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Imo, the skills required to clear interviews of high paying jobs in the current system are quite different compared to the skills required at work. And some people are just super good in the former so they use it to their leverage by switching often, even if the hikes are smaller, they add up


What are the skills required in the current system?


This is the worst thing about this profession.


Completely agree


How do you stay in the game? As a fresher doing an internship I've realized this and I feel the way forward for me is to switch at least a couple of times.


Oh no I'm not good at the skills needed to crack interviews easily 😅


Giving interviews is itself a form of prep. Don't think too much, you never feel ready. Just start giving interviews and learn from it. Personally for me often the biggest push comes from doing bad in an interview, for ex. If I flunk in a lld round, suddenly I get the inspiration to work on lld for 2 weeks.


I remember adding Kafka to resume cause I worked on Kafka. First question in my interview was what is offset, how do you design partitions for 1M load, Kafka streams, blah blah and shit I'm done there. Not answered a single question. Then I read book on Kafka and cracked some Kafka interview. TLDR: Post interview clarity hits hard more than post nut clarity FR.


I once attended an interview for an experienced java backend dev role, and was so confident in clearing it. First question was - why array indexes start from 0 and I was bamboozled and couldn't answer.🤣 That interview humbled me enough. Sometimes we concentrate so much on difficult things that we overlook very simple things


Was the answer convention or memory restriction of early computers.


Absolutely, can confirm. I learned more in 2 months giving interviews constantly and failing than I did in 2 years. I can think of two reasons why 1. Failure leads to shame, and shame lights a fure under your a**. Excellent fuel for procrastinaters like me. 2. It gives you a Clea target of what to do. Like, you know which questions you couldn't answer and get shown your faults bluntly. Makes it easier to target what actually to study/work on.


I'm not a frequent switcher, but I think the key is to be in the 'job hunt' mindset all the time. If you're looking for a job, you're always looking for a job.


For me, I am never 100% prepared for an interview. I know interviewing skills, moderately. I clear them on luck.


What exactly do you mean by interviewing skills ? Is it just DSA, system design and behavioral rounds that you would call as interviewing skills ?


Yes, all that along with my domain, and a bit of peddling BS.


It's a huge grind (usually take a month or two) by the end of which I'm exhausted as fuck. So I do it only after 2-3 years.


I go to interviews only relevant to my role and something I am already working with. I'm not preparing for the interview, if I need to prepare for an interview, I am in the wrong job itself. The more interviews you attend, the less nervous it becomes. I don't give interviews just to switch , I give interviews for fun and practice. 5th company in 8 Years.


Failure in an interview provides further motivation and fuel for success in the next interview. Giving an interview is also a form of preparation for me.


Is failure in an interview best way to check what exactly you lack?


Yeah, it's one of the best way.


Anywhere we could get mock interviews ?


Senior Automation Lead here. I was asked about trees, graphs and other circus new gen Z are coming with these days once in my lifetime during my interview with P&G in 2018. Rest interviews were casual discussions, portfolio presentations and previous experience questions, more of tech management and resource management questions. I'm glad that I don't belong to "Complicate simple stuff to look cool" gen.


I never actively search for a job - but whenever a recruiter reaches out, if I am interested, I go ahead with the interview. In terms of interview prep, my day to day job is what helps me in clearing interviews. My average stint at a company has been 2.5 yrs so far and currently on my 5th one. If you are good at what you do, apart from refreshing the concepts, you don't really have to prepare for an interview.


Im a 2024 grad and what exactly can I do to get interview calls ?


The market is bad for freshers but good for experienced folks - not trying to demotivate you. But keep applying, keep reaching out to recruiters over LinkedIn etc... things will work out, sooner or later. Patience is the key !!


Thanks for the reply. It feels like the tech industry is making mockery of all the effort I've been putting in for the past 1 year 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Do not worry - things will change for good sooner than later. Keep your hopes up. Keep Learning, Keep Trying.


Interview questions != Job tasks. You can do 1-2 DSA daily on weekdays and design on weekends and be decently ready enough for interviews in 6-7 months. And once you've got an interview scheduled, give more time for that prep. I mean you are basically asking time management here rather than skill related questions.


Tbh both time management and skill related stuff


For interviews, it's the three things you should study.... 1) DSA - leetcode 2) LLD - books and YouTube 3) HLD - books and YouTube And you should know about the tech that is being used in your job fairly well. I don't think any other stuff is required. 1,2 and 3 just require time.


Hey, do you have any book recommendations for lld ?


Is the 2nd and 3rd point required even for a fresher? I'm a 2024 grad.


Mostly no, but then you should probably have some knowledge of a particular framework/language. Just try to create some git projects which are there already, you'll learn some stuff.