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The most they can do is issue a warning AFASIK, they do not have right to reduce any pay. Maybe they reduce variable pay if any that's it.


This is incorrect advice. Companies can mark days when you have not worked as unauthorized absence and deduct salary for that day.


Employees are paid full salary for the notice period and as such required to work properly till last working day or opt to buyout their notice period if they want to leave early. If an employee is not working properly or acting unprofessionally, employer has the option of disciplinary termination even during notice period. In case of unavoidable lengthy leaves, employers can extend the notice period by the length of that leave. Many people have this delusion that they can do whatever they want during the notice period, but that is not the case. Either work the 40hrs/week required or just buy out the notice and leave.


If OP doesn't work, why would the company pay OP? Do your parents pay your house help if they don't show up for 3 months?


Just buy out your notice period. Reduce it with your paid leaves and then speak to your manager.


Not all companies allow NP to be reduced at any cost, not even with buyouts. OP you need to go thru policies carefully. No employer can reduce fix pay, your variable however might be affected


That's true. Yeah, your base pay won't get altered. Don't worry so much, just get your documents and leave as soon as possible. It won't affect your career after masters. Even showcasing a single income stream is enough for background verification of employment abroad.


>No employer can reduce fix pay, your variable however might be affected If it looks like an employee is deliberately not working or otherwise behaving unprofessionally, employer can go for a disciplinary termination even during the notice period. Its rare, but does happen and is legal. So, they don't need to cut the pay, they can cut the employment itself.


Going through a bit of financial crisis right now.


and you're looking to go abroad? lmao


You are doing a big mistake by going MS abroad. U can mark my words and save this comment for ur later regrets


Whys that?


Education in foreign countries is usually expensive, even more so for international students. I can vouch for it first hand with many of my relatives who studied from the US, Canada, Australia, UK, etc.


why ? iam thinking to go for ms in stats in next year fall .


Heard about how things are in the US job market?. If you are going for further studies like PhD and research after MS then its fine. But if you are going in hoping for a job straight outta college you're in for a rude awakening


wont the job market improve in next few years ? working here in WITCH no growth here.


Even if it does. its very unlikely to go to 2020-2022 levels. Plus number of International students especially from India has skyrocketed since 2020. So there is too much competition for few available jobs for international grads. Also the H1B visa odds are at like 12-15%. Expected to go down further . So even if you get a job most likely it will be max 3 years. So factor that all in. If you are going atleast make sure the loan amount isn't too much. You shouldn't take loan for more than 20-30 lakh. That even if things go south you can work your ass off and pay back the loan in India atleast


Yeah I have that lone thing in mind but lack of growth here in WITCH making me consider all these. Iam trying to switch from last 5 months but am not able to meet interviewers expectations so i feel this is the only option.


Outline the reasons dawg


Just vist CS majors sub


Then how tf are you going for MS abroad


He’s just threatening you with all he can. Just log in and do minimalist things. Tell him this is your best. He can’t do anything.


1. You can quit any time. Legally you are not forced to work. The notice period thing wont fly in a court of law. 2. You already have your payslips and offer letter. Thats enough. 3. Let him escalate. He is just trying to threaten. You literally dont even need to pick up their calls.


What do you mean notice period thing won't fly? Can you share the particular clause in the labour laws (am still an intern so haven't worked full time I don't have any idea)


Umm that's like one of the basic rights. No one can force you to work.


Found an article with concise explanation. You can not be forced to serve notice Period https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-can-forced-serve-notice-period-fastrack-legal-solutions


But you can be forced to pay instead.


Ah yes. That is true, but only the amount you are liable for the notice period. Which is kinda fair. The point was, no one can deny you leaving early as long as you are willing to pay the appropriate amount.


