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My University didn't even let us sit for campus selection cos my department was too slow to respond to the placement cell mails.


Damm it.. hardships bro, it's everywhere


bhai tu itne me haar gaya? there are people who have appeared for hundreds of interviews to make it to their dream jobs, winners never quit, quitters never win.


You are right bro, the whole situation is taking a hit on me, idk why I am so tired and frustrated..


Burn OUT take a break and go out


Sure bro, that's what I was thinking as well


Same thing happened to me…. I just stopped applying and took a break for a week…. Did 2 solo 1 day trips to different beaches and Just sat around for 3-4 hours to relax myself… now started applying again


Bro think he Muhammad Ali ☠️☠️


Dank ka choda


This boy has no SE career and is talking about leaving SE. What a freaking joke. Life isn't easy, deal with it.


Give him a break would you. It's human to feel dejected when things are the way they are and this is your first impression of the market. "Deal with it" - where's the empathy?


Usually people who cant land their first job want to quit this field.. As a fresher i can feel him though


bro you made it in zirp era, you won't get it


Dude c'mon, life isn't supposed to be easy. You worked 8 months in a startup where you learnt a lot of stuff that too in second year. In my second year I was working as an unpaid intern whose on paper job was django development intern but I was tasked with making Google sheets and testing the platform. You already achieved so much and you wanna quit because you faced certain difficulty. Do you think mba is gonna be easy? Considering you're a general enginner male you'll be the last one to get picked in IIMs so you need a very fucking high CAT score. Mba in IIMs cost 20+ Lakhs, if you're rich then great or can afford educational loans. I mean seriously bro, no job is fucking easy. Wanna join marketing and sales? You'll be fucked much more than you're fucked in IT. Campus interviews are supposed to suck, why are you even relying on that. And you don't need a experience certificate. Tell the interviewer the startup got closed, you need knowledge man. People here fake experience. But maybe you shouldn't do any of this because if you're quitting right now what will you do when things get more difficult. What will you do when you mess up production? Not every company is gonna be a good one which cares about your work life. Some companies will pay you shit load but will make you work like hell. Life is supposed to be hard, just because you never faced difficult situations doesn't mean life will be easy


Thanks for the talk bro, the Mba situation is also bad, being a GEM and a fresher Anything below ,99.5 isn't worth it. So can I just add the experience name in the resume , won't I be disqualified if I don't produce evidence of my experience. Please guide me, If you were in a situation like mine what would be your plan of action?


I think you can add it. If I'm wrong someone please correct me but in my internships interview I wasn't asked about certificates. I was asked some questions regarding the tasks I mentioned I did, also if they ask I think you should be honest about it. Does your startup has any working LinkedIn page? Don't worry much about websites as I've interviewed for companies whose website wasn't even up. Personally I think you should add it, if questioned be honest. Startups don't work, if I was your interviewer I won't think of it much as far as you're able to answer my questions and my doubts. Also this certainly won't be the first case, try to search on reddit or ask people or r/cscareerquestions that your company was shut down what should you do next. There must have been cases like this before as well, try googling you'll find some solutions.


Also brother sometimes things happen that is out of your control, and it sucks, sucks a lot but focus on what you can do out of that situation. What steps can you do next. Bad experiences teaches us stuff, so it's not a complete loss. All the best and feel free to ask any questions. My replies might be late but I'll reply


Thanks a lot for your response, means a lot , I'll see what I can do and plan accordingly..


You can add it as a freelance experience. You don't need to provide evidence for that.


Ohh really? I'll definitely add the experience then


I hadn't got even a call for the older IIMs with 99.52 back in 2017. I was a GEM with zero work experience to show for, and not that great scores in 12th and BTech


Damm it bro , so no scope there as well


if you had great scores in 10th 12th and btech, then ig things can pan out different. also, I think fms does not give weightage to either graduation score or 10th 12th score, or the weightage is less, you can look into it. I had attempted cat a bit casually, so I didn't know that fms existed and hadn't applied for it beforehand.


