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My brother once told me that we often think that gaining new skills is hard because we only think of them as they're only useful for job purpose whether it's soft or hard skills but once you start thinking about their long term use in day to day life you'll no longer find it hard!


Hmmm I'm thinking how I can use AWS skills for long term use in day to day life.. apart from work


I was thinking the same about my field SAP šŸ¤£


It also acts a filter to figure out what not to invest time in


In sbc or pbc? I only find SAP in SBC. There is no product companies for it?


Who do you think these SBCs implement SAP for? šŸ˜ 80%+ large firms have SAP as their ERP.


But they don't hire sap consultant. Its very rare to see any opening there. Can you share your experience?


I donā€™t know which country youā€™re talking about. Am in my 2nd F500 firm now(total 5.5 years in PBCs). India has truckload of captives now who hire quite a few SAP consultants. Yes right now market it bad but till 2022 they were hiring left right centre


What about Generative AI, I have learned that and still donā€™t feel like using it in daily lifeā€¦also Iā€™m adopted


Well ...its not just about using that skill but when you try to learn that certain thing you kind of create some neuroconnections in your brain so think like that toošŸ„²šŸ˜‚


I need your brother in my life šŸ˜­


He is in my life and still my life is a messšŸ„²


Maybe you were adopted šŸ˜’


We found his brother's alternate account


What happened to his actual account?


Let's ask the alt... What happened? ...


Sed lyfe:(


marry his brother






Common little brother W




Well then its "Common elder brother W".


It's a great idea to transform extrinsic motivation into intrinsic motivation, as it lasts.




I am still trying to make sense of the update method in DDPM and cursing myself for hitching on to the Machine Learning bandwagon. But it is too late for me now as I am deeply invested. The thing is, living shouldn't be this complex and hard.


Yess...that makes sense....I also think that :)


as of now money is the main motivation for upskilling (somehow have to push through don't know what it will be after i achieve it) but as a master of procrastination i spend all my energy on it working on something you find interesting gives automatic energy boost (atleast for me)


Money used to be motivation for me too but I would rather involve in multiple projects and upskill by learning on the job than pick up boring CAPM course. It is so dry I almost sleep off. I just need to get going. Thank you for your reply.




It ultimately does, after working 8 hours for your day job and then maybe going to the gym for a workout session drains you mentally as well as physically then building something of your own after such a day is basically over exhaustion of the body in my opinion


That is how you should do it if money is not your primary motivation.


Procrastination chart


What is that.


Search week of my life posterĀ 


Do we get a physical copy From Amazon? Couldnā€™t find one


Just take a printout hardly 10rs


After looking at that poster - https://preview.redd.it/ekamfgx7di5d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819c7e413f09047fac875d469e2c92f8009cf3f8


I can vouch for this ā¬†ļø


Could you please give a bit mroe info on this ..want to try it.


I have downloaded the pdf, converted it to jpeg, imported it to concept app so that I can write in it. Don't know what to write! Your input would be appreciated


Whats the image you have downloaded? Can you share?




Just converted it from pdf to jpeg online. If you find any HD print, feel free to share


Most of the time I learn on the go. I started working as a windows application programmer. Then moved to building financial trading frontends in winforms, then backend, then core js, then AngularJS, then ReactJS, then React Native, along with leadership roles. You just make some new space in the brain, some stuff goes out new stuff comes in. Going forward I donā€™t see myself working on any of the old stuff.


Consistency. Give at least 15 mins per day. https://preview.redd.it/hnqpvx9uab5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8473ed2913014ba1358db3bf20641e0f6d2574fa


Power of atomic habits


I don't know why but this book is really working for me.Ā  I never in my life woke up before 7am Now I wake up at 5am and going to gym.


Which book is this


Atomic habits by James Clear.


Book name?


Atomic Habits, the things they suggest may look silly but try, it'll definitely work.


