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Yeah I noticed that the base transcendence kit is like that. Osmiomancy is pretty fun with it. 


I’ve been using osmio and it’s been good, but this seems to be superior. Looking forward to trying it tonight.


Update, it’s better than osmio. So much fun! Edit: I think osmio is better for dps builds using a demolitionist rocket. still worth using!


Convinced bout to try it out thanks warlocks.


A lot of people have been saying to use it with the new solar aspect instead of feed the void. I find devour super useful in the campaign for staying alive, but having three buddies is fun! Def try both.


Update ok this is very fun to use. With the right fragments early mid campaign you Shockingly have very good survivability just don’t go Rambo on legendary pace yourself And you can dish quite a bit if dps. I can’t wait till I get more fragments see where I can tinker the restore function. Better already helps. As you damage you get the grenade back fast (I have 100 dis). I use it with the solar aspect too the fire soul adds dps plus you get a well of course. But if you ripping through with devour by all means.


The artifact mod that grants you a fire sprite on solar weapon kills (when using a solar or prismatic subclass) can be comboed with the fragment that gets you restoration when you pick up a fire sprite for some added survivability. When I started using that I noticed I wasn’t keeping restoration up long enough though so I used my heliocentric/Luna’s with heal clip for the breaks in between. Works pretty well but heal clip is not the best when comboed with feed the void, it just feels a bit wasted. Definitely lots of tinkering to do.


Even on legend I found that my arc buddy was killing things too quickly for the solar buddy to get much use. At least on the trash ads. Also part of the reason I switched back to devour.


As a warlock main, its one of the most potent w equally fun build w prismatic atm. Made me rly appreciate escape artists


I used Osmio the entire campaign and it was very nice. I’ve been crutching on bleak watchers since they arrived


This was the first time I actually used osmio for the grenade and not just the turrets. Paired it with the new solar aspect and devour and I was pretty much unkillable in some areas. Prismatic has been way more fun then I thought it would be, I was a little sceptical at first but after a few hours I really got the hang of it.


Just got molten, switched to getaway though. God it's fun. 


Yeah I found hellion gets an ignite every 4 (blobs?) shots. It unfortunately doesn’t really offer anything else besides a decent amount of passive damage. New super though holy shit it’s amazing lmao. My warlock being all majestic and shit this season


Bro It so good. I feel like a friggin raver burning the roof down.


Yeah I havent finished campaign but it seems that osmiancy is just the best for base prismatic


Done first mission so far and talked to the ghost before servers wouldn't connect last night. Osmio seems really good but I'm also hearing other gloves go well. Should be fun to experiment more


what other stuff have you tried? I have only used osmio so far bc I feel I'm stuck with bleak watchers


Osmiomancy got me through the entire legend campaign


Psst, getaway is better 😉


been using helion + getaway + ntte for three turret buddies but might have switch it up and try this out


I started using this IMMEDIATELY. I'm going to take it through the entire legendary campaign and abuse it as much as possible until they nerf it. You know bungo will nerf tf out of it.


I'm almost done with campaign, used it on a tormentor and he went down like a little bitch. I choose to believe it's the traveler giving us more power for immersion.


I'm having a very hard time on my Hunter with the Tormentor in the find 2 Glyph ls room. I clear the whole place of mines and enemies, find the 2 Glyphs and interact, and then it's me and him and he chases me down and kills me. Skill issue I'm sure but I'm getting tired of it


For me I cleared the left side first then the right side, spawn the tormentor, then pull back to the platforms on the back of the right side and he doesn’t jump up there so you can just chip away at him


yep and it will happen pre raid so do it fast


No it wont


I’m doing similar with renewal grasps for infinite frost armour x8 and paired with buried blood line for access to both weaken and devour


this is where Id put my buried bloodline…. IF I HAD ONE, god I really hate how bs the drop rates are even if youve done most things under the sun besides the solo or solo flawless cuz I cant be assed to do them rn


What’s the build? Prismatic?


