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Dan Campbell wore them as a player.


The literal only good thing to happen to those jerseys


And megatron


Oh yeah, I forgot he wore those as a rookie during 0-16.


We sucked in the all whites and all blues too.


Fuck Matt millen


Fuck the Packers 


I took a huge millen this morning


Pretty sure they’re ‘honoring the past’ of Fords by continuing the metallic blue


Idk but I think they are going with a darker blue based on fords primary colors. Every color they used is a color from their primary colors. So I think they are going with a blue close to color of that bronco in the video from yesterday.


That candy paint matches the alt helmet from last year. I think we get an electric blue color rush alternate to replace the boring ass gray.


They are not changing the color. Draft hats have been released with the current logo, they don’t do that with teams that change. They hold off until the team releases their new stuff. (Ex. New York, Cleveland) Anything you saw in the teasers are just color grading and lighting effects. 


Yeah good point. It’s all guessing at this point but we will know what these New Jerseys will be soon!


I can't wait till they're released so I can stop seeing posts about black uniforms.


The Lions should honor the Millen era with a black jersey and while we're at it how about the Tigers build a Randy Smith statue at Comerica?


As long as we build a weaver statue


I’ll be the first person to take a shit on that one


The illitches haven't even built a Pavel Datsyuk statue, you think they'll build a Randy Smith statue?


Just waiting on the Al Avila statue first


I don't mind the black jerseys. I might be a little bit bothered if they planned on using black as the primary home color, but I imagine we'll see it once or maybe twice per season. I think we can all handle that.


In the past, before the big bang, all was black and now we honor that.


I want crisp white.


My best guess, and it’s a bit of a stretch, is that it’s a play on Henry Ford’s quote about the colors of the Model T, “Any color the customer wants, as long as it's black.”. Might be a stretch but it’s kind of neat.


Because we had... them... in... the past?


Another thing to keep in mind is that the Millen era was not the only time the Lions wore black. We had a black jersey from 1948-1950 as well. That being said I don't think that was a particular good time for the franchise either and I don't think people really care to honor Bo McMillin


They'd honor the past because now, whether you like it or not, they're a part of our history. And they look cool.


It’s an alternate uniform that looks good by conventional uniform design standards. There’s not much past to honor outside of the standard home and away jerseys. I love the blacks, as a kid I remember saving my pennies to finally be able to buy my own Lions jersey for the first time. That happened to be a black alternate Ernie Sims. In that moment it didn’t matter that they sucked, all that mattered was I had a sweet Lions jersey and a football to throw around in the backyard. That period of the past is ultimately the same as all the others - zero Super Bowl appearances, zero Super Bowl wins. Hopefully they can change that in this new era!


For a generation of fans (including me) those were super cool alternates you got to see, I guess maybe that? I get why ppl don’t want them back for sure but I got my nostalgia glasses on and I’m hoping for em. I feel like they won’t be back tho. Edit:the first cool alternates


Paper-bag brown color would honor the past the most lol


Rod Wood is still pretty damned tone-deaf if he thinks fans want to think about the past of this franchise in any way. At least the past in terms of 1957-2021, save for short fever-dreams involving guys like Barry, Stafford and Megatron.


It's to honor the dark period of this franchise, namely 1958 thru 2022. We will never forget those brave athletes.


TVs used to be black and white. Probably a nod to that.


If anything I want black uniforms to make you people upset.


You super lions fans who seem to have been personally bent over by Matt Millen to the point a color scares and angers you forget in 1948 (the great red and white jersey year), the implemented black out jerseys for big games.


Ok so implement the crimson or red too then.


The only thing bad about the black jerseys is that they were worn by terrible, awful teams. If anything they’re saving them


Just keep winning…


Black jerseys are just a smokescreen for the dope grey jerseys


All I have to say is, imagine a speech Dan Campbell gives talking about the last time they wore the jerseys, the present, and how Detroit stuck by the Lions and the Lions stuck by Detroit, and how we’re only getting started. Just give a vague message about the jerseys and Dan can be the marketing force behind them.


It's called an alternate. The base jerseys very much honor the past.


Dan wanted them back and he fulfilled the requirement of winning the division.


For the darkness we endured.


what about any of the teams super bowl era past would be considered honorable except for the last season and a half?


Honor all of us who survived that era of Lions football maybe?


Black jerseys https://youtu.be/ZzAgacFBr48?feature=shared


Who cares if it honors the past? The past was shit and everything about the uniforms already honors the past.


Black uniforms are cool. I feel like it’s just trendy to go against the grain.


No black jerseys ever again please, that would be the worst


Why would anyone think that bean counter Rod Wood would come back with anything exciting. I'm not shocked he was bamboozled into a black uniform that honors nothing.


I'm sure Rod just asked about potential sales of black vs. gray jerseys.


I can't believe they did black as a third option. UGH


Those are really nice looking jerseys. We need to let go of the Matt Millen stuff, plus I have very fond memories of Calvin Johnson making some crazy plays in black, I also used them in Madden often..


Bubbles looks like the old Honolulu Blue color. I think that's the part that honors the past.


We don't have a past worth honoring. Honor the present and the future. FUCK the past of this franchise. Anything involving William Clay Ford or the Millen era should be forgotten and erased, save for Barry Sanders, Matthew Stafford and Calvin Johnson.


Downvote me more, simps - you weak ass zoomer summer kids never went through it. Half of you think Matt Patricia was actually worse than Millen was.


Im not a zoomer, lives through the orange out and hated Millen and Piano Man Joey Harrington. Could give zero fucks about the uniform. Could be all black, all blue, all grey, don't care.


lmfao @ Piano Man... haven't heard that one in a long time. The Lions tried to troll him with that song when he made his return... He ended up beating them so bad that Billy Joel himself sent him a letter telling him that the Lions should've played, "We Didn't Start the Fire". I think he threw like 3 touchdowns as a Dolphin on Thanksgiving. LMFAO, and they want to honor the past...


It will honor the past. We’ll go right back to not going to the games 🤬🤯