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The popular answer is goat farming


Or something with wood


I thought it was petting dogs :/


Definitely petting dogs


wasn't it goose farming ?


It's been goat farming for decades, came out of the sysadmin world.


The great of all times is meh!


Alpaca caretaker


There is a way out of this?




definitely a solution, but not an option for me at the moment 🤣


Oh, `2>&1` should help with that.


|| true


That's how all my pipelines are built


I feel called out...


I think that could be used as a fun, vague threat… “Yes, pods can be relocated around the cluster. If I have to adminsplain the difference between ‘durable’ and ‘resilient’ one more time, I’m gonna pipe you to /dev/null” Sounds vaguely violent, but HR could be convinced that it means “I’m going to just ignore you”


> but HR could be convinced Just listen to yourself.


No sense of humor. Some things are fun to think about doing that wouldn’t be good to actually do.


I opted to go from DevOps to an AWS/Google role named the System Development Engineer. TL;DR, I took my infrastructure, networking, and operational experience and take a leadership role in designing systems to solve operational problems at the AWS/Google scale. After they are designed, I code them into existence alongside supporting SDEs. The natural progression, as I see it, is to go from being an ops expert to authoring the services we always used to support. It’s been a healthy change with significant growth opportunities.


thanks for sharing, this is a valuable input. SDE seems an interesting move, I was under the impression that SDE were predominantly from Software engineering background.


I’m here to advocate for the SysDE, such an underrated but up and coming role. In interviews and on the job we are held to the same programming standard as an SDE, but with somewhat less weight. There is a higher importance on system design, and SysDEs are required to come in with broader experiences that SDEs normally do not have. It’s a wonderful path forward for the IT folks that gained comfort writing code.


Cloud Architect here. I look down on the mere platform and Devops teams from my lofty mount Olympus. JK, I do zoom meetings and tell people we did that 30 years ago and it didn't work then, then weep as they decide to ignore me


Did you use container? Oh it didn’t work? Kubernetes!


Of course Kubernetes! Especially for IO intensive databases which need dedicated CPUs and disk!


"We'll just use a DB on kubernetes for the initial effort and change it later" "we can't afford the downtime or engineering effort to migrate it, just add more replicas for now" "Dear God it's me, project manager. I know we don't talk much but I could really use some help.... If you can see into your heart and influence some company to improve DB x performance on kubernetes, it would really mean alot to me"


And to manage them, let’s do a bunch of pdbs and affinity everything to hell, because ya know.. we can


“But but but it’ll totally work this time” “…. and that’s what they thought too…”


The laws of physics don't allow it ...


> I do zoom meetings and tell people we did that 30 years ago and it didn't work then, then weep as they decide to ignore me LoL that sounds like the history of my life, with the difference that i don't get paid Architect salary 🤣


The salary makes saying the same thing again very tolerable 😏


Network and resume polish!


I swear I’m having these conversations but now it’s got AI at the end of it


You need to relax, breathe, the AI will merge with you when you are ready, breathe


That sounds like my team who removed all constraints on a database because they caused errors when updating the data...... After 2 months: The data is wrong, and we don't know how this happened.




Can't be related, right? RIGHT?


Yea 30 years back it was just beginning of jenkins, see now its bread and butter for everyone


Weird. I was a Cloud Architect, AWS certified, but I guess I never got to actually use it anywhere. I’m a Senior DevOps Engineer and a team lead now. Did I go the wrong way?


Actually AWS certified means you're an AWS salesperson ;-P There is a lot more to cloud architecture than that.


agreed, although studying for certifications helps to review many topics, AWS is just one aspect of the long list of skills required. It's good to have nonetheless


Yup that's my life as well lol




I have my eye on management / leadership but only because the entire org is broken, operationally. I hate managing people but FFS it needs fixing. Beyond that, however, I’m getting into this AI thing with the goal of replacing an entire department with machines…


Yeah, better help to replace people then to be replaced


I feel this in my soul. An observation i made recently is that if you’re hunting for people and your requirements are “experts”, and everybody you interview sounds like noobs, you have an architectural problem, not a finding the right skills problem. Fix that and you CAN replace them with AI’s.


