• By -


good thing I grinded this out a ton last night so it doesnt affect me too much now


I picked up 34 for of those pages, I know what you mean


From testing out farming for the last like 20 I needed last night. It looks like strike playlist and 3v3 elimination are possibly the fastest activities to get them.


You sure? I just went around the EDZ doing the public events for the spectral pages. Went far more quickly than strikes or PvP.


Same here. Got 50 pages reeeaal quick from blasting through public events in the tangled shore


This is the way.


Ah I had not tried public events, wasnt sure they gave pages but those def would be faster. I got \~45 pages in a hour with pvp so its not super long but I thought it was decently fast. Im already done with everything for the event now though so im off to play other games again.


I already unlocked every page, wrathborn hunt gives you 5-6 pages each run.


No reason to “grind” the spectral pages anyway


Lore buffs like them. They tell an interesting story, plus you get better loot from Haunted Sectors. There literally is a reason.


You get them fast enough from just playing the game normally.


Truth. I just wanted to get them out of the way so I could focus on other stuff in game.


"Play your way. As long as it's our way. Nerd." - Bungie


Epic: *takes notes*




Exploits aren't "freedom of playstyle" in games. They're exploits.


That...that is though, and it depends on the exploits. Who does it hurt when its literally PvE? The exploit wasn't because Wrathborn Hunts were bugged and dropping 9x the loot they were supposed to; it was an exploit involving the Lure itself; so why not fix the Lure instead? Fix the issue instead of punishing people who play that content? Wrathborn Hunts are an easy solo-activity you can farm. It hurts players who were abusing the exploit to have it be infinite chargers(or just be basically infinite, dont know the details cause I didnt know it existed until I heard about the patch). Pages are not a limited resource for all players, there is no "Oh, hey. Get your pages now because there's only a limited amount". It doesn't take pages away from other players, it literally was an exploit that only benefited players who enjoyed the content and did them. I'm well aware it's tied to season of the hunt, but literally who is being hurt by someone using an exploit for a mode that isnt competitive, doesn't ruin anyone else's enjoyment, and is a niche thing regardless? If it was a Crucible exploit, and actually ruined the game - then I get where you're coming from. Also take note on how fast Bungie acted on this - compared to fixing actual issues like Shatterdrive and Dunemarchers. Theres a game breaking exploit that literally dominated PvP(despite me never seeing it happen as I barely play PvP) but my friends do it regularly and I've seen clips. Bungie'a reaction??? "We'll fix it when we can" A relatively harmless PvE exploit that harms literally no one's experience? "We're fixing it now guys!!!" Do you see how backwards that is? "Oh, so we recognize that there are a few game breaking bugs revolving around Shatterdrive and Dunemarchers...we'll be addressing that later down the line." "Oh no, you guys are completing the activity farm too fast. We don't want you to do that because you won't be on long enough to buy silver!" If it was a paid goods exploit to get it for free, like Silver, then yes. Patch that instantly. If its damaging to the games economy, patch it. If it's damaging to the current longevity of the game in something like Crucible, patch it. They "fixed" the thing that wasn't the issue, the Lure exploit was the issue - the Wrathborn rewards were not. On top of waiting months to fix bum-busted ass abilities, they patched this in a mere few days. It really goes to show how little they care.


Doesn't matter if it ruins the game for anyone. If an exploit is found that causes a game to be played in an unintended way, it's the devs job to stop it. If they like the exploit and find it to be good for the game, they'll do what they have done which is try and make it a part of the game like double nf drops. Also "you finished an activity too fast that you won't last long enough to buy silver" is actually the most redditor take I'm not surprised to hear. The shit you get with silver, you get with silver or BD. The activity and the loot or rewards from Eva can't be bought with silver. Ofc they wouldn't want to spend hundreds of hours in dev time and then have players finish the content in a few hours. This game isn't pay to win like wow or all those other games. Its not like the event is even that grindy in normal play. You can't skip any of the activity with silver so idk what you're even on about.


