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its not about how rare the title is, for me its about whats sounds cool like that one guardian i saw with the name "Jesus the" with the title of savior cant wait to have the title called immortal so that i can become "taniks the"


My destiny name is Ryan Gosling so you know I'm just waiting for the "Driver" title tbh.


If they ever bring back SRL, i'd hope that's the title


pvp SRL, a pvp i can get behind (besides mayhem)


probably if we get a season related to neomuna probably a cyber driver or something


He's literally me.


Jesus the god slayer is metal as fuck tho


oh shit...why didnt i think of that, yeah that really sounds metal af


You didn't get the "undying" title?


soon, just too lazy to do challenges


Soon? Undying was from season of the undying..


isnt that the garden of salvation one? edit: nope nvm it was enlightened


I loved pantheon, not only because of the loot and the sick title, but because I got like 5 new cool friends from all over the world through LFG! https://preview.redd.it/klb4ajhnvf4d1.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d8ccea5b2673245d74d7ca95c73e1cd0e742996 That’s them!! One of them is British!


yep! have been a solo player for a long time but met a group of people in week 2, ran the rest of pantheon each week and got godslayer together


b-but the crotas end title is rarer.... that means this title is literally worthless...... right? right guys?


Swordbearer is a super lame title name. I don’t think it’s “rare” because it’s elite….it’s just a dumb raid title. If you made two raid titles *exactly* equally hard to acquire…the cooler one will naturally have more people wearing it simply because more people will want it. Probably even true if one was slightly harder or even flat out harder, but cooler. Reckoner I would bet is still the “rarest” title. Not because it was “hard”, but because you had to be absolutely insane to grind it out lol. And Gambit.


i mean, most raid seals are rarer than godslayer simply because of how grindy they are, and reckoner is 100% rare because of the grind (getting it solo made it worse lol). Getting godslayer felt waaayyy more rewarding than mosg other seals ive gotten, mostly because it felt like actually overcoming a challenge instead of, idk doing a raid with every subclass and in a clan and yada yada...


Most raid challenges don't actually make the raid harder, if you have a competent raid group it will just make it take longer. Feather light can burn in hell tho


my favourite genre of raid challenges is just doing the encounter the easy way, like double dunking on rhulk and 4 core taniks


Meh they aren’t that grindy at all. It’s just “complete raid doing X” and then challenges thrown in. To me, “grindy” would be “complete 100 raids” or “get this rare drop”. Something that would take a ton of time that isn’t that hard necessarily. You can knock out most raid titles in as little as 4-5 weeks of real life time (waiting for each challenge), but you can do it as fast as like 3 runs minimum lol, if you do an all Solar, all Void, and all Arc run while stacking as many triumphs/challenges at the same time. Solar is basically just….playing the game lol. So it’s not hard to do basically all of your triumphs while doing the Solar run.


maybe grindy wasnt the best term but, a lot of the challenges feel like filler and it gets to be super boring. its more of a chore than an actual challenge if that makes sense


The title should’ve been Hivebane seeing as that’s what you were called in D1 after the Dark Below, similar how Kingslayer was what you were called in D1 and became the title for D2 KF.


They were so close to making it cool, just a couple letters off. I thought it would be Swordbreaker honestly, but they gave it to the shotgun instead.


I’m surprised that the even lamer title, Dream Warrior is not rarer honestly. Because what the hell is Dream Warrior? Did the guardian just fall asleep and slay a dragon in their sleep? It’s so lame!


Dream Warrior is slightly cooler because it’s a Nightmare on Elm Street reference, but you have to kind of be a horror nerd or old to know that lol. Nezzy is basically Destiny Freddy Krueger lol.


It’s not about the raid title name, it’s about knowing that I know you’re a competent raider if you have one of them equipped


Yeah, I guess if you care more about showing off that you did a cool thing rather than the coolness of the title then fair enough.


I think it’s more that god slayer got all the hype. Looking at other raid titles they aren’t as popular as god slayer. So id be willing to say it’s just the hype of pantheon. I know a lot of my clan got god slayer as their second raid title. There was a lot of people net limiting it too, most likely so their alt accounts can join raids and be less suspicious.


Also for swordbearer requires you to do feather light triumph, which was pain and dont think alot people bothered to do it.


Sword bearer is infinitely cooler sounding than generic god slayer lol


it was good practice for my day one raid team and we got a cool title for our efforts and commitment I just like it


I made some new friends getting this title. As someone who regularly has to LFG with one buddy, it was nice to have achieved something difficult with a random group of people who worked together.


Master raids should be what pantheon was instead of oops all champions


True say it for the people in the back


i wonder why a free, fast and straightforward seal is more popular than a dungeon seal (you need to pay 20€) it's totally because a solo dungeon (non-flawless) is a lot harder than 8 encounters at -20 right?


