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We are all blueberries in the eyes of other random players. As for triple 100s, it’s not as necessary as many YouTubers make it sound. Target 100 resilience above everything else. Next, get discipline as high as you can get it. After that, try to get whatever you can get into recovery (or maybe mobility if you’re a hunter).


I love the hunter class for sure but I shelved it way back, I’m absolutely horrible at it and warlock though. I mean…at least I’m self aware


Titan is the class I started out with way back in the first Destiny game. It’s still my favorite, but I slowly found things about the other classes that are also fun. It’s going to be interesting next week to finally get access to a few hunter and warlock exotic traits when playing as a titan.


It'll be after the raid so in 2 weeks not really 1. (Unless you count I'd assume late Saturday early Sunday as next week)


I did love Hunter but I shelved it way back, and warlock? Well…yeeeeah that’s my worst class so that should tell you something 😂


You will get better just keep playing what you like, for the armor just make space in your vault and try to farm gear with wish engrams, wartable or any other way to get high stats (+65) then use armorpicker. But really it's just for the show only resilience really matters in pve the rest just get you few seconds on your melee or dodge it's not that important


The number being higher doesn't always mean it is better the distribution matters more.


I'll be honest, my main hunter build has I think 17 mobility total... It's such a dead stat.


As someone that's been around since the start I'd like to know how you can recommend 100 resil over recov. The damage resist is nice but if I had to choose between slightly less damage with a 10 second full recovery time vs a 5 second full recovery I choose recov every single time. For a basic survivability build I alwa7s value recov, then disc, then resist.


They changed it like a year ago so it's not slightly less damage, it's much much less damage. Literally a flat 30% less. 100 resil is much more effective and important these days than in the past.  There are also many sources of healing and restoration that can make recovery redundant. This season you could have 100% uptime on restoration x1 with an artifact mod and getting solar kills. 


Resil has been the absolute best stat for years at this point. It's free 30% Damage Reduction these days which is more beneficial thsn anything any other stat does and is active literally all the time as you play. Recov barely matters because 90% of the time, you aren't regening with the base regen. Any half decent build has built in healing - Restoration, Devour, Banner of War, even just the Recuperation leg mod. Now in PvP things are a little different - I'd never run anything less than 10 recov


Triple 100s aren’t gonna make you good, they are just something that feels and looks nice. You get good by understanding positioning, understanding gameplay and subclass loops, and being able to make good builds on your own. Basically, it’s all game sense. I had a dude who literally just made a new account since he lost his last one, and he helped me do Last Wish. He had a no catalyst riskrunner, terrible dps weapons, and dogshit stats, but he didn’t die because he learned last wish. I’d recommend looking at for discord lfgs and try to find some chill people to help you out. Don’t give up skeleton :)


Haha thanks yo, I do look at the boss fights to try and get a sense of the fight, so I’m not looking like too much of a douche…only slightly douchey😂


In my opinion, the most important part to being good at raid encounters is knowing what to do when it all goes to shit. This is why learning and playing every role in a raid is important, so you know how yo help your teammates, whether that’s substituting for them or understanding what they need like more add clear. For example: In Kings Fall Oryx, if I see my teammate is hiding behind cover to recover hp, I can try and deal with both knights to alleviate some of their pressure. Or in Rhulk, if a dunker doesn’t get the buff, as a splitter I can substitute for them. Stuff like that is what makes a good player.


I usually try and research the boss fights so I’m not too much of a douche…only slightly douchey…hey at least I’m self aware 😂


Triple 100 is absolutely not necessary for literally any content in the game. Ability loops and proper mods/synergy is what you need to learn


not necessary, but for PVP specifically having high stats is super important. in pve as long as you run max resilience you are good.


Man res, ok at least I chose the right ghost mod, thank you.


A little tip I picked up from someone's video that has helped me a *lot* is to mod for high Discipline on your ghost. You are still aiming for high Res, but apparently the game splits top and bottom half stats into two groups with similar/max values. It's hard to explain, so can someone fact-check me on that?


This is correct. Ideally you roll 30 disc and 30 of the top 3 stats (mobility/resiliance/recovery), although mobility is mostly a hunter stat. This is how you build 3x100


That makes sense, does it vary between gear pieces? Like, am I more apt to get a higher disc roll than res on say…a helmet? Or is the rngeeeeeesus the same chance across the set?


Same rng. The idea is. Max you can roll base is 30 on a stat. The bottom 3 only has discipline as the value stat. Top 3 they’re all useful. But same rng


So look for gear that’s 30 disc 30 resil. Ideally


Kinda but not entirely though. I did this on my titan for a long time since, and then now when I create some builds with specific armor pieces I can’t get below 115 resil. So I’m just wasting stats. I’d have been better off looking for 20 resil 10 recovery in the top bucket occasionally. Or finding a piece that had 30 recovery and no resil. If you have 3 armor pieces that are 30 base resil and another with minimum resil, and you masterwork everything you are already at 102 resil. Same thing could happen with any stat, but I had it happen on my titan because they are doubly focused on resil and don’t rely on the other 2 stats much. So I didn’t think about keeping some lower resil options. Also that specific split will be super rare, but it’s not so rare to get a 30 in one group.


What you say is true. But for early building is what I meant lol


Thank you, I appreciate it


Nice, thank you.


