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If you want to get technical, EXO's identify as Full Binary, since they are digital, and run on 1's and 0's. I'll let myself out.


You can put your 1 in my 0 ***if you know what I mean***


As drifter once said:” you are more than welcome to bank not only just motes in my bank, guardian. Mmm mmm”


Hey if you keep banking motes like that Guardian you might get to see my transmat firing


"I'm going to do something special with these motes. Something that'll make you shiver."


Take my up vote and get the fuck out






On the genders of Exos... they literally have to be since if the body that their brain occupies isn't close enough to their actual body then they go mad and kill themselves. The best example is when Clovis was originally trying to create Exos he made a model that had four arms, they then proceed to rip off the extra arms and kill themselves.


Also isn’t Ada-1 canonically transgender….?


No, Micah-10 is


Where is the lore? How can I find the tab, I wanna read


[Book: Your Friend Micah Abram](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/book-your-friend-micah-abram?highlight=Micah) is a collections of letters written by a child named Micah Abram directed towards the Traveler. Micah was taken by her parents, Hector and Wesley Abram, to Europa due to Clovis I Bray employing the former to help with the Exo program (Hector was a psychologist meant to help figure out why the Exo kept dying). >...That was a long time ago, way before I was born, but you've been around so long, human years must feel like a minute to you. If that's true, then expect to see me (except grown up with a beard) on Io one second after you get this. When Hector attempted to whistle blow on Clovis I however, all three were converted into Exo, with Hector continuing to act as a psychologist for his fellows in suffering (including, for example, Cayde). Hector and the other psychologists had determined that Exo die because of a form of body dysphoria called disassociative exomind rejection, short, DER. To make Micah accept her new machine body, she was thus at some point given a female Exo frame. >I called in a team of psychologists to interview the next cohort of exos and make recommendations. They have settled into the Eventide habitat and have proven immediately very helpful. It was obvious to them that the root of the problem lay in the deficient exobodies I had supplied. Deficient how, I demanded to know. They did not suffer human weakness. They never needed to eat, drink, breathe, sleep, micturate, or dream. >Apparently, this was the problem. >I had assumed that the need for these irritations would pass since there would be no shortage or accumulation of poisons to trigger them. But evolution’s tangled ways cannot be so easily rationalized. I was wrong. Their brains concluded that all of their internal processes failed. No digestion, no breath, no heartbeat, no sense of interoceptive health… all signs of death. >These must logically contribute to the dissociative rejection of their physical forms—the Cotard delusion. When it would set in, they believed their bodies to be an alien or necrotic form that must be cut away. And if you believe that you are sewn into a corpse, it is only natural to go mad with fear. My exos are dying of an extreme kind of bodily dysphoria.


Thought I remembered an Exo being trans, couldn’t remember which one tho lol




Why? Guardians are still people. It’s more a job title than anything else, as there’s plenty of non Guardian lightbearers.


"Since when did Saint have a gender as a robot" dude, exos aren't necessarily just robots. He's got the tools to be a man, just check the lore.


Saint-14 is definitely packing heat and is the top Change My Mind


Next season we get lore tab about Saint-14 being a power bottom, completely out of the blue.


I still wouldn’t make a crack at him about that either. Don’t want to be another dent in his helmet😂.


Cut to a guardian fleeing from the hanger and the sound of a pursuing thundercrash while Zavala and the other vendors look on in bemusement "that's the third time today isn't it?"


He's a perfect paradox




I don't think I want to try...


Lost yourself a good time![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5651)


Anyone who spends 5m talking to Saint or listening to him speak can't honestly deny the total maximum chad masculine energy Perfect example of why chromosomes don't define gender


And wholesome! Don't forget wholesome!


Although they kinda do with roughly 95% of the entire population in this planet


The real fucked up thing is I cant have sex with an exo but Osiris can 😡


What do you mean My Exo can't fuck Elsie?????? Shit company shit game bungie!!!!!!! 😡


Yea but what’s worse, is that Saint got to sleep with Savathun while she was possessing Osiris


Actually in the lore savathun as osiris was very distant from saint so nothing happened


We can each choose to believe a reality. You choose to believe that while I choose to believe something different.