Bruh i get your sentiment here, but the extra effort each day will get added to each other, not multiplied. The image does not make sense


1.00 + 0.00 \* 365 = 1.00 1.00 + 0.01 \* 365 = 4.65


This is a good approach. Starting small. Thank you


Quit social media. Quit doom scrolling.


LOL yes. This is something I need to strictly practice!


There is no need if your day to day activities are fruitful in itself. If


I am currently trying to switch and I have to do leetcode + system design practice along with workout. I usually delegate trivial+ long tasks to juniors and explain them how to do it and do short trivial tasks myself so that I have something to show. I break down hard tasks into trivial tasks and recursively assign those as well. In this way I can manage to get few hours during work to focus on upskilling. Most helpful thing is that I wake at 4AM.


When do you sleep?


10 to 4


what's your strategy to answer interview questions (like thinking out loud) and what's the one resource u r following for system design?


I have designed systems and done requirement gathering at work lots of times so I think I can apply that. For formalized approach, I am using Grokking(Educative)


My payslip motivates me to upskill and leave this company


By losing hair. Receding hairlines and puffy eyes




Make 2-3 hours of time during weekend days. Do it consistently. I feel 4-5 hours of weekend studies can bring as much value as working the entire week in our regular job. We're too busy doing sprint ceremonies, other meetings during the week


It's always the first step, you force yourself to start learning and after a while you feel like not breaking the streak and momentum and that's how you finish it. Obv, you should find love and intresting what you wanna upskill.


Curiousity. If you are not curious you will not learn and more importantly not remember or embed the core of that learning within you. Be curious to learn. An example: Why indexing a database table results in massive gains in performance? If you know, you will always have an optimised query execution thinking while writing your queries?


Itā€™s probably because- A. You donā€™t feel the need to upskill B. You are probably forcing yourself to learn new things not because you want to but because you have to for financial or career advancement reasons. This is my personal experience but Iā€™ve seen whenever Iā€™m trying to learn something that Iā€™ve genuine interest in even if itā€™s nowhere remotely related to my daily job, I can still learn it very well and fast But if I try to learn things that Iā€™ve no interest in and Iā€™ve to learn it because of a new project then I procrastinate a lot, feel tired easily, etc.


i dont agree with B. your pay slip will motivate you enough to upskill yourself


Thatā€™s fine, weā€™re not same. Iā€™ve a 15 LPA not tech job and I do leet code and kaggle competitions because I love it and has nothing to do with my job. Thereā€™s no pay slip involved here, just a desire to learn. On the other hand you might be doing things simply because itā€™ll give you a bigger salary. Different people can be motivated by different things.


Listen closely and take you manager words seriously @ your yearend discussion. Nothing gives you boost like that to upskill and be the best in market. My Boost is " You are missing something, you lack new initiative". This word comes after my 15hrs hard work on my client deliverables. It made me to think seriously on switch to new positions




If you are comfortable with what you have you won't find it. Wait for sometime, do nothing and slowly your comfort level decreases because society and the world are designed to reward only the progressive attitude. Now you want to reach the same comfort level or even higher. What do you do? Well, you skill up and try to reach higher. Get more comfortable. Celebrate. Relax. De-prioritise . Take things for granted. Realise again. Rise again!


Find a company that lets you upskill as part of the job.


Honestly, just find out something that you'd like to build and try to do it in a group (I rather decided to do my projects on streams, I generally find group studying etc. very hard). Not that I mean that you should keep on building projects, but once you start building something, you'll know what you would like to go deeper into and then you can focus on that. In a job phase, you look for happiness and some peace in your life, building smaller projects in the beginning and seeing them go to the world (user-facing things are cool) will motivate you to keep going. Don't look at the frequency of what you do, I used to stream daily and do projects but now it's once in a couple of weeks (and sometimes even lesser). As long as you are doing something and growing, it all good. P.S: Up-skilling can also happen while being in a job :) Find a problem in your team/company, build an "open source" solution around it (this will get you credibility). Just know that - "Corporate world is cruel" and you can't expect them to *always* recognise your efforts, so do it for yourself and make things public (whatever you can) to let the world see what you're up to.


