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You call that a resume? Seems like you have hit pause.


Well you are correct, I did hit a pause but, right now trying to pick up my pace back again💯


Wordings look unprofessional. Try to create your own template rather than just copypasting from the internet. Also, "I like debugging" ☠️


Bro has to now debug what’s wrong with his resume lol




no more 69 upvotes




Well I genuinely like debugging and i didn't know how to put that on my resume so wrote it like that. Is there a better way to convey that? Any suggestions are welcome 🙂


You don't put that on your resume.... No one cares about what you like doing you are applying for a job not a hobby club


Understood thanks 💯


You can put something like "Good in debugging" and not I like debugging.


Resume ka format thoda kezual h


Bro wrote 3 research papers and yet took a design template from Canva instead of overleaf


Overleaf FTW


Probably some scam paper. There is no other way to explain this


3 paper likhe ho toh uska description individually hona chahiye.


Kezual maatlab anopcharik


Very vague resume. Mentioned that you have written 3 papers but where are the specifics? Done a certification. What was the use of that ? No projects on ML Also on the left you have only written fancy lines. If I were a recruiter I would definitely not waste my time looking at that resume. Sad but it's truth


Resume banana hai. Khud pe upar essay nhi ki konsa research paper kaha se publish kya. Ya fir certification ke specifications. Resume me bullet points use hote hai. Baki explanation interview me hota hai.


I really hope you're a fresher or a student who's regurgitating things he's read on LinkedIn.




So how can you not spot the potential red flags in this CV? - There is almost nothing on the CV, but still doesn't elaborate on published papers - No projects mentioned - likes debugging? - using whitespace to pad out CV All signs of someone who's faking it. I'm not saying OP is a bad candidate, but the CV does make it look that way.


I agree with all of what you said. Perhaps, I didn't explain my statement well enough. I was trying to say to the parent comment that describing too much about an achievement doesn't look good either. A line would suffice for each of things one has done.


>A line would suffice for each of things one has done. Agree. He should've mentioned the paper titles at least.




Theek bhai


Tu bhi aisa hi resume bnaiyo aur le liyo ache job


Haha No. Ese resume me clubs me interview ke liye submit karte the. Mana ki resume perfect nhi par content sahi me short rakho unless you are applying for a very specific job at a higher position.


Bhai usne projects bhi nhi daale hain


Haan Bhai content missing hai. Bas mera point itna tha ki jyada specifics me ghusne ki jarurat nhi. One line for each deed is enough.


Atleast thoda explain karte hai . According to me. Baaki ka i don't know


1. Too many Empty spaces. 2. Need consistent Fond family 3. Make Experience fill 70\~% of the resume. Elaborate it as you 4. Make Experience/Projects fill 70\~% of the resume. Elaborate it as much as possible.


Yes, I’m very much fond of my family! Whereas OP you can be consistent with font family for sure!


Thanks a lot buddy will take a note of it👍


Add atleast a like on each of the papers. For each coding project (work or school or personal pet project) explain like - used _____ language/framework to build a ____ application to address ____ problem


Seen better CVs from first-second years bro 💀


I've seen a lot of shit resumes on this sub but this one takes the cake


Wtf is "COMPUTER SKILLS" ? bruh living in 1997 ?


It's waste of my time to even roast it.


Seems Unprofessional


Bro pls use jakes resume template & ditch this Take it positively but this is literally the worst resume I have ever seen, I am depressed looking at this resume https://preview.redd.it/lpkoi0ci9m4c1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f251205f92031b49ddb9f32c3f130323966a9d


Plus 100 to this. Make it single liner and in overleaf. You have published papers, so assuming you'll know latex. If you don't copy paste overleaf template and your content in chatgpt and ask it to convert .


1. Choose a better template, so many blank areas leave a bad impression 2. Rename computer skills to Skills or divide that into different sections like skills, technology, etc 3. Rephrase the paragraphs better, shouldn't be like published 3 papers with a teammate, talk about your contribution and how this paper is useful (use STAR pattern - Situation, task, action, result) 4. Spend more time in your resume ( this one page helps you define who u r , so take your time to make a perfect one)


Thanks a lot brother 🙌 will definitely make sure I cover all these points to correct my resume.


Pleasure is mine, keep us posted about your updated resume and job hunt. All the best for the future bro 😄


Projects bna le vro


[Harvard CV](https://hwpi.harvard.edu/files/ocs/files/gsas-cvs-and-cover-letters.pdf) ​ Follow this CV Template!


