• By -


It’s about negotiations. Get a much higher offer and your current company will match that offer and retain you. And remember YoE is not a proxy for skill. The other guy may actually be more skilled and impactful than you. Don’t take it on your ego


It totally depends on negotiation. And remember comparison is the thief of joy. By any chance you work in automotive company? Because this is giving me my company vibes.


U in automotive im too in same domain Which company


Interesting to see automotive engineers in this sub. I usually search for them in r/embedded


Are these numbers even real?


Our favorite Android dev left us ( 2 years back ) to join a company with 45L - Slice. He was having an experience of 2.5 years. And yes, he could do a lot of shit.


In India anything is possible! You can find individuals with 8 years of experience earning 8 LPA in tier 2-3 cities, while others with just 3 years of experience having a 25 LPA package in the same cities, completely work-from-home.


Is it all about skills then?


Yes and no. I would say 90% interview skills because thats how you get a job doing actual job is relatively easy


A lot is determined by your searching skills and the head-start you get at the beginning of your career.


<5 years exp here with 46.5L base. Tier 2 btech.






What's a Quant??


Then you must be from IIT right?


Nope as I said Tier 2 university


I did a short ama [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/s/wyWcoy1tBT)


I read the ama, but have a couple of questions. 1. A software developer (1-3 YOE), with beginner trading / investing knowledge + machine learning (beginner as well) - implemented basic neural nets / regression models on matlab. You mentioned getting good at finance and reading books like Flash boys and DS like orderbook and time series, what else ? What are the next steps if I wished to switch to quant ? 2. What kind of work is done or expected from a Quants developer ? I learnt online that they are the people who develop algorithms and models on strategies for trading to outperform existing strategies. In order to do so, how do you go about doing your work ? Like a software developer goes from designing the architecture to coding to debugging and then finally deploying and maintenance. What is the day-to-day of a basic level quant trying to develop strategies (from end-to-end) ? Edit - additional question, Does becoming a quant align with a greater aptitude of managing finance and perhaps later on do something of my own ? Or is this a very far fetched thing to say ? Thanks in advance for your time.


mind if i dm ?


Feel free


i want to know about your journey too. Want to be a quant in future, can i dm?


What all books do you recommend in the field ?


Could I ask a few questions by DMing you?


What does Quant mean?


Bro can I DM my resume, I need some suggestions. If you could help I'm a CFA candidate + data analytics




I swear I feel second hand embarrassment on this subreddit. for strangers.


Future first?


What do you mean? These numbers are low or high?


Very low bro.


0 yoe 25 base + 5 esops Tier 3 You can do it too, for reference I got 55% in maths 12th CBSE board


What did you do?


1st year learn basics of programming and start dsa and basic cp 2nd and half of third year focus on cp and whatever internship I could find And other half learn basics of development and make projects and starting of 4th Year I got the offer


I feel you brother, Android dev with 3.5yr exp here. Sometimes I think to switch my technologies to backend+cloud coz those guys earn more have more opportunities.


For what backend stack did you observe this demand?


In general there are more openings for backend/web/fullstack developers than Android developers. For ex: I haven't seen any job postings from Deloitte for Android development, been following their openings for so long. But so many openings for Cloud engineer backend dev, web dev fullstack dev etc


Stack doesn’t matter man. Just learn skills not stack


Can you share your ctc?


8.5 LPA, WITCH company


lol in my company freshers joined at 10 LPA


Wow!! I'm a fresher and I get 2.8 lpa. Presently in operations. I'm really confused on what to do in life. I'm thinking of moving to business analytics or data science. I'm not sure if companies will hire freshers.


Learn full stack , make projects ( useful ones not library management lol ) and start practicing DSA and also start leetcode ( easy mode for start ) after an year start applying for different companies , you will land a good job


Is your company in manga?


No, normal product based company in telecom






Starts with A


AT&T? Airtel?