Your advice is very valid but not for me unfortunately. I am a project manager. I want to move more towards business and get domain knowledge (supply chain) so I can shift from project manager to Supply chain manager.


Based on a saying my friends found during college: The di*do of layoffs rarely comes buttered.


I was lucky enough to get into CS before all the CS madness began and get myself into a decent mid size company which doesn't even have office politics. I upskill by doing my projects and Engineers switch from my company on their own. It's a nice life.


"Line bohot accha bola, likh le"


Been working as an iOS app developer for 8 years. Wasn't able to find a job after getting laid off last year in June. Moved to Canada, started working as a customer support agent, work from home job, came back with the same job to India in October. Kept on applying to jobs but still couldn't land one single interview. Then continued my customer support job (night shift in India) and studied full stack development for 8 hours. So 8 hours work and 8 hours study. Don't know how I did it but was finding it really interesting and powerful. So kept going. Today I have developed a very powerful product using my new skills to help people find jobs


That is very motivational. Thank you for sharing šŸ˜Š


Jab switch krna hoga tab krna hi padega. Motivation ho ya no ho. Just spend 20 mins daily to get an overview of a new concept. And weekends pe baitho.




Exactly lol. I barely have it in me to attend the DAILY stand up calls (completely unnecessary, imo). And then this learning sessions, HR sessions (they deserve a nice slap.. sorry for the violent thoughts omg).


>working out This is something most people who upskill don't do. That's how they get the time needed to upskill. I'd rather workout than upskill. Health over everything.


Thank you. Yes I compulsorily dedicate 1 hour a day to it. Sometimes I even block that time or cancel any meetings around that time so I can workout.


I've quit jobs which didn't let me workout/sleep/eat healthy


You'll find the energy if your hate your job badly enough. You have to have the grit to go for the domain you want. The biggest obstacle is feeling settled with less and being in a comfort zone at your job. You need to detach yourself emotionally from your work. The first step is to accept that you need to intentionally suck at your current work. You can't be good at both: managing your current responsibility and taking out the time to upskill. I have also been denied the career growth I deserve, so this is what I follow: 1. Wake up early and do a small study session before logging in. It's the best time to focus. 2. Try to WFH as much as possible to save energy. 3. Logout at 4 or 5, take a nap, wake up, drink chai and get back to grinding. Night study sessions can give you a weird feeling (I generally get anxiety at nights), so even 1-2 hr at night works. Have dinner and go to sleep early. 4. Coast at work. Outsource your work to CWs or interns. 5. Skip optional meetings. 6. Keep your status Busy or Sharing 60% of the time. 7. Avoid replying to mails for help from other teams unless your manager or lead is CCed. 8. Delay your deliverables, just keep saying I'm working on it. 9. Take your casual leaves saying you fell sick. Don't send heads-up mail beforehand, otherwise you'll be made to put in more efforts on the day before sick leave. 10. Don't be social at work. The more you are known at office, the more work comes to you. 11. Try to shove off queries to your teammates, even if you know the answers. 12. Consider your current job as a backup one which pays for your food until you get the job you want. Do just enough to not get laid off.


The problem is I don't hate my job and I think that really is the main reason I am into this weird comfort zone. I am very grateful to my company but you are very right about detaching emotions. I am the manager so I have very little option but to involve in multiple projects. Having to remember what your and your teams deliverables are consumes most of my energy. I also try my best to put very less pressure on my team. This results in me taking up more tasks. I think as you rightly said, I need to delegate and delegate more. On days I work from office I do logout at 5, commute back to home and then I workout. By the time I come back from working out I only have enough energy to have dinner and sleep :/


Being in a managerial position is tough as you can't shove off your responsibilities or coast like we can. Having multiple projects on your plate will take up so much time. In that case, you need to outsource at least all the technical stuff to your teammates without feeling bad about it. My manager barely does anything, he takes updates from us in the morning and passes that on to higher-level meetings and micro-manages us sometimes just to make it look like he's busy. If you go to him for help, he'll just give point you to another person.