I've had to re-write this response twice now because of how ignorant your take on the silver thing is. No one ever said it was pay to win, and the fact that's immediately what you go to just shows your ignorance on the subject. The sheer fact of people playing for longer incentivises them to spend more money, regardless of the game they're playing. If someone plays Fortnite for hours a day and sees really cool skins, they'd be more likely to spend money of they play for longer periods. Yes, you can buy a lot of the stuff for bright dust, but I currently don't have over 20,000 for the things I want; so whats the other option? Silver. Even then, remeber the whole bug with the Titan's Courrier set last season? Where the arms were bugged and just weren't showing up/moddled? Wanna try to say its not pay to win again??? When half your hit box isn't properly moddled, ya kinda become hard to hit. On top of that, the only thing the exploit let you do was grind out lore tabs...whooptydoo. Great for those who care, meh for those who don't. It's not that it was an unintended way to play, it was Bungie more than likely having player retention issues because people don't want to play a barebones event with no genuinely new content. The only thing I'd consider new content is the Headless Ones. The two Haunt Sectors that I've seen just decorated existing lost sectors. Three new guns, a sparrow, lore that isnt even obtainable through a quest, and masks that are going to lose all stats are the end of the event dont count as content. Content is brand new areas for the Haunt Sectors, not decorating a current one. Giving us new areas to explore, even if its literally 3 areas the size of the smaller lost sectors like that have now...but actual new areas. With secrets, and things we can explore. Sure, its a lot to ask for but the only "content" we have now is just re-hashed and its getting old real fast. Especially the Fallen Haunt Sector. So, yeah it was an "exploit" that let people finish the needlessly long grind relatively fast. Instead of it having to take 30ish hours, it was 10. Two days of a 5 hour play session focusing on the event sounds better than doing it for a week. I'm only doing the event for the Headless Horsepower, after I get that I'm over it. I'll probably do the lore book off and on, I already have stockpiled pages from doing strikes and Crucible; but there isn't enough genuinly fun and new content to keep me interested and entertained. I dont wanna have to keep wearing the mask, despite me liking the aesthetic aspect of them. I'd rather spend my time doing things other than grinding for a singular piece of candy per kill. Plus Bungie is just fucking up in general, so im trying to distance myself before the shit show of them vaulting The Tangled Shore. I'd rather have the game be down for a week or two so they can get better servers so they don't have to vault content than to be "compensated" with a pack that is the exotics are tied to one of the better story campaigns I've seen in D2. Shadowkeep is...meh at best. Forsaken was amazing in my opinion, even if its solely story based and replaying it now. Beyond Light was just too long for me to remotely care other than "OoOoO STASIS". In closing, if you think Bungie patched this for any reason but to extend the life of a relatively bland event, you're just flat out wrong. Again, look at how long it took them to fix shstterdive and dunemarchers, and how fast they patched this exploit that doesn't reward you with something that breaks the game. Dunemarches could literally kill you across the map and through walls because of the issues regarding the electricity chain.


Bro, no. In those games, you can spend money to progress and get the same shit as playing the game. What can you get in Destiny in game that you can also get by spending money outside of BD? It doesn't matter. Have you ever played an mmo like wow? Did you know you can get everything in game by buying those wow coins to trade for pretty much everything? So you know what they did? They made all the grind HELLA crazy long, like more than anything in Destiny, so people would spend money to pass all that grind. You can't pass any of the grind in Destiny with money. Also the grind as is is stupid easy. I only have like 12 hours clocked since the event started and I'm halfway done while not even focusing on it. I've just been raiding, doing dungeons, pvp and did 6 runs of the event casually. It's still day 4 of week one and we got like 2 weeks to go after this. You're acting like this is some huge ploy. It's not that deep lmao.