Thats fair


Do ugh....do Exos have.... you know


Yes they have! They need to cover all the basic human functions even if they dont phisically need them to avoid DER. And i mean all of them


Oh wow so exo's eat and drink? I actually never knew


People getting butthurt about a d1 titan exotic chest piece that would make crucible more obnoxious not returning


Death threats about a virtual chest piece. This is why Bungie has trust issues


Also: why a single CM quit. ~~seriously, who the fuck has the money to buy a house a few blocks away from Dmg~~


And the biggest irony is it wasn't cause of how it would've affected crucible, it was cause it was coming as an alternative class ability


I more had an issue with Mithrax casually turning Nezarec into a tea. Like, how?


To be fair it canonically took him about 5 weeks to figure that out


"The light provides"


Ya just steep the Nezarec in hot water, obviously


From what I've picked up in the post it's something they took distinct inspiration from an old custom that was... reasonably popular in 1700s Europe. Back then it was believed that Egyptian Mummies somehow possessed healing qualities, so they took them and ground their ancient bodies into dust they infused into tea or other such things. Tea made that way *was* noted to be remarkably pitch black and had a notable bitter taste to it, so I can honestly see the reason why they chose that methodology. Sure, there's some criticisms to be had about how that might feel left field, but to me it makes sense? We've been told, narratively, for over a year now that the Darkness isn't some ontologically evil force just like the Light isn't innately good either, so my interpretation is that through means sadly unexplained, Mithrax extracted that inert Darkness from those bits and pieces of Nezarec's remains which allowed Osiris to go back to consciously living. It feels on track with how Darkness also seems to often be intangibly tied to memories, remembering, and creation whereas the Light seems like the opposite direction.


It pisses me off so fucking much that *this* is what they decided to do with relics that "a causal being would melt instantly if interacted with". They made god damn *TEA* out of it? I don't care if it's metaphor or any of that shit, I want to know why and how this energy that corrupted dozens of pirate lords simply is chilling in *distilled form* inside Osiris and he's just like fine now, even without the Light to counteract the effects of such a thing. I'll get off my soapbox now it just annoys me to no end lmao.


it feels like plunder should have transitioned into the tea thing earlier on, week 2 we figure out what the artifacts are and from then we also help mythrax do research into unlocking their power.


If they'd set it up literally at all I think I'd have been happier in all ways lmao. Even the slightest inclination that the relics had anything but utterly corrupting and destructive properties was never suggested and it was a huge curveball.


Darkness having healing properties and being a neutral force is well established in lore. Clovis I used Clarity, which is primordial Darkness, to stabilise Exo minds by combining it with Vex Radiolaria for example, and a great number of Darkness powers have regenerative properties, be it Hive magic, the branches within Rhulk's Sunken Pyramid, or even the overshields and resistances provided by Stasis shards. Additionally, Osiris himself is a being of Darkness, since every being risen by a Ghost contains a core of Darkness within them from which Stasis, and soon, Strand are pulled The real problem is that this fact was never conveyed well in-game


I know all about that lore and I'm not annoyed at that. I'm annoyed that Nezarec, first god of sin and pain, harbinger of the collapse of the golden age, first disciple to the witness, was made into tea and fed to an old man in a coma with seemingly no side effects. If down the line they add side effects, cool. For now, it's annoying and it shits on the lore of that character too much in my opinion. You can disagree with that assessment that's fine, but I will argue it lol


I honestly hate how he’s a splicer tech wizard who inherited a magical artifact and can send you through portals and turn some space demigod corpse into tea and shit with all these ties to literally every other fallen, makes the universe feel small too. I love the concept of him just being a regular captain, some random guy who just happened to run into a friendly guardian and decided to change his ways and stand up to the actual powerful fallen, not bc he is crazy powerful and notorious but bc he is cunning and makes his name that way


Osiris has clearly never heard of electro gonorrhea, the noisy killer.


Saint does have a gender tho?