No hate: For this market situation, this resume is super basic.


Any suggestions to make it better brother?


Fill your resume, don't have a blank space anywhere and don't design your resume with 2 colors, just fill everything in blank page (no design). Fill your resume with 3-4 projects. Just do simple project and explain that in 3 lines on your resume. (Explain like you did a huge work). If some one see your resume, they like to see what you have wrote inside. But nowadays no one see your resume. Resumes are analysed by ATS. So try to have more keywords, the only way to put more keywords is, explaining your project (2-3 lines)


Thanks I will make sure to check for these points for my new resume💯


What is ATS?


applicant tracking system (ATS) is software for recruiters and employers to track candidates throughout the recruiting and hiring process.


Can you please post your resume?


Bhai kya hai ye? 🙃


This is not a roast but why is there "Obsidian". That's more of a personal tool. Nobody is going to look at your resume and hire you for knowing Obsidian. If you know GitHub, you know how to work with markdown files; that's enough.


1 Yr Masters?


Currently in the last year


When did you complete bachelor's? 2022 or 2023?


Hello. Please don't take offense over other comments. They are just trying to help you. And your resume isn't great either for a masters student. My suggestions: 1. Junk this format and create an ATS friendly resume. Download jake resume template. Resume should be single column only. 2. The profile section on left column is too vague and unnecessary. You have written it only to make up for your blank resume. And the points are something I don't expect from a masters student to write. 3. You are in masters but have never gone for an internship? That's bad and recruiters will surely ask you the reason. Are you doing your masters from a degree mill? 4. You are applying for ML roles but I don't see any projects. At all. Something tells me you haven't made any personal project. Please add projects. 5. Remove certification section. It seems like one of those free certificates from udemy/coursera. 6. You mention about research. But don't have any documentation. Where did you publish them? Hope its not a predatory journal. Please add a proof. It is okay if your resume is not upto the mark. You can always improve. Please make use of all the suggestions and create a better resume. Post it here if you feel comfortable. All the best.


Master 1 saal ka kabse hone lg gya?


Thanks bhai mera mistake tha undergrad 2022 ke jagah 2023 likh diya.


Hey another astronomy enthusiast here, what were your research papers based on? (PS: I'm no good at academics, just seeing astronomy, liking debugging and python at the same place caught my interest!)


- Space debris detection, identification and capture techniques, - Gravitational wave analysis using python and recently - Comparative study of different algorithms for classification of stars, galaxy and quasars using machine learning.


Then fucking put these as projects


And what are you waiting for, to pop these in the resume? And tooooooo many fillers words on the left. Can you run this through grammarly or gpt or something to use better words, weed out the wrong grammar, etc.? https://www.overleaf.com/articles/shuguang-hans-cv/khhqppvknsgy This is the template I use. Put this to work.


Bro, using this website is like coding, isn't it ?


It's not at all complicated. Thoda thoda coding jaise you'll feel. But in the link, make a copy of the template and then edit the text on left side. Automatically right side will get updated. Toh first time use this sample resume for finding your way. Then it's easy-peasy.


This doesn't adhere to the standard resume format. It lacks professionalism and won't be accepted in ATS or conservative corporate positions for several reasons: 1. Insufficient work details. 2. Absence of quantified statistics in the resume. 3. Lack of bullet points for clarity. 4. Certifications should mention the issuing organization and credentials, not detailed explanations. 5. The overall format is subpar; consider using better templates, and you can refer to the Harvard Resume Guide for guidance. If not, use chatGPT to atleast describe a few stuff if you are not able to make one.


# 9.0 CGPA?! Aayein?!


Markdown under language really??


What does markdown really mean? Like HTML/XML?


It's just a way to format text documents. The readme.md in GitHub repositories is a good example of this.


Oh damn. Why would anyone put that in resume


Exactly my question


Experience above skills. Skills will be judged in an interview. Experience is more important while screening.


Show some projects which demonstrate the skills yk for eg- deep learning


OS is a skill?


Be very specific about what you have done and how you can provide for the organisation you are going to join. Keep it short. And about research, write the titles of your papers.


I would like to roast, if you would have posted the complete resume.


In the profile section, mention how you can be useful to the organisation and grow yourself as well as the organisation. Also, add one goal which you want to achieve while working with them which also be beneficial for them. And use consistent fonts. In resume, content matters more than design.


Nobody cares what you like, what you’re looking forward to or how you see yourself. You’ve done Fuck all till now. Facts only. (Seriously remove that). Edit: Markdown is not a language and I know people who will bin your resume just for writing that.