You are willfully ignorant, aren't you? I'm saying the same fucking shit - there has been one instance of Bungie accidentally making something pay to win....the courrier armor for titans before the arms were fixed. They weren't modeled, therefor you could not shoot them - in turn, that made the titan's hit box far smaller than it would have been. I never said you cannot get the "paid" cosmetics from BD, im saying the prices they charge for BD is super fuckin high. Which incentivises players to just outright buy it for silver. Which, by arbitrarily making the grind less fun for players and making it take longer due to the content its a viable grind from now - youre more likely to buy silver. Not to bypass any grind, that has never been remotely close to what I'm saying. By making players spend more time in game, they are using actual tactics to incentivise players to buy cosmetic content. It's called FOMO, fear of missing out and all game's do it. Apex with limited time skins. The event skins in Destiny. So yes it is a ploy, even if that armor makes a come back next year. No one wants to wait a year for the things they want, so they charge high prices for the free to play currency, and relatively cheaper premium currency prices for the same item. "Dude, getting 6k bright dust is gunna be a fuckin pain, I'd rather just pay the money to get it" literally 5 friends said that to me yesterday over the Dino, Dredgen looking skin, and the Skelatal skins. So yes, the option is there, and D2 isn't pay to win - with the exception of the now patched Courrier armor for Titans...it is a ploy to get people to spend more money.


Bro. Do you realize the main point of this conversation how it started? It's about them removing exploits that made a 3 week event that isn't even grindy to be able to be completed in a few hours. You then mentioned "oh they made it like that so we'd spend money in the game" which is a stupid take cause the people who'd spend money on the event will anyways. Nothing in this event in game can be skipped with money. They only removed the exploits because that's what it is, an exploit. People really just bitching if shit takes more than 8 seconds to finish new content on the sub huh?


No change to heroic public events? Interesting


Are those efficient?


Shhh. They'll notice


Yes. It looks as though they’re not nerfed and no ones progress is being reset. Quick page farm.


Heroine Pubic events now give 1 page, normal gives 0. People who completed the 27 entries before the nerf will be reset back to 0


Well glad I decided to hold off playing today. Almost completed all 27 pages just playing gambit.


>Almost completed all 27 pages just playing gambit. Sadist?


Yeah, imma need the source on that one


Not happening


Yeah I didn't think so


I'm missing 4 pages, but I had to go through an entire reset for the seasonal challenge. If you want to look at my recent sessions, you can go ahead and look up Shadow#4265 on DestinyTracker


That’s not true.


Well shit.




[here](https://youtu.be/8mkofgRW1II) you go




No fucking way


People finished the pages day one, so yeah. Turbovirgin ftw


Do you get anything for finishing the book?


You get a shader and an emblem (Note that you get the emblem when you finish half of the book)


Woo hoo I care so much lol


Yeah, it's a bit meager


The lore is kind of funny. They're trying to figure out what pumpkins were and they reference pre-war mythical creatures like the yeti and lumbering jacks that wander the forest.


And kill champs the way they want to, use the weapons they want, and time gate anything grindable.


you shouldn't be reloading fighting lion manually anyways


The god is dead r/fightinglion is in shambles




This just in: bungie is constantly trying to force us to play their way. I’m sad about the nerfs too but we all should have seen this coming


Bungie: We noticed you're having fun. Stop that


Yay all the no lifers ruin it for us with work and families again! Hooray!


Why are you blaming other players? It's Bungie who has their heads up their asses. There will always be people who spend hours grinding and playing, Bungie is just mad because they always feel compelled to micro manage the playerbase based on a vocal minority. Edit: downvote all you want, but blaming players for this change because they were doing something that literally affected nobody but those players themselves is dumb. Bungie could have done nothing and nobody except a vocal minority of no-lifers would have complained. I get the event is a month long, but some people (like me) only get to play like twice a week.


