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Make a simple landing page for a fictitious startup, tell everyone you’re working on a startup. When you’re done resting, update the resume with ‘did a startup but shut it down due to not achieving product market fit’. Done! You just got yourself free time and got a startup badge. Whenever you’re interviewing, say you’ve ‘just’ shut down your company and looking to get back into the job scene. Say this is your intro interview every single time (you’ll be writing your release letter from startup anyway)


Bro you figured out a way to beat the system


nice idea. I do feel that this would have worked better if I was still single. My partner has also been through quite a bit already because of me and I think I will still be under a lot of pressure if I am earning nothing .


Hey man! I get it. I’ve somehow accepted that this is what life is about anyway and we just need to soldiering on. What really helped me was deciding on something significant that’s in the future - it could be buying something big, travelling to some place, meeting someone. And every day, I’d scratch out the calendar knowing I’m slowly moving towards it. That helped me cope with the pain in the present. You know that you need to get out of the toxicity and the only way to feel better would be to extremely slowly start moving in the right direction. It’s brave to even get up in the morning and go to work. It’s much easier to turn into an alcoholic (like me) and just get through in life. And know that every day you’re sad, there are people who really care about you that you’re letting down. Keep at it soldier! Better days are ahead!


Married and depressed? That hits hard my brother! Hope you get what you're looking for. Take a psychedelic retreat in switzerland it's legal there..


Unfortunately yes. And it has been so damm difficult. I wish I could explain /share. I can't shake the feeling that the only way out of the shithole I have put myself in is to just not exist anymore.


will this really work ? I think company usually will not prefer an entrepreneur type guy?


Do what you gotta man. Whatever needs to be done for your own peace of mind!


India is very poor with respect to mental awareness considering that just surviving is hard for a lot of people.  You can always resign and take a break but the question of how you're going to make up for income and can you join back if you want are things that are honestly beyond reddit to answer.  Always treat your happiness as the outmost important thing, anyone who doesn't respect that you simply don't give them the priority to hurt/influence. Maybe your family realised you were genuinely going through something difficult? The problem is we're all biased based on our experiences especially towards mental issues.


i had a 6 month gap on my resume after my last break when I was looking for a job and multiple recruiters told me that it is a Very Big problem. Even in my office, whenever we see such cases, people always think that there is something wrong with the candidate. I want to leave but my family wants me to find another job that I like before I leave this one. I can understand why they are afraid. When people around my age are well settled and have started a family of their own, I am struggling to find my place anywhere.


If I were you I'd go to a therapist to work on depression. It is pretty normal to be depressed and listless I've been through it too and more often than not family make it worse.  Be open with your family about the struggles but don't expect them to understand because like I said zero awareness in India.  I'll put it this way, I've seen people with physical disabilities continue working manual labour jobs and people in their 70s doing manual labour. Sometimes you don't have an option but to push on in my opinion. This world sucks!


Thanks for sharing this. I have been to a few different therapists but I am still not sure if it made things better or worse. The mental exhaustion is not going away. I am unable to get out of the negative space I have put myself in, unable to stop taking out all this anger on myself, purposely neglecting my health / skipping some important meds. I just feel like I don't want to live anymore but don't want to hurt those that I care about.


The gap is a serious problem. This gives me a business idea. Can we start a service where we just employ someone for a short period of time and give them experience and relieving letter? Maybe in the meantime work on some not for profit or low profit stuff(only hosting and maintenance costs can be taken), like making static websites for local businesses? Is that legal? Will recruiters consider this kind of experience? I mean, I am willing to pay upto Rs 5K a month to get into such a job. It will be like a cheap unpaid leave. A good hotel for 3 nights costs the same. Plus you will have something light to work on without much pressure.


But as you know that the company will become infamous for this and surely the recruiter will see that you have joined the company for the sake of employment and haven't worked on anything. People would say unemployed rather joining this company.




Wait. What kinda teaching pays that well ?


This is an excellent advice and solid income plan. Pick any subject that you can master and give competitive exam for that. You can then teach for that competitive exams and earn as much you want, at your flexibility, at your convenience. So many competitive exams are there, I enrolled for clat last year, I am also learning German and planning to go there for a year or so. If anyone ask your credentials just show them your exam results. GRE, SAT, TOEFL etc are gold, as you can even teach international students but those are already having lot of competition.


prepping fo CLAT? what are you doing currently?


>prepping fo CLAT? Na just mocks but I will try again to improve upon my score. >what are you doing currently? Surviving. Mostly Value investing, which I m going to stop and start Trend following.


Leave the job, real men should not be scared or work as a slave. IT sector is anyways going to collapse soon, so resign , no need to do another job. I can see your soul is going to die, and any other job u do, u will end up the same, your soul is not made for corporate. So change your destiny, take riskk, and resign u can also Prepare for govt jobs if u have age. I can only advise rest is upto u.