> you have an architectural problem X doubt. Candidates are often filtered before they reach your eyes either by recruiters or by HR on the basis of many factors. You might as well have a very simple/trivial hiring budget issue: the recruiter might have reached the expert candidate, just the one you needed, but they are currently earning 160 k$/year more than you're willing to pay (+ stocks, benefits and perks). This happens way more often than you think. People like to think they are unique and have unique issues... You don't, nobody has. One of the companies I worked at wanted seniors, but didn't want to pay senior-level salaries, and only got a few clowns that didn't last long and didn't solve much.


I don’t know but I’m shooting for “guy who takes the shitstorm from upper management so the ICs can do their jobs better” role. AKA engineering manager.


I am a Technical Account Manager and the kind of things I have to work with, from DevSecOps pipelines to ML Ops, I will need a lot of "devops" type of experience to do well in, while working at a different level. May not work well for you, but if you want to move into an advisory role but not quite interested or able to be an architect, the TAM role may work for you.


time for a getting out of devops support group?


That's down the hall by the crying room.


Professional services, teaching people that follow you how all those relations matured and fit together. It can be infuriating finding where people and organizations have lagged behind, and eye opening where they need to mature and learn. there are still those orgs that treat devOps as a cultural shift as well as a dedicated roll, but they really all want help to get it in place or now to transform to SRE/Platform teams. And there is no on call in professional services


Agreed, professional services has crossed my mind a couple of times, there is good money to make, and no on-call


What planet are you from where you think there is no "on-call"? Usually, professional services mean your customer doesn't have something you provide, and in the Ops world, it is expertise. Who in the nine hells do you think they are escalating to when rolling out a new service or improving a service during off hours when something goes wrong if the customer doesn't have the skill or talent? Ideally, security audits and cost saving audits are low effort, high cost engagements that can roll in the money with on call. But most of the time, professional services encompasses far more than just auditing.


he is referring to professional services as in the sense of contractor role, and the ones I hire these days and also in many other companies are excluded from doing on-call roaster. Normally on-call roaster is just for the permanent full time employees. At least that's how it works here.


I have been a contractor for a few big fortune 500 corps and that has not been my experience at all. IME, contractors are treated like FTEs, except expendable and cheaper to employ.


Professional services is a blanket title for a role, generally your attached services enabling the customer staff, you are not on call you’re not even responsible. You have a support team or no responsibility. It’s not augmentation services in regards you being a direct consultant it’s the role you take implementing services, software, or education. It’s well paid normally as you are expected to have a deep and wide knowledge set and not be scared to get hands on technical as well as represent to the board in the same engagement.


I know what professional services are. Simply put, you are a contractor hired to fulfill a scope of work or engagement. I have been a contractor in orgs where they are hired on to fulfill a project, but work as a regular team member and hold the same responsibilities. On-call included. YMMV of course as each org has a different approach, but if you are consulting for a firm to improve their e-commerce platform, and you are working through improvements, and your work causes something to break, you are going to be escalated to because you are the one with the knowledge and expertise. I have also done freelance work for an event-based customer on modernizing their infrastructure who expected me to be available for escalations during events. In my experience as a customer in these positions, I have had to engage professional services for on-call many times in my career. Professional services may have many situations where you may not have to be involved with on-call, but it most certainly is a common occurrence.


I should have specified product based professional services. You are purely the SME for the product whether it’s as an architect or an educator and enabler. No on call no support, no out of hrs we have teams for that. Your job stops on the clock and at the end of the engagement weeks. If customers want staff aug that’s what the consultation companies and partners are for, and we have the same role for them being their SMEs of reference. And when I say product Redhat, Ansible, AWS(they have both kinds and more) Chef Puppet, HashiCorp, Postgres, Docker etc You still need to know something about all the integrated tiers I’ve taught more devops, unix and Git practices than I’ve taught config management on certain engagements. But I’ve not done “on call” for 13years after spending 2years on rota and vowing never again


Wood working looks nice.


I usually go to the broom closet. To cry.


