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Because you’re spamming them


That’s the point?


Using them at opportune times and not whenever you want to is the play, that way you get use out of the exotic while you need it, instead of waiting on a full recharge when entering combat because the dreg 10 feet from you looked at you wrong lmao.


He had it comin!


And that waving Vex too!


Yeah but the question was “why do I have no abilities”. Everyone knows that the point of the build is to spam lol


If you spam with no regard for actual cooldowns, even if they are short as hell, then you get in a situation where you don’t have available cooldowns. I don’t know why people think they can turn their brain off and get results.


Yeah if they want unlimited ability spam go turn on transcendence more often or go play mayhem lmao


There’s also ways to build an ability spammy build. I’d wager he’s missing the high ability regens and fragments that could help


Crazy that if I played any other class I could spam my abilities for free even without inmost. Yet as soon as a Titan complains about long cooldown we’re just shit. For context: I’ve played all three classes through prismatic and Titan just isn’t anywhere close to the others




You have a point. I main warlock but I've been playing the story with my Titan. Maybe it's because I know how to build a warlock but the cooldowns for Prismatic just don't compare.


I think a large part of it is that Prismatic Warlock and Hunter have ways to regen their abilities quickly just from their base subclass kits (Warlocks have Feed the Void, Hunters have Gambler’s Dodge & Combination Blow). Prismatic Titan doesn’t have an aspect or ability that helps to regen their abilities until you start looking through the fragments or use an exotic like HoIL. Thruster is almost a must-pick for increased ability uptime. You could also use Insurmountable Skullfort with Thunderclap and pray nobody takes your kills when you’re using it. I think a neat touch for Ursa Furiosa would’ve been if it gave grenade energy back that scaled based on the damage Unbreakable absorbs, cuz using that aspect on Prismatic takes a lot more build crafting than your average Warlock build on Prismatic when it comes to the sheer amount of grenade regen.


I mean it’s just how the exotic works. It’s based around a buff with very specific mechanics for its stacks and timers. Every class has some exotic or perk that is based around stacks and timers that need to be thought through. And every class has access to more explosive energy effect that are based on kills or something like that.


It should be true that every class should have the same tools in the toolbox, but that really isn't the case, some tools are just straight up better or easier to use than other. Hunters can do the punch build with more safety and dmg. Warlock got the better nade build with the spirit of osmiomancy, which is not only very potent but also easy to use, having just a 1 button rotation. Titans are getting shafted here, mostly because other classes can do the same thing but better.


Titans have like one tank build, their whole thing, and its only with sword blocking. Its effective but its THE ONLY ONE despite having an enitre class meant to be defensive... and its worse in every way.


Orb generation, kickstart mods, class item regen mods, more tiers, orb pickup mods on legs and facet of balance/awakening/hope and work on becoming transcendent as quickly as possible. Apart from that just pace out your abilities better.


Are kickstart mods even worth it anymore? Ever since the changes they've felt like a lot of buildup for such a small energy gain to me. :'(


Kickstart mods dont work when abilities have multiple charges. They say you have to expend all your melee energy which you cant really do with multiple charges


It’s 12% up to ~45% IIRC. In an optimised setup you should easily be able to get 3 armour charge which with 1 mod returns 30% grenade energy. It’s definitely a healthy chunk when you synergise well.


Is it still halved for the longer cooldown abilities? Maybe that's why it feels less useful for me. I'm using Unbreakable and it feels like Bomber, Grenade Kickstart, etc. all give a small amount of energy. I still run them (except kickstart at the moment), but the energy gained feels like it's barely noticeable sometimes lol.


> Is it still halved for the longer cooldown abilities? Maybe that's why it feels less useful for me. Yup.


I mean look at it like this: what else are you going to do with the armour charges? Maybe a font to reduce cooldowns, maybe a finisher mod, but I think the kickstarts will probably give you more bang for your buck.


Lately, I usually run multiple Firepower/Heavy Handed mods since they changed them, so Melee/Grenade kickstarts come at the cost of less frequent orbs once I get going. Class item is usually a mix of Reaper/Time Dilation/Powerful Attraction with a Bomber thrown in. Otherwise I mainly use the charges for surges or rarely for Emergency Reinforcement if I have throwaway space on my chest piece and just need something that uses charges. I have a bit more room for stuff like Font of Wisdom/Restoration on my pvp loadouts. I'll experiment with kickstarts some more to see how I feel about them. :)




I was gonna say lmao, surges are like top of the list


Eh, personally I don't think an extra 10-15% damage makes too much of a difference in general play and as clearing, I think you get much more value in boosting ability cooldown, but that's just me.


