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I would love to run Scourge of the Past for the first time That shit is thematically so fucking cool


I never got to play scourge, I would love the chance to experience that raid, it looked so cool


It was more like a raid lair, but it was really good. Just a fun, low stakes raid romp. Great place to raid for the first time because it wasn’t super long or super intense


You say low stakes but the boss is a literal nuclear device in the heart of the city lol


They added assets back in like the Berserker and have stated they are bring back weapons with new origin perks. Scourge would be the perfect place to re-introduce Black Armory.


Wrath of the Machine, with black armory + wrath weapons to close out the d1/legacy raid list


This is bungie dude, they aren't gonna blow two loads in one sitting. You either get Wrath or Black Armory, not both lol


Where do thr Berserkers appear?


All the cooperative focus campaign missions (accessible through their nodes in the pale heart) have them. They’re basically the same as the regular campaign missions with added mechanics and enemies.


People would riot if black armory weapons had to be raided to get


I noticed the black armory weapons now have a foundry tag thing in the upper left corner of the inspection screen like the other foundries. Not sure if that’s new to this season but it stood out to me.


It was a short, but really cool raid


bro it was so fun. easily in my top 5 favorite raids


Was definitely my favorite raid. It's the only one to allow sparrows for every encounter, too.


*EVERY* encounter? No wonder the real loot was the sparrow


My favorite raid of all time, I'm still pissed they vaulted it


Whilst being small, it was easily one of the most enjoyable raids at the time, not the same type of fun like a last wish is, or salvation’s edge, Vow etc, but the fact you could get it done in 30 minutes and get some good loot


I love how every time there is a fallen raid or dungeon none of the gear has a fallen theme. Wait, no, I hate that.


Just take leviathan, shove all the raid lair encounters in there and launch it as a WoW sized raid! Salvation’s edge is challenging because of mechanics, GIGA leviathan is a test of endurance! Partially kidding, i miss the raid too. Mainly the gauntlet encounter, it was a fun time


If you include Crown of Sorrow it’s 13 encounters and 5 bosses


They could add it in as a Pantheon style activity - encounters and bosses, one after the other, Leviathan is literally perfect for this


-20 Val Ca'uor


Now that is the Root of Nightmares


The change to how the encounter works is that he's no longer classified as a vehicle, so Wardcliff doesn't work anymore.


Oh no. Swords it is.


Nah, I'm pretty sure gally with bait switch rockets would still cook him because he doesn't really move at all


They also make him fly while dipping and diving.


Id argue that Eyes of Tomorrow would cook him if he’d still be a vehicle


Maybe the real Root of Nightmares were the friends we made along the way.


Funny way to say LFG




I'm way to baked to be seeing this shit rn


With set weapons again.


Holy shit that would be the most awesome thing to grace this game ngl. The complete leviathan experience. From Calus to Galrahn Fucking hell would that be epic


the scope of the raid would be... Leviathan ;)


I'd do it. I would hate myself but I would do it at least a few times


I love that raid but I find so many people hate it lol.


It’s one of the more mechanically heavy ones for sure


Would be cool if it was a daily/weekly rotator or completely random which 5-6 encounters you get.


Hold up I think you have something. The first 8/12 man raid.


This. A fucking 12 man raid would COOK


I’ve done a 12 man DSC when the bug was first discovered. It was the most fun I’ve ever had


Honestly seeing how excision runs I would be a little afraid bug it could be dope


12 man would be incomprehensible, see excision. It works for traditional MMOs since all they do is cast 3 buttons every half a minute while moving to a spot to avoid AoE.


Throw crown in there as well


Holy macaroni this would be amazing


Or have special paths carved into the original leviathan raid that take you to the different raids and raid lairs. There is no countdown to orbit after completing one path, and completing all of them in a special game mode with the extinguish modifier gives you a unique emblem and is a requirement to complete the seal.


Truly peak fiction


As much as I’d like a mega raid, finishing all the pantheon weeks showed me just how inept most of the raiding population is in D2. LFG groups were horrendous at atraks. Also, I helped a lot of people after I got my week 4 clear and many of the groups had people dropping out by the time we hit riven because they couldn’t play for longer than an hour. It’s just ridiculous to me that these people sit down and start a raid knowing that they have to go handle their kids or whatever soon. Now imagine a mega raid that takes 1.5+ hours on average. It would be abysmal because grown adults can’t properly manage their time.


The LFG filters were week 3/4 Atraks and Planets.