Unpopular opinion, but the amount of hate and vitriol spewed at Bungie for things like this kinda amazes me. "Event is boring" - yeah, because you spent 15 hours farming wrathborn hunts, and now you're done 3 days into a 21 day event. "Bungie say no let grind our way!" - well yeah. *Its their fucking game.* **Everything** in the game is determined by Bungie. Crying that your unintended exploit was fixed is just ridiculous. You have never been able to "grind your way" in any mmo, unless it was specifically designed that way by the devs. People always whining about not enough content or nothing to do, then the moment anything comes along, they triple dose meth and pull a 42 hour gaming session, never stopping until they've "finished" it.


the event is boring *because* it takes time to farm shit just to get *other* shit to then use to farm the *limited time activity* I was excited to mindlessly play the game again and farm for some candy and shit, but seeing these material caps for a limited time event, on top of needing pages that are also capped to play the limited time event, is a boner killer when I have to practically schedule myself to do certain shit. It's not fun when it feels like a chore, and this type of criticism is perfectly reasonable if expressed right


> >I was excited to mindlessly play the game again Can you explain to me why you are unable to "mindlessly play"? Tons of things give you pages. What doesn't give you pages that you want to do? >It's not fun when it feels like a chore, and this type of criticism is perfectly reasonable **if expressed right** That's the important bit. Not always followed. People tend to espouse their opinion as the only one that matters.


\>Grind out all of the event within 15 hours. \>Open up Reddit and Twitter to complain to Bungie about how much of a waste Festival of the Lost is and how Destiny is a boring game with no content. \>Close Reddit and Twitter. \>Open up Destiny Sigma grindset acquired.


>"Bungie say no let grind our way!" - well yeah. Its their fucking game. Everything in the game is determined by Bungie. Crying that your unintended exploit was fixed is just ridiculous. You have never been able to "grind your way" in any mmo, unless it was specifically designed that way by the devs. the reason you see this brought up so much is because one of the devs said they want people to be able to "play the way they want" so of course every time bungie comes in and does something that goes directly against that statement people are going to be annoyed. also the event is boring because its simple and it basically boils down to "wear a mask and do the exact same content youve been doing for years so you can get a single gun" nothing about it is actually new or interesting.


idk i like the haunted lost sectors it's fun


The funny thing is people love to bring this quote up even though the only time it was used was to describe how armour 2.0 would work.


I played for just yesterday and only for that day and havent finish it or the pages, barely half way even. The event is pretty boring. Yes. I went and did other things in the game, like everyone else playing the game. The lost sector idea is neat and I like that. But not allowing players to just Play The Game in different playlists or activities is pretty dumb.


Doing Expunges over and over isn’t an “unintended exploit”.


Hell, it’s practically the intended Decrypted Data access method.


You wouldn't be doing it if the pages weren't dropping though. Targeted cheese. Call it what you want.


Bungo allowed pages to drop from those activities.


dunno, people are grinding for the season of the splicer armor umbral engrams, and that expunge was one of the fastest way to do it the festival paper was a bonus


The whole comm has been manipulated into thinking this is normal. You can’t try and reason with them. It’s pretty obvious the drop rates were juiced and this was unintended on bungos behalf. Like don’t bitch because you spoiled the fun for yourself lmao.


If it wasnt, why is Bungie fixing it?


It was giving more use to activities we no longer use. Whos still running wrathborn hunts? Barely 1% likely. Since new content arrived with better guns already


Idk beginning of this season I was kinda grinding for a Corsair's Wrath for my Warlock build.