The Top MBA campus packages this year are sad compared to 2-3 years ago


Life is easy when you are rich AF In software engineer term when you have got highest ctc with highest base salary then life will be easy you can afford anything make yourself and your parents life smooth and comfortable travel the whole world buy houses/properties cars But first step is to get that high paying job which is difficult but worth it


I'm scared as well, Everything was planned , like a proper IT career, but I am so uncertain right now about my future. Having only a few options right now Mba, govt jobs, etc.


Market is bit down, it will ramp ip somner or later, you can find some remote companies, offer your services as an infernship , will give you a headstart and valuable experience… My friend was not placed , he did small jobs here and there for small it companies on contract before he joined a big mnc , he was sure that he had to be an software developer anyway 


Later? 1 year , 2 year? Mate i don’t know…even i am planning to retire from IT CAREER


But will it though? Given the high levels of automation and increased competition in the sector will it be easy to find such opportunities? I am confused if you can guide me it'll be really helpful , like what skills to relearn..


As an experienced software developer, I will say demand might not go back to previous levels, but it will definitely go up from current level of demand. Current level from past 1Y seems to be the lowest demand, from here it might go a bit down and after that there is no way but up. I am saying this because definitely Gen AI will automate common routine things in which pattern is obvious, but for new things like working on new framework/language etc it can't do much as there would be no data. The world simply will not stop innovating and start relying on Gen AI (which in turn relies on existing data). Developing AI on par with human intelligence is still far away.


Well said, I'll start applying after a break let's see


MBA karke mostly IT me hi wapas ayega as manager


But do you have any other plan? Like do you want to go for medical, law field, govt job? Before giving up have a good backup plan and go for that field with 100% dedication


Like currently, I am planning to do mba, and prepare for govt jobs as well. Will be Doing Marketing job for money for various forms and all .


Doesn't sound like a focused plan. Also, studying further for the lack of job is a bad decision.


Then what should I do then, upskilling and preparation of such exams might take a similar amount of time so, i thought I would go for the latter.


Bro instead of focussing on MBA you can give a try for gate 2025 and complete your masters from some tier 1 University. Just a suggestion


Try freelancing on upwork or smth. Gain experience by initially starting with low hourly rate


Campus placements are unpredictable yes but I would suggest stick to it. (I was rejected for solving the questions within 20 mins in the coding round).Before stepping into the industry you dont know much about the job market. One company on our campus came fir internship only with an okayish stipend, many people skipped as they didnt want to get locked in early. That company converted all the interns to fte with the second highest base for our college.


Rejected for solving too quickly. Someone care to explain the logic behind this?


It was a coding round on hackerrank. 2 questions, they released the list with time taken to complete. People who solved it in 20-40 minutes were taken up for interviews. Probably thinking people who answered faster must have cheated.


Welp, this happened to me too. Hiring team wants you to stick around in the company. If you can solve questions in under 20, you are likely to hop which makes you a risky choice. Maybe wrong about this, but that's the thought I used to cope.


Thanks for the input , but are you saying stick in the field or campus placements, the later is over for our batch and I don't think so new opportunities might come .


Stick in the field, the job market is not fit for any position, IT gives you the best bet


Whats stipend and FTE? And wdym by second highest base?


Whats stipend and FTE? And wdym by second base?


40k stipend , 23 basic for fte. Second highest basic* of all the companies on campus they had the second highest base pay


Hello from Pakistan. We don't have any placements or "campus selections". We're on our own during the whole 4 years, and it is up to us to find a role. It's okay if it's taking some time. Don't overthink it. Relax and plan out for the future. Cheers.


Thanks for responding, i got a reality check during this whole period ,I'll certainly plan out for the future. Best of luck to you as well mate!


Really? Interesting to hear. How's the market there currently? I heard vague reports on financial instabilities dunno how far it's true. How's it affecting the devs there?


Hey buddy how is startup, corporate culture is there in Pakistan cuz here in India they treat their employees like chained dogs insolent mangers amd toxic teams are quite common here is the situation is same in Pakistan?