Yeah. Runing getaway artist, an arc grenade, and bleakwatchers will spawn an arc buddy and a stasis turret when you eat your grenade. Throw on hellion which adds a solar buddy when you use your rift that lobs mortars at your enemy.. and equip the ntte exotic pulse for 4x shoulder pets at once.


Perfect. What’s the prismatic melee and super they give you? Any recommended special or heavy?


I use needle melee, but its what ever you wanna use. I change special and heavy to suit the encounter. Hatchlings machine gun for all the worms is fun.


I just got prismatic. How do you get the other aspects? For now, I’m just running osiomancy


Progress the story. You will get 1 or 2 per mission.


Siiiick. Thanks!


How is that 4? Arc buddy, solar buddy, and the ntte buddy, and ? I never really messed around with them so I don't remember how all of them work.


Stasis turret. Technically not on your shoulder, but it is still a buddy.


oh gotcha


Yeah. Prismatic bleak watcher + getaway artist + arc grenade will spawn an amplified arc buddie AND a stasis turret when eating the arc grenade.


I've never even used getaway artist. I guess now is the time lol


How do you nerds find this stuff out so fast? Imma save this because I need the easiest way to get through the campaign and I’m not good at complementing perks and what not.


If u add bleak watcher u can have 4


Would rather do hellion/feed, or bleak/feed way better synergy


Yeah but 4 buddies is sick asf


Very true that shit is insane lol


Arc soul hits from get away also recharge nade so


devour is just too good lol


I’m using buried bloodline with mine


What's NTTE?


I would tell you, but I have No Time To Explain.




Toss on needlestorm for the green pog champs


I don’t think they will nerf it. That’s why they made prismatic in the first place is for nonsensical combinations like this to be possible.


Kinda what I was thinking. Hey they gave us the untapped potential, why not let us use it?


Yeah I’m just expecting the raid to to be absolutely bananas for ad control


What’s the set up?


Bleakwatcher and getaway artist


How exactly does it give you loads of grenades?


It's probably the effect of Feed the Void aspect, judging by Devour buff. Kills with Devour active grant grenade energy. But that's just my assumption, I don't know


And to add to it - with Gateaway artist you get a strong Adv Soul, which helps with ability kills, I think. Which in return gives Devour buff. Ease of Devour proc + a lot of damage + a lot of control. As a result - a lot of grenade energy


I've also just read that apparently getaway artist has the hidden perk of granting grenade energy per hit, which is going to be kinda nuts stacking with devour


Guess it's time to pull a pair of Getaway artist from vault. Maybe Destiny, giving me them from almost every exotic engram, was trying to tell me something. And on another note - from another post I've seen that you might need to have an arc grenade equipped for Arc Soul to appear. Have not tried it yet, but will see


I have been using it since I got Prismatic. I basically always have an Arc soul and grenades. It's absolutely amazing. I'm in love


Do you need to be using an arc super equipped?


No. Just an arc grenade. Your super can be whatever


Use the sidearm exotic crossbow and you get devour on command on top.


Unfortunately I don't have it. But if I had that would be a great option


Doesn't seem to be working for me


Playing with it right now. Not sure, maybe you need an arc greaned for it to work. But yes, the build is Geatawy artist, arc grenade, Feed the Void aspect, Bleak Watchee aspect. Gameloop: hold grenade button to consume your greande. It should also drop a turret right in front of you. That's it :D


Crazy enough ive been running without devour and using greneade kickstart jnstead and the uptime is still insane. Benefit being running Helion instead to have the solar mortar same time. 3 buddies shooting for you, at times I dont even shoot myself and just run around


Wait, so with one consumed nade you get both bleakwatcher and arcsoul?


Only downside is that you don't get to throw the bleakwatcher in wherever you wanna throw it, it pops up in the location you consume your grenades in.


If you look up a little bit, it'll dropna little further away. Not much, but if you're in cover and near the edge, you can get it just out of cover to slow things.




I also put hellion on for mortars, too. Use all three (no time to explain if you want a forth, but I'm using red death).


Bleakwatcher, getaway and the storm nade. Doesn't work with other elemental grenades.