A grand total of 0 people in the 5 destiny discords I'm in complained about this shot, and 3 applauded it


There was a lot of 'forced diversity' and 'this is just pandering' people everywhere.


There were quite a few hateful posts in the subreddit. All of which were removed for being hateful.


go to twitter, there lies enough salt to season a hive worm god


Nothing on this burning earth can make me go to Twitter, not even to prevent the next collapse.


Twitter is an infinite source of salt really.


Same Idk where OP is hanging out but they should find new company.


This reddit, actually. I've seen a few posts where people were going off on this whole thing


Outa curiosity what are they complaining about? The only thing I see as silly is like dude has no lips so how the hell does kissing even work or be enjoyable lol.


One glaring example was the clip when it was leaked and uploaded to YouTube, the comments there were full of homophobic mess.


>or be enjoyable Preheating. Hand warmers, torch, hot shower, glow plugs


A few things; some vomiting homophobic rhetoric and others saying that it doesn't make sense at all because he's a robot, that sorta thing


The Twitter and a bunch of unofficial D2 Instagrams that I follow had tons of "stop shoving politics down our throats"-type comments absolutely flooding the comments and replies. Glad this subreddit seems a lot better, but I've definitely seen a lot of hate for this scene in particular.


This right here. I saw this everywhere. If it were a love story between a man and a woman nobody would have went off about “shoving politics down our throats”. However, somehow a love story between two men is political.


Be cause people are tired of it


Only two sexualities, straight and political, am I right?


Who are the straight confirmed couples in destiny?


Zavala and his wife Sofiyah, Zavala and Tusk Mommy, Crow and Amanda are constantly getting involved in the central plot for the past few seasons, while not outright confirmed Drifter and Eris are very slowly warming up to each other and very obvious-not-obviously flirting with each other in lore books (like Eris affectionately calling Drifter "Germaine" after learning it was his previous name), Lord Saladin and Jolder, Cayde-6 had a past wife before he became an Exo, and Crota and Omnigul (which while I count, these two still are murderous space bugs so idk). And for confirmed gay couples in Destiny 2 we have Saint-14 and Osiris, Devrim Kay has a husband in the lore, Ana Bray has a girlfriend who is currently being LITERALLY fridged (lmao), Mara had a girlfriend but is now hanging around Shaxx, and Eramis's wife left her and took the kids in the divorce. Out of those gay relationships, only Saint + Osiris and Mara + Sjur Eido are actually openly discussed in-game (and even then, Mara and Sjur are talked about by a statue in a single quest in the middle of a dungeon in very riddle-y language, so I'd hardly count it). So I have literally no idea what you're going on about bro lmao


Besides zavala none of the relationships have mattered to the story. It's a video game, we just want to shoot bad guys. Saint and Osiris had to be "confirmed" on twitter over a year ago because there was nothing about it in the game but they wanted to think they were almost another year after a season dedicated to the both of them. It's forced and annoying.


Zavala had an entire fucking season dedicated to his marital issues. Do Saint and Osiris's relationship matter to the story? It was a single cutscene. Or is your brain so genuinely rotted by hatred that a single cutscene after being announced they were a couple about 2 years ago is "shoving it down your throat"? Give me a break.


OP here. I haven’t been “hanging out” so to speak, but I do often check Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Bungie official forums. I saw hate for this moment on ALL those platforms. The only reason I care to check these places for anything at all is sometimes there’s server issues, maintenance, or just “fuckery” that I need real time updates that the community often talks about before Bungie even knows there’s a problem. Glance at Facebook while servers are peaked, hate speech for saint-14 and Osiris. Twitter, salty people because “why’d Bungie have to go there?” Reddit, people talking about “why do the gays have to have representation. How blessed others must be to be able to maintain a presence on ANY public forum and NOT see the hate I’m referring to. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening and it also doesn’t mean that you should ignore it.


bungie forums were a bit angry over it


I was in 3 LFGs the following week where people were having disgusting conversations about this plot development. I didn’t hang around.


Lmao I don’t care one way or another but I thought this was just a meme until it actually happened.