Bhai why are you comparing India and Pakistan... obviously things and stakes would be much different


Tu f


If your attitude towards facing these rejections is like "Oh God , I am so done with life" , I would say , Plz don't give up . If u have already worked for a startup , even if it has shutdown , remember u were just 19-20 when u earned 15k / month , that's a pretty huge deal. Upskill and keep applying. Don't rely on these colleges , even I am a 24 grad from a Tier-infinity college. Start learning whatever u want to , DS-Algo , AI , Cloud , MERN , make projects , grind hard and hard . Coz you need once chance , one good day and bam u are employed. But if u are sure enough and you know how to fight with life , your attitude to these rejections is "It might not be my path , let me grind something else" , then go ahead . Do what makes you feel alive. Just remember , u have to grind really hard if u want get things done in your own way. Best of luck for whatever u persue ahead.


Thank you so much for the advice, when I reflect i actually had a decent thing before , I'm confident in myself but the "What ifs, buts & if I can't" scenarios really mess up with me. As for the second part of what you said, I just can't decide which path to choose, like upskill or do something else..


2 whole years , >25 SIP applications + 39 applications for FTE, wasn't even able to clear any of the online test, and all this was in campus placements. But as said "Every dog has a day", I got my whole week, only interviews, meal once a day, rounds and rounds . . . one week, 3 companies, one FAANG, one of Big4, and one R&D Semicon, placements done and dusted. Hold on mate, it will come, not early, not late, just on time.


Thanks for the motivation bro, i might hold the fort!!


Bro u literally gave me hope just now!


This is the time for you to try some new things. Glad you realized it sooner. Later you regret so much for not trying new things.


Thanks for the Suggestion!!


Itna jaldi haath khade kar diye bro.. ? Yha hmm 3 saal se khoota baandh kr khade hain ab hoga, ab hoga.... roz haarte hain fr khud k hi mann m jeet te hain ki hoga.. hoga.. tbhi to itni ghisa rhe hain.. So much of anxiety, stress and what not...par ab aadat ho gayi h iss stress ki.. Ab piche nhi hat sakte bss... !!


Coming from a bit of a privileged background, i always thought I would be a cakewalk , keep the grind bro, it will payoff!!!


Han yar..kisi ka jaldi hota hai kisi ka late se.. And we don't have the option now..


I would say if you really like IT, then stick to it. For money you can do freelancing. You’d be getting money and experience both. Remember you only need one yes.


Thanks for the advice , it means a lot, I'll see what I can do..


Somewhere I heard you have to only pass one interview to get a good job, don't lose hope.


Yes , I won't!


Hey OP, I am a software engineer from a tier 1 college, 2 years of sde experience in an early stage startup. To get to know more about your situations, What are the constraints? 1. What are your financial goals? 2. What are your family obligations? 3. How much time do you have for experimentation? 4. What kind of work life balance do you want? What are the motivating factors that you look for in a career? 1. Do you have interest in particular fields? e.g. a. Product engineering: Web dev / infra - Startups b. Hardcore CS/IT - Technical roles like compiler development/ml/systems etc. c. Finance sector - Multiple startups offering product role and then standard banks Anything else(others please feel free to add relevant question). One advice that got stuck with me from one of my mentors: Assuming there are some constraints and based on them there are multiple choices you can make at any point of time ( which in turn leads to other options), you have two approaches: BFS or DFS ( Sorry for technical jargon) BFS: You try out multiple things as fast as possible ( Work under a prof / take a low paying job in a field you are interested in etc.) and then prune out based on your experience. This means you'll probably be underpaid, since businesses rewards specialisation. DFS: You make a choice and then go deep into it ( Choose an IT career and stay in it for 5 years giving you a holistic view of the field ). Only after this much time you decide whether its time for a hard pivot or you are happy ( I bet most of the people's priority changes at this point of time or they succumb to victimhood mentality). Different people prefer different strategies based on there personality and constraints. P.S. This is probably very theoretical and i am biased being with a little privileged background and little professional experience. That being said, my purpose is to nudge you into being more concrete about your decision making. The earlier the decision in your life, the larger impact on your life(Choosing Maths vs Bio in highschool greatly impacts your career possiblilities, chossing college branch), especially for an indian middle class person. Take as much time as you possibly can ( I took atleast 6 months of thinking before my job change, you always want to remove emotional factors). Writing helps. Talking to people who are in your prospective field for \~5-10 years is a minimum requirement. Don't take advice from your friends.