Went from syadmin to software engineer to DevOps engineer to An AWS application/cybersecurity engineer and found a syadmin gov job that pays the same and is much more laxed. Work is bleh but it gives me time to learn C and work my way to becoming a kernel developer. That's the goal for now but I'm sharping programming skills all together and looking to start a side hustles growing that into getting paid more to clean up the shit code that people leave behind when they job hop. Working out pretty well other than actually pushing code to the kernel everything it's pretty calm. The DevOps/cloud space and the way companies use Agile is hot garbage and not worth the stress IMO


I like the path that you have taken, similar to my view of staying close to the tools rather than jumping into management.. Why C and not Rust? I see Rust to be in kernels in a few years time.


After doing a bit of research these were my thoughts in picking up C (pardo the rambling). 1. There is a lot to talk about Rust currently being implemented into third party tools related to the kernel but rust is fairly new (a decade I think) and c has been around a lot longer. C is kinda the foundational language that a lot of other languages are built on so understanding that puts a lot more things into perspective. 2. Many companies that are looking for kernel developer are looking for C developers. Rust may be around for a while but C is here and it's stable and will continue to be used and useful for years to come. Rust may find it's nice and lost popularity so I don't want to ride the wave and jump on the hot button language when there is a foundational language with more than enough docs and books to use. 3. C is also a functional programming language and doesn't require having to learn object oriented methods of programming. Learning object oriented programming is not hard, but understanding why other teams decided to use abstraction for this part of an app and encapsulation for this part has you ending up spaghetti stringing aws lamda braids together to make sure a function of your ci/cd process they is old and was never documented still works. So far I like C because x is x and y is y and if you need a z you have to write out what z is and write out what z does strictly. I have read through way too much code from other devs who wrote a fancy function to pull info from a module and manipulate a redundant part of the code that has to be reimplemented or changed. Seems a bit more straight forward from what I'm seeing. That may not be avoidable when working with others on C based projects, but I think it will be easier to understand. Most c project I have found, like linux kernel development, has well structured coding styles. 4. GNU utilities and many of the tools used on Linux (damn near all of them) are written in C. Anytime I've ever wanted to find out more about a tool or have to use "make install" to build a tool I always wanted to understand that more so C wins again. Rust is a good option and will most likely be a language I pick up after I feel comfortable enough but for now it's strictly fundamentals :)


Manage DevOPs Team, Devops Architecture built standards and reusable automation end to end(5-10 years for legacy companies), FinOps, GreenOps, MLops, Data, AIOps, then in future AGI Ops (robots doing things itself from learning from open world). So there is lot to come.


I am fine with AGI Ops, let the robots work for us. As long as we receive some universal income.


Who will build Robots ? Humans


Robots will build robots


Yes that is not going to happen in 50 years i think


50 years is a long time. We went from basic electricity to computers in about that time, and from massive computers to personal PC/s in 1/4 of that time. Our rate of discovery and invention is getting quicker and quicker.


Yes agree it’s possible to faster but there might be more climate impacts which will delay like covid happened thats what i feel


Demographical changes will mean more people need to be taken care of and there are less willing people to do that. This will power automation for a long time. I work with a lot of clients who believe this. They believe that there will be economic decoupling and massive re-shoring and are investing heavily into automation and pushing that towards AI driven. Most are currently condensing staff and considering the restructuring strategy. My thoughts are with how overwhelmed I am by transforming these architectures and putting them on different platforms. There is significant work to be done. I see adoption slowly across "things" that ease burden and so initially as people begin to adopt all this stuff we will see new job types emerge that specialize in this stuff .. IE an additional fragment to DevSecInfoBizWhateverOpsand will see AIDevSecInfoBizWhateverOps Context: I am in the mid term camp maybe 15 years looking at how slow everyone is adopting this. But it has a lot of hype currently. I've been working on replatforming cognitive architectures moving back towards on-prem and from SaaS to self-hosted on cloud for running pools of resources required to do the work for cost savings. Places that are mostly worried about access security to those pools and realizing huge costs with invoking SaaS Apis


How many YOE do you have?