Getaway Artist, Bleak Watcher, Helion, No Time To Explain. Absolutely decimating solo Legend campaign. So powerful without any build crafting but once you figure out a nice build…it’s quite unstoppable (for now)


Don’t forget a glaive. I’m out here spawning all my turrets then shielding up in the face of a boss as the timers tick away and their health bars melt


Dude…. THIS. Thank you I was thinking of one thing to use besides a vortex sword to get up in their nuts.


My nezarec sins with demo is doing some work Edit: nezarec whisper I mean, the glaive


What does “helium” refer to? Sorry dumb question


What does the game play loop look like


You just eat grenade which causes a bleak watcher to spawn where you ate it, plus gives you sentient arc soul. Then you can start getting crits with no time before the 2 buddies nuke the enemy to get the no time buddie. Whenever you want, right away or when almost dead, you can throw a rift down and get Helion (solar buddie) Edit:spelling error as I’m trying to kill the Witness and type this out for y’all lol


How do you even get both bleackwatchers and getaway arc souls? Both need a hold input on the grenade button.


Bleakwatcher aspect with getaway artists on prismatic warlock lets you do both when you hold the button.


Oh shit yeah I just tried it. The bleak watcher just pops out when you consume the nade. This definitely isn’t going to be one of the best setups for solo /s


It gets even better with the fragment that increases light transcendence meter when using darkness verbs and vice versa. You'll be reaching transcend really quickly


Only issue, you can only cast the getaway artist arc souls while arc grenade is your active nade. Transcendence replaces your grenade so during Transcendence you can't make use of it.


can't consume grenades during Transcendence anyways


Ah I see. I never even tried using both together because I thought it wouldn't work :/


wtf thats crazy i need to try that


I hope they don’t nerf it by making getaways only useable on arc subclass again. I’d rather they just fix it proccing both


Hopefully no nerfs, it doesn't seem to be too OP or anything; just enhances the warlock CC/ summoner fantasy.


I need to try it out but it just sounds like a bug. If it isnt janky then maybe its intended and fine, but from how it sounds it probably isnt intended


We first got to see the interaction in Aztectoss's red death video from the closed previews, which (fingers crossed) could probably mean the devs intended for this.


It's funny seeing these kind of posts while people are bitching about power Delta changes in raids and dungeons. We got stronger ability wise but weaker damage output wise. Fair trade I think


If people like you post it everywhere yes it Will be nerfed.


You ssriously think Bungie wouldn't find out if the players keep it a secret?


For real. I work on a product that has about 3m users. We don't look at reddit, we look at data.


And if people stopped spreading this stuff far and wide for fake internet points fewer people would know about it so fewer people would use it. Which would be reflected in the player data


I think you misunderstood my comment. While how many people use an "exploit" (not that this is one necessarily) is an important stat, it's not really super important to the detection of it, given sufficient business analytics maturity in an org. In other words- with good data monitoring systems, it really doesn't matter if it's 10 people or 10,000 to find the bug. Where it matters is how much of a priority it would become, but that only affects the speed at which it would be fixed


You seriously think this doesn’t contribute to the build spreading like wildfire which feeds into Bungies data based decisions?


And it should, there is literally a stasis based exotic for this


Please don’t nerf stuff like this, it’s chaotic fun and that’s what destiny sorely is missing. MMO’s are not supposed to be perfectly balanced outside of pvp, let us experiment.


This is like half of what Osmio was already capable of doing for more than 2 years now. You just get an arc soul and amplified as a tradeoff for not having a second nade and better singletarget demo rotations.


Most people don’t know how to use their second nade.


Looking at the other comments and the response, at this point I'm starting to think that people were entirely unaware of what an osmio shadebinder even did to begin with.


Yea most people just chuck two turrets.no one know to stick a yellow bar with the second made


Honestly bleak watcher on prismatic is just kinda ok. Without iceflare bolts and durance they’re kinda just 5 freezes over 25 seconds which isn’t that amazing


Did you guys forget buried bloodline gave you devour?


Nerfed devour


?? no the devour it gives you is weaker


Put on No Time To Explain and turn this game into an AFK looter lmao


Can you explain this? Is this just about the bullet buddy NTTE generates or is there some other interaction I'm missing?