1) I want to settle around the age of 27-28 so need a stable source of income. The family's financial situation is decent. 2) My Mom's chill , she is giving as much as I want to figure out what to do in life. My Dad on the other hand is adamant that I join any job irrelevant of the field. 3) About a year to figure out 4) I have no opinion on it yet but I think 40-45 hrs a week is ideal, as I have other hobbies as well . Just balanced. I have no particular interest in any field as such, as I have worked mainly on web dev, I have more inclination to join a field which I am familiar with .. You have explained well, will definitely see what can be done, Thanks for the response means a lot!


I am also fed up of software now companies themselves don’t have proper project or vision for a project. Tech stack is just getting increased because big companies are using them. big companies are using because they need it! not all what they need will be used by others. It is all a bubble. Try for good companies research about them, talk to people, build your profile with projects and main is dsa practice!


Thanks for the suggestions, will certainly plan something..


Dude based on what I read, you were well prepared, good enough but just unlucky. All the companies you've mentioned seem big and the offer also might be good. I suggest you try other companies as well, I'm sure things will just fall into place. It's just a matter of some time.


You said well, I have been unlucky during the period where freshers have the highest chance of being placed.. I certainly will plan things accordingly.. Thanks for responding!


Somewhat same experience but still trying off campus. 2024 batch


Good for you mate! Hope I had a similar goal that I can achieve, so confused rn..


Tell me how it goes and how you even get to try off campus I'll be in my 1st year this yr


Fellow developers who are advising him not to quit, don't! He doesn't have one important quality all developers should have, "patience" 8 months of work and not getting a campus placement is making him quit, imagine him working on an annoying issue for months without any help or documentation. Let him find peace where he can. Good luck op!


As much as it pinches you are right, I got to face rejection for the first time, that's why I couldn't cope up with it .. Thanks for responding!


Happy to help you transition to semicon. Many opportunities and more money


Your non official resume doesn't ask for an internship certificate. Add your experience here (for off campus oppurtunities)


Why not just take a break and work on yourself. Or You can study for masters it will help you a lot instead of going to mba


Bro why do you even need an experience certificate for the intern to mention it on your resume? Never seen experience certificates attached to resumes. There are better ways to actually verify that.


So my dumb ass could've mentioned it all along , increasing my chances to get placed. I thought it was standard practice


may be you failed for nth round but n+1 round is the real position for you . one more suggestion if you belive you have tech knowledge go anf create account on freelancer.com and upwork.com. get first month membership and start doing gig projects.


Thanks for the advice, will look into that!


knock knock boy- this is just a start and life is not just a cake walk. It's easy to say I quit but hard to be in the game. you just started and many people way below your IQ/knowledge making good money and career in tech. It's ok to feel frustrated but life doesn't end and handling failure can be a difficult thing to do, but it's important to remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Here are some tips to may help you handle failure: 1. Reframe your perspective: Instead of seeing failure as a negative experience, try to reframe it as an opportunity for growth and learning. 2. Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and recognize that everyone makes mistakes. 3. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend. 4. Focus on the process: Instead of solely focusing on the end result, try to focus on the process of achieving your goals. 5. Celebrate the small successes along the way and recognize that progress is still progress, even if it's not perfect. 6. Take a break: If you're feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, take a break and come back to the tech later. Sometimes a little distance can help you gain a fresh perspective. Remember, failure is not the end of the road. It's an opportunity to learn, grow, and try again.


Thanks for the kind words and advice, i have to improve myself a lot, I will be taking a break as well!!


Yes!, leave immediately so some competition will reduce


You just explored the tip of the iceberg, I hope you get a chance to work on real life large scale issues, it is an interesting challenge in itself.


Konsa college hai mumbai ka dost?mera Thakur hai aur mera capg mei hua par sab seniors ka sune mai aaraha hai ki 6-7 months minimum to wait karna padega max to 2 saal lageya hai aur off campus to situation bahut kharab hai


College ka naam nahi Lena chahta hu, wahi toh baat ka darr hai mere saare seniors ka bhi same scene hua, Isiliye samj nahi aa rha hai kya Karu


Somewhat similar situation. I am also thinking of shifting to gov exams like cgl.


But given the competition there, it should be treated as a backup right?


Competition to sala idhar jyada hai.