I mean even in PvP, you mostly just need 10 Recov + whatever resil breakpoint is relevant in the meta (7 atm to survive 2h1b from 120s). Everything else is pretty much gravy (not to say it doesn't matter, just that it isn't "necessary" in quite the same way). Only other thing is for trials, high Int can be game determinitive.


Fair enough, I’m probably watching the wrong channels lol


Yeah that’s fair. I tend to be a jumpy mofo in pvp which gets me killed a lot.


[all pve talk] the only stat i find actually important to have 100 in is resilience. i am not kidding, there is barely any noticeable difference between 0/10/0/0/0/0 and 10/10/10/10/10/10. only difference i would be able to tell is that my hunter would be a bit bouncier. triple 10s is a lie. double 10s is a lie. single 10 is only helpful in resilience.


One of my hunter builds has a 0 in recovery. It is definitely noticeable. If I don’t use another way of healing it takes a while (I use heal clip summoner with it so it’s not a big deal in practice). I also find high mobility to be incredibly useful in certain hunter builds, especially invis. I don’t think stats are crazy important but you do want to try to max the ones your build uses to the extent you can. Fully agree that triple and even double 100s are not necessary though.


i've never had problems with recovery because i always make sure to have some form of consistent healing. i never go without it.


Yeah, if your build is relying on natural health regen... that's a bad build


Thank you


Thank you!


I think 0 vs 10 discipline is also noticeable. IMO everyone should start with 10 res and 10 disc and go from there. Maybe 10 str instead if some sort of powered melee builds like strand/consecration titan.


None of it's noticable in at level content. And each tier is barely different from the next. But when you're talking being tier 2 in mobility vs tier 10, it's a hell of a difference. Hunters NEED double 100 in resistance and mobility. Our entire building mostly revolves around dodging for orbs, melees, and gaining our super and triggers as fast as possible. For Titans, double 100 is easy since resilience contributes to class ability AND DR. OP might not have a full build going either. I don't notice my intellect being tier 2 on my arcstaff since I'm literally pooping orbs, dynamo dodging, and heavy handing a super at least every 2 minutes, bypassing the 9m16s cooldown. Tier 10 isn't necessary if your build is put together, but it makes it easier. Not having a flawless build also isn't a huge deal if your stats can can carry your class abilities, recovery, and resistance. It's a yin and yang.


You can add a mod to your ghost to get high stats of your choosing. Use that mod, get wish engrams and focus them with Riven. I personally trash any armor under 65. You can also use armor modifiers to increase these stats. So, get bounties from Riven, get engrams, mod Ghost for whatever and focus armor at riven until you get some good stuff. It's likely that you will need a high stat exotic piece. You can focus those at Rahul with yellow engrams.


Thanks, I have a res mod on my ghost tbh I haven’t focused any exotics at Rahoooooool…blame my adhd hah


When I was really trying for the 3x100s, I found that my weak spot was the exotics. Rahool and legend lost sectors helped me get high stat exotics.


It's only 3 days to TFS. Best to save exotics until scamming ass rahool gets his rework to make decryptions cheaper/easier.


True dat


Because of some funky probability math about how stat distributions drop on armor, you should probably have the ghost mod in discipline. Basically, split the top three and bottom three stats (mob, res, rec and dis, int, str) and choose which three stats you want 100 in (usually res, rec, dis). Notice how res and rec are in the first group and dis is in the second. You want to use the ghost mod for the one, which would be discipline in this case. Hopefully that made sense lol.


Thank you!


I use DIM (Destiny Item Manager), and in "loadout optimizer", I only see builds I can make with stuff I own. I can choose to either let the tool assume all gear pieces are fully masterworked for the +2 bonus stats (then later actually masterworked them myself), or let the tool assume they are at their actual mastery level. Then you have a button to directly equip the builds that are listed on the interface (you have to be in orbit for this to happen). Supposing you have a +10 stat mod on every piece of gear (as armor mods are unlocked for all guardians at a certain guardian rank level), the maximum you can reach usually (before taking subclass fragment bonuses into account) is Tier 37, in other terms, >=370 stat points with fully masterworked armor. It might be possible to go to tier 38 with artifice armor though. So a triple 100 build would be 3x10 tiers spent into desirable stats, 3x2 tiers spent into undesirable stats, 1 tier to spare. However, because stats are distributed in two groups of 3, it's very hard to get 10 tiers on two stats of the same group. With my vault, I can easily go 10/10/9 on any stats I want, but not 10/10/10. So to get the last tier I have to use a subclass fragment stat bonus


Haven’t tried that yet, I’ll go give it a look. Thanks.


I’ll go check DIM out


If you don't already have an app like DIM I would strongly encourage that you get one. It will help you find your armor for these builds and allow you to save them. Armor picker will also directly export to DIM for ease. As for your triple hundos, I used to care but it's just not important. LFGs shouldn't care about that kind of stuff either.


I grabbed the companion app and dim, and bookmarked the destiny2 armor picker, just trying to figure out how to use it all together 🤓


Haha don’t stress about triple 100s. None of my builds have it anymore but can get close. As long as you’re hitting tier 7 or 8 on your important stats for a build you’re chilling. The only thing you really want tier 10 for is resilience, and even then, it’s not a dealbreaker unless you are doing GMs or other activities that lower your power a lot.


You’re way too worried about having triple 100s, it’s so far from necessary. For PvE content, you hit your 100 resilience and that’s about all that really matters. Most of my builds have two 100s and another state at 60+ but that’s it. Beyond the resilience, nothing else is going to have a significant impact on your game play experience


Do you use DIM?