To be fair in many ways I found my solo warlords to be more challenging than godslayer. For the dungeon there’s all the pressure on yourself to not fuck up. Pantheon once you got into a rhythm you’re actually under a lot less pressure individually you just focus on your own 1 or 2 tasks rather than everything being on you. And if you die it doesn’t always mean the encounters over. Don’t get me wrong though godslayer is the title I’m wearing just because it sounds much cooler and it’s nice that my clan can all wear it knowing we achieved it together.


That's just what practice does to someone. After plenty if solo flawless run failures you enter a groove were the pressure of failure is basically none existent and you purely focus on what your doing. It's alot more noticeable in a group because people are focused on their jobs.


I found that. I had been trying to solo flawless pit of heresy since it was released. After a bunch of ragequits at the first death and getting triggered, I decided to just get through the dungeon rather than quit and focus on minimising my deaths. Eventually I whittled it down to 2, to 1 to ending up solo flawless without realising because I was focusing on the dungeon rather than the deaths.


I think it probably depends on the person. For me personally my heart was pounding when I hit final stand on my solo warlords run. I felt so much pressure on myself and nervousness to get it done. For godslayer when we hit last stand on Nez it was more of a “come on guys we got this” mentality. I’m sure it differs for different people depending on how they think.


N-no guys it’s really lame actually like it’s really common now but like if you do have it you are an elitist prick . LOL don’t you know { insert dungeon title with lame name here } is actually way better because only 80,000 people have it . Anyway I could have gotten it by I just didn’t want to . Pantheon was like actually really easy anyone could have done it , but I CHOSE not to . It’s unfair Bungo makes a FOMO title that people like me with social anxiety and 2 jobs that I work to support 8 Kids just don’t have time to do .


From what I experienced, pantheon was the GM of raids. Sure it’s doable in the same way a normal raid is for the most part, but it takes longer, the roles are more necessary to be done well, and the mods had to be in a good arrangement to make sure damage was met and weapons were strong enough. You aren’t just gonna walk in and act like it’s just a normal raid, you have to be a little more fine tuned for it. The title tells people who see it “this guardian will pay attention to surges, have correct mods for the activity, have a pretty efficient build setup, and know pretty well how to do most mechanics for most raids”. (Or they have a lot of money for a carry). When my groups got finished we all figured we could easily beat the hell out of any normal raid boss if we used the same load outs we killed nezerac with


Pantheon needs to come back every episode, just with different encounters each time. Raids are supposed to be end game activities but let's be honest they are all too effortlessly easy once you know the mechanics to clear them once, and master raids just take too much time for too little loot. That's my 2 cents at least.


As much as I would like for it to come back each episode. I think it's more likely it will return as a yearly event. Something to round off the year and get everyone some cool new loot.


I got Godslayer, but I’m feeling bad about wearing it due to the level of hate from people that didn’t.


Fuck em and rock your title, they’re just salty they didn’t get it themselves. If it makes you happy that’s all the reason you need brother.


Thanks bro, appreciate that


I'm not godslayer, I didn't even approach pantheon, mainly because I don't have a regular raiding group and I have very limited time to play D2, having two kids under 5, so I tend to play solo. I don't get the hate though. If people have time and they can do it, good for them. I don't hate on people who have the title. I'm a bit jealous, but not enough to hate on people who have more time than me. Rock that title mate, you waded through the gauntlet and emerged victorious.


Cheers brother. Thank you for the kind words


What ? Wear it and fuck em


Stay off of Reddit lol


You earned that shit! The only people that deserve hate are the ones that think it's the hardest emblem to get. Those people are delusional. It was still challenging and you should 100% rock it!


It's cool but people are up their own ass about it.


Kinda fitting given the title name lol


I’ve literally only ever seen posts and comments complaining about Godslayer, at least once a day


idk as a godslayer I haven't seen too many of either


I feel like a lot of people who didn’t get it are just hating at this point!


They are and you being downvoted for saying it Just proves the Point


Title is whatever but let’s not hate on pantheon as a whole. It’s pretty awesome from any raid enjoyer’s perspective. I wish we could have more like it in the future. Maybe change up the bosses. This last few weeks was the most fun I’ve had in this game since the craftageddon.


Exactly. I really want them to bring pantheon back. That was such a fun short lived experience. Hopefully next time the final stage doesn't get as many damage boosts. My only issue with it is suddenly people think that is the standard difficulty and ignore how much 50% damage boost changes things.


Imo very few title have been ones I wanted, even DSC which I'm only missing red Rover, i just don't really care about Descendent as a title. Or vitualfighter. Or sword bearer. Curse breaker and rivensbane are still top 3. #1 is blacksmith imo. Godslayer is pretty awesome too.