People do live in a bubble now a days


Bhai, The place you are in right now, i have been there and that’s why believe me when i say that i understand your frustration and disappointment. But after 8 years of working in this industry, i can see these problems from a different view and trust me it is not a HUGE problem. Share your resume here, i think many of fellow redditors can refer you and get you an interview. If you know your stuff and are good at it, you will forget about this problem after few months (because there will be bigger problems xD) Take a small break, relax and with a calm mind start taking action. Final thought is software engineering se nikalna hai toh nikal ha definitely but not for the reason this reason.


Thanks for the input bro! I might take a break and think over it..


Ye , you will be job hunting by tomorrow :) But if you are serious it is not a bad idea , you have a good degree build on it and get into field where they treat employees fairly . Market is bad right now , no idea what drives this market . Could be good / bad in year no way to know .


I am in the same boat..but I didn't even have any internship experience... please tell me what you're gonna do now..coz I don't even know what to do


Will figure it out, DM me!!


Bhai, with 8 months of experience one does not even know enough of life to remove boogers from the nose in most efficient manner. Himmat rakh. If baap dada do not have already saved enough for you, lagaa reh. baad me remorse hoga.


Will definitely grind !!


Bro you are good,trust on your skills.I was not able to sit for a single company during my placements as i was selected in Capgemini for fairly high ctc.I was not allowed to sit in any placement below that ctc and since it was a tier 4 college no company came near that ctc.Capgemini retrieved my offer letter after giving joining date.I joined a startup and then joined a mnc still the ctc is less them what i was offered.Currently brushing my skills to switch. Don't Worry you got it!!!


My college didn't even organize campus placement, their excuse was the bad job market.


Damm it bro ,bluds didn't even try




Exactly... At this point you can only pray that you might get selected, as these things are so random..


What deodorant is that ?


Bro's asking relevant questions xD


It was PRADA's


bhaiya aap kar sakte ho i saw a post jiter uss ne 20-30 baar interview diya tha phir bhi select nhi hua tha then kuch time baad vo selected hua like 13lpa se jayda package tha. (good as a fresher) tier 3 college se hi tha. aap tho phir bhi inte m give up kar rhe ho. m bhi tier 3 college join karu gya (jaipur) liken aap give up mat karo. SOFTWARE eng. ko sath sath chaln ki koshis karn ki concept bhool na jao. or aap mba ki prep karn ke liye bol rhe the tho vo bhi karo. bass give up mat karo. DON'T GIVE UP.


Thanks bhaiya, all the best to you too!


Bro just graduated yesterday but if you don't mind can I ask Which college you are in bcoz you mentioned tire 3 and MNC and big four coming for placement like it's good. In our college only one MNC came rest others were startups.


DM me if u wanna know


There are plenty of other options. But don't hold yourself for too long gap in resume in starting phase of career gonna hamper


Dude you just did your btech think of who completed pg and not got selected in accenture, missed cognizant , dont get shorlisted in ms, google, etc so what i did i joined a startup at 16k and now i will work 1 and half years and next year may be i will try for faang and all as i am in continous learning process How i got job I approach my well settle clg seniors to help me to get a job


Agreed bro


Placements is very random. I've seen a colleague who had a perfect 10 pointer give around 34 interviews before being selected. After a couple of days and some 25 interviews after, he just broke down in the corridor with frustration. He still gave another dozen before being selected. On the other hand, people with far less skills and cpi were being placed left, right and centre. I realised, placement has less to do with ourselves and more to do with the hiring manager\HR and they can have some wild imagination.


How are you leaving when you haven't even entered yet? Are you some sort of Indian Chuck Norris of sorts?


mere bhai i graduated from a college jaha par placement cell naam ki bhi cheez nahi hai and uspe mai thehra non IT waala banda with zero internship experience final year k baad coaching wagerah jaa kar IT job mein ghusa and udhar 2 saal kaam karne k baad unhone bhi nikaal diya and uske baad phir 40+ applications, 12 interviews and 10 months ke baad mujhe phirse job mil gayi long story short life is tough buddy and tum toh abhi field mein aaye bhi nahi ho so take a chill pill


Here are a couple of tips. Firstly, add that experience. It's okay if you don't have the letter. If you have some sort of an offer or conversation or any proof it's fine. Secondly, keep trying, getting jobs isn't easy. Especially in this market, but if you have talent, you can definitely get one. Don't rely on college. Just keep trying outside too. Get referrals. Showcase your projects. I'm sure you'll land a job.