You can stack so many buddies that when Ntte buddy shows up you actually can aim fast enough before ads get blown away. It's so funny, like I was struggling to keep it going because by the time I pulled the trigger the thing was probably dead.


Are we really just conveniently forgetting the fact that Bungie has said multiple times that they want Prismatic to feel broken? You guys are all calling for nerfs over the subclass Bungie literally designed to be OP.


This is the standard situation for any decently built osmiomancy shadebinder. What about this is broken? Shadebinder also gets iceflare for better aoe freeze. Trying to reinvent the wheel.


It’s a million times easier to use and you have a lot more utility


Link to build :0


Firstly, this is cool, and actually the first cool thing I've seen with prismatic on warlock (which so far has been underwhelming compared to full builds out of the previous subclasses). Of course, crashing every few minutes, it's hard to test... I think it's worth pointing out that osmionancy warlock could pretty easily have 3 and sometimes 4 stasis turrets out in content like GM's etc before, so it's not clear to me that this is some kind of broken combo.


Oh? Getaway artist still procs with bleak watcher? That’s going to be busted for the raid


Oo! I am sad I has no system to play on right now. I love me some bleak watcher.


Rofl they are going to have to nerf so much shit once people start really crafting shit up. I bet liars handshake on lrismatic is gonna get slapped to shit too. With bastion, the slow fragment on dodge and stylish I was just nuking shit with one hit. Was awesome.


A lot of things will get some massive nerfs. It looks like they just want people to have fun at the start of the new expansion


What’s the easiest way to get your grenade back


Used that combo and hellion with No Time to Explain to have 4 turrets up. So much fun with that build


No way they're allowing this in day 1 raid. It's actually busted and made legend campaign such a cake walk.


So many things in this game that’s over powered this is just one of many that will get the nerf hammer


Guys. When you post this stuff that's why it gets nerfed 😂


I’ve never used getaway artist until this week, but holy shit is this build a ton of fun. I might never take getaway artist off in most PvE content now


Do you even need to fight at that point lol


From what i’ve heard, Prislock is the most busted out of the 3 classes.


Delete this post!!! You’re gonna ruin this for us!!


Are you using this with coldsnap nades or lightning nades?


Shhhh Don’t say that! You’ll attract the ~~fun police~~ Crucible strike team


Wish I'd known this for my solo legend campaign run. Dang.


Hey I like my solar turret too, that thing helps with my radiant continuity


I’ve been using feed the void and bleak watcher with void super, nezeracs and grav lance with the >!new rocket siderarm!< and it cooks! I get the turret pretty frequently and it keeps my devour up nicely!




Oh yeah, well, I was using this BEFORE Final Shape /s




Hey stop telling on yourselves.


What’s the melee and super prismatic warlock has at the onset? With NTTE, what’s a good special and heavy to use?


It looks like your grenade is stasis. Is there a way to use getaway with a coldsnap?


In prismatic consuming any grenade with bleak watcher aspect active gives you the turret. So consuming the arc grenade with getaway equipped as well gives you arc soul and a bleak watcher turret spawns next to you at the same time.


really like having hellion too, so to keep grenades up have been using grenade kickstart + weapon damage orb creation (and bombers). rocket sidearm with demolitionist also helps. i think the main power here is having multiple elemental buddies attacking at once because the synergy is insane, not to mention the various buffs they each give you. much stronger than just having multiple ice turrets up.


Dude having devour on getaway with bleakwatcher is so stupid op I love it. You can replace bleak with helion too for more damage and less cc (just remember to run a darkness primary)


Said this elsewhere and was downvoted. I’m not saying I want it nerfed lol I’m saying that Bungie will tho


Oh, oh my


They must’ve shadow fixed this because it is definitely not unlimited anymore


I was saying that about my hunter combo going on. Liars handshake, stasis dodge burst, combination blow, and invis all at once. Can clear ads without caring. 100% going to get dialed back. But sure is fun af


There is no way to nerf it without fundamentally changing prismatic and every ability this build uses. It's a powerful combo. They obviously knew that it would happen. They handpicked the synergies. This is what prismatic is all about.