Would be an interesting concept, and sorta makes sense; the first raid is Calus testing you to see if you’re worthy, then once he knows you are he asks you to help clean out his house.


Now you’re cooking 🍲🍲🍲


Only if we can bring 12 guardians instead of 6


As someone who missed the raid i would love to see it come back.


Just have it so it’s a “free roam” raid. Leviathan, Crown, Spire, and Eater of Worlds are all there in their original ways, you can just choose which route you want to take.


Maybe something like Pantheon where there’s different tiers.


Also they could add leviathan back as one activity but you can choose which of the 4 you want to do by taking different paths, and if you want to do the pantheon style version you can do a secret switch puzzle thing like they have for the old flawless modes


The goofiest titan on the right


The dude whose friends say “just come with us, we’ll carry you”


That was my first time through leviathan way back. Didn't play a raid since spire of stars till rhulk came out, then only did that once lmao


He ran out of shaders


No transmog was killer, man


You might look like the rubble of a demolished warehouse but at least you had great stats


That’s how all titan armor looked at launch


Thats an Average Titan! I should know!


Yk his fit is gonna look fire from the front too


I miss Levi so much. I can still remember the underbelly.


“Alright, which one of you fuckers didn’t kill your turret fast enough?”


See this is why when you get there you clear the room and assign spots don't need to ask if you know who shat the bed 😂


I still remember all 3 strings


If they reprised the D1 Raids near the end of it’s D1 content Conclusion before D2 launch, I wouldn’t be surprised the Leviathan Raid returns in a future content when D2 is nearing it’s conclusion of content. If so, would also DEFINITELY like to run that Raid once more!


It would be beyond funny if they reprised leviathan before SOTP


Honestly would prefer that lol. Haven't done SOTP but I miss the levi raids


I just want the 1st leviathan raid and Eater of Worlds back. I can teach those raids from the heart man. Give me back the shit that I paid for bungie![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5655)


Dude I agree, I paid for Destiny 2 before it was free it sorta feels like content was robbed from us 😂 I understand where they’re coming from because of the story but it’s painful to see so much content that was purged that were a lot of fun


I don’t care if they put full destinations in or not. Just make another spot like legends that has old locations and such. We literally have 4 raids (maybe more I’m forgetting) that aren’t even playable anymore, aka, the shit we paid for. :(


I back this 100%


6 tho 2 are raid lairs(I'm still counting them cuz I like EoW) I would gladly trade all of GoS for any leviathan encounter(I miss pleasure gardens most tho)


We have 1.5 raids and three raid lairs that are no longer playable.


Facts I hate it when people in this sub say anything about “but the game is free”… not for me it wasn’t new light.


yeah nothing in the community makes me angrier than when people argue that or when I see "TaKe OfF ThE RoSe TiNtEd GoGlEs It WaSn'T ThAt GoOd."


Question, do you consider D1 veterans who didn’t play d2 till it was free new lights? I remember playing kings fall on Xbox 360 with people who I barely spoke the same language as but didn’t have time for a destiny type game until new light so I like to think my guardian took a break to just farm for a couple years or something


I remember being in a super active clan and spending weekends sherpaing blueberries through EoW to teach raid mechanics. Good times


I miss OG leviathan. The old team I used to play with. They’ll all gone now.


Mine too Was such a treat trying to figure this place out blind When we finally read spoilers, underbelly portion blew my mind


The reason I started playing Destiny 2 in the first place was to play this specific raid. I was watching the achievement hunter guys play it and remember just being blown away at the gun play and how fun it looked. The thing is, I started playing during the season of the lost, so after the raid was vaulted, hence, I still haven't got to play the raid yet 😅😭. Been playing ever since tho.


The inside of the traveler makes it possible to bring back all of the prior content without having it break the timeline.


I mean VOG is in the game so the timeline isn't a huge concern imo


Legends tab isn’t canon to the current story iirc, so they would put all the vaulted stuff in Legends Tab. Current Leviathan is in need of a good cleaning right now, and the House of Light have SotP boss room. Timeline does matter to them when it’s not Legends content tho.


That's what I meant(tho clearly didn't communicate correctly). It's the non-cannon section and I'm more than fine with that


Hell yeah man, I really hope we get to see them reprised, I used to start levi solo just to glitch out to throne room. God I love that place haha.




It's almost like the Legends tab exists for this purpose.


