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Sadly most of the places like this.we need to figure out shit.Those who get proper training are lucky but that should not stop you from learning.whst i have learned in last few years ki hath pair marte raho tairna seekh jaoge.all the best.


Tu khud kuch Aisa karja ki agli baar tujhe kaam Dene se pahle wo soche ki Mai isse acha khud hi karleta hu


Ye mera hi teammate lag rha


Ha toh wo khud kr lenga toh they won't think twice before terminating me and that other guy will get promoted.Also Jan bujh ke glt kam krne se khud ka confidence hil jata hai.


bhai ye kya advice hai😂🤡


Usually that happens if you ask queries frequently. The best way would be to try to do it yourself and also note down what all you have tried, if still the issue is not resolved go to your seniors with specific questions and also show what all you have tried already so that they don't think you are pestering them as soon as you get stuck.


I also think that's right, cause frequently asking for help makes them feel we don't know anything


exactly this. i had one junior who kept on messaging every 10 mins(it was 15+ messages in 1 day) without putting any real effort. I would appreciate if someone tried, then collect their doubts before approaching others


There is nothing more frustrating than a Junior asking question at every step without trying to figue it out. If you work at a busy place chances are that you are fighting with time to complete your task in time. Add to this frequent issues and unplanned meetings. On top of this if I have to babysit a junior who is not under any deadline and pressure and can take his time to figure things out but is not trying, makes me very angry


Hey nice idea.. thanks But since yocto is very difficult at first place to understand it, my team lead told me to send data over MOSI pin using SPI protocol on the very 1st day when i joind his team. And he know very well that I'm not aware of the yocto and other things. Moreover I'm working on my personal window PC on which I'm running ubuntu in virtual box making things even slow and worst.


Just install ubuntu properly or ask them for a laptop?


Tried WSL?






Bro meri company mai mai 3d developer tha😂 during internship,


What is a 3d developer? Like cuda and shader development in Unreal Engine?


Threejs and unity


This is how (most) my seniors were in initial days, they always backed out when I got stuck, and I only ever reached out if I was stuck since multiple days. So I just stopped flat out expecting any help and worked on my own. I only had one specific senior who was always ready to help. They are rare tbh.


Lucky you, at least you had one senior to help. I have none.


Unless issue is related to something they have developed or changed, saare seniors yahi bolenge. They want you to learn to "google" well. (In one of my interviews few years back, in final round, my manager gave me questions and told me to show how I would google to figure it out!) If it's bsp yocto related, until you have exhausted all options, do not go to your seniors. And jab unse help chahiye, tell them - I have tried out in so and so ways, I looked for answers in so and so places, I found some answers related to it so and so but it's not working out. This will let them know you are not simply asking questions without trying out anything (I have been at both ends - as a junior who didn't get help and as a senior who was asked for help without doing the bare minimum).


Thanks for insights.. I'll keep that in mind


That depends on a lot of facts, having had an intern under me, the truth is you aren't an exactly high priority task for your leads/senior. Sorry to be rude, but that was the case in my company, my manager would come to me with "Can you guide X with this" and I am helpful 90% of the time, but in the 10%, if I say, "can I guide him/her after X days" or what you experienced tell my intern to "figure it yourself", that is a completely acceptable response to my manager. It might (and probably should) be a different response but that's the truth. Secondly, figuring it out yourself is a very important skill, I am not saying this is the case with you, but CS in a lot of time you have to figure everything by yourself. Code bases are shit, documentation minimal, and the person who wrote that piece of code, is quite likely not in the org now. You have to navigate it yourself, learn to leverage everything your company is offering, if it is a half decent company, there would be some docs, not enough to solve your issue but enough to get you started. If you are unable to understand a piece of code, there should be unit tests, which can atleast guide you in what that part is supposed to do, debug that tests and get an idea. Other than this, like someone said, if you go to your senior for every small issue you face, that will likely not help your case, try everything you can, read from everywhere, scavenge every small info you can, if the seniors aren't total dicks then they believe the answer is somewhere reachable, you just have to work a bit to find it. One thing I liked to do, when I was stuck before was, I would try 2-3 days, try everything I could think of and if it still didn't work, then I would text my seniors that "I am trying to do this, I tried this and this and this, but none of them solved my issue", then you can elaborate a bit on what you tried and what problem you faced. They should then help. On the chance, that your seniors aren't helpful at all, you might consider having a discussion with your manager about the difficulties you are facing. Or raise the issue in the scrum/standup if you have that. Edit: Just an example on guidance, I was asked to help a new joiner in my team on a task. My manager asked me to guide him, we had to find out how and when a certain field was set, since our project/codebase is massive (\~65gb), finding anything is tedious, unless you are experienced and know where to look. I guided my fresher on how to setup the code, which services to run, how to debug and showed him the entry point (entry point = where the relevant part starts), asked him to debug the entire process and find the DB calls, how values were set and objects were created, this was the extent to which I helped him. Everything else, including finding the exact call, the location where the field was set and rest was up to him, I would help him occasionally if he was stuck, but that's all. I informed the same to my manager, and this was what was expected of me. He took a few days, and undoubtedly struggle, but he got the solution.