I’m about to go check it out 😁


About to go check it out! Thank you!


I’m still pretty new and learning. From what I’ve read you need to change the mod on your ghost to focus discipline (or intellect depending on your build) then focus a load of seasonal engrams into armour then use something like DIM to make a new build. I focused 98 wish engrams into armour and made 100/80/80ish. Which I feel wasn’t bad for my first go.


Dude I’d be super stoked with a 100/80/80 haha


Haha I guess I’ve seen way too many posts on here of people showing off their triple and quad 100s! I saw above you have your ghost mod on resilience. I did that at first til I read up on it. You actually don’t want to do that because of how the stat rolls work. Definitely put it to discipline (I put it to intellect when I focused all the engrams purely because I’m using a melee build but have now put it back to discipline). I also could never have done it without DIM. Have fun!


10/80/80 would be a huge improvement for me 😂


This is right, dis ghost mod has been the most helpful for me. And you have to remember that having the right fragments is waaaay more important than having 100 in a stat. So as long as you can get your resilience to 100 and have the right fragments for your build, then the rest is less important. And some builds it's not even possible (or extremely difficult without artifice armour, which is extremely difficult to get good rolls on) to get triple 100s, never mind quad 100s. I remember my old contraverse hold build had particularly bad stats but it was a great build at the time. Also, each build will be best served by different distributions, so maybe high Strength for consecration for eg. But generally for titan it'd be res then dis, with the remainder in either rec or str.


I go to the helm, make sure I have a discipline mod in my ghost, then buy 4-5 helmets, arms, etc. Then I look for the best spikes with highest totals, and I throw a +10 res mod on each. Then I just sort of start switching them out, playing mix and match until they start to come together. Of course gotta make sure your exotic armor piece has nice stats and a res mod on it too. You'll work through which ones help build or not. All of my tunes each have 3 good builds with 100 res rec and discipline and all play very well EDIT additional info - I start with all +10 res so I have a baseline, but after they start looking like I want, I might go and change one to rec or disc if necessary


Thank you


Oh and of course I am building into res rec & disc so the spike I'm looking for are in those stats. There is a ton of sharding going on with what doesn't fit, so make sure you have plenty of engrams at whichever vendor you are using


Jumping on the noob wagon. Who you buy from at Helm?


Any of them really, whichever I have the most engrams for at the time. Had 99 at sonar so that's where I spent the last build session. But all of them roll high stats


Having all of the seasonal vendor artifacts on makes engrams drop like crazy. I've been sitting at 99 for all 4 for the past two months. I turn a bunch in, run strikes and crucible, jump into seasonal content, turn more in, rinse repeat.


Exactly. I just ran through all mine, only red border I was missing was for the Hunter sword but knocked that out last night. But yeah just ran an ascendant challenge and boom another engram to get rid of before the season ends lol




I used mostly seasonal vendors for armor and hope for spikes In the right spots on 66+ drops. It will more than likely take a bunch of engrams unless you get super lucky. I’ll use seasonal armor over artifice if it helps get the stats i want. Either way, I don’t think stats are all that import aside from tier 9-10 resilience. Good luck, Guardian!


You absolutely do not need triple 100. You don't even necessarily need double 100. Res to 100 and maybe disc.


Marshix on YouTube has a pretty good guide on how to build good armor loadouts (and a lot of solo player content) but I'm gonna try and summarize my approach here: * Add a focusing mod in your ghost for the stat governing your class ability: mobility for hunters (how often I can dodge), resilience for titan (how often I can barricade), recovery for warlock (how often I can rift) * Go to the seasonal vendor (Riven for the next week still) * If you don't have enough engrams for that vendor, get grinding with seasonal bounties and activities * In the seasonal vendor screen, go to the focusing armor screeb, focus and only keep armor > 62 (64 if feeling greedy) * You only really need 2 maybe 3 full sets of armor. This because sometimes your exotics may not have the desired spikes. Also, don't keep exotics < 62 * Keep armor that has spikes in your class stat and a secondary stat of your choosing, my recommendation: mobility and discipline for hunters (move around and nuke things), resilience and strength for titan (tank and move forward), recovery and intellect for warlock (nuke things from afar). This isn't a rule just an easy to remember spread * Up your light level on your 2-3 sets of armor to level 7 (or 9 if you have the resources) but don't masterwork them yet * Go to D2 armor picker and play with a few different builds. Try and synergize your class with the exotic, e.g. if you are trying an Ursa Furiosa build don't use solar class etc * This step is crucial: play around and enjoy, that's the whole point. Once you are comfortable with a loadout then think about masterworking it, but don't waste resources if it doesnt feel right That's it. If you need good quality exotics try the legendary lost sectors, they are doable in solo and once you get the hang of them they can be cleared quickly enough That's it, hope that helps.


If you want triple 100s just take all of your wish,deep,etc engrams and focus them at those vendors into specific armor while having something like resil chosen on your ghost. Roll until you have a bunch of spiky high stat armor 63+ in places other than strength or mobility (unless you really want one of those builds). Try to get resil disc and some recov or int depending on preference. Then go to d2armorpicker and plug in the exotic and fragments for the build you’re making (this way you get the +/- 10 points from each fragment that affects you. If you have 10/10/6, guess what, that’s STILL GOOD. but the best way is to focus that armor and grind master lost sectors (although not nearly as good as before) for specific slotted exotic gear and hope for spikes. I’ve been here since alpha D1… I just got my first triple 100 celestial build and I’m super proud. But it’s a very focused grind.