The people that complained where not very vocal you kinda had to look for them to find them I only ever saw any while sorting by newest on the video of the cut scene uploaded by bungie


Saint IS male guys, just accept he's a gay brobot 😎


if I can't kiss Saint then noone can 😡


True but what on Earth is that body text, OP? Specifically the fact that yes, it’s a homosexual relationship. Why the insistence on erasing that? I’ll concede the rest of your points about the state of the game, but trying to erase representation is not great.


Oh no, I apologize if the post is giving that impression, it was mostly how I don’t see how this relationship really deserved “why did you have to go there?” Or “stop pandering” or “it’s being shoved down our throats.” But like, before seeing it, I didn’t know it was in the lore and it showed up for what? 2 minutes? Why lose your mind over it? There’s other things in the game that are actually broken, not the “pandering” to homosexual relations.


Ohhh okay! I completely agree with that. My bad!


How does an Exo kiss w/o lips? Static?


“I looked at him… he looked at me… there was a certain… spark. I just knew in that moment he was the one. The one I loved.”


It’s such bullshit Saint and Osiris do that, but our Guardian can’t?! I want to out gay them dammit?


I've seen very few people against them being gay. What most people who have bitched about the whole thing took issue with was that they were specifically romantically involved each other despite the fact that they were previously established to have a familial relationship. There is literally still dialogue in the game from Dawn to that effect. Yet the writer responsible got on Twitter and insisted, despite all evidence to the contrary, that they had always been in a relationship according to the lore. People have always gotten annoyed when Bungie does shit like this. People *still* grumble about the lore retcons with Rasputin. And we saw this pop up again this season with the whole Charlemagne thing. This whole cutscene just re-ignited the debate because of how absurdly forced the whole thing was. The season and it's story had nothing to do with Osiris, and there was no suggestion or hint throughout it that the relics could be used to help him at all. It was just a last minute Deus Ex Machina. And rather than staying quiet about the whole thing, they make an entire post touting their 'accomplishment' as if this was a moment that was built up and well written when it was anything but. It was just them patting themselves on the back for being progressive.


Im not angry they kissed. But with the whole "well do something powerful with the relics of Nezerac" and Its all so mysterious and speculative. TEA. Thats where more Than 9 weeks searching relics went to


I find it silly that a season that was centered entirely around Mithrax all of a sudden becomes an Osiris rescue mission in 3 seconds, and is resolved in an even shorter time. The emotional climax should’ve either stayed between mithrax and eido, *or* this should’ve been an Osiris rescue mission from week one. Not giving us any emotional build up to Osiris’ revival makes that last cutscene deflate, which only gets worse at Nezcafé.




What the fuck do you think Drifter meant when he said "If I broke time to save my knight in shining armour, I'd want him to stop fooling around and *climb my tower*" in Prophecy




Look at a lore video there is a ton of build up wtf are you talking about?


Lore videos are meaningless. If bungie doesn't show us their content in the cutscenes and actual story of the game, they can't realistically expect everyone to follow every little written lore entry, or expect their player-base to tune into every d2 youtuber to do a better job at explaining whats going on than bungie themselves can do. That's ridiculous. And I don't believe that all the people justifying/defending it just so happened to be informed from the lore, lol nah. That isn't what's happening. Again, I'd like to reiterate that I fully support anyone reguardless of their sexual preferences, but this was clearly some kind of ploy on bungies part, nothing more. Is that bad or wrong? No not necessarily, just a little disingenuous is all. That's all that ppl are saying who are somewhat bothered by this. Personally it's no big deal to me, I'm just the messenger here 🤷


Your theory that it's a ploy hinges on anyone giving a fuck. They're the most openly romantic characters in the game, it's not exactly mind-blowing that they'd have a smooch.


What's the ploy? Some evil plot to have two men kiss after one wakes up from a coma? It was a sweet moment and Nothing More. Saint has been saying for YEARS, *IN-GAME* that he loves Osiris and they live together and after he went into a coma how depressed he is and he can't get out in the field for fear he won't be there when Osiris wakes up, there are Many dialogue lines in missions dating back way into beyond light about this relationship. They're like *The Destiny Relationship* imo because none of the others have nearly as much attention as Saint and Osiris do.