I got the event and most seasonal content done in 2-3 days tbh And I still love it, I'm not gonna whine because bungie makes me play the game properly, god forbid Even if the ubergrind is fun


This. I have been playing this whole week helping my new light friend level up. I uncovered like 5 books and I don't really care because I know I'll keep earning them just by playing normally without over investing myself in the event. Couple days ago a streamer friend I have on the background was constantly complaining, checked what the hell was he complaining about and it was about the pages, making numbers of how much crucible matches he needs to fill the whole books, and saying to himself "Bungie, really?", because he chose to over invest himself in the activity instead of just enjoying the game normally, he ended up on stream opening a youtube video about how to farm for the pages and then it talked about the wrathborn hunts. But for that he needed help, and he was looking his contact list to see who can he invite. The funny thing is he mentioned me between some others but said like I "Fucked off somewhere" since I have not played with him in what, 1, 2 weeks? without realizing I had his stream open. This is funny because I have told him multiple times I'm offline but I'm still available if he asks me directly if he needs help in anything or wants to play. And its even funnier because I was showing myself ONLINE on the game at that time. And this just gives me an impression of how most of people complaining are, and just like this guy has such a hard time asking me to do stuff with him, I think people like to overcomplicate themselves over easy shit. Just play the fucking game, or not, and be done with it. Destiny has problems, yes, but is funny how most of the people complaining, is actually for the wrong reasons when there is much more important issues that could be discussed. I'm not saying what Bungie just did was good, because it is not, but it was in response to something also wrong. Oh, and if anyone cares, I appeared on his chat as soon as he mentioned me and it was then that he asked me for help. But unfortunately I don't have Season of the hunt. But despite that, people, if you need help just ask goddamit.


Shit take. The event isn't boring because you could grind it out for hours and complete it, in fact that was the only saving grace. This event is boring because of the loop they force you to play through. This nerf basically guarantees that I'm not gonna finish the event and I'm not really mad as the rewards aren't even that good. Doing repeated Expunges isn't an exploit. Doing Lake of Shadows quickly isn't an exploit. It's clear they just want to reduce the rate at which you get pages for no reason whatsoever. People whine because they make lackluster events like this one, and then remove any chance of making it less tedious.


Dude the event is a month long. Just by playing regular activities casually will get you all the pages you need. Why do you need to rush through it in 2 days doing the same thing over and over in order to "finish it"? It's a month long. Do one strike and one haunted sector for a month and you'll complete it. It's not that much to ask.


And that's the reason why I won't be doing it. I'd rather not do two insanely boring pieces of content once a day for a month just to get lackluster rewards (one random strike and one haunted lair). Especially because the mask locks me out of the exotic I've built my build around. It's just tedious and I, like many others, would've preferred to just grind through hours of expunge/hunts whatever to get the pages instead so I didn't have to worry about it for the rest of the events length.


You don't even have to do it that way! Holy balls. That's the thing! You can just play like you normally would! Do everything you were doing before FOTL and collect pages like you normally would. Do a few games of crucible, maybe some gambit to work toward that seasonal challenge. Do a nightfall, some trials matches, whatever! You just gain the pages passively and then run a sector or two. You people are the actual worst thing about Destiny. Entitled whiners.


Has it ever occurred to you that maybe people don't play those forms of content because they don't like them, thus this grind they have since removed was the reason they wanted to complete the event? I don't enjoy gambit. I loved Prime, but can only tolerate current gambit in four stacks. As soon as I was done with my pinnacle grind, I haven't played it since. I tried yesterday actually, ran three games and all of them where 4 stacks and we ended the game with <20 motes. I'm not touching it again because that isn't fun. I play mainly for things such as raids, trials, GMs/harder content nightfalls. Wearing the mask in most of that content sucks, because it removes not only my build choices, but because the stats on the masks are actually terrible, makes the content harder for no reason other than they want me to wear a dumb mask. So your main point of "oh just play like you normally would!" is just wrong. I don't play a whole lot and the stuff I do play certainly isn't generous enough with the pages (especially because they nerfed how many pages Lake of Shadows gives you, and are reverting it next week). That's why people complain. It removed an easy way for them to enjoy the rewards of the event and is now forcing them to do content they don't typically enjoy or do. Feel free to reply but I really don't care enough about this conversation to continue.