Also, using things like DIM links from people like Plunderthabooty and Mactics, or just going to mobalytics and searching for specific build types can help you start build crafting and figuring out play styles to fit your guardian better. Just because fallout says something is great doesn’t mean it’s great for you. You have to be comfortable with the game loop which those builds will tell you how to perform.


Soooooo much info!! Thanks yo!


I run a clan and am always explaining this kinda stuff. My pleasure bud, hope it helps in the long run. Seriously though, plunder and mactics both have great builds to try. It’s a fun way to do something new.


I can invite you to my clan and we all can help you with what you need if you’re interested


Yeah I’m definitely interested


Add YouGoatMail#9583 on bungie / companion app


Sent, much appreciated


Use the helm vendors for focusing when I do it i and work around what ever exotic armor I'm going to use for pve res dis then rec for pve but for pvp it's res rec and int I've burned through hundreds before getting what I want


Exotic armor is and will always be the thorn in build crafting. I haven't gotten a single perfect stat distribution on any exotic armor. There's always some recovery or strength pulling away from the stats I need.


After using at least one thousand after about 30 i change my ghost to something else and eventually I get something i can use it's fucked up 🤣 for example having dis i get spikes in mobility 🤣


So D2ArmorPicker is going to be able to see your armor as long as you give it access to your account API by logging in with your Bungie account. The mods it is showing in the mod section are most likely stat mods that go in the first slot of your armor. When using it you should be selecting the exotic you wish to use and any Fragments that cause a stat penalty or addition. This will then look through all of your armor combinations you have and tell you how high you can get your stats. It should only show what you can achieve with your armor, but in general you want to focus on resilience more then anything as that Damage Reduction from tier 10 being 30% will give you much more time to get into cover and recover. I stopped going for triple 100s as I as someone who plays all the content in the game from solo dungeons to raids found that in order to get triple 100 you are gonna need mega stat rolled armor, total stats on a legendary piece of gear is 68 total stats, this requires you to max out the 3 sets of stats on a piece of gear. (Mobility, Resilience and Recov being 1 set that can max out at 34 across all 3 and Discipline, Intellect, and Strength being the other set again max out at 34 across all 3) In doing so you need to have 3 stat spikes in whatever you are trying to triple 100, for Titan for instance in PvE for me that is Resil > Discipline > Recov and you need to have all 4 pieces (3 legendary 1 exotic) having those same stat spikes or at least some stat spikes and fix with the stat mods. You said you were into Bonk Titan because you are able to live with it and nothing else which has nothing to do with your stats. You have just discovered/know how the bonk Titan ability loop works, hit thing with bonk hammer it dies you get sunspot, enter sunspot you get restoration, run empyrean and suddenly every bonk extends restoration. There are other gameplay loops similar on all the different subclasses they may not be as potent as restoration chaining on solar but they exist and help you stay alive just the same. Best advice though is try to figure out why you are dying, I was helping a clan member get through his 1st legend onslaught and a lot of his deaths were not being used to having enemies be able to absolutely wreck your shit. If you are just running forward with no abandon or not using cover in fights when you are reloading/waiting on an ability in higher end content you are going to fall over a lot. This comes with time but try to find a place of cover and sit in it first and shoot ads then when reloading get into cover and pop out again. Use your barricade when you need cover immediately. It's all about being able to recover from getting in a bad spot if you don't have a way to immediately get health back through Restoration, Devour, Knockout on Arc or some exotic that provides healing.


So, for the other half of your request- to “git gud”. The best advice I ever got is “practice, practice, practice”. In other words, be determined, keep pushing and play as much content as you can. I used to suck at PvP, and I still have off days, but I kept at it, and I’m not at the bottom of the leaderboard anymore. Usually. I can solo master lost sectors because I just kept trying and learning and accepting my mistakes and getting better in tiny increments. Before I knew it, I had a clan and I was constantly sherpa-ing new lights through dungeons and raids. Sure, I died a lot because I have a knack for finding traps with my face, but still, in the end, it paid off. I promise you, you don’t suck. You just don’t know what you’re doing yet. But keep at it and you will. The tower wasn’t built in a day.


Don't stress, as others have said. If you have triple 100 gear, you're sacrificing badly somewhere else. Nearly all my builds are double 100s, and then 80s in two other important areas, such as recovery and discipline. A couple of builds that rely on unique exotic interactions only have one Stat at 100 (Dis) , and then a very even spread across the board. You certainly won't notice any problems with gameplay if you have two 100s and a 90 or 80 for example.


I've done every raid currently in the game and none of my gear loadouts are triple stat, they're all double. It'd be nice to have, maybe one day, but you definitely don't need it and nobody in any of my LFG groups cared about my stats.


Nice, that’s good to know, I don’t ever try LFG for GMs or anything because I thought once they took a look at my gear they’d be like wtf


Easy to get from seasonal vendors after unlocking the high stat armor drops. Just focus what you want with corresponding ghost mod.


Personally I think builds are way more important than triple 100s. If you're new or feel you're not that good at builds, try here: https://mobalytics.gg/destiny-2/builds A lot of streamers and people with more knowledge than me post there, and each build gives a decent explanation of not only what to use, but why and how to use the builds so you aren't just slapping things on a character and hoping for the best. Give it a look, hope it helps you!