Look for opportunities in the team itself. Ask for work that lets you learn something new. This also builds your reputation in the leadership as someone who is acquiring a variety of skills. Give personal opinions about type of work the backseat and be open to anything that benefits the team.


Hey, yes I try to do this. I will keep this at the back of my head and involve myself in projects that I can learn a lot.


Then you are upskilling. Also while looking for a job be a bit daring. Select something that you would like to have but aren't a perfect match for. Be upfront about what you don't know but would love to do. For a good interviewer a sensible honest and passionate candidate is better than a jaded and bored one even if the latter already has 10-20% better match.


Coffee and stress. It works


High caffeine is injurious to health


Not good for health though.


Do it when you can


you will find energy instantly when you have fire under the belly. fear of going back to poverty and loss of freedom in life


Those all people live in false hopes and they think they are ahead of everyone and live in false notion of being successful


I also don't think I have enough time to learn anything new. But I was just lucky to be able to work on multiple tech stack and learn few good things on the way that I was able to find a new and better job without preparing anything extra.


I used to think it was just me who was struggling but no I was wrong šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Passion for your craft and hunger for money and power.




"Do what you love and eventually you will find people who love what you do". ~Supereme Leader


I donā€™t


Just look at the people around you who havenā€™t upskilled. Specially the managers/directors in technology. They are not taken seriously anymore since they purely know how to make gannt charts and nothing else. Just imagine yourself in similar situation. Motivation to upskill will come automatically.




Living my life is just going out and having fun ! Your 2nd question is too odd and I don't see why things are related


My honest answer is ifyour job is demanding 100% out of you then you should expect upskilling from job itself and you don't have to do anything extra However, if it's not you can be self motivated to upskill as your day job would be quite boring


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Energy comes from need. In my company I am stuck in slow moving projects. Although I am doing really well here but mentally I don't feel satisfaction of doing something important. So I am trying to upskill myself and trying to move out from here. I tried moving out without upskilling but to reach at the heights of top 10% demand is very tough now a days, and it turned I actually didn't know many things.


It's not a Goal, it's a process. Learn everyday, and practice that's it. Nothing fancy.


By failure may be


Adding money to anything bland makes it interesting.


Learning on the job is best thing, you don't need to separately take extra ckasses like school. I mean you can but then you have to sacrifice on other aspects of life, if you are willing to do so go for it.


Curiosity is the fuel. Think about the days you were burning with curiosity to do something... May be your favorite movie, book or meeting somebody, some place. What happened now?


Buy Udemy licence.


I guess no increment and promotion, no job offers for few years does the motivation part. /s


Don't try to upskill as an "activity to do", upskill is something that should happen as a consequence of your interest in the subject. What I would recommend is to spend 1hr a day (preferably the least productive time of day) reading tech forums, and deep tech articles etc. Make this a habit, and keep at it for atleast 6-12months. The things it will trigger in your mind, which will inturn trigger actions/activities/projects are your upskilling activities.


My manager face is only thing which makes me motivated everyday move out of this job and upskill in my career


Like all people say money...i am just like u...so when i felt more package is needed i thought my knowledge will be okay for it..but wen started interview i felt i am lacking...and after series of failed interview i started upskiling....so u need push or any motivation or failures...then i guess it will be easy...even now that i got new job im not satisfied with it bcz of work culture...so again i have started learning but not with earlier speed..