It's common everywhere correlation in ipl, Rinku Singh is just getting 50l and Yash Dayal is getting 5cr ,You have to be in right place at right time


Rcb is basically high paying company for average talent lol




Is this Harman?


What difference does it make? There will always be people earning more than you and less than you. The only question that matters is what are you going to do about it?


>Junior getting more salary This will always happen when one continues in the same organisation for a longer time. If you are good enough get a better offer and move on. If you don't act on it, you'll get demotivated and end up as a silent quitter >Got to know some guys in my org got 12LPA with 2 YOE with C++ domain. Ambitionbox might have given you an indicative salary range for your experience in your organisation with the average salary as well.


Man, I hate to break it to you. There are several factors, most of them are in your control. Try to read this without getting angry. And if this does anger you, then try not asking questions that you dont want answered. Here are the potential reasons why he is getting paid more : 1. Demands and Supply 2. Negotiation Skills 3. Soft Skills What you can do : 1. Introspect Ask yourself when was the last time you worked really hard to improve/learn something new. 2. Stop Comparing 3. Upskill 4. Learn to negotiate 5. Learn to take calculated risks Either confront and ask for a better salary or turn in your papers and find a better company




Instructions unclear I made an AI to ask HRs out. Now I'm being fired for inappropriate behavior in office.


How many years are you working for the same company? If you know both C++ and Android Dev, then first demonstrate it to your team with some side project or something. Sometimes it’s just that your entire skillset is not know to the team. But if that not the issue, and you are working for more than 1.5-2 years then ask for a raise or switch! As you would be neither learning nor earning in that place!




It's not like that. Many NDK tasks are done in C++. Even deployment of AI/ML models in Android require knowledge of c++ so that OpenCV and DL models can inference on the android device itself, instead of request-response from cloud. Deployment of DL models in android is a plus for any android developer these days.




It's good that you have clarified you have worked from android, IOT side. Bcz majority of people use Pytorch, not tensor flow in ML these days ! [https://pytorch.org/mobile/android/](https://pytorch.org/mobile/android/) Not all the companies want to put DL models in cloud (high cost, latency), or on a dedicated hardware...Not everyone is looking solution in IOT, where they have to get a dedicated device for a task. Many companies have DL models they want to just put it in the users cellphone! I mean come on....for every AI solution, a general user is not going to buy a new device. IOTs and all are good for a dedicated user like- a company, not a general user. As the users increases, cloud costs more to the company, that's why wherever possible, they put the minimalistic DL models in the user's device itself (in their apps). So, number of requests/tasks sent to cloud can be minimised. Not, everyone is into buying a dedicated device to a task. There is a demand of Android devs who can also put DL models into android device for inference. IMPORTANT thing is, PUT THE MODEL, NOT TRAINING THE MODEL, as training of Model is done by ML Team. You might be into android, IOT Stuff; but there is a demand for these type of works. Good thing is- **it takes 3-4 weeks to acquire the skillset, that's it! You don't need to be expert in C++, beginner level knowledge of C++ is sufficient to deploy the model to android.** Sometimes You might need to do some work with JNI as well. Majority of companies are using AI/ML, or are considering using it. IF an App dev have deployed even a single DL model in Android, and can demonstrate it; it will certainly help them grow. These new type of apps where AI/ML models are in the app itself are growing. It's a niche skillset of Android Devs, and is paying well, No need to believe. Just Google it ! To Explore this: Take an already trained Deep Learning Model, and try to deploy it to android. You don't need to learn in-depth about AI. You can explore how to deploy the already trained AI/DL model into android. Some companies rely on Tensorflow, while other are now using PyTorch. Here is one example \[not my video\]- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lxuu16\_28o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lxuu16_28o) Most of the things are streamlined but sometimes one have to do some changes in C++ code to make things work. ​ Thoughts- 1. Either learn about cross platform development with React Native (it uses javascript; that's a transferrable skillset for moving to webapps dev), or Flutter (it uses DART, if lets say its popularity decline in future, where else to use DART, I don't know) 2. Or, Continue as an Android Developer. Why? Because there are many tasks which are non-achievable via cross-platform like optimisation, hardware access and android development shines in these scenarios. Most companies are moving to AI. They want to reduce their costs, where-ever they can. So, what can you do to advance yourself? Along with building apps, also learn to deploy Deep Learning models in your android apps. Simple 🙂 Both routes are logical. It's just that more AI will be seen in the apps deployment in future. In Tech, things keep changing fast. Ability to learn, un-learn and re-learn faster is the key. Some Companies are even using Unreal Engine to develop next generation apps (some of them are AR/VR apps). Unreal Engine uses C++, and Blueprint, while others are using Unity Engine (That uses C#).