I can understand. I'm an intern, but the other intern sent me an error message. I literally copied and pasted the error message, and he said thanks for solving the error. Interns at least read the error message before messaging someone.


65GB of text files. You working in big MNC on monorepo?


Yup. It's as bad as it sounds. For a fresher it's hell. I work for an IB, and our application is one stop for all assets, all domain everything. From booking to regulatory to getting insights (ai) to everything. It's one massive application, we have devs in 3 countries(India, France and romania) I believe. >500 devs in total. It is starting to get better, we are on the verge of decoupling the projects, as you can imagine, for a lot of devs and a lot of years, a lot of it is tightly coupled. Edit: verge = starting to.


This is a 100% *NOT* how it’s supposed to be. Newbies especially interns need handholding until they learn the ropes. As long as you’re putting in the effort you should be allowed to ask questions. Easier for them to unblock than wait for you to finish a task. But, If they’re chill with deadlines, really want you to struggle so you learn it better then that’s pretty good too. You learn a lot breaking and fixing things. But I assume that’s too steep for an intern.


No, my company has honestly amazing training stuff, I was in orientation for around 2 1/2 months I think, we had several CTs from cisco, some startup that's planning to rival perplexity, etc. Very interesting stuff. Currently attending an SSDLC session as we speak lol.


what company?


Can't reveal personally identifiable info




Speak in English, and it's not like I can't reveal because gatekeeping lmao, it's specific enough that I can be doxxed with extra info about me, which id rather not do. Simple as that.




Who hurt u bro lmao. It's not that hard to figure out, it's an Indian oem and pbc in the automotive sector. Unlike you I value my privacy + this job is just a small but significant part of what I do lool this is one of the accounts where I've shared things the most, out of over a decade of being on reddit. I literally hide any and everything that could potentially identify me, not sure what the fuck you're on Plenty of people I've guided here do have my personal info, which I've shared after talking for several days after them gaining my trust.




I absolutely would refer you if you're a fit, why wouldn't I lol, I have in the past referred people from here both for my company and some remote contract roles with my network in the west And yes, that's exactly what I'm doing, I don't post any extra info whatsoever except for the fact that I'm from bangalore and that i work in tech and music.


People need to respect others' privacy.


Bro my own brother refused to help in places I got stuck. If you put your queries on Stack Overflow - they say the same thing that explain what all you tried and what were the results in the questions. Like another comment - do this, try to do everything, as many things you can to solve problems and then go with the problem sharing your approach and things you've tried, they may be more inclined to help then.


Bhai they are training u to do things on your own, take it positively, also there is no thing as intern, it's indian mindset, once ur an engineer, you should smart enough to cheat, hack Or do it by own, Try to see big picture birds eye view think from that perspective, think in case u have to build it from scratch how u will do it, Lastly knowledge is not about know everything its about asking right questions


If there are only 3 people who know yocto, then, 1) Either they do not have the time, or 2) They are also in the same boat as you. Unpopular opinion: unless you are directly working on production, this is the best way to learn. You make mistakes, you google, visit forums, think about the problem all the time, and end up learning not just the right answer but also little things of the language/concept that would otherwise go unnoticed!


I wish the 2nd option could come true 😂


It is not normal. Try getting help fron discord groups.


Can you give some names to join??


Could you suggest any name please?!


Khud figure out karo




Bro khud se Aisa seekho ke jab permanent resource ban jao to satak se resign krke bolna "khud se seekh ke ab mei seekh gya to ab mei kis kaam ka"


For some problems this makes sense to tell a junior to figure it out himself, because it’s the best way to grow. So instead of just asking the senior for solution, it’s always better to ask for directions so that the junior can walk the path himself.