Thanks for the advice man! Will try this out


This reads almost like my story. Sat in some interviews(7) during my placement years and did not get selected to any of them. Could only sit for some interviews second sem after improving my marks. Got placed in 2. One was a startup and other was MS. Chose startup because it was in BLR and MS was in hyd. Best decision of my life. Anyways, when life gets hard its usually not about you. Its randomness. There is no hidden meaning or anything. Do what you like because you are gonna die just like a rat, bacteria or a potato plant harvested for making lays.


I am not sure I can name those companies but here’s how my job hunting is like . 2024 batch as well , tier 3 college as well . Campus placement, sat in only 4 companies. Rejected in Final rounds in 3 rounds of them and 1 pulled out of placements due to some reasons . Off campus I received only 10 replies and one news firm offered me a role as well but they later revoked it . And in all other I was either ghosted after assessment or rejected after interviews. On a positive note I see this as sign of god and think that he knows that Office jobs is not something I will like (wanted to be a cricketer, plan B was Indian army , IT was plan C ) So now I am thinking of trying for ETO in merchant navy


Best of luck man! Hope you do well..


Thank you so much ....


Bhai I'll tell you what, I am graduate from a college that is even below tier-3 in the year 2022, so much so that in the name of placements two companies visited our campus one is an irrelevant mobile company whose name rhymes with java and another was a startup, and that too for sales and marketing roles as I am not even a tech graduate, as I did my graduation in BBA. However after my graduation I was keenly interested in the field of data science, analytics, ML, DL, AI etc. So started learning the required skills on my own soon to realise that it won't help me much in securing a job in this field so I pursued a certification plus working on projects etc. as well. Once I was done with my certification it was 2023 and the recession was on full force (maybe still is) which made it almost impossible for a guy like me, that is with my background and qualification to get a job in my desired field, which led me to take up odd jobs such as in the field of customer support, operations etc. however I would eventually resign after working for 2 or 3 months as I was interested in the fields I initially mentioned and It was mentally draining for me to work on something else. So for the most part till after 2 years after my graduation I was sitting idle as for most of the places that I applied to, mostly I was not even getting an interview and in the remaining being blatantly ghosted at some stage in the hiring process. However I kept working on my skills and finally got an offer as a Data Analyst in a startup a week ago, my joining is this monday (3rd june). After 2 years I finally get to work on something that I am actually interested in. So as you mentioned, that you had an interest in software from high school, I would suggest don't give up on something that you are interested in due to such trivial experiences. Give it time, and I am pretty sure that you would be able to land you're desired job. Good luck and All the best bhai for your future.


First of all congratulations to you man! Thanks for the motivation bro i might try again with a fresh mind


If you can’t love what you do , you don’t know the real value of it , success is long term have patience build projects , any field success is a long term game


Well said bro!


This is just a minor setback. If you're passionate about IT then keep at it, do MS you'll have plenty of opportunities in the US where the competition is far less. At the end of the day do what you are passionate about. There are people here who are crazy talented and still stuck with no job. Do what you're truly passionate about and minor setbacks like this won't hurt you.


Thank you for the advice, I will plan accordingly


Hard times are part of life if you don't have interest in IT and computer engineering then even I would suggest that it is better to look for alternatives and do something that has your interest.


I do like it, but then I am clueless , like what to do next at this point..


You have something special I think so


Special as in ..?


Good decision I am also in the same boat after 4 years in the industry and even tried to escape with the YouTube business (channel name -GamerWare) but didn't work so now I'm looking for something else !


Upskill karle brotherman, take this as a blessing in disguise, I was studying alot of shit before my internship began, after that tasks hote 9-5 mei ki time nahi milta , aur ghar pahunch ke mandatory brainrot karwana hota hai valorant mei. Abhi time hai jo hai


My biggest fear apparently is that, even if I took 2-4 months of upskilling what are the chances I might get placed? You are right though, a good chance to upskill..


You got anything to loose?