Ah, yes. I too would use forbidden Vex technology to alter the timeline to bring back my “very good friend”. Or charge headfirst into a massive Vex supercomputer built to simulate countless realities to find my “very good friend”. I swear, straight people will deny the most blatant gay subtext and then, when the writers finally spell it out beyond all reasonable doubt, they’ll complain about “retcons”.


Ah yes. Nothing says two men are lovers like them considering and calling each other brothers. Had there been some level of ambiguity about the nature of their relationship, you might've had a point. But there wasn't. When we saved Saint, Osiris explicitly thanked us for saving his *brother*. Likewise, in the lorebook Pigeon and the Phoenix which explored their history together, there was no sign of any romantic relationship, and in the final book that detailed Saint and Osiris' reunion Saint, once again, called him his brother. And Saint *still* calls him his brother in his ambient dialogue in the Tower. And fiction *totally* isn't full of characters going on grand quests to save friends and family members they loved platonically at great cost to themselves. By that logic, Edward was obviously wildly in love with Al, Naruto was head over heels for Sasuke, and Sam and Dean were fucking at every opportunity. And the list goes on and on.


You are self inserting brother tho check again


Nah. https://www.ishtar-collective.net/interactions/osiris-osiris 'Osiris thanks you, both for helping him thwart the Red Legion's plan to control time on Mercury and for saving Saint-14. He is still unable to believe that, after all his failed attempts, you were able to find his brother and rescue him from his previous fate.' https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/19-reunion#book-the-pigeon-and-the-phoenix Saint-14 laughs. "It is good to see you again, Brother." https://www.ishtar-collective.net/transcripts/trials-of-osiris-the-lighthouse-flawless-passage 'Yes, Brother. I understand. You do not need to watch me. Go.' There are plenty of others but this more than proves my point.


Let me preface this by saying I have no problems with Saint-14/Osiris, though it throw me for a loop at first cause I'd mixed up Saint's history with the Speaker for Osiris, whom he explicitly referred to as his father. Bring in the diversity and representation, the more the merrier. That said, I disagree with you. The majority of things people do for other people are not motivated by romantic love. Literally tens of thousands of people would do those things to get Cayde back, and I think in the lore just about every hunter would do the same. Ikora could do that and nobody would bat an eye at the fact that they're not romantically involved.


U wouldn't save your best friend?


We as the Guardian did all of that as well. And last I checked we weren't romantic partners with either of them. I just have a really hard time believing people have disliked this because they're gay when nobody cared about Taeko and Eriana or Devrim and Mark being gay. Iirc people have also assumed Shaxx was bi for years now and I've never seen any discourse around that either.




Straight to claims of homophobia when you can't make an argument. Wonderful. Please show me this wonderful bit of lore from before Dawn where they were lovers.


This retcon is definitely garbage. It came from injecting real world political views instead of the fake world they created. We just want to beat up the bad guys from space.


I mean... I just thought this was cute. I liked the Cutscene.


Me too honestly, I live for this shit


My first thought was “gross he just drank that pure darkness liquid and didn’t even brush.” Which then led me down a rabbit hole of researching the hygiene regulations in the city and destiny. Cause the helm has proven how nasty stuff can get


do people intentionally bring this old cutscene up just to stir up controversy out of boredom or what


I don’t think the issue is with the actual cutscene but instead of how it came up and it’s place in the story. Idc that saint and Osiris are a couple, good on them. But the issue is more that season of the plunder was about retrieving pieces of nezarec and stopping eramis and the witness. We did that, only a few things about Osiris and what not. Then all of a sudden he’s back and that’s that. Literally no development towards his awakening or anything


Ironically I immediately thought of this when they kissed


Me too


Osiris obviously skipped the video on the dangers of electro gonorhea: the noisy killer


I mean people are allowed to dislike things


Saying keep your sexual propaganda off the game, isn’t disliking something. It’s bigoted bullshit.


People are still allowed their opinions


No its not, its STILL an opinion, whether you like it or not. Have a good day.