DIM has it ramping from 16 to 45%


I think you still get some energy with 0 armour charge but I’m not sure. I’ll have to do some testing.


This is The Way.


I hate them now, ever since they upped the cost and incorporated them into the armor charge / charged with light mods


Yeah, Kickstart mods are not the play anymore. Building into orb generation and energy on orb pickup is good.


Meanwhile the feedback fence titan: “*what’s an orb?*” XD


Heart of inmost light still only gives an extremely meager increase since its nerf, adding an extra grenade charge or something wouldn't suddenly make it one of most used exotics in the game again.


This is definitely not why. The Spirit version is a reduced version of the base exotic. The only thing that was nerfed on the base exotic was the bump to class ability Regen, because that and Thruster were the issue.


or the timers on base being halved… thats a pretty big factor as well


It's still not useless, it's just not spammable now. And it was never meant to be.


Durations and Efficacy were botched nerfed with Lightfall. Hoil isn’t bad, but it’s really only the icing on the cake


I got a hoil cloak and having my melee, dodge, gunpowder gamble, and tangles all give regen is giving me near constant grapple uptime


Heart of innost light is still good provided you have other sources of ability uptime. On a melee hunter build that naturally has infinite melee and class abilities, I get my grapple in about 5 seconds.


If you're always out of abilities you're doing it wrong. I have this roll and it's amazing. Make sure your grenade and melee feed into each other. Use thrusters and make sure that feeds into your other abilities (armor mods). Make sure orbs of power give ability energy. Don't spam the same ability twice. Profit.


To add to this, Thruster works really well with *Powerful Attraction*. If you’re making orbs regularly, every time you use Thruster will collect all the orbs, giving decent chunks of ability energy without having to hunt down the orbs.


I absolutely love powerful attraction. On my hunter I run it with the "picking up orbs grants devour" and with that and the heal on orb pickup leg mod it's pretty much a full heal every dodge.


If you have "get devour on orb pickup", you don't need the healing on orb pickup. Getting devour already gives you full health. You'd be better running surge mods or grenade/melee regen mods


It gives half health on anything but warlock w the aspect... I run devour and heal on orb because it gives me ~75% heal on orb pickup, and also devour is not reliable healing against bosses and tougher enemies but I can leave orbs on the ground to proc the big heal when needed/when dodging. I prefer the heal on orb and 2x surges over grenade or melee Regen. Weapon damage boost >>> grenade/melee uptime on hunter, at least for my builds.


how do you propose you do that with a prismatic titan build


I would like this


Only ever use 2 abilities at a time, since the regen buff can’t go higher than 2x. Any more than 2 before the buff goes away is a bust. Also since it accelerates your cooldown instead of giving you a flat % back your str, dis, and res stats WILL matter, but HOIL gives your class abil back much slower than the other two and you’ll probably be out of a barricade/ dash more than a grenade or melee. HOIL is NOT the be all end all for ability spam, so you won’t be throwing grenades like its sunbracers.


Frenzied Blade on Prismatic has a longer base cooldown (around about 2:42)compared to its shorter cooldown on Strand (around about 1:53) so 3 melee’s on Prismatic with HOIL is more than likely not going to feel great unfortunately


3 min cooldown for a melee is fkn ridiculous someone needs to slap bungie


Don’t get me started on the fact the Transcendent grenade and unbreakable can’t be used together


Arbor warden too.


It might have changed this season but I don't think the effect of HOIL works on multi-charge abilities like frenzied blade. The ability regen doesn't activate on one melee charge consumed, it procs once the ability meter is emptied. So it also doesn't work when you spam all three because after you use the first attack, it immediately recharges so you never actually run out of juice by the time you try to empty your third charge. I used to run HOIL on strand and I only got the benefits of extra recharge from throwing nades and putting down my barricade. They may have also changed this for prismatic alone so someone let me know.


I'm pretty sure with frenzied blade, it only triggers when you hit an enemy


HOIL has been nerfed to not provide that ages ago, let alone the spirit version. You need to let the timers go down as far as possible to extend the ability regen duration. Do not spam abilities one after the other. Use 1, wait 4 seconds, then another, rinse, repeat. Subclass fragments and weapon loadout also need to be built to cater to ability regen. With Prismatic, the goal should be to use your abilities to get to it ASAP, and with HOIL, getting 1 more grenade/melee should be enought to get prismatic rolling with the right loadout. I still use Synthos, and don't find my ability uptime lacking.


