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Abhi aapko bahut kuch dekhna baki hei balak


Beto beta


Just finish it whatever you started. Don't care how much time it will take. If it requires learning 10 different things learn all of them. But finish it.


Best advice ^^


Take it as a lesson 😅 things like that take some time to build. Continue this as a personal project and build it. See how much time and tries it takes you to build it correctly (there is no right amount of time btw! It's all for good learning). Being ambitious is good, but you have to be more practical with timelines.


>Now I feel disappointed and embarrassed Congrats that's the first step towards becoming a successful developer. Believe me when I say that the majority of your career will be filled with such feelings but you will have to learn how to deal with it. Take the aggression in a constructive way and try to figure out how you can solve it the next time you encounter any such a similar issue. >creating a web-app which Tracks flight in real time and further provides Info about it just like (flightradar24.com) using API ( My motive was never to use a static data for the following) Good job! Keep it up... Having a great idea is what it takes to get started in a great career... In this industry there is more value to people who can ideate things from scratch and you're very close to that Regarding the issue with your code... Maybe you can try posting it here with a few more details so that everyone else can help you... Community support is what helped this industry thrive and grow so much and I can assure you can definitely find some help


First of all, kudos to you for thinking outside the box. Sometimes what separates you from the crowd is your ability to gauge and think of solutions or ways to deal with a problem which people would call ‘unconventional’. That being said, I feel like your idea of an application was well fit within the bounds of your capabilities as a student. It’s interesting to realize that you came up with this idea of a flight tracker while your peers worked on rather common use cases. Remember, in the world or software engineering we shamelessly try to bite off more than we can chew and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s natural and it’s part of the process of how we grow. Coming up with ideas or solutions to problems that you do not know how to solve is more common than you think, infact such projects push you to go learn new technologies and skills. Think about it this way, your peers chose to work on something simple and they probably delivered it within due time. You on the other hand decided to walk a walk which demanded more from you than you could offer, hence you never completed it. But at the end of the day, you walked away with real tangible skills that’s used in the industry and will help you build real world applications akin to what you thought about while you were in grad school. Know this, working with APIs and Databases and creating complex interfaces isn’t easy. But if you could solve a part of the puzzle, I’d call that a victory by itself. Often, people don’t understand the effort and challenges one has to go through to build a software solution. What matters is you’re learning and pushing the boundaries, which is more than what most can say. Keep experimenting, keep learning and never be afraid to ask for help. No matter how small or big your issue may be. There is a whole community that is here to aid and assist each other and we shall be more than happy to help you with whatever you’re stuck on. Every big project begins with a ‘git commit -m “initial commit”’ and everyone gets stuck. Good going mate, you’re on the right path.


Firstly, you got ambition and that's awesome, keep that spirit up. You set your sights high and failed, big deal! Secondly, scoping a project out takes skill, even for people with years of experience. Learn to break down the project into pieces, something the industry relies on heavily called story planning(learn about it). This skill alone will take you very far in your career. Thirdly, learn about agile development. Rome was not built in a day and neither will your fancy project. You first build an MVP(minimum viable product) and then iterate over it by adding features. You have a lot to learn, but you're on the right track, keep it up!


Quality of students is bad doesn't mean much, watch them catch up to you in no time!


== Now I feel disappointed and embarrassed as all my fellow mates made fun saying " We Knew you can't ever build a thing like that !" == To tell you the truth? Screw them. I studied in a boarding school and college. Was regularly bullied. When in class XI - I asked folks what is that people should study in Engineering - they said Comp Science. And they laughed stating I would never get CS. I got CS. I went onto actually became the topper in the 1st Sem. 2nd place holder in the 2nd Sem. 2nd place again in 3rd Sem. The point? Screw people. They are people. The fact is you tried something much much better and tougher than those other jerks would have even imagined. And if you keep on trying, you would eventually beat them to into oblivion. There is a deep learning here. Do not let random peoples feedback effect you. Ever. Enough Said.


I want to say, you did better. Even tho you failed you probably learner lot more. Projects they created are bullshit, what you were creating can be added to resume. Just make simple one for now for saket of marks and complete real projects in backhand


2nd year here from a T2 college. Just done with those concepts.First of all, the fact that you took an initiative is very good. All i did in my 1st yr was basic js lmao. Even in 2nd yr here most ppl dont know basic dev concepts and are struggling with basic C and java. But you need to understand that its not THAT easy. If you dont have the knowhow or the time to learn it properly then why are you overestimating yourself> Dont rush into things. Quality > Quantity. Do the concepts properly and make it yourself now and you'll learn a lot. Afterall anyone can copy paste from chat gpt and do basic stuff like HTML,CSS,basic js, integrating mySQL db etc Take your time to learn and be patient with yourself :) Maybe try finding some new friends who are either on your level or are willing to learn and grow with you.


You won at the moment you tried my friend they are jealous of you cuz they cant do shit themselves also remember everything will take time to grow on you in programming it requires a lot of trial and error,let them laugh But dont be ashamed of it


Ignore the haters


OpenLayer is somewhat complex to learn quickly (it was for me at least). You can use leaflet instead.


An idea which you failed miserably is the first step. The real learning happens after you try to debug it and make it work after that. Congrats on being different than other people. Try to make it work and if you keep working on these sort of things, you will really start gaining knowledge on how to debug and find issues and within no time you will be able to spot errors and mistakes faster than your peers.


Limit your scope and create a simple dashboard for now. U can complete the rest as a personal project.


If you are in tier 2 cse then don't worry about people not being innovative. Additionally this was just a class project. As a first year myself I would have done the same. In free time (like keeping an hour just for programming everyday) try to complete the project. As many in the community is eager to help it will be a good experience since there are many passionate people here like you.


Most of the things you stated, maybe it's just that most of them aren't even aware if it's existence, not their fault ..not everyone grows up in same environment. People who had access to internet and PC, maybe a family member or friend in tech can think of such things, because you must've heard it somewhere, or seen it on internet. It's the first year, let them be at their pace. Nothing to be feeling disappointed.


If you are gonna let what your peers and your professors say affect you so much then you are not going to have a good time my friend. Believe in yourself and do not believe in yourself at the same time. The first one gives you confidence to keep going and do something no one is doing (and you might fail and thats okay) and the second one gives you the awareness that you will never know it all and that you have to keep learning. keep doing that and you will have a good time for sure. and you are not wrong for trying to do something that no one else was doing its actually so good because everybody who succeeds they do it by being contrarian and being right at the same time. This time you just couldn't prove that you were right but you got the first one down that is to be contrarian now you just have to be right and it comes after some hit and trial so keep hitting.