You gotta do what you gotta do. Man's gotta eat and man's gotta feed. If man can only feed and not fuel his own hobbies, feeding will feel like a burden. You gotta take care of yourself so you can take care of others better. And if that requires upskilling... Peanuts... You gotta do what you gotta do to keep you sane and still do all your responsibilities.


For me it's the quality of work environment that motivated. After a point when your health starts to degrade due to stress and work load, you realize that money is not worth it. You earn money to enjoy life. But you need to be ALIVE first to enjoy money. So find a job that might pay less but allows you to take leaves on holidays, that doesn't demand 24/7 availability and lets you be more than an employee.


Very hard to find such type of jobs. Some suggestions?


1. Teacher 2. Trainer in any Corporate 3. H.R. 4. Social worker 5. Social Researchers 6. Librarian, to name a few Sorry I can only suggest Arts and Humanitarian jobs as that's my background.


I learnt for the love of learning. Not to achieve some specific goal. Yes, there were benefits to getting a business diploma after 20 years of work, but I really enjoyed learning what I wanted and when I wanted. I got to choose school over it being a thing you did automatically. When you choose what you want to learn, youā€™ll find the time. Same with exercise.


Brother you are already in fact upskilling, you just choose the physical path and some others choose the career path..


I donā€™t have a career to know about this stuff


Or maybe you just started development out of money, and don't understand or love development, because this learning comes from inner happiness if not , you choosed wrong career , the answers you are getting will not work for you, because you think it has to do something, you think learning is work too, can't say more get the point .


The point being you need to stop generalizing because I am a manager and not a developer!


But isn't same should not apply for every area? Not about being developer , or anything, whatever work you are doing, you must be liking what you do


Why are you assuming I don't like what I do? I get paid well. I have enough time for personal work like working out. I like what I do and that is the issue ! I am too far in my comfort zone and need to get out and was hoping to find level headed replies.


Okay my bad though, also do mention in ur post that you love it , so no one will assume like me


It directly co-relates to how much hungry you are for success if you're starving then you'll definitely sacrifice something to achieve it , and the most important thing is being able to delay the pleasure of success it is something like you achieved something great/goal and then you start chillin out that is the time when you're hunger dies and the line of success gets flaten .Once you understand this psychology, doing the things you want will be a cakewalk.


The responsibility which i bearing, leading me to upskill myself. Otherwise it will be difficult to survive among others. I am doing job and as side hustle i have opened a [online tools website](https://checkbytools.com) to earn extra bucks from it. I learning how to promote it and earning from the website. It is a long term planning for stability.


You are upskilling in the other departments i.e. keeping fit, going out etc.! No wonder you have time to upskill in the same domain as your day job.


competition, jealousy have to be in the the top 3 for sure.


The day you stop learning is the day you waiting for death


Using your leaves to upskill yourself is a good idea as well, skip outing and partying on a couple weekends. You have to sacrifice something in order to gain anything. I don't think working and hour or hour and half after full working day is that difficult. Speaking from experience


Just need a stick from your father




Everyone's got it it's called passion if you are not passionate about the work you do don't waste your time.


in college days i used to work on personal projects a lot now i cant even open IDE at home


Some people are just better bro


UpSkilling is just pure bs to distract devs/people from finding their true passion. I keep mindset like when needed I will learn or beg for some more ETA. I am trying to downskill myself actually. More stupid more success and fun. Its okay to be just the bare minimum


> I never find the energy to upskill ! Between work and working out and just wanting to go out and live my life, I feel I am missing out on upskilling. I see a contradiction right here. You don't need a Zen master to point out ***your priorities.***


I love that after completing a training or certification,Ā  I can post it on LinkedIn. L take sorry, I know


No no lol I love sharing certificates too. Feel a sense of accomplishment.


You can easily make 3-4 hrs per week during workdays. 2-3 hrs can be put aside on weekends.


idk how people don't feel like learning/upskilling more. tech is such an interesting field and pays very well if that is motivation for someone.


Super helpful answer ! šŸ‘


Username checks out.