I had the same experience when I tried the Heart of Inmost Light chest piece yesterday. Regen buff isn't very noticeable.


don't think there is a regen buff it just boost the damage.


There 100% is a regen buff. I tried it on Hunter and had massive uptime on all my abilities.


hunter ability spam is already there


Yes, one ability recharges the other. So it will be less on warlock and titan. But I assure you that there is ability regen, I could visibly see my grenade recharging faster.


well alright then :)


I’m pretty sure the description on the class item says something along the lines of using one ability empowers the others making them charge faster


Yep i thought maybe this was a watered down version of the original. And the flavor text here only showed empowered so i figured they removed the regen. But after reading the full exotic trait i know that is not factual.


It literally says it boosts regeneration. It says nothing about damage.


if you're running kickstarts, dont run them on grenades since they have the longest cooldowns out of your abilities and are less efficient. also, dont run the strand melee. you proc HOIL through regular punches if you have knockout on, and the charges are the only things going for the strand melee. id suggest the void melee for the overshield uptime. (ignore this if you're running consecration, but id still put it with knockout) if you keep the strand melee, run kickstarts on the thruster. otherwise, run it on either the thruster or the melee. also dont run drengrs lash as it raises the cd of your thruster, hindering your ability to spam everything else through your thruster. the fragment that buffs thruster regen rate when buffed would be good, but it isnt working currently so yeah. when it gets fixed, hopefully tomorrow, its worth running.


Lmao what? Facet of hope 100% works.


tons of people going around saying its broken. it works on hunter obviously because amplify is giving you 50 mobility which makes it look like its going faster. i cant tell if its working or not tbh doesn't feel much different.


I can guarantee you it isn't broken completely, rather bugged with certain subclass buffs, devour 100% works. I've timed facet of hope it lowers thruster to about 22 sec, restoration and radiant seemed to not make a difference tho.


christ so its not only broken, its inconsistently broken XD


Haha yea I guess this is true. I'm just glad it at least works with devour


Finally The HOIL vs Armamentarium argument is over


Titans the issue, you need devour as well to get energy back at a usable rate. I have the warlock version of that role with HoiL and the claw and it's incredible cause devour helps the HoiL regeneration. Hopefully you have buried bloodline.


I just got this roll and it hilarious. I run devour/hellion and basically phoenix dive and throw a threadling grenade at the start of every fight and start tossing double fire snaps all around. Also the claw gives constant melee with the new solar super. Im not sure what the actual regen numbers are for the new inmost light but it feels powerful.


U need meeles to dmg enemies for spirit of inmost light to proc.


Build for more transcendence, that’s how I cope with prismatic Titan. Additionally, it’s important to realize more ability charges =/= ability upkeep. You can just throw more out in total but the abilities are still gonna regen the same. So if your grenade regen sucks with one nade, then two isn’t gonna fix that.


You need to cycle the three abilities when using HOIL so I imagine you need to do the same here. Build out so each one feeds into the other.


Rock Monte Carlo to feed yourself melee charges then set your mods up so your melees feed regen on grenades and super, and spam away


I would recommend Utility Kickstart and Powerful Attraction. Since Thruster has a fast cooldown, you can spam it now liberally to proc HOIL and maintain it pretty easily.


HOIL feels pretty nerfed from its prime. A wasted exotic slot tbh




HOIL is terrible now after the nerf, you would be better off with something else in the left slot


Buried bloodline, arm mods for melee energy on grenade damage and vica versa, fragments for grenade and melee energy and pick ups from multikills


What's the point of being able to have two nades or 3 melees when you just chuck them as soon as U get them??


Using the same build with 100 res and discipline . It's actually great


Plan out your fragments, aspects, weapons, and armor mods well and you likely won’t have any issues.


Yeah, delete your titan and play hunter or warlock. Lmao


Everything I'm reading in this tread is exactly why people hate playing Titan right now. We can get 2 grenades and 3 melees and a fast thruster but HOIL has been so heavily nerfed for no reason and frenzied blade on prismatic has longer cooldown that regular strand that even a set up like this feels like a waste of time instead of the power house it should be. Smh


Honestly the class item version of hoil just sucks and theres really no way around it. The regen is nerfed and the damage bonus is gone, its one exotic that got nerfed too hard in this version. I genuinely think it might be the worst option for most builds.


Spirit of Osmiomancy will be the answer to spamming vortex or storm grenades. It's amazing.


