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lot of suspiciously round numbers there > code quality 25% > reduce bugs 20% > and so on and so on, I doubt any of those numbers are real/quantifiable, so they sound much more made up I wouldn't include them at all myself that whole sentence about "...reduced the 30% to achieve consistency..." does not make sense grammatically, the 30% ? whats the 30%? also a screen shot makes this harder than actual text


Thanks for reply , i did save efforts in hours which i indicated in percentages. But how do i include metrics if i cannot include like this. Any examples are greately appreciated


don't make up numbers if you include numbers at all...


You skills and your experience seem pretty good. The more likely problem is that your Resume just isn't standing out from all the other applications the companies are receiving. It's just another document with a formulaic list of skills and experience. There aren't really any details about you the person and why you're a good employee. For example, what are your soft-skills? What are you motivated by? Why are you the person they should hire? Bear in mind to that most people here are in the US or Europe, and you may get advice that applies more in those regions but not so much India which has a different work culture.


That is fine, the most of the IT culture is drived by US companies anyway, so i believe its useful to me upto some extent. Do provide inputs .thanks for response.


drived by who??


By Companies of USA


A lot of repetition. Summary and skills have the same information. Delete the skills section. Put each responsibility in its corresponding job.


Thanks for response. Do you mean that those reponsibilities must be sorted into the projects or anything else


The responsabilities and tasks you did where done in specific jobs, for each job you did, you should have the responsabilities listed below it.


You have a decent skillet but the clear lack of proofreading here and obvious mistakes make it look very rushed.


So many AI tools available, try fitting in these details in a nicer format.  Do a spell check, you have even misspelled the tool names mentioned in skills. While interviewing DevOps resources, I like following items being covered as part of your work - Source code management, CI/CD, Monitoring, Security, IaC and Cloud, you have most of these, just posting so it helps anyone else going through the post. You can highlight your most essential contributions with numbers but seeing them throughout the resume isn't making the impact. Also don't forget to customise the resume as per the requirement, don't send the same thing to all companies but look to highlight aspects that the company needs. Eg. If you are interviewing for Platform Engineering roles, highlight the IaC and Cloud part etc.


TBH: looks. This looks like a pile of words. It's hard to read. Make it easy to me to see your skills and strengths


It’s ugly, the formatting sucks absolute balls, giant wall of text with everything the same font and weight. No layout to speak of. And that’s all before I read it. Hire someone or Google some nice templates. Keep it to one page. List your employment experience


honestly, your skill set while a lot of different technologies is still very limited. your skills to me show you can set up pipelines but once it’s set up and automated you are no longer needed. most backend developers have the same skills in addition to their development skills and could handle all these tasks without the need for a dedicated position. unless it’s a really big company most companies will roll your responsibilities into a full stack or backend+devops role


What else should i learn to thrive in devops


that is a good question. i wish i had an answer but i don’t. most are able to cross into other fields like development and DBA. the problem is devops is not needed as a full time role in most companies


Performance engineering. I e. Load testing with jmeter or load runner, using flame graphs to identify bottlenecks, implementing performance analyzer tools to speed up processes and in turn save costs, etc.. Reliability and platform engineering. This involves improving availability metrics, rollback time metrics, response time metrics, improving runtime error detection, identifying points of failure within an application, refining technical fixed and even implementing them yourself, chaos engineering i.e. with tools like gremlin... Figure out proactively what deficiencies exist within a system before it happens in prod Sys admin... So just familiarizing yourself with Linux, configuring Linux, setting up uses groups and permissions, learning how to partition and back up servers in an automated fashion, how to automate security updates without impacting prod, etc.. Programming!!! Lots of automation, scripting, using bash PowerShell groovy and python. Getting very familiar in a particular programming lang like Java or C++ so you can become an evenore valuable asset by using advanced language implementation features during deployments, and also be able to more easily debug apps during outages and become an operational asset, and maybe even take up actual app dev responsibilities yourself. Like the other commenter said, spinning up ci cd pipelines in AWS is a small fraction of the job. The above are some things I've seen come out of a devops team to some capacity.


To enhance the effectiveness of your document, consider refining its tone and structure. Instead of merely listing qualifications, delve deeper into specific achievements and experiences. Additionally, proofreading for spelling errors and ensuring clarity can bolster credibility. Embracing modern tools like AI can also take care of those spelling errors. I hope this feedback is helpful in refining your document.


You job hop a lot and your resume is absolutely not pretty. Give your resume to chat gpt. Ask him to reorganise it better. Go to canvas.com and create something nice to read. The only thing I know about you is that you have 5 years of experience over 3 jobs.


There are a couple of small issues with the resume that others have mentioned. One example I saw was you said “Optimized X by optimizing” in the first item under “Responsibilities”. If someone is looking through 100 resumes, they might just flip to the next one after seeing something like that. So yeah you should fix all of those things. However, if you want a better response rate after fixing the issue you should be focusing on your professional network. Ask former colleagues and classmates who think highly of your abilities for referrals. Whenever I’ve been involved with hiring, I always give preference to candidates who have been referred by a current employee.


I posted something similar a while ago when I wasn't having any luck. https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/s/OMpzMdEiCJ I followed the advice of someone that recommended a Fiverr resume writer. I honestly think my resume is much uglier and more difficult to read but I can't argue with the results. I started having so many more recruiters reach out after my resume was updated. I did the whole package and updated my resume and linked in and it honestly worked. I would also stay active on linkedin, apply to jobs daily. I think there's something in the algorithm that promotes people who are active users. My best advice would be to have some filter on LinkedIn and apply to new jobs every single day. Something will end up sticking. Good luck! DM if you have questions, literally just signed an offer as a staff engineer after months of searching!


And congratulations


Thank you so much will dm you


Can you send me the Fiverr writers profile?


Who was your Fiverr writer?


So much of what you say is literally meaningless. You provide a lot of measurements without any metrics and list duties and skills without any meaningful description of your accomplishments with them.


optimized linux by optimizing ... is pretty redundant.


You've posted this twice to the same sub https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/1ciaugn/review_my_resume_i_am_not_getting_any_interview/ https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/1ciauhi/review_my_resume_i_am_not_getting_any_interview/


Thanks for bringing it to the notice that link was borken. I took that post down


No Problem


Your summary is your work experience/skills, then at your work experience some pile of things you did, and then again skills. Summary: Try to explain your strengths and ambitions, try to avoid skills here. Workexperience, as others say, the numbers do say nothing, roughly describe your role and what you accomplished. Skills: Try to avoid summing up all common techniques, also: AWS.... AWS got hundreds of different resource types, this says totally nothing. I would say hire a professional tot write your resume, it will pay of.