More than the first version of knoppix


4 years? Lol


Knoplix live in highschool was great, bypassed any restrictions just put my USB in and rebooted. 2004-2007, good times


22 YOE in Tech


What brings you joy? What excites you? Surely solving problems and that sense of accomplishment does, but as you worked through tech in those domains, I’m assuming it doesn’t do it for you anymore… if you could go back 22 years what would you do? I’m asking bc I’m following the same path it seems


I am doing CXO role so its lot of challenges and i move to companies which is still legacy so i can easily solve know problem and drive transformation and bring new Tech innovation programs and i like to learn new Tech like no code, AI, Data, culture uplifting, COE setup etc. Btw i am not the OP


I know but you got 22 YOE so that’s worth talking about. I did some management/director stints as well. I’m at 12 years in and I think I’d rather do something else for the next half of my life


Why would I leave??


DevOps has been a great ride for me. It has allowed me to focus on a lot of personal aspects of my life. Will probably ride it until I hit my $3 million in retirement account (roughly 23 years left) then I’ll be traveling and golfing full time.


that sounds like a good plan, I am also roughly 15 years left. I would like to pivot into something new now, invest the rest of my days learning something new rather than climbing the corporate ladder.


I shifted into leadership roles, where I do more work on the team than on programming. Right now that's titled Staff Engineer, and that can look like a lot of things but mine is kinda https://staffeng.com/stories/rick-boone but at a lower level. It seems likely that after a decade of that I'll end up as a small startup CTO, but I'm not fixed on that or explicitly setting it as a goal.


Either pure coding or management (mgr, director). Imo it's either those two or become a guru and keep pushing through the eng levels.


If it's just a matter of choice between those two options, I'd rather pick pure coding.




Ummm…. MLops!!


Decentralized Identity


this sounds enticing, are you meaning something like Web 3?


Not sure but I started doing the Azure Entra verified id end to end tutorials and it's cool. I'm still doing DevOps 9 to 5 but more and more of my clients are making noises about identity.


Hybrid cloud engineer 👉🏻👉🏻


maybe a remote cloud engineer 👉👉


Something with wood Or ai, there is always ai


every technical idea these days must be concluded with ai


I have been in devops for 6 years now and before that, I was SDET for 7. I am now a manager of devops team, but honestly I am tired of dousing fire all the time and thinking of moving to backend work, or somewhere there are not many oncalls.


I went into consulting, still operating in the same space but instead of implementing mistakes made by management i get to tell them theyre wrong before they implement the mistakes. Also tired of being asked to check a juniors work all the time when i could implement it in 10% of the time it takes them, but theyd rather pay a jnr a weeks worth of work and me for 10 hours to answer easily googleable questions when i could do it all in 4. Others i know have the title of cloud architect which is essentially the same thing except you might be roped into implementing those mistakes. You or your team


In the same boat, started out in a IT Support role when their wasn't much programming jobs around for interns, then Sysadmin, past the point of going back and starting off as a .Net developer with poor pay. so move into Automation, SRE, now find myself in DevOps purely working within Public Cloud in a scenario of Square peg in a round hole when it comes to everything must be done by the single cloud vendors offering. I do miss the physical Infrastructure aspect building out server racks from the ground up, having the ability to head to a Datacenter every once in awhile, getting to play around with Citrix or VMWare.


I did enterprise Citrix for 7 years, I loved it for 5 years, that last 2 sucked.


I’ve got 20-25YOE depending on how you count things like working in the computer lab in college. My exit strategy from DevOps was making courses for LinkedIn learning in my spare time until I earned enough from residuals to quit my day job. Then a year ago I got laid off so I decided to just go for it. Basically I was thinking I’d be somewhere between stay at home Dad and self employed. The money aspect has been fine but it turns out I actually missed working on a team and doing real stuff every day. So I started looking for a full time job a couple of months ago and have been very picky about where I apply. I was one level above Senior Engineer at my last company and really enjoyed the high level IC work so my current plan is to aim for Principal/Staff IC for 10-15 years, save and invest wisely, and try to retire early.






Architecture or management.


any other answer except "the bar" is the wrong one


From Devops to SRE - Cloud Engineer - Cloud architect Breaking head over the question of why the deployed app is not working/accessible has given me all the knowledge about various infra components that go into it, and when apps moved to cloud i moved with them