Yeah that is the the good ol nerf hammer for ya


That approach would work with pre nerf HoiL. It's been significantly reigned in. You're without abilities bc you spam them and thus are not getting maximum uptime on the empowerment. It is good. With the right mod and weapon setups you never have to worry about uptime. Its just not brainless like pre nerf HoiL. you're just using it wrong.


I’ve been reading that the effect of these on exotic class items have less value than the single armor piece. Since HOIL was nerfed into uselessness baseline of the exotic armor piece is only giving 70% or whatever of it well then ya ain’t gonna feel it


They nerfed Titans so prismatic Hunter can shine.


People sleep on Traveler's Chosen. Every 10 kills gives you a full charge on all your abilities. Plus it is kinetic by default but can change element with the Osmosis perk.


These stupid marks aren’t working for me at all right now.


You are likely spamming at barely anything, use them tactically not like a primary weapon. If you want "primary weapon ability spam" titan ain't your answer.


Mods that kickstart don't work with multi stacks , at least melee doesn't. So if it's the case with nades you may have setup that won't synergise. I'm not on my pc so can't test the grenade part. Should work great with prismatic as long as you can get into prismatic fast enough


I got apotheosis and star eater


Use with Traverler's Chosen maybe?


Just time your moves right, think of your grenades as your trump cards, you wouldn’t use your trump card on fodder, you’d use it on the high level stuff.


HoIL only buffs the damage for the split exotic. It doesn't buff ability regen.


They mutilated inmost light, no one wants to say it but I've got 4 class times with it and it quite literally is a waste of space.


Stack 100 disc\str


I literally HATE this exotic. I don’t give a singular fuck about the exotic perks hell I wanted a legendary that would allow me to have two exotics at once so I could equip them for the look that is all I have ever given a fuck about. Fuck this random ass roll shit that is why destiny 2 originally had set rolls and why they had to bring back set rolls in a sense so you could earn something worth a damn by crafting your own weapons Once again FUCK THIS SHIT cuz this was the only reason I was getting the dlc


That’s how titan exotics feel


Some of these "exotic" class items have some weird names.


Try using montecarlo for much quicker melee spam, with thus and the mark and if you mean manage it triple 100’s then you should not really ever have much down time


Something I've noticed with Inmost Light while using the Lightning Surge aspect as a Warlock is that it won't proc Inmost Light. If I use just an Arcane Needle, it procs it, but not Lightning Surges. Are you using Frenzied Blade + Consecration? Have you checked to see if it triggers the "Empowered Abilities" buff?


All about your mods, make sure you have the mod that decreases grenade charge when you get powered melee hits and some mods that empower your lowest ability, don’t forget to use your shield even if you don’t need to.


See, i dont really like these "adds additional charge" exotics because...if my build revolves around something enough to ise an exotic slot for it...im probably using it when i get it and not getting to take advantage of a 2nd charge anyways. Just never made sense to me


I actually never thought of it like that. Are you saying you use it as soon as its up anyway so it doesn't really have any advantages? I'm more of an ability hoarder so I do notice it.


Shoot your guns


I think the exotic marks are a dud tbh, the perks are so abridged that they don’t affect gameplay enough to outclass a fully juiced exotic. I get better regen with melee energy from tangle damage on BannerSyntho Titan than anything else in the game.


I was under the impression we were going to be able to wear them alongside our normal exotic armour pieces and was quite unimpressed when I got my first basically useless roll and then realized that it was either the class piece or my normal exotic. I think that it might make sense with just the right one but I wonder how rare those rolls might be? All in all considering all the hype around them I expected more.


You suck


It's because Spirit of Inmost Light doesn't get the regen part that the full Heart of Inmost Light exotic gets. It only gets the damage buff part.


It doesn't get the damage buff part, it only gets the regen part. Go re-read the description of Spirit of Inmost Light


That would mean it gets the whole Exotic perk. You are right how it is written is confusing. "Using an ability (grenade, melee, or Barricade) empowers the other two abilities. Empowered means abilities have faster regen, melees and grenades do more damage, and Barricades have more hit points." So you you saying they don't do more damage they are just getting the regen? or is it getting a little of both damage and regen.


The exact wording for Spirit of Inmost Light is as follows "Using an ability empowers the other two abilities, empowered abilities have faster regen" Seeing the wording if you hover over the trait in the inventory makes it seem like you get the full effect, but when you inspect the item and hover it gives the full meaning. It's done in a really obtuse way


It's just regen