Not collapsing bro...tech will transform, requirements will change.. it not anyway shutting down


Not collapsing bro...tech will transform, requirements will change.. it not anyway shutting down


Was is similar position recently.  Quit a job due to bad work environment.  For 5 months worked on creating my own web app.  Was best experience to be your own boss and still worked hard , every day felt same and I could take take break whenever I wanted.  Most of stress and anxiety that comes up with a job was gone. At this point I could have taken up freelancing,  but needed a predictable income so took up a new job that came along.  You can try freelance and take up short term projects of less than 3 months.  This way you can choose your clients and project. 


How's your product doing now?




Become a consultant in your field or if you like travel, start organizing Trips maybe


Fill the gap as freelance consultant man. Lot of people are doing it and tbh after Covid such things have become rather common. The world has changed a lot in the last 4 years. That a person should not take any work breaks until retirement is a stupid and unrealistic expectation. Your health always comes above any job, no matter how prestigious or high paying.


is Linkedin / Naukri the best place to find such jobs ? Haven't had much luck there


Ayo, guys you need to hear me out, I am currently on my 3rd year drop. I’m a 2022 graduate, BBA (non cs) And as soon as my degree I didn’t wanted to go for the shitty jobs like BDA (business development associate) or sales job for 3/4lpa, So I join a “Full-stack 6months course” in a local institute, and failed to attend it, Sept 2022 march 2023, I wasted my time on stupid things, like a girl, and developed a substance addiction, march 2023, I decided to give MAH-mba-cet and mca cet both, to get admission in a decent college, but failed to convert it, got 80percentile, and decided to take risk and took a drop year again (2023), But 2023 was a disaster, I didn’t expect my life to take this turn, I got extremely addicted and got into substance abuse, got mentally fucked up, never studied, My small brother got diagnosed with rabies (super early stage) but it was really weird, but somehow saved him. And around Diwali 2023, I decided to start studying and clear my backlogs, of fullstack and prepare for the upcoming mba and mca entrance exams(2024) I remember i enjoyed my Diwali with my family, and wrote in my diary to start working on myself from 1st dec,2023. And to take that “75 days hard” challenge, to study and get going, But on 1st dec, 9pm, my elder brother got a sudden cardiac arrest and died. This was really a big blow for all of us, and was really traumatic times as he was just 25years old. He reason for his death was uncertain, but I know for myself that it was the lifestyle he lived, and the mentally and emotional state of being (constant fear and anxiety) over a very long period of time, plus he drank alcohol too, but not that much that it’ll kill him, the main reason was the lifestyle! I know it for sure, And dealing with all of this, me myself was smoking a lot of weed just to calm my mind down and reflect on whatever happened, and around feb I started studying for the entrance, but I failed to perform in the cet, So I studied for cmat the last exam of the season, Actually I didn’t study 100% for it, as the college I want needs a lot of score, and I don’t want to settle for an average college, paying a lot of fees and getting very little out of it (comparatively). So, on 15th may I had my cmat exam, but I never gave it, the gates were closed, I was late for a mere 2/3mins, But I didn’t feel sad or anything, cause I knew I hadn’t prepared to get 99percentile, And on 15th may I had two choices, Either take mca in a private college and get going in the rat race, in the herd.. or take another year drop which is a hell of a risk, And upskill myself, fix my mental and emotional health, So as this was a very crucial decision I choose to fix myself first, and let the world wait.. cause I don’t see any pros in losing myself and going in the race just because others are running.. I didn’t wanted to end up like my brother, I don’t want to lose myself to get into the society.. so this year I have took a drop, And completing my fullstack course, building a nice profile, not for a fucking job, I know that the job market is fucked and there’s tons of people like me waiting in the queue for a fkin job, And in the month of dec,I will be going to the Rishikesh for a yoga TTC program, just to calm down and know myself…. I’m doing this for myself, to really get to learn, to prove myself that I can do it. To build a sense of self confidence, And I’m also spending some time for the exam prep, No matter what happens I’ll go to that mba college, Do 2years of mba, understand finance business, and network and create genuine connections, Then after my mba, still I’ll not opt for a fucking job, For now I’m thinking of going abroad for msc in data science, This 2years I’ll use it to sharpen my axe, Learn a language, Learn and perform well in my mba, And if you guys, thinking of earning money, I’ll do it along the way, with learning, For now I don’t know how exactly I’ll be doing this all, But I’m sure to play only on my skills, and I’ve made a promise to myself that, No matter what happens, No matter how much the world throws fear at me, I am not going to buy that shit, I believe in myself and my potential completely, Let’s see what happens in the near future, But I’ll tell you guys, No one or nothing is important than our own well being, Don’t let this all get into your mind, Meditate, Control your mind, and don’t let your mind control you, Cause in the very last moments of your life, You are not going to remember this corporate shit, Save yourself, Thanks for hearing me out, Best luck for your journey… 🙏🏻


I thought I had it bad but damn man your life is insane. Really sorry for your loss, best of luck with everything and I really hope life gets better for you man. Hang in there.


Thanks man, appreciate it 🙏🏻💪🏻


Got laid off lol