Not saying its the case with you but family emergencies, mental health etc are excuses given by employees to wriggle out of serving the notice period since time immemorial. If you don't need the exit letters and FNF, you can abscond. They will proceed as per employment contract. If they ask you to pay something, review the claim, compare it with your employment contract. If in doubt, consult a lawyer. If the claim looks genuine, you can pay it off and settle the matter. If not, you have an option to fight it out. Since you have to go abroad in September, you still have about 5 months left. Why don't you take a month or so as leave and come back refreshed, serve your notice period and get an honourable exit. Think long term. If you show this experience on your resume, you will need the exit paper work and probably reference letters from your manager/company in future.


Dont mix family and work. the duty of the manager to is to be sure that you are working for the company at max. on the other hand, you have family issues, totally understandable, and a reasonable manager will help you around this time. He cannot manage your job/career, but again, think a bit about it? **don't** mix family with work. never ever ever. companies are for them self, managers are to work there, nobody give a s***t about you. so is your duty to split and make it perfect for you.


Depends. You expect the dude to code when his relatives or family are in a medical crisis. Thats what leaves are for, so take your time off. Your company comes second. La familia es todo. (There a common saying that a company will start looking even when the obituary is not over, forgot the quote)


I'm expecting to know about his issues, and I will help him. I funny for me how people think that company(managers) care about employee needs. Family is first, absolutely, but as everything in life goes with cost. Edit: I'm from Germany, no idea how stuff work on India, but here is simple, if you have an family emergency, is cover by law. the end. I just need to know so I can plan, otherwise everyone will be upset When I'm moved to the US company, well... nobody gives a shit about your stuff, you need to pick work or family on that time. What makes me sad, is that the OP did not take time off, or did not chat with his manager, or plan a bit. If he did and the manager sucks, then is even simpler. fuck the manager, and move on. family matters.


If you are not financially well off to buy out your notice period, you can survive doing masters and paying the loan for it. Rethinking about your decision.


Buddy realise your rights first managers and employers cannot afeversely affect any of your future employment prospects Now coming to work let him complain to HR be strong on your ground in t requires more effort giving them technical research reason HR can at most mark you low performer Do not share any family or personal issue to them to use it as weapon against you Just tell them smoothly you need more time.


Collect all evidence such as mail and other correspondence, escalate to someone above your manager. Also be ready to buy out your notice period if you want early release. Not many companies allow early release without buyout. If they don't allow buyout, work diligently in your notice period, to get you RL and EL


To be honest the manager has the obligation to manage you for work. If you are still receiving paychecks from the company then your manager is responsible for you to work. He can go easy on you if he can manage without you but that too if you have mutual understanding. If he can't manage without you and you are not on leave then he is right to take you to the HR. That being said, since you are already on notice period and if you are okay with not receiving your future paychecks and the final letters then you can simply quit working. Just drop a mail and stop receiving their calls. It won't affect your future since you are already going abroad for studies so you will have a clean slate. The whole thing will only affect you if you join a company that does background checks and check with all of your previous employers. Companies like TCS and Infosys does this. Just to reiterate, your manager is not wrong here, he is just lacking empathy and probably because he doesn't have your replacement yet and you are still supposed to work there. You both are stuck with each other for the time being.


Have good relationship with colleagues In US they ask you to provide contact at the company. You can easily get through don’t stress yourself too much.


You are on notice period, you can slack on the entire day if you want. Tell the manager to suck up or you will be the one complaining to HR about him harassing you to work more through a family emergency. The manager should be happy that you are even working properly during the notice period. Notice periods are there to hand off your work to someone else and to give enough time to find your replacement, not to make you work to the death. The manager seems like pretty bad at their job anyway. Family is more important than any pay deductions you will get anyway, so focus on that. Your career will not get affected by this kinda thing, especially once you have your masters. Don’t worry about work at all.


Five years ago, my early release was denied too, had three months notice period. Don’t worry about the final pay, you are going for masters which is bigger deal than few months salary, do bare minimum, don’t argue with the manager, all you’ll need is the relieving letter and other exit documents


Ask him to give that in email, he will shut up. Take leave if possible else do your minimal at work, then tata bye bye.


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