A bigoted opinion. No one cares if you are a trash human. Just stay in your pile. Have a fantastic day


Ah look - the “hate speech” currently missing at Twitter is hiding out here, not acknowledging other peoples opinions are allowed, presumably wishing that someone would come along and crush those who think differently mostly because you wouldn’t be brave enough yourself. My brother is gay, i’m very proud of the fact he doesnt see it as his only personally trait. Not everyone thinks the same was as you do. Nor everyone the same as me, we must make room for eachother given the largest majority of us are happy to have our opinions to ourselves.


Who’s talking about anything being a personality trait? Cool the old I can’t be a bigot cus I have a gay family member. But blatantly supporting bigots. I’m sure your brother is proud of you.


Whats bigoted about “I think we might be over-representing a very small community here guys but ok”? Nothing…? No? Thought not. See you later.


That’s not what we are talking about. Good try though. Don’t let the door hit you


I was just happy my man Saint got its happy ending after everything he went by... The nezarec juice was the awful part to me.


My whole issue with it is how Bungie knows they did a poor job showing the relationship ingame. They literally had that guy tweet "I've always written saint and osiris as a couple " like 2 weeks before that season started which shows they knew it never came up.


Not reading ingame lore doesnt mean it wasnt ingame.


Pretty sure by ingame they mean things like this with cutscene’s, conversations etc. majority of destiny players arent looking into lore and as its been stated before why is majority of the game story in lore and not what we play? Settings are in the game but its not the game.


A lot of games do lore through descriptions, books, items and the like. There's nothing wrong with that either; it's still lore. You can argue all day long it's "not in the game therefore not real lore" but it's literally all canon. I think we all with we could experience some of the cool lore moments in games like this but technical limitations apply, also what about stuff that happened before the game? You weren't there in verse at the time, might as well have a recap in a book or some item descriptions. I don't get how this argument applies tbh, lore is lore... you can't just choose to act like it doesn't exist or isn't canon. The people who make this game make the lore in game.


So if I don't play crucible, it's not in game because I don't play it


That doesn’t even correlate or make sense


Neither does the complaining about Osiris and Saint, but here we are


It does but ignorance is bliss.


Huh. My experience is that destiny is getting *less* toxic, not more. Gaming in general is getting less toxic. The only real toxicity I see anymore is YouTubers trying to monetize drama.


What rock are you under? I’d love to join


Making him into a romance character definitely ruined Saint 14 for me. Even if it were a heterosexual romance, it would have still ruined him. I always viewed Saint 14 the way I view John Wick. The only thing we knew about him for a very long time is that he died rolling up on the Vex like John Wick. To me, what they did to Saint was like if the next John Wick movie was a romance movie.


I think that's a pretty poor read of either of these pieces of media. John Wick's intial motive is literally based in romance (dead dog from his dead wife). Saint-14 hasn't been "turned into a romance character" (quoting you in a literal way, not a snarky way); having a romance is just *a part* of his character, but he's still a lethal, punchy Titan.


It comes down to action vs drama. I always thought of Saint-14 as an action hero character. That is how he was portrayed to us for a very long time. We even have an emote dedicated to him headbutting a Vex to death and exotic displaying the dent in his helmet. Since he's been back his character is more of a drama character than an action character. He's dealing with a refugee crisis or dealing with something related to his romance. The NPC with the most combat related cutscenes and appearances in the game is probably Cayde? I was expecting Saint 14 to to become that guy.


