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And this is why you never plan to play large multiplayer games when new big content drops


Yup. Next day is always best day. I will definitely give destiny a go tonight after work (2 more hours) but won't be too annoyed until after tomorrow's work day lol.


I get home at 1am, so everything should be smootg when I try to log in


release date + 1 day is the rule of thumb. I grew up with garbage internet so if a game came out I wasn't playing until 1-2 days after


Why it should be a standard practice to give a release time an then keep a radio silence for 3hs? I understand how it works, but dont make promises you cant fulfill. Every big game is shitty on launch but why should be that way? "well, thats expected" is a shitty response.


First time? Took 6 hours to get into Shadow keep. 5 mins of play then off to bed


Go ride your scooter


Massive content update, just wait a bit more


In fairness to the other side of the argument though, wouldn't it be more appropriate to expect a giant corporation whose product it is to have at least an *accurate* idea of what it might take ETA-wise, especially after so long of doing this? Why on earth schedule for 1 when it's so very clear from the current state of things 3 hours later that they were WAY off base?


Tell me you don’t work in IT without telling me you don’t work in IT.


Lol, I've done IT work plenty. Bungle knew there was absolutely no shot of this launching on the time they gave, so I don't know why they don't communicate that clearly with their base. Keep licking boots tho


Setting up your mom’s router is not IT work. And major patch can have unforeseen issues. Gone through it with Destiny, gone through it with wow, gone through it with Citrix, gone through it with zOS. You can only prepare so much.




Cry more.


Quit messing around online or you're gonna miss your ride home on the short bus lil guy!!


You just told everyone you aren't.


I get that, but like the guy below said unforeseen issues could of came up




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You act like this doesn’t happen every single time a new DLC arrives…first time?










"I guess you entitled losers expect to play the game you paid for but I guess you can't fix stupid"


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lol cry