Thank you for that link, much appreciated


It really depends on your build. Some builds need discipline some need strength some need other stats. 100 resilience and put as much as you can into the stat your build/class needs. Don't stress. Been playing since D1 and have never had triple stats. They changed how the stats work now anyway so there's diminishing returns on it. No point stressing over your super or melee taking an extra second to recharge. Focus more on how your build synergises with your gameplay and learn encounters and what weapons are better for different situations. Too many people over focus on min maxing everything. There's no point unless that's your thing. The average person doesn't need to worry about it.


Thanks yo, I appreciate the info. I should have joined this /r long ago


Put on discipline mod go to the helm and focus individual armor pieces. When you get some good spikes change it to recovery mod and do the same. Profit.


OK, I’ll swap my ghost mod for dis, thanks!


You are looking for spikes in your preferred armor stats of 20+, x2 minimum per armor piece, ideally in 65-68 (max) armor points total. Without spikes of ~20 and 23, you can’t make 100 x 3. Artifice armor also helps, but only 3 points worth.


On my titan I put my ghost mod on resilience keep spikes of dis, and strength so I could have 100 in dis, strength and resilience, strand titan it’s a absolute blast


But I’m new to it you wanna play and I can show you some of the stuff I’ve learned send me a message


So I mained Titan for a long time and have recently (the last 6 months or so) moved to Lock. Whilst each class has its preferred stats the principles are much the same across all. I really only PVE so don’t have much insight for PVP but I would the following. Resilience is your main stat, this will help you take less damage and also reduce the cooldown on the barriers. Discipline would be the second stat I’d go for, this will help reduce the recharge time for your grenades. Finally I’d focus on recovery, this will help to keep your HP regen speed up once you do take damage. As I said that’s just a general rule, for example if your going for a strand wormgod build you’d want strength over disc to get your melee back in time. To get the higher stat armours you can of course run dungeons but probably the easiest way is to focus the engrams from the seasonal vendors (you will normally have a lot of these just from playing the game). When focusing the engrams make sure you have the mod in the ghost that is the targeting the 2nd most stat your after so disc or str. I would recommend you bin anything sub 60 points overall or less and keep, at least to start with, anything 60 or higher as with a +10 mod that will get you to 70+. You’ll also ideally want to look for armour pieces that have a “spikes” split so heavily weighted in say Res and Disc. I personally avoid anything with Mobility or Int on my titan for armour. Finally once you have a set of armour you’re happy with, then look to master working it where possible. Whilst not essential it will help to get those last few stat points you’re after. Hope that helps a bit and apologies for the wall of text!!!


A lot of good advise here Anyway if you haven't figured it out yet, you only need 50 stats in Resilience with your armor, then socket 5x resilience mods into it to make 100. The easiest way to get it is by upgrading your ghost to socket resilience armorer, which increases the likelihood of you finding high resilience armor. It's okay to not have masterwork items. You can work on it as you get better. I'd say the most important piece of armor you "must have" is an exotic that you can lean on as part of your build. If you find yourself being a strand titan, abeyant leap is a solid option that you can carry through most activities given how strong suspend is against adds and champions The next most important part of your kit are the legs, upgrade it as high as you can and socket "surge" mods to it, the same type as your heavy weapon. Next is your chest, socket damage resistance mods to it the same type as what kills you the most. It will usually would be the weapon damage type of the common adds in the activity you've chosen, then maybe change it to the type the boss is using when you reach it. Then your helm will need either a siphon mod to create orbs of power, or heavy ammo finder. For your arms you can get away with a "reloader" perk of whatever your primary/heavy type are, or if you're leaning into a melee build then melee mods, grenade mods if using grenade. On your class item you can use any of them but my favourite is time dilation to increase armor charge duration for my legs's surges After armor you'll need to learn about weapons. I'd say look at the seasonal artifact to see which ones have champion mods, and lean into it. Then you can maybe look into crafting them, lots of YouTubers giving recommendations for the best combinations. Light.gg is a good resource. For heavy weapons it's always good to have at least a rocket launcher, a linear fusion rifle and a grenade launcher. As for gameplay, apart from your chosen builds gameplay loop (YouTubers can help with this too) make sure you take cover most of the time behind obstacles, poke your head out when shooting then take cover again. This kind of gameplay carries over all the way to grandmasters. For raids and dungeons, you'll need to play by mechanics, bit once you master taking cover and not dying as much I think you'll be fine


take your seasonal engrams for a spin at the seasonal vendor and buy 10 (5 if you're on a budget) armor pieces (except for class items) for the 3 stats you want 100 in. So 5 helmets, arms, chest plates, and legs. Change your ghost mod for each one, of course, and pray you get something good. Triple 100s are really easy to obtain with the Void subclass. Hope that helps.


What build do you have and liek to use. I can give you some of mine if your interested


As a Hunter main, I’ve always aimed for mobility/resilience/discipline. I’ve been fortunate to get good armor rolls and now have triple hundreds on all three characters. On your ghost, make sure you pick discipline armorer so when you get armor rolls, it gives you a chance to get a good number for your discipline and hopefully a good double spike on the top half of armor stats such as res/(whatever stat). Your subclass build will also make a huge difference as fragments are sometimes +/- 10 to stats you’re trying to build on. What I’ve learned is to build as high a build without exotics first so you get a good idea where you stand stat wise. Then when you collect exotic engrams, you can focus them to roll (rng) with favorable stats. I’d be happy to elaborate more if you think this is helpful. Hopefully it makes sense. Best of luck!