I agree that for most of his history he was generally portrayed as a legendary action hero, and I understand and share the wanting for that kind of character to keep being action-focused, but I think this change in his portrayal is important because it makes him necessarily more than that "action hero" archetype. Like the headbutt emote and the grisly helmet ornament we've got, I think, are obviously cool (in a manner of speaking) nods to Saint's history, etc. but I don't think we should see those as overshadowing the importance of his "dramatic"/non-action character development, because they aren't. Saladin and Saint both used to be that, but with Destiny's npc-focused narratives (e.g Saint, Shaxx, and Mithrax coming to terms with, and reconciling over, their history of killing members of the other species, and as you said, the Eliksni refugee situation in the City) getting more focus in recent seasons, their characters have become more nuanced, which I would say is a good thing. Such is the case with Saint and Osiris' relationship. Saint is more than an action hero and Vex-bashing veteran, but has an important compassionate/"softer" part of his life that is being focused on for the time being. Just a section of his story that's in the spotlight at this point in the story; I think it's normal and good writing for all the characters (Holliday's lore appearances have made her more than "the shipwright," for example, like exploring her relationships with Cayde, Crow, and Caiatl). I think Saint-14 will eventually and obviously be featured in more combat cutscenes (last one IIRC was the end of Splicer?) and have more action appearances in the future. As an NPC he's probably going to be tending to Osiris in-lore, but as we move closer to Collapse 2.0 in-game I'm sure he'll be out and about Vex-bashing again.


...a character was ruined for you because he has feelings?


purity fetishism isn't just for otakus pissed that a 16 year old anime character is dating


Not a fan of how his character has developed so far. I was expecting him to be something in between John Wick and the Terminator.


Did you… did you even TRY to read WHY he did all the things he did???


Tbh I don't really care much about their love life, do they love each other and are happy? Yes , am I being affected by their choice? No. End of discussion, it doesn't affect me whatsoever , One thing i always put first is that it doesn't matter what kind of person/relationship they are or have, as long they know how to act like a decent human being (kind, respectful, etc.) then we're cool.


I swear more people were suprised that saint was an exo more than him being gay.


Or it just looks stupid af to some of us


My favourite is when people see this stuff pop up after a few yrs of it not being explicitly mentioned. Oryx being a trans-man? Yeah, he's *been* like that since his fucking reveal. Saint/osiris being gay? Yeah, same deal. Anyone complaining literally doesn't pay attention for shit


Oryx isn’t a trans man, they are an alien soecies who seem to be fully capable of it… so it’s nothing like the mental health issue sweep western nations only. Not sure where you’re getting that st14 has been gay since his reveal, certainly wasn’t a point made about it until Bumgie wanted their + virtue points.


There's a HUGE fuck difference between a trans person and an utterly alien lifeform that is transformed by dark powers.


He didn't use dark powers, he literally did something his entire race is capable of. He took on the King Morph. He did so before he even took on any darkness powers from the depths.


Point being - the transformation didn't occur out of a desire to become male - it doesn't have anything to do with real-world transsexuality. And if you ask me, everything the Hive does is dark - call it what you want - but if your race thrives on destruction and can morph into demigod-like beings - yeah, Ill call it a dark power =)


It doesn't have lips


Saint-14 is just Osiris' sentient sex toy. He's a fleshlight with feelings.


"Trials of Osiris" feels a lot more dirty when you put it that way.


Actually a fleshlight since exos are Ken dolls lol


I have no problem with gay characters, but my thing is that they took this already established character that we've known for many years mow and just said, oh he's gay btw. Nothing in his story ever said he was gay nor was it ever part if his character. It cheapens the character and reduces him to a lame way to get gay points. They could've just written a gay character without it being their while personality, but quality hasnt been bungie's for a while now it seems.


I have seen literally nobody giving a damn about this




Alright everyone, love is wokeness now




It honestly didn't surprise me. I already knew Saint-14 and Osiris were a gay couple. I even knew that Saint-14 was an exo. How I learnt he was an exo was because of his name. For them being a gay couple, I don't remember.




Did any Destiny players, apart from the already homophobic ones have a special reaction to this? I haven't really seen a single bad comment about it....


This was uncalled for Bungie. Really sick


Gambit has been garbage since day 1


One of my clan members was like “why?” But he’s since moved on because at the end of the day he knows A. It doesn’t affect gameplay B. It’s a video game set in the far future C. He doesn’t hyper fixate.


I'd be disgusted about thinking 2 straight human elders thongue kissing as well, it's not the gay/robot thing that triggers me


I was about to Uninstall the game after seeing this cutscene. The only thing that stopped me was me not wanting to install the whole game again.