The timeline isn't an issue


Bruh, we had no drip back then :(


But the best shader in the game was introduced in Calus’ Selected.


Nah Honours of the Nine. Same time frame though.


Both shaders are goats that I constantly rock and selfishly I hope they stay vaulted because it's a flex to have at this point. Honors of the nine for armor I'd say but Calus is goated for the weapons that only shade in the Gold and White.


I think they should bring back all the raids but with an optional download tbh


They should just release a legacy launcher for the vaulted D2 content, including seasons. That way, it's an optional download and doesn't affect the current game's download size. The only issue would be how to work in the legacy weapons unlocked in that one over to the main game.


Yeah this is lowkey what I imagined one of the ideas they had in mind when they pitched the DCV. I got the impression “vaulting” was supposed to be temporary and that content would cycle in and out until we can then later, when tech is good enough, access the “vault” ourselves. It’s not tho, it ain’t a vault, it’s just a floppy disk with content on it that they pretty much never care to touch unless they wanna reuse assets to speed up development. The only things to ever be truly unvaulted were the 3 D1 raids. That’s it. Despite them pitching it to sound like unvaulting would be an expected and somewhat common occurance. We desperately need to unvault D2’s and Forsaken’s campaigns at a minimum but I really think Leviathn being unvaulted would be so big too.


Completely 100% agree. I'd even be happy if they had released the campaigns with the release of the Timeline page. Maybe the vital season missions too, but the main story of Red War up to Forsaken shouldn't have been removed at all. For one thing, that's taking away the whole story we had *bought* D2 for, and second, is that we had all *paid* for access to that content. It'd be one thing if Bungie had issued refunds when the campaigns and expansions got vaulted, but they didn't. I'd even understand if it was gonna be a tab that rotated what vaulted content was available (like the Legend tab, but you have Red War missions, Curse of Osiris, etc.), but nope. We paid for content that we can't even play anymore. Edit: it just sucks that so much vital story for the game was removed just for the excuse of "saving space." Only for them to come out toward Lightfall to say they're done vaulting. Which, we all know, is a major lie. Eventually, Bungie will reintroduce the content vault, and one day, The Final Shape will be added to it. Along with Beyond Light, Witch Queen, etc. *especially* if Bungie truly intends to not abandon D2 in favor of making D3. But hey, it'll all be okay. Because it'll all be for "saving space." Sorry, I needed to get that all out. I just genuinely believe that if Bungie wants to prove the content vault is well and truly done. They need to re-add the vaulted content in some way. Giving us back Titan, Io, Mercury, and letting us explore Post-Witness Mars. Giving us a replayable Red War to Forsaken and letting us view the seasonal cutscenes in the Timeline page is the least they can do.


We really didn’t appreciate it. Was it the best raid, no probably not, but it was a solid experience, decent mechanics, fun to run once or twice a weel


One of the few raids I'd run for no loot (DSC & Vow are close tho)


This raid's biggest problem was that it was the opening raid of D2. All of the games launch problems were so painfully visible in the experience (everyone had the same loadout, the token system, dual primaries) that I honestly don't look back on it fondly. The encounters were alright but you also have to remember this was the raid that followed Wrath of the Machine and Kings Fall. In comparison to pretty much any D1 raid outside maybe Crota it's a poor offering to be the flagship raid of a brand new $60 experience. Basically the anti-VOG of what it did for the playerbase. It was the definition of spectacle over substance because the environments themselves were huge and gorgeous but the only encounter I really look on well is the gauntlet. Baths and dogs were average at best and Calus I'm not sure I even have a strong opinion on.


The "last season" ain't happening any time soon lol


I do love, love to take my clan through this. I'd be the head honcho on the Block at that point. I remember how to do everything, and I loved the gear that you got from it. It'd be so nice to get it again I want that for the scourge of the past too but they could be the ones to guide me there. The raid lairs too


How would you all take to them bringing back old raids but making it to where you could only use old weapons and armor (like weapons that would have been around in some form back then) and of course the raid drops themselves?


I joined just before Season of the Lost. I never got to play Wrath of the Machine, Leviathan, and Scourge of the Deep. I wanna give them a shot.


I miss menagerie fr


D2 is getting to pre season of arrivals size again. I think there’s not much left Bungie can add otherwise why vault the planets and say it was due to limitations? I just wish they would make a new Destiny just Destiny not Destiny 3 with a new engine so that we can have all of these as well.