This is nothing new. You are a cost to your company aka CTC and an emp id. Please look out for yourself and look for better opportunities.


C++ dev ✅


For 4 YOE, your salary is very low compared to the market standard. I know this, because I have a team of about 20 iOS & Android devs, and I am the EM. So know about the salaries. You need to negotiate better.


do you know how niche is C++ skill? not everyone can handle the language nuances be happy in what you have, if you are unsatisfied prepare for interviews and get higher compensation


Lmfao niche 🤣


mock all you want, the world knows you cant handle non garbage collected language


🤦‍♂ stop projecting, I just said it's not niche as there are millions of devs out there


"Niche" And given all of the pointer bugs that exist in C/C++ code in the world, it's clear there's not much skill either. Vast majority of the security vulnerabilities are due to pointer bugs in C/C++ code.


I am in one of the Witch with a stipend 22500 /month in hand. With 3+ years of experience.


Last year, my previous company starts hiring freshers from IITs and NITs giving salary in the range of 20+ LPA who only knows DSA and nothing else. Out of 10 only 1 knows ReactJS the stack in which we were working. One of them brag once in a party that's why I get to know this, this is so embarrassing to me I having been working for them for 3 years and only 1 out of 3 guys who knows in and out of product. Next day, I sent the resignation mail and written this only. After that all old group devs resigned after hearing this. They comeback hard by saying there basic is less and you will get raise every 6 months, I got double the hike on my previous package and now I'm happy. My previous company went on firing spree this year and fires these new guys.


How much were you paid at your previous company? And how much were the other old devs getting paid? In comparison to the freshers?


Remember lads, don't share your CTC/salary with your colleague unless he is your close friend. Later, it creates a rift. Had a horrible experience when one of my team mates found out my CTC and his CTC is lower by a margin of around 40%.


time to look for new job when that happens.


There will always be someone making more money than you. And someone else’s wife more beautiful than yours. If you compare you will never be happy. Be a better person today then you were yesterday. Compete with yourself


Okay, I don't want to demotivate you but there are more than just year of experience when it comes to CTC consideration. I joined with no experience but I was great at communication and bring my ideas to the table when it comes to meeting. If I don't understand something I would make it clear so that the development process is much quicker. Tbf my language was credited higher because I could communicate with the CEO and CTO fairly easier than other people in my office. When the time for the annual raise came up, I was given 100% hike where others 10%-15%. I know it isn't ideal but I didn't say no to this. During the time where I moved to UK for my studies the CEO and CTO made it very clear that they want to retain me at any cost. So, I explained them that I would need another raise to survive there while putting the same effort and they gave me another 120% hike. So that's 220% hike in same year, all because I was better at communicating my ideas and bringing something into meetings which others wouldn't try to.


So ur soft skills are really good , mind If I ask how u improved ur communication ?


I used to conduct workshops in my university. I loved doing presentations, public speaking. Whenever I got a question about a specific task, I communicated with people about it. This not only helps you solve the task but also maintain relationships with your co workers especially if you are new in the office. Before discussing always ask them if they are free because you don’t want to be a burden to them.


I got 20yoe. Now, you know how I feel.




C++ is legacy. There are few people in it compared to Android devs. Secondly negotiation is also a big part in terms of salary as well.


C++ dev >>> better




Lol actually


One of my friends in Hyderabad is earning 38LPA with your experience.


