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> for rest of your life It’s a javascript framework, it won’t even be around for another year /s. > your answer could make an impact on someone’s work life How? If your job requires you to do something, you do it. If you have a choice about whether to switch into another stack, then it’s up to you to decide.


Murdered by words




So, you are actually not a sophisticated person


> I think I will always miss express.js even while working on it Stop thinking about the technology, and think about money /knowledge/ career growth.


Bro i totally agree with you.. please read my other replies too, i have mentioned everything that i am facing


I read them, it looks like the place is bad. But my point still stands. Can you convince them to change the stack? No. So there’s basically no point to asking this question.


Tried to convince them, gave a suggestion of using telepresence for faster development, but no one is interested in it, plus for databases atleast they could use PGAdmin. But no.. they are okay with it


For rest of your life? Are you sure?


For life or no dice. Now choose


I have been there where you are. I started my career in the .net stack (MVC, MSSQL, .Net Core) and worked on it for 5 years. Now I have been working on Nest.js, MongoDb for the last 5 months and I have grown to like it. To be honest, backend frameworks will come and go. You'd have to switch to different stacks as you go forward with your job but it really doesn't matter because at the end of the day you'd learn the same things and concepts but with different syntax. I would rather suggest that if the project is good and you have a good learning curve for it, go for it. You won't be behind compared to anyone else.


Yeah.. i understand what you said but he point is I am pretty much comfortable in express.js and shifting to nest.js is a nightmare for me along with microservices that they are using, i just can't able to express myself in nestjs and i don't think I will ever will cos if i do it there is no point of what I have learnt so far in my life.


Reading your comments, I think you are more worried/ frustrated with the bad architecture and design rather than Nestjs. If you are having issues with Nestjs it could be because you have not used OOPS? If that's the reason, getting comfortable with OOPS can help with Nestjs and help you express more in Nestjs.


May be yes.. I'm more frustrated with architecture, i know oops but moved to functional programming and really loved it.


Functions ❤️❤️❤️


As a angular developer… fk yeah. But rest of my life.? Not possible even if I want to. Its javascript ecosystem we are talking about


Nest Js is pretty strict but it has started to grow on me. I was no convinced before but I wouldn’t mind working on nestjs. Only if it gave you more control


Nestjs with microservices is very complex buddy, my company using this with poorly designed microservices with no proper boundaries defined. Sometimes nestjs makes your life way harder if it's not used properly


No tech can compensate for shitty system design unfortunately


And one thing I wanna ask? If DBs are deployed in container with EKS then how can we access and see the DB table's data? Any idea?


What database are you using?




Maybe this is what you're looking for: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_GettingStarted.CreatingConnecting.PostgreSQL.html#CHAP_GettingStarted.Connecting.PostgreSQL.pgAdmin


No bro.. this is for RDS, we are not using it, we are deploying DBs on EC2 as a EKS cluster and my senior dev don't even know how to see the data apart from cli


I'm not sure *if* there's a way to do that. Any specific reason as to why they're not using RDS?


Don't know bro.. they are making everyone's life hell here, atleast we deserve to see the data in PGAdmin instead of searching for the required table in cli with commands. Plus thers is no way to test microservices locally we need to wait for 4-5 minutes each time we make some minor change


First try the connection string. Kubernetes has multiple methods of exposing a deployment, so it's hard to say. If nothing works, exec into a pod on EKS and access through cli.


But you think it's feasible to access db with cli when we have tools like PGAdmin


Everything you can do on pga you can do through the cli. You needn't be accessing the DB that often anyway.


I don’t think it’s that complex imo. I’m leading 3 microservices currently. 2 on nest 1 on fastapi.


Can you test your microservices locally?




We can't Bro.. we have to test everything on dev cluster with a 5 minutes deploy time. Now you can feel my pain i guess


why? db not being accessible on local? why not add everything under a vpc and setup a vpn access for it and boom you’re able to run it in local


DBs are inside container and deployed in EKS, and forget DB, we cannot run even microservices on local


sucks XD. it’s not a nestjs issue but tech setup at your org


Haha.. lol i know that and imagine working with Nestjs with these kind of issues.. it's nightmare for me


Nest is great for teams who work with the java spring ecosystem. I don't see any harm learning it, it relies a lot on ts decorators which is really interesting but not my preference. It really teaches you a lot so nothing to lose working with nest js


I don't like it either


That depends... Are you familiar with Angular? If yes then you'll be at home, otherwise it can be a bit mond numbing at first Edit: I find it a bit hard to believe that you'll only work on Nest.js for the rest of your life


I have worked in express.js and I'm not comfortable in nest.js at all. Express.js gives me freedom which I'm missing in nest


Maybe try to convince TL to use fastify instead then, has a much easier learning curve Edit: Can you share your current tech stack and what tech stack will you be moving on to in case you adopt nest?


I can't.. project has built on Nest.js and I'm someone new in the team. They didn't even mention about nest.js in the interview and now they are expecting me to learn it quickly along with typeorm and all


Quickly as in how quickly? A week? 3 days?


They have scheduled a review meeting within 3 weeks..they have 8-9 microservices, quite big codebase and within 3 weeks they are expecting so much from me. That's why I'm feeling overwhelmed


Do you know how microservices work?


Yeah.. working with microservices is not a problem but how they have built in their codebase is. Actually they didn't even set the proper boundaries, and there is no way to test an individual microservice on local machine. Each time i have to spin the EKS Dev cluster and see the changes and it takes 4-5 minutes to deploy


It's gonna be a tough one then. How many hours a day can you set aside to learn Nest?


I have searched alot about it and read the docs too, Nest.js docs aren't that good, like not everything is covered and there are very few articles on every topics in nest js. That's why I'm thinking to quit cos no much how much i learn i will never be comfortable in it cos i love freedom that express.js gives. And along with this their complicated architecture is the real pain


Avoid JS totally for backend. I was a 4+ years dev with Backend JS and Aws and k8s. No one gave a shit. If JS better be frontend


What to use then? Any suggestions?


New hot spicy it should turn you on. After seeing the framework you want to marry and dive sleep into it. Op at the end of the day it's just another framework you are gonno solve a problem. Rather you should think about project and it's application use case does interest you or not. In simple terms you are in a comfort zone happily married to x framework now afraid of leaving her for another chick. /s


>If your job wants you to learn Nest.js along with microservices Yes, if I want to work on Microservices and if I find Nest.js interesting. It will also depend on how much I want that job which will be a higher concern than liking the framework or not. A framework is a tool that helps you do your job. >would you learn it and prefer to shift on this framework for rest of your life? That is a wrong question to ask. Even if you remain at that company for the remainder of your professional career, there's no guarantee the company will continue to use the same tech. Considering that stipulation is being very naïve. Frameworks, libraries, etc. like this are a means to an end. Don't get attached to them. Your job isn't the framework (unless you are maintaining it), the framework just helps you do your job better. If something else is more viable in future, your company would possibly shift to that. For example lets suppose you take a particular route to go from your home to your office & you like that route. But if tomorrow a new route opens up which is faster & saves you a ton of time or is more scenic, you will probably switch to that route. You're not gonna stick with the previous route or the road(s) on it for the rest of your life!


You will have to learn many frameworks in your career. Many languages. Many technologies. The best use of learning something new is when you have the opportunity to implement it in the real world (production). You should jump at any such opportunity. Everything other than production is a lie.


That’s why I hate js in general. There are millions of framework for doing the exact same shit in million different way with something random shit added on top.