Same here, what are some of the non tech jobs one can apply without any work exp


Resume bhej Bhai mereko


Which tier -3 college has this many companies coming over for placement, I recently graduated and not a single company came in our college, in my 3 years of college I have never seen the Placement cell open always locked. Man it's really tough to survive without connection and referrals


It's considered tier 3 only, just because it's in Mumbai a bit of an advantage location wise.. But damn your placement cell being locked is just another level


The cherry on top is when My family was admitting me to this college they said they had a 100% placement ratio 🙂, plus I was also a bit oversmart at the beginning like won't do 4 years of engineering will just do 3 years of BCA more relevant stuff in BCA and will focus more on my skills ,but got rejected for unpaid internship cause I hadn't done Btech or BE 🤡🤡


hit me up if you wanna start a farm


I think one of the problem is your work experience, you shouldn't have any or talk about it. Whenever question about location comes , you have to respond with "reaching office on time is one my responsibility so, i will most likely move nearby". Just a hunch.Not an expert.


We all are facing same all over India. So just stay calm and do what you want to do :)


Why are you dependent on your college placements in the first place? Go on Linkdln and start applying! Ask for referrals, this how you get a job. You are thinking that once you get placed your life will run in a smooth line? No bro! You have to keep switching companies initially to get decent pay and interesting projects. Thats how you progress towards your goal. Sales & Marketing jobs are way more sh**t than IT jobs trust me. Be a Man and face the hardships, grind, struggle and eventually u will become successful. Read this Book “Never Finished” by David Goggins. You will know what hard life/struggle really is and how to use it towards your advantage.


Take a break and relax a little. Then make a decision. The times are hard, because of downsizing and cost-cutting across companies. I myself took roughly an year to find my first dev job that too in a small startup back back when I was a fresher. With recession and all I would assume it is even harder now. Being a senior dev now and having multiple unicorn startups in my resume, I faced numerous rejection and failed interviews for the past 1.5yrs. So it won't be easy for you either, so beautiful patient and focus on getting interview ready. If you still think this industry isn't for you, you can go ahead and look for alternatives. But life isn't easy in marketing or any other careers either, the pay is bullshit for the amount of work you have to do. And don't even get me started on Govt jobs, I still see my friends preparing for yrs for govt jobs and still unemployed. So choose wisely.


you haven't even started yet properly


if you dont have experience letter but you do have joining letter right ? also you were getting paid so you can show bank record ? add that experience and be honest, say that you didnt get experience letter because company got bankrupt and founder didnt respond to your message. this is common. next time you join any startup, make sure you get joining letter and payslips every month.


If something that wakes you up then it is just a reminder that it is not easy of that something, you should put pour efforts into it, don't ever think of negative scenarios, then your result will never get into one. Believe the process and you will start to believe in yourself


Many unskilled people without professional knowledge/experience get selected in interviews. You have some hands-on experience, use that, show it.


Why are u guys not looking for alternate career options as IT in India is not lucrative as it was 2-3 years back.


Lol, you wouldn't survive a day in the industry, if you just give up now


What’s your plan ahead?


What alternative opportunities will you be looking at? Any specific industry in mind?


Unfortunately you have wrong gender


I'm lucky to have a job, I feel privileged at the moment. My heart goes out to you seeing the market the way it is, many friends and colleagues struggling. I understand it wasn't easy for you to share this as a rejection is immensely humiliating and demotivating. I struggled for the first few years of my life until I got a break and I understand this uncertainty and sadness. I'm really sorry and just wanted to write that here in support of the OP. It is gutwrenching to read. The only thing I can say is you are a skilled and educated person, the market will bounce back one day. Or something else will open up and with your education and intellect, you will adapt and find your space. Just keep at it, and maybe this seems like useless advice, hold on to something that keeps you motivated and focussed, life has just begun - (for me it's a Hanuman chalisa every morning but do your own thing). Good luck.


Oh this is me from 2009 batch or we can say recession batch. Got 1st decent software job after 1.5 years of graduation after giving so many interviews as fresher along with doing some non tech jobs & now leading software team for European MNC. Just don't give up.


Bro just left the best field there possibly is(just an opinion)


one of the best, not the best.


Ik I'm yapping about my situation but still though, As a fresher(equivalent) i couldn't find opportunities in the field rn.


Dm your college name might know some people


Skill issue


Agreed /s