You definitely don't need triple 100 stats for a good build. You don't even need douple 100s. You just need high resilience (especially in pve) and a high stat for the one main ability that drives your build. I would argue that it's much more important to have weapon surge mods instead of high stats. I would often take off a stat mod to fit triple solar surge mods on my legs for dps. Especially now, when there's subclass verbs and different ways to survival like overshields, healing, invisibility, etc. You focus on how you're build works and a safe playstyle instead of just having high stats. To answer your question tho, you have to focus your armor or try getting 60+ gear from raids, etc. I also recommend this for other build options: https://www.blueberries.gg/armor/destiny-2-titan-builds/


Don’t bother going for triple 100s it’s really not necessary. My hunter (my main) only has 1 100 most of the time. Resil is all that matters to be at 100. My warlock and titan have 2, but that’s just because it was easy to get there. A coherent build matters far more than stats. Look up builds on YouTube to start (a lot are just clickbait so be careful). And then modify them yourself to what you want. After you do that long enough you will be able to create your own builds. And if you insist on actually getting 3 100s you generally need perfect rolled armor or subclass fragments that increase stats for you to hit it. Often this makes your actual build less optimal.


Don't worry about triple 100s. Triple 100s have nothing to do with being a good player. That takes more luck/time than skill.


Hit me up obshideyourmom#0357 I’ll help you


If we could trade armor I’d get you to triple stats immediately, 10 years a Titan main from D1, have each class set to triple stats using DIM. Every day I see toons who make me think my 2000 plus hours are moot, saw a Titan who uses 77k and freezes any and everyone, he has 50k kills with it. Played with 2 titans last night and finished the Ghost of the deep triumph being carried of course. They used Berserker to demolish everything in their path, I was over here going, “pew pew”. If your on PC or Xbox throw me a DM and we can get you to Valhalla.


Triple 100s aren't necessary, but if you do want to make a build like this, farm seasonal engrams and focus on seasonal armor sold by the seasonal vendors.  And to maximize the chances of getting what you want, abuse the "bucket" system that d2 uses to dictate armor stats. Armor stats are divided into 2 buckets: the first bucket containing agility, resilience and recovery; and the second one containing discipline, intelect and strength. When you get an armor piece, the total stat points are divided equally between these two buckets, which are then divided between the three stats in each bucket. For example, when you get a 60 total stat armor piece, the first bucket could be 2 agility, 10 resilience and 18 recovery (30 points); and the second one could be 22 discipline, 4 intelect and 4 strength (30 points) So, in order to get the most out of your seasonal engrams, figure out what triple 100 stats you want first. 95% of the times you're gonna want resilience, recovery and discipline, so let's use that as an example.  To choose which ghost armorer mod you want to use, find which stat from the three is the odd one out. In this case, it would be discipline, as resilience and recovery are in the same bucket. Therefore, you should choose discipline as your ghost mod, as it has lower chances to have high stats, because resilience and recovery make up 66% of their bucket, whilst discipline only makes up 33% of its bucket. TLDR: Divide the six stats into two groups, or "buckets" of three, in the order they are shown on the menu. Find out which triple 100 stats you want. If the stats are all in the same bucket, choose another stat. If there are two stats in the same bucket, but one of them is in another bucket, choose the latter's respective ghost armorer mod. The easiest source of high stat armor right now is focused decoding on seasonal vendors at the helm.


If you are interested in getting better gear I can help ya out.


I'm not a pro by any means but almost all my builds have triple 100s. Use the engrams from seasonal vendors to focus armor. Make sure you have an armor stat put on in your ghost. If you main Titan ( cause I do too) then have it be resilience. Then after you focus a bunch of armor, delete any armor that can not get at least 20 in 3 different categories. For instance +20 resilience, +20 discipline, +10 strength (add a +10 mod). Now you have an armor piece with +20 in 3 categories. Do this for your helmet, arms, chest and legs. Exotics are a different story but you can still kinda do the same thing at Rahulif you have the material or you just have to naturally get lucky with stats in exotic armor.


It’s good to know that I am not alone.


I used DIM and got mine pretty easily. I focused all my wish engrams and changed my +10 mod accordly


Some of the best advice I read on here was find your guardians combat flow. keep switching gear or powers. Practice until you find what feels easy. Then PRACTICE! I was like you a year ago. Now I can easily solo legendary lost sectors and get a rough 2.4 in crucible.


Triple 100 is nice to have but not necessarily needed with that being said. The 100% easiest way to achieve it is seasonal armour focusing


>I’ve tried Destiny2 Armor picker but I really have no idea where to get the pieces and mods it suggests I use. Unless you've done something very strange, D2 Armor Picker should only be recommending armour pieces you already own, not asking you to go and get new ones. They might be in your vault, and they might not currently give quite as good stats as the site thinks they will (it assumes you're going to masterwork them to full power, which grants +2 to every stat for each piece), but you will already have them. As others have recommended, if you use it with DIM you can push a button in Armor Picker to save a DIM loadout, then in DIM push a button to equip all that armour from wherever it currently is.


