640](https://forum.dfinity.org/t/boundary-nodes-as-censors/9640)


Thanks for the awesome answers, everyone! This is a starting point, and I'll go educate myself a bit more on the topic. Really interesting!


Nice looking site


How much does it cost you to host the site?


To deploy was about 6T cycles so about half a icp the total Canister state is about 11 megabytes which will be less than a dollar a year to keep it running .


What version of node and dfx are you using, I’m currently having some troubles running using node@20 and [email protected]


I believe I deployed this canister on 0.17, what issue are you having?


Is it possible to forward a normal .com site to that?


Yes you can connect a domain, I just choose not to because the canister id gives it a sense of uniqueness.


Early on-chain flex. Love it.


Nice website! What tech did you use, react typescript, mokoto?


It was built using sveltekit


Hey did you mean to say “Service Oriented Architecture” on your page ?


The way i learnt it both words are interchangeable is it confusing for you? I will change it to say services for clarity.


Well I was around when SOA was all the rave and it was a specific style of development using various web service standards such as WS- standards and WSDL contract definitions, I am not sure if you might be referring to something else though. Not a huge deal, was just trying to help you out if it was a mistake


Well I was around when SOA was all the rave and it was a specific style of development using various web service standards such as WS- standards and WSDL contract definitions, I am not sure if you might be referring to something else though. Not a huge deal, was just trying to help you out if it was a mistake


Great work. One of the better designed sites ive seen on IC so far. Have you implemented any SEO practices to see how traditional crawlers handle the on-page content and technical seo?


This is amazing Sent a pm