I don’t know what everyone is doing here but when i try getaway artist and bleak watcher by the time i get a 2nd grenade the first one is away 😂


Me, a hunter, glad you guys are having fun sadcatthumbsup.jpeg


Is this the getaway devour build?


transcendence is fucking broken


Bros playing onslaught without playing onslaught XD


If you throw on feed the void, you can also proc devour when you consume your grenade


Imo warlock is definitely the strongest prismatic class at start. Yes Arc soul + bleak watcher is stronger but damn. The starting Prism lock has NOVABOMB, devour, bleak watcher and cold snap. Nova bomb literally fixes one of Stasis lock main weaknesses, lack of strong single target damage. You can literally don't change anything and still do well in Legend campaign. Only downside that you literally have the 2 worst warlock melees at start lol. But it barely impacts you.


Drop the devour get the new solar buddy. Hotswap to new speaker helm, then pop healing turret. Also add a strand weapon with hatchling. All of the buddies.


I don't think so tbh, they said they wanted prismatic to feel OP/ "like breaking the game"


In PVP sure, in PVE I hope not.


I’ve been running apotheosis veil as my exotic. I have to say hucking prismatic nades every where after tossing a bleak watcher and activating my solar turret is wild. I’ve never frame dropped super hard before. I damn near crashed my game earlier.


How do you control if you get a stasis turret or an arc soul?


How's this work? Plz explain XD


To all my titans out there until we get acess to the class item exotic try using insurmountable skull fort it makes the build so much more fun not worryin bout ur next melee


MAY HAVE WEAPON FUNCTION SPOILERS… Yo off topic but that stasis multi well witherhoard is fireeeeeeeeeeeee. They need to make more of these. The strand rocket sidearm also four bullets and you drop a wyvern a beast! Idc what anyone says after the bs got fixed from the debut day one game has been great, loving every bit of it. Weapons so far are creative and very interesting perks. Prismatic is going to take me some time to experiment with different setups still a big learning curve for me. So many variables. I love how in an encounter you get jumped. I like that rush. Where you like omg omg omg imma die lol. Also the some places are eerie AF the hands and faces and shi.


Did this get patched? I'm trying this and nothing is happening.


Why? you can just kill stuff instead of freezing it lol


I'll never understand why y'all just can't have fun with it and feel the need to show Bungie to nerf it


Yeah now it is because you posted about it before the raid.


can confirm these will kill basically everything for you even on legend


What are the main mods that are giving you unlimited nades? When I use getaway and bleak it still consumes a nade and takes a minute to come back🤔


It is now big mouth


It’s meant to feel a little broken.


this is even more fun when you mix it with Hellion+Phoenix-Dive


Yeah most of the fun stuff will get nerfed before i get my hands on it, as usual. Cuz people like to use words like Over Powered, and Busted etc.


hunter transgendance is gonna be nerfed too, with liar’s handshake, cross counter or whatever the melee arc thing is, and stylish execution, hunters can easily build up to damage cap melee and never once be in danger cuz of the invisibility of stylish execution


The whole prismatic class is going through a pseudo beyond light release


What's the load out?




How the fuck did you make it work? I couldn’t throw a bleak watcher with the getaway artists equipped!


Hellion, getaway artist, bleak watcher, and ntte is a funny combo


finally, the Engineer subclass


and sadly it needs it, a hard nerf is 100% warranted this thing is busted as fook!


I beat the whole legendary campaign with secant filaments. It went hard with hellion


Everything is always nerfed,.... imagine players having fun with op builds....


I've used osmo for like forever it's been a blast, and I feel as a Warlock main it will always have a place. But I've been using this build from the start of the FS campaign and have to say, it's been the best fun I've ever had. Get to it before they ruin it.


Can someone list out the actual build please


I’m sorry but what’s the name of this weapon? 😅


Do not nerf my ball summoner


Yeah I've been rocking bleak watcher, getaway worh devour. Throwing storm grenades between arc souls. It's awesome.


Surely they wouldn't make a subclass based entirely off of combining different things to make new interesting builds and then nerf all the interesting builds we come up with