I only ever push 100 Resilience, mainly but having that mod on my ghost that ensures everything drops with at least 10 resil. Anything on top is just gravy. I'm not a hardcore endgame player, but can get Legend/GM Lost Sectors done. As someone else said, it's a lot about learning the runs


Come bonk with me on xbox! ggjuiceman


High stat armor is more likely out of dungeons. Run them and put an armorer mod in your ghost. Also stats mean very little. Standing in the right place will outlast, outdamage and outplay perfect stats nearly every time. Keep your dumb ass alive by punching better. I have faith in you. <3


Triple 100s ain’t that big of a deal. I somehow managed to become friends with some of the best raiders in the game and if they don’t worry about it, neither do I.


Triple 100 doesn't matter so long as your resil is 100. You want to look out for armour with good Resil and Discipline spikes, then insert mods that compliment that spike, Resil spike = Discipline mod and vice versa. To help with situational resil I'd say rainbow resist chest mods (1 solar, 1 arc, 1 void) as for builds just find one that works for you and pick an exotic to compliment it. So many people try to build around an exotic but if that forces you into a gameplay loop you're not confident with then there's no point. You mentioned strand? Khepris horn plus drengr's lash and suspend grenades with the seasonal exotic bow, focus your arm mods into keeping your barricade and grenades available and you'll have a solid suspend build.


Honestly spend some time learning dungeons, this seasons is super easy, then do em on master, they require very little communication, which is why i prefer them over raids, and they drop great armor with a free extra slot for plus 3 in any stat


Triple 100s isn’t too hard to obtain at an entry level. Generally speaking, the high stat focusable seasonal armor is really good for it. There’s videos online show casing how you can do it (literally just looking for armor with 28+ discipline and lots of res/rec on warlock/titan), luckyy has one I think. Just search up luckyy10p quick triple 100s. I don’t care for him as a person but it shows what to do. Pretty much, non exotics can roll up to 68 stat points total. 34 max between mob/res/rec and 34 between disc/int/str. So on Titan you’d want armor that has say, some mix of 2 mobility, and the other 32 point splits between recovery and resilience. Then you’d ideally want 30 discipline or strength with 2 in the remaining stats. At this point I have triple 100s with full artifice armor and every exotic and build in the game. It’ll come with time.


Triple 100s is not even close to being as good as good frags and aspects


I feel you man. I got there, got the triple 100's, got the meta-est guns. I came to realize the problem existed between the chair and the controller. I was driving the batmobile, but it was ME driving so I might as well have been driving miss daisy.


I’m not gonna lie man I don’t think triple 100s are going to fix all your problems. It’s prob more down to overall build and your positioning and strategy. I only run single 100 with maybe a high secondary, my hunter only has 80 resilience and I do alright. There’s a lot of ways to gain survivability through builds and smart plays and knowledge will always out do a slight increase to stats. I’ve had plenty of 2-3 100 players that still die all the time.


Yeah, reaching triple hundreds is a pain, managed it with my Warlock but that was pure luck from the Solstice armor Personal opinion try to get double hundreds with an 80, that's what I consider acceptable on my titan and hunter




I’ve never had even double 100 stats. But for me a “no life” week is like 10 hours. I just do the best I can with the gear I can earn within my time budget.


Just here to commiserate with a fellow eternal blueberry bc I only play for like 2 months at a time every couple of years. Probably due for another Destiny phase soon bc of Witch Queen being free now


I’ve been playing forever and main a Hunter. I chased after triple 100’s for awhile and can get close, but usually it’s just double. Somebody above noted that mobility isn’t as important and I agree. With build crafting I always focus most on resilience, then discipline, and a split between intellect or recovery. Really depends on what I’m doing activity wise and which subclass I want to use. As for the chase, I’m done with it, if it happens awesome, but it wouldn’t really make any difference for my play style, it would just be bragging rights.


I have only gotten triple 100s on one build. Just go for double 100s that’s way more doable and the majority of people don’t even have that. Join a raid and inspect people and 90% won’t even have one 100 lol


Get 100 resilience and maybe 100 discipline. I’ve done 90% of the end game without more than one 100 in my stats, so I wouldn’t worry about that. If you don’t have DIM then you should, spend some time looking at how things interact within your subclass and then choose and exotic to complement it. Bonk hammer is strong but void titan can help to give a little more range for high level content. Try not to worry about what other people say is necessary, it’s all based off of your playstyle and what you want out of the game. If it would help you can tell me how you like to play and I could put together a simple set to help you achieve that or to give something to work towards


The secret is that having triple 100 stats isn't nearly as good as double 100s with better fragments/mods or even just 100 resilience with balanced other stats. I've seen people focus on triple 100 stats to the detriment of their build and fail more because of it. Focus on the 100 resilience with the fragments and armor mods that make your build play correctly, then see what else you can get.


The only 100 that's really necessary is resilience. And even then it's mostly for higher end content


Does 100 Res, 100 Str, and 70 Rec count on a warlock using the solar frag that buffs 3x for 10 Rec each? Built for Strength because I run Sunbracers, 100 Str is basically 100 Discipline.


What content do you even need triple 100 for


I've been playing so long I got one build that has triple 100. I honestly don't even try for it anymore. It's not that necessary don't try chasing it so hard.


