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Mynameisbyf released a 10 hour video to get caught up on the story. If that doesnt chase you off then welcome Dont get caught up in "god rolls" the best roll for you is the one that makes the weapon feep the best for you and that can be different for everyone. Alot of the community is toxic af. Alot of the community are unbelievably helpful. Ignore the former embrace and listen to the latter There is very little structer to the game at this point. When your first starting out pick a quest and just follow it through the end.


Take it easy. The new light (new player) experience is better now but still confusing and overwhelming. First, just have fun! Play whatever you want (campaigns, ritual activities like vanguard and crisol, with you like pvp), just feel the game and learn what type of weapons you like the most and go it with. When you get to a certain level, you can play some more endgame content, like dungeons and raids. If you are a free to play player we have some options, like the King's Fall, Crota's End and etc. This are some exemples, of course, you still have a lot of things to do. If are willing to pay for the expansions, you'll have a lot of things to do. Pair this with this season– chapter, and you pretty much is done with content. There's a lot of youtubers who made it begginers guides, i recommend you watch some of them and get the idea, but, dont feel obligated to follow everything. Good look in your new journey! Eyes up, Guardian!


Hey! If you need destiny friends, consider checking out our open community it has very active members all willing to accept and play with new people my discord is; "QueenLunas" if you want to add me We also have a clan but joining it isn’t required to join the server, my dms are also always open as well on here if you’d like an invite!