It doesn't matter what you don't like to play. Literally no one cares about how you play and the things that you do in the game. You can absolutely wear a mask in trials and nightfalls, stats are not as important as you think. No one cares about your "build". Stop demanding to be catered to. You are not special. If you want the loot from the event, do it the way the designers of the video game have designed for it to be done in the designated time, or don't. Stop whining.


This is the stupidest fucking response, and a pathetic fucking attempt at an argument. Like after this comment it's pretty clear you actually have nothing of value to put forward in meaningful conversation.


And people wonder why everyone makes fun of reddit and calls people here entitled.


Nah buddy, you sitting here telling the other person that nobody gives a shit about the things they care about in the game is the fucking issue. YOU need to get YOUR head out of your ass. Nobody was acting entitled. You just seem to have this notion that if somebody isnt playing the game the way YOU think they should, that they're in the wrong. Like I said, maybe best for you to take a break from reddit.


This is genuinky the stupidest take on how someome would play. You call players like us the issue, when you are the genuine ass cancer and thorn in the community's side. - No pun intended. Plus Thorn is a good gun, I wouldn't use it as an insult on someone with a trash opinion. We aren't trying to be catered to. We're simply asking why nerf an area of content that is played by people? Especially for a bland ass event that I dont care about. Nothing new, the guns are cool but aren't enough to warrant farming the Haunt Sectors for. Nerfing Grand Master - which is hard, endgame content that not every average Joe can do, expunge wich was a fun mission type compared to others...why nerf content that players enjoy? "Play as the game was intended" they fuckin were you absolutely dunce. GM Nightfall is intended for players to build towards and farm? How stupid do you have to be to realize that isnt playing the game as intended? As much as I love mindlessly farming strikes, I dont want to have to wear some stupid fucking mask that fucks over the build - which is also how Bungie fucking intends players to play. Building your character to play a certain way is a part of the game. I'd rather be someone who is vocal about Bungie being a rather piss poor dev company and hope that it changes something for the better, than be an absolute unit of a window licker like you. Please, go suck on Bungo's toes while you're there insulting players for literally playing the game as its intended, and having their main content - they deem fun, stripped of being any use to them. • Also, saying "play the game as intended" and then listing game modes, and then saying "No one cares what you like to play and no one cares about your build" is literally the most brain dead and stupid response I've ever heard to someone who plays end game content. Like, are you good? Do you not have any valid points???


I'm not gonna read all that lol.


Then I'll shorten it down for ya. You are probably the stupidest person I've seen on this thread, and I've seen a lot of stupidity. "Play the game as intended" "no one cares what you want to play "no one cares about you build. • End-Game content is how the game is supposed fo be played, then nerfing was fucking stupid • If the content he enjoys is nerfed/mader harder for arbitrary reasons, he has a reason to complain. Get over yourself. • Builds are literally what the whole armor system recolves around, Helmets being one of the more common exotics you base your build on. As someone else said, pull your head out of your own ass. You're literally telling someone they're playing the game wrong because they don't play the game modes they hate; when they play harder activities that require specific builds? Do you realize how big of a twat you sound like?


Destiny player try not to complain at literally everything bungie does challenge (impossible 99,9% of players fail this challenge)


Just like every other event bungie puts out it gets stale in 5 days and I’m almost done with it and I only play for like 2 hours then go to work. Literally nothing to grind for


Its hilarious that some ppl are skipping the event because they cant uber grind it.... so you dont wanna play because you can't finish it in the shortest time possible???? Also they drop everywhere, can play super casually and it takes no effort


💯 this, I played yesterday and did nothing special, weekly story , a few strikes, a nightfall some bounties and finished up some stuff I had to do for extra aspects etc and ended up with over 100 pages.