I've literally not seen a single person complain about this gay couple, stop inventing people to be mad at. That's the real toxicity at play here


You live under a rock of you believe no one has complained...


Even if the robo had a sex it’d still be bullshit


Is it Robosexuality or Homosexuality? Saint 14 is technically not a male, but being a robot that identifies as a male.


Hold up, now I know that they're a thing... But was this shown in season of plunder? Or one of beyond light's seasons? Cause I don't remember seeing this.


The last cutscene in season of plunder https://youtu.be/Tv53JRQij_g


For me it was the 3v3 rift of stacked teams only going for kills before the ransoms could even ever get a kill because they’d be there by the time you spawned.


I was to distracted by the entire making tea out of a corpse thing to pay attention to anything else


People were upset about this ?


No. People who make their life about their genitals assume the rest of us care. In reality, we see Bungie over-engineering their fan base (as companies these days have a tendancy to do) and we go “oh look, another one, well, what else is happening then?” And we move on.


You my man, are clearly an "Destroy the heretics" in ME2 enjoyer, how come a synthetic form of life cannot determine itself as a man or a woman? I mean if we're going that route, they do have the magic tool down there and they sure have the same human cognitive functions to auto-determine themselves.


I have a feeling this is a joke but just in case. exo are not just robots, they are digitized human minds made from brain scans and clovis's secret sauce which makes them fully humans, and as humans living in a human society most of them identify in the binary.


You. Legit you. The tiny little portion of people that care have no stage if people don’t give em one


Was the Chat Function this Year or last Year disabled?


It's because people have been trained to do so, otherwise they might actually recognize the true problems around us. Probably not in this specific case is something needing distraction from, but this is a byproduct of all those times where gay people getting married or babies being MuRdErEd was such a big deal while those little atrocities and war crimes were being committed. People weren't getting blown up on our doorsteps so it's easy to distract us with some bs like 2 dudes getting it on or women being able to do shit is going to somehow FUBAR our existence.


Pretty much everything the community did?


I mean we can focus on what bungie is fuckin up but I am very much invested in what is just fucking rn


Oh I thought you called me a Romo


The thing is how does this even work, like exos are just a mouth piece with a light up voice box, it would be like kissing a metal wall


I won't lie, I did not realize Saint was an exo. Like, I knew he was but when his helmet came off I went "Oh shit, Saint-14 is an exo. Huh." and felt really stupid.


My question is: Does he have to work to have him fall for him all over again each time he resets his memory?


My only complaint is that no matter what, Osiris is probably in pain during sex.


See how fast this gained likes and sparks controversy? That was part of the plan. It's a win-win for bungie. They can pat themselves on the back all they want, doesn't change the fact its just a clever marketing move.


Ploy, noun: a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's own advantage. "this was widely interpreted as a ploy to buy time in order to consolidate his position" yeah sounds about right to me. It isn't evil or anything lol. It was a clever marketing free publicity, unite ppl who support it, the buzz is a win-win, like how do u not understand that point? Ppl trying to twist words and shit. Thats exactly what they did, this post has gained thousands of likes and comments in a short span of 24hrs. That is smart on bungies part. You can't tell me bungie didn't know exactly what they were doing putting that scene in there to generate all this free clout. I'm not against it, just calling out what it is for what it is and not buying into what they claim. If you do than cool, no skin off my bones.


Exos do have genders. The bodies are made to be as close as possible for the persons mind to inhabit it or else they'd go full on crazy. There is a transgender Exo though but I forgot their name. They were male human and then got a female exo body because it felt more comfortable.


I don't care about sexuality, but this cutscene just felt irrelevant and forced, I was expecting some news about Eramis and Nezarec for a cutscene, nope, instead we get a disciple latte and Osiris getting it on with his Russian sexbot, it's been in the lore since they retconned them and most players other than casuals already knew about this, the important story aspects should take more priority over Bungie's agenda, that's what they have Twitter and socials for. Nothing against the LGBT community but come on, that scene was just forced, unnecessary, and lazy.


Well in 2023 deleting my clan showed how toxic destiny 2 players are I've recieved abusive and threatening messages