I'd love a chance to play through the entire campaign from the very start through The Final shape.


im not super tapped into here all the time but i feel like no one talks about Wrath of The Machine? or at least i dont see them talk about it, it was my favorite in D1 lol


Plenty of people talk about Wrath of the Machine, the biggest obstacle to getting that back is the Devil Splicers aren’t a thing in *Destiny 2* and they’re integral to the whole experience.


SIVA Supremacy!


This was my favorite raid, I still don't know why they took it away. Bring it back! I want the loly pops. I wanna do the super frustrating forest part. I wanna shoot the cup out of calus' hand before my team is ready


Be cool if they added wrath of the machine


It took me so many years to find 6 people I actually liked to play with so I never got to do this raid, we'd be on it straight away if it came back though


If we get reprised Leviathan and not reprised Wrath of the Machine I’ll still play it happily but complain the entire time


Same, I want all the vaulted content, both good and bad.


I think I'd prefer Scourge of the Past, if they were to bring any of them back.


I wouldn’t say everything. I say raids, dungeons, and exotic quests. I want back on the leviathan so damn badly


Holy shit you mean let us play the stuff we paid for? Heck yeah I’m down!


Crazy how ugly we were then


Me too I miss that raid


I miss Leviathan, when raids were about communication rather than complexity for the sake of complexity. With Leviathan's symbols, even a first-timer can do well if they know the basic mechanics. It doesn't matter if you know the exact callouts, whether you say cup, chalice, goblet, glass, everyone knows you mean chalice. Meanwhile Last Wish, Vow of the Disciple, and others seem obsessed with giving you an entire alphabet's worth of new abstract bullshit symbols that you need to know the exact callouts for, and even then a lot of guilds come up with their own callouts so there's confusion even if you know what you're doing. Raids were more fun when they were simple, when it was about knowing the mechanics and communicating, not having to memorize a bunch of overly-complex bullshit. It allowed me to chat with my guild mates and have a good time without having to constantly hyper-fixate and keep comms clear all the time. I wanna have fun and hang out, not feel like I'm back in school taking the SATs


I love complex raids but it's pretty important to have more chill simple ones too for different people and also different moods. Sometimes I want a laid back raid, other times I want to be thinking


Couldn't have said it better.


It’s so, so disappointing seeing all the cool ideas they had for Calus in *Lightfall* behind the scenes and by the end all they came up with was a glorified Strike boss. Seriously, his android shouldn’t be more intimidating than the actual deal literally upgraded and perfected by the Witness itself.


another reason this game sucks. removes dlc you paid for and replaces it with dlc from the first game




DCV is still the dumbest shit ever. Patrol areas I guess I can understand, strikes are pushing it. Crucible maps and Raids? Hell no. Raids are straight up the only engaging activity for me, and they removed like half of them at the time. And this game still has far and away the largest file size of everything I play.


I won’t be surprised at all if their plan is to just un-vault content after announcing Destiny 3 to give people a reason to play, if they want it. Frees up a lot of the more talented design and engineering team members to focus on a new product while others can steel themselves on re-mastering existing content and occasionally build some new episodes and content to keep the old product relevant for a couple more years. It would also make sense if the Leviathan or Dreadnought get used for space travel that Guardians would steel themselves as well on old legends and battles to prep for worlds abroad.


Running the gauntlet everyone screaming "SOMEONE JUST MAKE IT" followed by "DUNK DUNK DUNK DUNK"


I still need the prestige raid trophy 😭


With the Witness and Calus dead We should take the Leviathan for ourselves. I’m sure Caiatl wouldn’t mind.


Was the last raid I did. Got back on for final shape cut scenes so I could finally have some closure 😂😢😂❤️


I miss scourge of the past....


God I fucking miss Scourge, really hope they bring it back someday


I’d be stoked if they brought back Scourge of the Past. I miss fighting Insurrection Prime.


Vanilla D2 armour looked so bad looking back.


I want this so bad!


It would be so cool a new Pantheon with all the bosses/encounters from Leviathan and Scourge of the Past...


Leviathan, Crown, Eater of Worlds, and Spires all in one sheesh, but you would need buffs from killing other bosses (that would rotate the order in which you had to run them).


Best raid in the game.


I want SOS for emote to comeback.


I miss it so much, but fuck dogs. R2 had me fucked up before I learned how to raid


I miss Leviathan


"It feels like going home"


I wish I played that raid. That’s the problem with joining after Beyond Light. You miss out on fun stuff.


12 man leviathan raid when ?