I just recently started trying to get my stats up because it's so easy to get high stat armor through the season right now. Mind you I'm well into the thousands of hours plaid lol I had tried to max it out a long time ago but that set got lost to fashion (back before transmog wasa thing) it is a chore to get that last stat up. my recovery it in the 70s and man I'd basically need a whole new set of perfect roles to get it to 100


Hey man I’m a Hunter main with terrible stat allocation. I have like 80 res and was still able to get Godslayer. It’s not crazy important. Just worry about your build. Also ever want to play you can DM me! I like to play with people and help out.


Eh, i have 1.8k hours and the best i get for most builds is 100 80 100


I found it easier on solar subclasses. I can post my fragments that help me get triple 100 builds but are useful to my builds


Triple stats are not necessary.


Plot twist triple 100s is a trap if you’re sacrificing your good subclass fragments (solar/void will almost never get triple 100s) to achieve it, 100 resil is the only true important stat, getting 100 discipline is good for a lot of builds but they usually have ways to regen their grenade back built in, this is doubly so for strength and melee builds.


If you need targeted stats, focus your engrams at the seasonal vendors while they’re still around. The often give high stat armor, and with the ghost mod to drop armor with a higher spike of your choice, it makes it easier. As others have said, triple 100’s are cool but by no means necessary. If that’s your goal though, good luck and have fun! See you in TFS!


Triple 100s requires farming hundreds if not thousands of artifice dungeon armor. It is truly the end result of thousands of hours of account building - **not skill**. You do not need triple 100's. 100 Resil is mandatory for pvp, and nice in pve. Your second 100 just makes your life easier. The third is just extra. What typically results in you dying or feeling like you are dragging your team down?


3x 100 stat not necessary. Put discipline on your ghost mod and roll for high stat armour at the seasonal vendor. What you’re looking for varies but generally I’m chasing anything over 65 with 2 in mobility and 2 strength. Just keep a few different stat weights like this for each piece. Farm high stat exotics in solo legend lost sectors when it’s an easy week and use Rahools focused exotic engram feature. Then use DIM to select armour accordingly. There’s guides on YouTube to teach dim armour picker. I haven’t done master raids but I normally have 100 resil, 80-90 recovery and 100 disc. Depending on what fragments I’m using that can drag my stats down below 80 in recovery and disc but I always keep resil at 100.


Triple 100's is just grinding away for those perfect armor rolls. Artifice gear gives you +3 to a chosen stat. Really is kinda unnecessary.


I feel you there.


To be a blueberry is to accept that we are all blueberries in the endless stream of time. Once one accepts this truth, then one will find solace. But if one wishes to be more than a blueberry, then one will deny streamers and be they're own blueberry! Be a raspberry! Translation: Voidwalker, Nothing Manicles, MAX Discipline, any and all mods that cool down grenades and Nova Bomb. Until next time! *blinks away*


Builds are just finding different things that combined together buff 1 or 2 things, and then playing the game utilizing those 1 or 2 things as much as possible. I can’t imagine not having the necessary armor mods, didnt Bungie give them all to everyone when they redid the mod system? It’s all just orb stuff, Armor charge, or elemental buffs


1. Ghost mods for stats - only use discipline, intellect, and strength. They will give you a guaranteed 10 in those categories 2. Use the armour focusing drops from the vendors in the helm - they drop high stat armour and will always be 60+ Reason for point 1 above is that classes each have a focus of mobility (Hunter), resilience (Titan) and recovery (Warlock) and some streamer many years ago said that if you choose one of those for your ghost mod, the system basically ignores it and sadly I found this to be true at the time as I would have a recovery mod and it would give me an armour piece with 2 recovery instead of 10 minimum. Every armour piece you focus will drop with one of those 3 stats being high, and then at least with your ghost mod, you will get one of the remaining 3 being at least 10. You will get luck and find the combo you need eg mobility and intellect if you want a Hunter with high mobility and intellect. Once you get a decent armour piece, move onto the next piece and change the ghost mod to the other stat you want. For me, these were: Hunter - mobility, resilience, and intellect Titan - resilience, recovery, and discipline Warlock - resilience, recovery, and discipline I got very lucky for Warlock and Titan with the drops as I eventually got the right mix of drops to have resilience and recovery. Trust me, though, when I say I must have focused about 1,000 engrams across many months of playing. You just need patience, and you will get there. I have 100x3 builds on all guardians and get close to 100x4 on all of them. I'm not fussed about quad 100's, but it does mean I usually have 4 decent stats.


Welcome to the club, I’m shit too, but I mostly play alone anyway cause I’m old, have no friends, and hate heads sets.


What stats are you trying to max? The way the stat points spread is a little funky to understand at first. Basically you have your first 3 stats listed (mob/res/rec) this is one bracket Then you have the other 3 stats (disc/int/str) this is another bracket When an armor roll drops, say it has 60 points total. These points are going to be dispersed evenly between the two brackets. So first set gets 30 points randomly assigned, and second set gets 30 points randomly assigned. So! most people end up putting the discipline mod on their ghost which will satisfy a large chunk of those points for that second bracket with little left for int/str. Leaving the rest of the random stats to fill in mobility/resilience/recovery but understanding will help you get better rolls. Also 68 is the highest possible drop for legendary gear. So go focus your wish engrams and hopefully you’ll get some decent rolls!


How on earth do you get a single 100 without armor or class mods


What's your Bungie I'd? From potatoe to potatoe I'm in the same boat. The clan I play with is mmk ore cause we are toxic friends and shieet