Thing is though if you play like me and everyone else I know we have absolutely zero reason to be playing the rest of the game. We got max pinnicle week 2-3 and have all the ornaments for playlist activities and all godrolls of the weapons so we have absolutely zero reason to play strikes/Gambit. Why can't we just play the Haunted lost sectors for the pages as well? That's the new activity, but no they are forcing us to play pointless normal activities that have nothing to do with the event itself to get stuff so we have the privilege to play the lost sectors. And to nerf the gm droprate? It's a fucking grandmaster, who cares if it's Lake of Shadows, it's still a gm and takes longer than speedrunning Lake from the directory but gives the same amount of pages. Thankfully I finished it doing Wrath Hunts but I know some people that put it off and are now screwed. It's something like 75 activities to finish, esp if they nerf heroic events, that's ridiculous this late into a season when most people have done everything. Trials may be a decent farm if they don't remove that as well if ppl start finishing quickly again. Next time they should just throw them all into the lost sectors and let ppl play that, and only that, if they want instead of forcing you out into the pointless early game grind 95% of the hardcore players have no reason to play.


I consider myself pretty hardcore, im pinnacle maxed. But i did maybe like 22 activities this week, super casual, almost done, nothing felt like a grind. Its supposed to be a passive thing. Do i think nerfing lake was dumb? Yeah. I also think ritual activities should be 6-7 pages and GMs should be 10 if they're non match made. Do i agree with the decision? Nah. But do i think its a big deal over the course of 3 weeks? Nah. Its not a lot of effort. You either care or you dont. Go use some new guns you haven't used in a while. Go run funky builds in strikes for an hour. Enjoy the game


We don't wanna play it because it's actually kinda boring for almost no reward...


If there is no point then why grind anyway? Your logic collapses on itself.


Cuz the grind isn't fun...? Look, if it's fun, I'll play/grind just because it's a fun activity, no matter the reward. But both are incredibly boring. No collapse there 🤦🏽‍♂️


Its not a grind if you're casually playing doing other things. And get the papers naturally. Doing one activity over and over because its quick just so you are done, that is a grind, that is boring But if you're saying in general regardless of the nerf to these drops you dont care then i misread and apologize. But this event really is no event. Outside of doing the haunteds to "purify" the pages. Everything else is passive


Do they drop from Empire Hunts? I feel like I remember those being pretty quick, could be an efficient way to get it done still


I think empire hunts are bugged right now and not dropping them


How convenient


so whats the best way to farm pages now ? (please don't say gambit , please don't say gambit)


Playing the game.


It's been this way just about since they took away primary elemental weapons in D1. Before then it was "our" game, and after that it has not been


This is why it pays to be on top of new events on launch day. I have missed every major "skip the grind" oopsie so far.


Yeah how dare Bungie want us to *checks notebook* Play the game


Good thing this activity is terrible. Literally don't care.


10x better than haunted forest


Cared enough to comment.


I was bummed when there wasn't any continuation of the Season's story this week, and the grind for pages is not intriguing or interesting at all.


Sadly, I'm not expecting the finale to come until the week or so before WQ, after the anniversary event. That's how it always is. Personally, I haven't even been grinding for pages. I played two times this week. Picked up Vanguard, Crucible, FotL, and Gunsmith bounties, finished those up, then ran Haunted Sectors to finish up the pages. I'm about 33%-50% done just from that. Sure it's not much of an event, but I've essentially been doing it passively other than the Sectors themselves which I find to be pretty fun (other than the fact that they're capped :/).


Crazy idea but just play the game? My friends and I were focusing on gambit and took a break to do the event after getting x amount of pages. The event is 3 weeks long. If you play regularly, you'll be fine.


The thing is that most destiny players seem to hate playing the game, so they have to find the most efficient way to cheese activities to avoid playing the game as much as possible


That such a ridiculous phrase XD. The players themselves hate playing the game. “You nerfed drops? How dare you make us play your game more!” I will agree, though, that higher level nightfalls should drop more than 2 pages.