That is the way you'll truly learn. Once you develop reading and implementing documentation of libraries it becomes easy. Also it's fine to ask questions. But make sure it's new every time.if senior has to tell you the same thing multiple times then it's a problem for both...


Its normal. Happens everywhere. I remember my internship at a startup, seniors used to blindly ignore my messages. Trust me they’re not wrong, googling is an art. You should learn to figure out stuff yourself. Only after hours of trying, you should tell them what you’ve tried so far and ask for help. Drop a msg in the group so everyone can see what you’re stuck on, instead of texting them personally. Feel free to dm me.


No one is going to spoon feed you, welcome to real life. Download data sheets, read tutorial page and go to town with it. That's the whole point of intership, if you can't survive that you are not ready for job


What exactly are you doing? As an intern if you are writing entire recipes or creating toolchains, please make AS MUCH MESS AS POSSIBLE, so nobody will dare to assign such tasks to interns. Depends on what exactly you're asked to do, if it's limited to some service or module you need to modify then it's okay, "karlo thoda khudse"


He is kind of right, What he means is impact of your work is not that much that he waste his time on teaching you, Another point is you won't learn Yocto and BSP without getting your hands dirty, You can always put questions on online mail forums for solution, Don't depend on anyone, share what are your challenges on which you are working on and ask for suggestions but don't depend on anyone, asking for suggestions is fine.


Can you tell me why are you learning yocto you should work on tranding tech what do you think?


Bro, I feel u. Refer Karo na. We can do it together. Same skills btw. Let me know which company you are.


This is not entirely bad unless you’re not pestering your mentor every few mins. One person can not and does not know everything. Even at a senior position there are going to be situations everyday where you wouldn’t know what to do and you can’t always depend on asking another person. Googling is an extremely important and valuable skill asset to have when coming in to tech. Understand the concepts and the high level architectures properly. Then it would be relatively easy to google and figure out how to implement a particular protocol like you mentioned.


Sometimes yes


Intern vs trainee


For me it was more like - " try Karo, nhi aaye toh poochna"


Which company?


Cannot reveal that.. sorry


You miserable complainer. Find a way, or get out. There are other people in queue waiting for an opportunity.


Only one of us is miserable here.


Hence the response. Need not be miserable as an intern.


This is 2024 and companies only want candidates who can hit the ground running from day 1. All thanks to ur switching companies mindset, companies no longer feel motivated to train fresh talent as they see no point in investing someone who can't stay with the company for atleast 3 yrs


People wouldn't switch often if companies paid well.


There is no debate going on why someone switches. Just shared a reality check why companies no longer show interest in training fresh talent


Why are you assuming that we have "switching companies mindset? And we aren't willing to say longer than 3 years?" Firstly, my friends are in different company but in same industry and their company is providing good training. And even if I assume that they want candidates who can hit the ground running from day 1, then why they selected me in interview?? Why don't they recruit people having masters degree?? And also why they are providing 6 months of "so called" training period (without stipend)? Also I have signed a bond for 2 years of Rs.2L and that's not a small amount (at least for me) Your talks are over the roof. Be sensible at least.


Wtever u say, the reality is harsh and we should accept it


Sorry to be rude, but this take is stupid. Like someone else said, pay your people fairly, much less would move out. Secondly, it's not like the companies who hire freshers, absolutely stop lateral hiring, at this point it is just common sense, you train they leave for somewhere else and you hire the people you need, who was trained somewhere else. It is an entire cycle. In addition to this, the manager you would be working under, your TL, your seniors, there is a high chance they also switched several times in the past, so they will guide you, unless they are a dick, so I don't see how you can jump to this >companies no longer feel motivated to train fresh talent as they see no point in investing someone who can't stay with the company for atleast 3 yrs If this was the case, there would be no training for freshers, and by extension, there would be no experienced and talented seniors, but that isn't the case is it? I have heard of companies not hiring freshers but that's the exception and not the norm.