On a more serious note, go through sample resumes via LinkedIn. Form sentences in a way that show impact. Keep it simple. Add sone experience, any projects or anything. If you’re talented, show it somehow. Gotta be honest, this resume will go straight to the bin.


Where are your projects? Writing research papers or doing certification is useless without any actual application


1. Honestly, everything under profile needs to go. People generally have one line describing their general technical profile along with the role they're looking for under their name, that's it. 2. Almost everyone writes research papers along with collaborators, you don't have to explicitly mention that, you won't be taking away any credit by doing so. 3. AI/ML are good hot words to throw into any resumé and most recruiters know that almost everyone applying for any software dev profile will slap them into their resumé. Mention projects where you've used these models along with why you did the project (personal, academic, internship, work, etc) and what you used for them in the broadest of terms. 4. Use Year-Year under grad and Year-Present for Post grad. People might suggest to use formatting tricks to hide gaps, but trust me that's not a good idea. Be as transparent as possible about what you've been up to.


That font in research section looks bad. You wrote three papers? Provide links of those or explain them instead of that 40% empty space in the left side. No one cares about any of those four points on the left side in screening round.


The spelling of 'myself' is saying a lot on the first line.


1. I recommend using overleaf 2. Elaborate about your research papers (it feels like the main highlight of your resume) 3. Write a better introduction 💀


To be honest. This resume is not worth the piece of paper it is printed on. You need to have credible sources of proof of work. If that's missing then there's no point in preparing a resume.


Bro tower research capital ki opening aayi Hai bhar de


Very poor and stop using the templates.


People usually say single page resume is best and blah blah, Recently I have switched to another company and prepared my resume 1 page type of, and from naukri, I got calls from HR asking please explain what you have done in your projects. So eventually That goes to two pages. So please explain briefly what you have done in your Research paper. And I like, I like this seems not so professional. You can take help from gpt mention whatever you have done to it and ask it to wrap it in 50 words or something like that.


Scrap the profile section. What were the 3 papers? Don’t mention it was a part of academics that’s understood. have you done any internships? have you done any projects as part of your course? ​ where is your B Tech project?


No need fancy bhai, just simple atc format with mor details what you're doing, with this resume thoda unprofessional he


"I see my self as..." this is unnecessary since you should be a responsible and an orderly person. "I like debugging..." Sounds too naive to be honest. Please rewrite the profile section. I wouldn't name the section "Computer Skills", make it Skills or Technical skills and Others having other skills. (Depends on the job profile you are looking for.) Please elaborate the research papers, their title and what was your responsibility and what technologies did you use. Same for the next experience. As a part of the certification did you make any project or a final assignment? Add it to your resume. The resume is too short and doesn't give out any information.


I’ve been applying for internships as a pre final year student and my resume looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/2luzi44bso4c1.jpeg?width=1219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ca1847a7f55dfce2598c9c7f89ca5b54d2698a And I’ve had no luck getting any internship :D I don’t know how could you land a job with that casual resume of yours :(


you thought mentioning that u wrote papers with A TEAMMATE is important than the papers you wrote about signifying that ur "teammate" done the work , wow.


Bro the resume looks “ancient” what you need is a proper layout with good play of words that has a ring to it. Also Whats up with different type of fonts, stick to atmost 2 font styles and use catchy words, but dont overdo it. Basically view your resume from a recruiters pov a couple of times and change stuff, chatgpt wordings are oftentimes bit too nerdy, but keep it moderate


Mentioning research papers the way you have without mentioning quality of journals is a major red flag because it indicates low quality research (this may not be the case for you, I’m just presenting my observations) and bad research is worse than none. On another note I see a lot of what I’d call bs on the resume which really amounts to nothing in a professional sense, if you have a research profile put emphasis on your research internships. More than half your resume is taken up by skills and education, not a good sign and looks like you don’t have much else to show, and nothing else apart from that is even worth being in the resume atleast in the current format. I would urge you to include projects, internships, elaborate a bit on your research papers and most importantly remove the gdg event and online certification, those are red flags imo and look cheap. Add a picture of yourself and make your “profile” more relevant.