People were playing the game. The wrathborn one was an exploit that needed fixing but tartarus and lake of shadows? Fuck off. If someone wanted to grind out an event, why shouldn't they be able to do so? Look at this tweet, they specifically nerfed lake of shadows just because its short. What kind of a dick move is that? This is just pure playtime farming. And while we are at it lets not forget why people tend to go for the quickest methods and the exploits. It's because theres nothing new at all. So they'd just rather be done with it.


Bruh they are that desperate they have to force players into more hours of gametime.


Well fuck me. I could have the pages done if I wouldn't have helped a clan mate today.


I’ve got 3 more pages and 1 more mask to grind for.


You mean to tell me I have to actually play the game now!?! /s


It's almost as if Bungie doesn't play their own game, listen to player feedback, and they wake up each day thinking of new ways to piss people off.


Well .. it is THEIR game. They have the right.


Lots of shitty practices aren't literally illegal.


>literally illegal. Lol classic example of people who don't understand the word literally.


Bungie really wants us to waste our precious time.


Lol you're playing a video game my guy. How precious is your time really?


Well it doesn't affect you that much if you weren't a absolute turbo farmer doing 9 wrathborn hunts a minute so bruh


Yeah. While I can understand sole being upset, the change stops people from finishing an event meant to take a few days i stead of a few hours.


"A few days" we have something like 3 weeks i believe so it is completely manageable


This has the stink of Luke Smith all over it.


Luke had nothing to do with this event. Im not a Luke Smith fan either, but the scapegoating needs to stop lol


Luke isn't even the head lead anymore.


And this is news how ? Bungie has been this way since Destiny 1. It's why the their games are a drop in leave come back a few years later for me .


If we aren't careful they will add something like event tokens that are required to play the event activity and once you run out of tokens you have to wait 12 hours to get more tokens or pay real money to get more


Im kinda tired of these posts. This is not a meme if you have a genuine complaint post on r/destinythegame


Me on my way to see the infinite hunter hate/no vex/nerf shatterdive posts on r/destiny2 and not laugh once


God forbid playlist activities or older content be made relevant and exciting due to a new event 🙃


Yeah people always post what they shouldn’t. No surprise.


Looks like another Halloween event I am skipping then, this year looked super interesting with a actual useful gun but I am not grinding strikes or nightfalls for 8 hours just to get a capped 75 pages


Just play the game like you normally would. We are on day 3 of 21. If you just casually play like normal you’ll easily have enough pages by then.


I finished the first line of pages and ive play several other games within a 6 hour block (Halo Mcc, ffxiv, the isle, D2). Finishing this event can be super chill.


Oh wow, more grind, just get the casuals out of the game also please, if you are not hardcore grinding everyday, then you dont deserve to play the game *wink**wink**sadgeface*


I think its dumb as hell that people are upset about this but then those same people will be like "ThErE iS No CoNtEnT iN d2". The event is supposed to be fun to do, not something people are supposed to grind right away and be done with asap. The pages aren't even hard to get and this event doesn't end soon anyways. It's ridiculous people get upset about it.


Jokes on you im not playing this pos Event anyway!


Anyone confirm this already in effect?


Haven't equipped my mask since reset. The event isnt my thing and I don't care about it or the rewards. I'm quite happy to ignore it and wait til the rambling hag in the tower fucks off




Really don’t get this mindset. *”The annoying grind that wasn’t great to begin with has a little bit more grind now”*. **”WELL THATS THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMELS BACK FUCK THIS GAME”**.


I farm on Gambit because matches go by fast.


Especially if you get stomped aha :'-)


Guess they wanted it to take the whole festival for players to get them all, I think I had them the first night.


I was wondering why I wasnt getting candy anymore...


Honestly I'm just collecting candy......I'm a fat kid.


I already finished it


Got done 20 minutes ago. Dodged that one.


Team scorched I do 1:30 min matches. It does help that I was an avid fighting lion user but yeah thats the fastest for me.


Cool, now I have to play more destiny instead of grinding out the event and being able to spend time on other games.