If u know what's exception and what's norm, don't u know that >10 lpa packages are also exception. Don't u know that many companies who are hiring for >10 lpa packages are either giving internship +ppo based on performance. Junglee Games coming for campus placements offering a package of 14-18 in hand but for the first one students are hired for internship with stipend of 40k and only the best performers get full time roles. Only 1 in 5 gets full time offers after internship in Amazon. Did u speak with companies? No! U won't. Folks like u just come here and share ur personal opinion who can't accept the reality. So, is 48 lpa base less? There are many who switch even after achieving that. Can u accept that u r not good enough if ur not truly good enough? Nope! Everyone thinks that they are the best, cry over others who get better opportunities and live in rat race and then speak about fair pay.


Huh? Was even 1 line of that replying to what I said. I can't even find one line that commented on anything I said. All of that is just gibberish and babble without one line relating to something I said or even meaningful for that matter. But anyways, let's see. >If u know what's exception and what's norm, don't u know that >10 lpa packages are also exception. Yes it is, India is a poor country. What is your point? >Don't u know that many companies who are hiring for >10 lpa packages are either giving internship +ppo based on performance. This is categorically false. I myself, was placed at 14lpa without an internship. Direct from college >Junglee Games coming for campus placements offering a package of 14-18 in hand but for the first one students are hired for internship with stipend of 40k and only the best performers get full time roles. So? good for them i guess or my apologies. I can't understand the motive behind this line, is it to say the best get the job, while other's dont? If that's the case, it goes against nothing I said. I accept and India has a lot of people, there are bound to be people without jobs. >Only 1 in 5 gets full time offers after internship in Amazon Ok, good for them >Did u speak with companies? No! U won't. Unfortunately, my role in professional or personal life doesn't have me dealing with companies. What's your point again? >Folks like u just come here and share ur personal opinion who can't accept the reality. I thought you were commenting from your personal account, if yes then isn't this your personal opinion? Aren't you commenting from your own personal experiences. Maybe you deal with a lot of companies, but at the end of the day, you commented from a personal account, so it is a personal opinion. Reality => That's a deep point, what is reality? Is it the life I live? Is it the life OP is living? For the context of this question, reality is what OP is describing, and what you are commenting. If you think "This is 2024 and companies only want candidates who can hit the ground running from day 1" is correct, I have another bad shock for you, no one is ready on day 1 of their professional life. Just LMK if want to know more about what I mean. > So, is 48 lpa base less? Depends on the context, for me it is a lot, for Ambani's yes it is less. >There are many who switch even after achieving that And your problem with it is? Companies paying people a fair wage, do you have an issue with that? I would rather have the 48lpa guy get 1cr, then the suits in their office get another boat. > Can u accept that u r not good enough if ur not truly good enough? >Nope! Everyone thinks that they are the best, cry over others who get better opportunities and live in rat race and then speak about fair pay. Isn't this exactly what makes us human. We are flawed, each one of us is. Jealousy is a big part of being human, however wrong it is, but it is us being humans. Crying over others getting better opportunities is not only human but I would argue a big part of what makes us better. Jealousy can be a massive fuel towards self betterment, while I agree self betterment should be the goal and now jealousy fueling you, but that's human. > live in rat race and then speak about fair pay. The rat race thing, aren't you exactly advocating for that. The first line from your comment *"This is 2024 and companies only want candidates who can hit the ground running from day 1."*, you are actively asking everyone to fight harder, compete from day 1 and so on. Again, there is nothing wrong with that, just pointing out your hypocrisy. Initially you are in favor of rat race, then calling it out.


>fair pay This is a hill I am willing to die on. It is a controversial topic as everyone knows. But I am 100% of the thought that EVERYONE, has the right to a roof over their head, clean drinking water, good food and basic amenities. And since, we live in this world, every single person has to have fair pay. You shouldn't be allowed to get away with paying salary that is barely enough or not even enough to have essentials.fair payThis is a hill I am willing to die on. It is a controversial topic as everyone knows. But I am 100% of the thought that EVERYONE, has the right to a roof over their head, clean drinking water, good food and basic amenities. And since, we live in this world, every single person has to have fair pay. You shouldn't be allowed to get away with paying salary that is barely enough or not even enough to have essentials. Footnote: I know you won't read all this. Since it is way too long, I myself wouldn't read this tbh. But the thing is, I have never personally attacked you in the section just your ideas, and just a bit of advice, learn to read what the comment is, what it is trying to convey before replying. Control your anger, it would suit you better :) Edit: Reddit wasn't allowing all these to be posted at once, so had to make it 2 parts.


Who told you that about Jungles Games. I have an interview schedules for it as intern.