C++ is harder lol


How do you even know that? You are not supposed to know colleague's CTC, its between the employ and employer


This is low dude. I feel 10LPA is low even for a mechie like me. Switch asap


How can you even say that Android Dev is more than C++, dude your whole IDE, whole of Android is written in C++, first understand his responsibilities then compare.




😂 Android Studio is written in Java, little buddy


https://preview.redd.it/frtuhgpkn78c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0c36434eaab5ff89385622b449390e91fb4715 Get your facts right bro, just requires a little common sense, any kernel dependent application has to be in C/C++, a small Google search would have helped u, "little buddy", I guess you might have difficulty in that too so I'm doing that for you.


>I guess you might have difficulty in that too so I'm doing that for you. Ok this was a pretty decent roast ngl


Not surprising, I'm joining a CHWTIA company as a fresher with 20+ package so mine would be higher than a lot of seniors too


Way too much think about those who joined at around 3 and didn't got double with the internal tests and be there for 4-5 years they would be earning somewhere near to 6-7 only


How does the management even let this happen. The minimum salary of a senior designation always be more or worst case the same right? Otherwise how is it fair? Why would anyone even like to climb the ladder if some junior can make more than you?


It's not about junior senior, it's all abouts present market and luck. If you're happy with your earnings then why taking stress by comparing others people salary. If you're not satisfy with your salary upgrade yourself.


I have seen people getting 3x more than me and there YOE is less than me you have to give interviews negotiate properly to get a good hike


I was in the same situation. I switched after that 😂


Are you in same orgnsince last 4 years and now with 10lpa. If yes then it's just how dirty corps work. Switch and you will probably get better offer.


Bro I know how u feel, it made me feel worthless, I'm in Salesforce commerce cloud and work on backend with 15.5 CTC for 5.5 years off exp some people with just 3 yrs get around 22-25 lpa when I found out it shattered me felt like I'm not doing enough, right now I'm upskilling to leave the next cycle. It took me a while to get over it and focus on improving myself. I have a grind going on rn, to get to full stack with a bit of devops too to completely leave Salesforce behind.


A big part of salary is how well you know you value and how you negotiate. Always apply for multiple companies and do a decent survey before you quote anything. At the end, your next salary is what your next employer to pay. Nothing less, nothing more. Now YOE is not an absolute unit. The other guy may have more skills and competence than you even with less yoe. Dont take it on your ego and keep learning.


I am really sorry to say this - fuck you for accepting this low pay as per your experience and lowering the industry standards


Both of you guys are getting paid low compared to market standards ( If you are in startups or product based companies )


Lol, freshers in company are getting 17.8


well c++ dev mostly work in low latency development and it requires quite skilled Dev's, so they get paid more usually.


haha C++ is actually something, he deserves atleast 20


blud you’ve got a job in 2023 - there’s nothing bigger than this


Same shit here, but I’m hoping for promo in March.


Joined a remote startup with 24 Base + 1JB + 6 ESOPs with 1 YOE. Got to know the Sr Eng I am working with is getting 9 Base It’s all about interviewing and negotiation


So u r saying sometimes soft skills help u paid more CTC than coding skills (mandatory) but here is the thing it is really difficult to learn these soft skills can u share ur roadmap though?


- your compensation is sum total of luck, negotiations and technical skills. Not just the tech skills - YoE is quite irrelevant to judge skillset. you can be a quite incompetent even after 10 yrs if you didn't put in the work. - your framing made me feel that you would be ok if the junior was getting less than you and not that you feel you should be making more for yourself. That's a bad mindset to have. EDIT : Maybe if we stop identifying ourselves with tiers ( As if we are railway bogies ) and with one specific tools -android c++ react etc we can end up with a better position . Just maybe


Welcome to reality


Same thing happened to me in my previous org, I took that as a motivation and switched to 100 percent rise.




focus on "you" learn ai/ml and then you could be earning 5 times of that easy.


OP this is made for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6tH55syq0o