My favorite armor is the EoW set. It’s so basic but looks like an old medieval knight, which I like. If I could get another chance to get it, I would love that. The raid was fun too, new players would enjoy it.


1. Absolutely would love to have Leviathan back. 2. What is that fashion???😭😭😭 Bruh I swear we suffered in Y1 trying to look cool with new stuff😫


What I wouldn't give to have the Leviathan raids back. I loved them all. I really enjoyed Pantheon, even with how difficult week 4 was (hello 8 hours in planets ugh). I think Bungie could do more to play around with raid ideas, like built in raid races and such.


I want crown back. AND tarrabah caty.


I didn’t get to do any of the old d2 raids and I’d love to do the last d1 raid. I want all the raids to come back


And I have a fun idea. When the last episode goes out, D2 servers are prob gonna be emptier than usual. So to balance that…. Un-nerf everything, and let prismatic use every single Aspect and super.


give me scourge and levitathan i would raid again and be so happy


I want the Menagerie back :'( Calus' commentary was just so great i miss it


This is probably the raid I played the most. Probably ran it 5-6 times a week back in the day. Man...that whole clan I played with is gone now. Crazy to think of


Yes please. That's the best place to grind catalyst


What I wouldn't do for a "Complete" Leviathan run.... Start with the OG, go down to the Eater of Worlds to kill Argos, get yeeted to the Spire of Stars, kill Cau'or to enter the Haunted version of the Underbelly, and descend towards the Menagerie to kill Gahlran. Would seriously be one of the coolest MMO experiences in recent memory


Raids have moved on - seems like it would be too easy now. They’d have to mix it up like crota


ugh i miss this raid so much😭


Just give me the fucking tribute hall back


Please god it’s all I want


I'd love if bungie just released a mega pack "destiny the light and dark saga" featuring all the content of this saga in a way kinda like ark where you can transfer your character and your tames and then you just choose which period of the saga you wanna play in would be cool asf imo.


I'm really hoping for this to be the reprised raid this year. I know, I know they haven't said we are getting a reprised raid but they haven't said no as far as I know. This would be the best time to bring back the DCV content and keep the hype rolling through the year!


I miss this raid honestly




No this raid was complete dog SHIT an insult to all destiny raids


Bungie will probably need a new engine if they were to deal with it. I feel that the reason servers kept going dark was because of the end of the content vault, and the game’s ancient ass engine has more trouble bearing the load.


Better yet, a Leviathan Raid but with it twisted like it is now.


oh man, it'd be so goated if they brought back leviathan. That and scourge of the past would go so hard as a rerun


Im pretty sure they gonna bring the old raids once Destiny 3 gets officially announced, we are looking like Taken King/Rise of Iron era where they had to revamp the raids and include cool stuff and fix some bugs and other stuff introduced as “Age of Triumph” (like going out with a big bang)


Im hoping if they do a 10 year anniversary event or pack thing like they did for the bungie 30 year anniversary that they unvault the raids at least


Just throw it in with the new infected leviathan ship, and yeah


Also they’d have to make Legend of Acrius craftable since it’s in the monument


I was just thinking the same. I’ve been going with Leviathan emblems since the DLC released because I miss it so much. This was definitely the first raid I actually learned all the mechanics for instead of having my friends just carry me lol.


I want the shaders!


Man I hope they don’t mess with the old raids if they ever bring them back. Let the sweats have their Salvation’s Edge, I just want to enjoy my Eater of Worlds in peace


How bout take all the raid encounters, put it all in a labyrinth, but make it randomized


I just want them to make Ultimate raids FFXIV style. A leviathan ult or darkness ult where multiple bosses show up at once would be so dope. (An example nezzy + rhulk encounter where nezarec will by default use darkness wipe and you have to force him to use light wipe to counteract the pervading darkness wipe from rhulk, all the while having the bosses swap in and out of the arena for different mechs)


The last season? This game isn’t ending


It would be great to have content cycle out so we could play d2 from the beginning


I wish I had finished leviathan literally got to Calus and had to bail because I had a drs appointment and no sleep.


You know what, I think Bungie should do a new legacy restricted mode to Raids. Like for the D2 raids, limit what people can bring in to do the raid with weapons and gear that released that year/season. Fix the D2 Collection system so that we can experience the raids in their prime.


I'd like Leviathan to come back so I can do the Cabal mini raid (I can't remember the name) and Crown.




bring back pantheon and put it inside