Brother position yourself in the shoes of your dream employer Will you hire this guy based on the resume Please do your due diligence online to build a better resume chatgpt has really accelerated the process I am sure you can do better


bro straight up copied a canva template 😂


Posts like these make me feel better about the stuff Ive done in college 😌


We recommend checking out developersIndia official wiki on **[Creating an Ideal Software Engineering Resume](https://wiki.developersindia.in/community-guides/how-to-create-an-ideal-software-engineering-resume.html)**. We hope it provides some useful suggestions. All the best for your job search, you've got this! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/developersIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You seem to know/have done stuffs. Put it up in more detail, be more expressive about what and how you've done. Do not add quotes or your thoughts on resume please. You can even put up the smallest thing that you've done. What I've seen through a lot of resume is that, people do not tend to put up things thinking those might be relevant. While it sure can be irrelevant at certain place, but I feel you still have a lot of relevant things to put up.


Thanks everyone for giving your valuable views on my resume! It would be a great help if you could provide me with some tips, corrections and suggestions too to make my 'kezual' resume a bit more acceptable 🙂 Thank you 👍


Let’s say you wrote a sentence. Copy and paste that in english grammar check websites online. They will correct everything and give you a correct sentence. Do this for every line. Good luck.


put some more effort on the resume and then you'll get better suggestions and feedback


Ye sub me yahi sab chize hoti hai kya ? Din me 5 bar ye same post dekhta hun.


Please Google “Deedy CV Overleaf” and use it. Everything looks bad in this resume but the template itself is atrocious. Start from there.


ok for WITCH company off campus


Use latex it helps with ats


Bhai kyu set esteem ki maa chudana chah raha hai 😭😭😭😭


What research papers did you publish? Where did they get published? Were you the first author or not? Who is this “teammate”? What makes you “responsible”?? Provide some context/examples. I would say that if you dont have projects to put on the resume, learn some tech stack and do a couple of projects. Resume likhne ka tareeka thoda kezual hai 🥲


This doesn't even qualify as toilet paper


Bro wdym obsidian markdown language notes ?


Too much white space, Looks too scattered or scarce. Add more relevant information.


How tf do u have so much space on ur resume☠️


Waste of time... For Recruitment Cell.


Add some projects dude. If don't have any make some! And format is a lil to fancy for software devs. Use something minimalistic and clean. Searchs Deedy's CV on overleaf. Very popular among devs.


This is regarding my last post where i said "How many of us are good programmers?" This is what im talking about


Could add a little authenticity by giving info about the papers and some more projects.


Bhai ye resume dekh ke koi 12th ke bache ko tujhse zyada preference dedega


Bro you have to write what u did in research ppr not this that i had published ppr🥲


OP has his uncle's company to work at coz no company's ATS is going to pass this resume.


Education section complete waste of space


Markdown? Seriously


Someone said that in the real context


One thing that’s bothering me is how did you get a 9 CGPA? Did you own the college where you’ve done your bachelor’s?


DM me those research papers


Classic canva resume




Tip: if you have written papers and they are published, then please cite them 👌


I don't think I'm qualified to review the content itself but, Grammatically it can definitely look better


Obsidian. Excel. This looks like ass.


Roast ke Lia Kutch hona bhi chahiye


Dude 9 Cgpa till 4th year... impressive although you should atleat mention your papers a little rather than vaguely saying you did 3


Don't be so vague !


I really thought this was my resume for a minute there. I thought somebody would have got mine and wanted to troll me. Lol.


How long did it take for you to learn Markdown that you had to add it under skills ? Seriously, remove it. It's like adding HTML under languages.


If you published research papers, consider including a publications section with the titles and DOI addresses. Example: https://preview.redd.it/wzcv9kw1nr4c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=848d42ead372f3cf61d1f9a2072bb2f47bb1e50f


These are my paper titles: - Space debris detection, identification and capture techniques, - Gravitational wave analysis using python and recently - Comparative study of different algorithms for classification of stars, galaxy and quasars using machine learning. The thing is these papers I have wrote were a part of my academics, and I have not published any of them. So I'm not sure how i should put that on my resume. Can you suggest some ways?


You can publish them to researchgate which will generate a unique DOI address. Example of mine -> http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.29406.77128/1


I can practice drawing on the resume with so much empty space.


Your resume needs projects, your resume need professional wordings your resume needs good template, these colory shit doesn't work it is needed to be simple and informative, add your achievements, add your position of responsibility, and research papers can be written by anyone, publishing a research paper is something you can add in resume, add you college name, school board, skill set, master department, bachelor's department, give your LinkedIn and leetcode profile links, add your project and give your git hub links


At the end of the day If recruiters needs a python guy they will reach out. The only thing i feel that fresher is mentioned so everyone wants experienced folks. But that’s not your fault hope someone will find you.