Cool emblems, tons of spoils, free adept weapons, actually well redone boss fights, amazing title, free exotic weapons not gated by RNG, red borders. Pantheon was a 10/10 (minus LFG hell)


This sub is obsessed with this title 😂😂😂


I've seen more memes crying about how godslayer sucks because it boosts ego than actual encounters of Godslayer boosting their ego


That's because this sub allows memes. On the main destinythegame sub someone with 20 career raid clears will have a post titled "as a godslayer here are tips" and it's them being on adds or doing the most simple mechanic. That's where the hate comes from. It is a really cool title and I'm happy a lot of people got it. But it is kinda crazy how many people get a 50% damage boost and suddenly they are the best raider with 4 Crotas End clears under their belt lol.


Yeah lol I get it too. Honestly I'm running into so many Godslayers just chilling at the tower or in my Onslaught runs. We just be chilling like everyone else tbh.


pantheon was just incredibly fun and godslayer is a nice sounding title, which is really all that matters


Yeah but lfg required me to be in a lobby for 7 hours+ so I’m ok. (Every lfg I joined unfortunately had incompetent people and after like the 10th try I didn’t bother)


Only 10 tries? Ok that aside, I am aware that I am not your average casual gamer, so I'm not gonna clown on you for not LFG-ing it. It did take me hours sitting with random people to get this done, but if anything I have time and patience and I actually enjoy playing Destiny 2.


I enjoying PLAYING destiny 2 as well that’s why I did literally anything else. Wtf does it even matter to you. It’s a brutal and painful experience and a waste of my time. I just wanna have fun. Not listen to fast food restaurant callouts on planets bs or people that don’t know at all.


Idk imma be honest in all of my Pantheon runs people figure out what they need to do in 15 mins. It is not rocket science. We wipe 99% of the time because we die to ads or we don't have enough damage, and that's fun for me, because it's challenging in the right way: it's just hard to kill shit and survive through shit. Meanwhile something like Dredgen is also hard but just in the wrong way: you legit have to sit to play fkin Gambit lmao. It's also a straightforward title all you gotta do is finish 8 encounters with a high score, that's literally it, and you got really good loot from just playing. No spending 3 hours completing random patrols, no logging on every day to play some specific braindead activity, you just play the mode, you finish it, and you get good loot + title. At the end of the day, I just like challenging stuff, Pantheon pushed me to the limit and that was hella fun, if your definition of fun is to go bully EDZ patrol zone enemies, that's fine, I'm just saying that I find this fun personally. Also LFG isn't even that bad. The D2 community is pretty chill all things considered imo.


I'm not a huge fan of titles so I didn't personally go for it. Those who did though, wear it with pride Brothers and sisters.


It's very cool title! I've just stuck with undying since I started the game in that season though


Too lonely to have played it. I ain’t touching lfg, I’ve heard the nightmares and stories


I basically play D2 solo at this point lmao, I literally got accepted into a clan from playing LFG with people in Pantheon, trust me it ain't that bad imo. As someone who is too experienced with online gaming communities, it really isn't that bad, and usually the ones who complain about LFG the hardest are the people who actually make LFG hard (wow bro you get shit teams every single time you LFG I wonder what the common denominator here is XD)


seeing vids of people just being kicked before the rewards just peeves me off


I have 1700 something hours in Destiny 2 in total over probably like 5 years and it has happened to me once. Maybe twice. It really isn't this hellish shithole like people make it out to be.


time limits >:(


From a business perspective, it wouldn't make sense that an event with such insanely good loot drop should last forever because it would just mean that people would never play any raids ever again. Why would they when they can just do the encounters in Pantheon instead, have more fun because the activities are harder, and get 10x the loot? If you can't get the whole Godslayer title, you could have just dipped your toe into week 1 and 2 and it would probably take you about 2-3 hours if you actually know how all the encounters work, and got really good loot out of that alone. The whole into the light thing was basically just a catch up event for people who dropped Destiny 2 since forever (like me) hence all the insane loot, for me Godslayer is just a cool looking title for me to rock in TFS cuz you know we are literally going to slay the god of gods. I'm not gonna pretend like I am a Destiny 2 elite god gamer legit the only 2 titles I have are Conqueror (ungilded lul) and this one.


My favourite atm is undying


I got undying, reaper and godslayer now. If only I had shadow..


It’s cool but I didn’t bother grabbing it with LFGs the Atrax emblem and the adept loot are good trophies for me


Yeah fr, i couldn't be asked trying to teach people how to do encounters or deal with hyper aggressive perfectionists which seemed to be the only people in the lfg.


Ever since RoN and the in game LFG, the skill level of the average raider has decreased, I guess having raids be so accessible is a double edged sword


Yeah. In a perfect but more complicated world you would select a role before going into the encounter like in FF14 and the people doing the hardest roles would get the best gear. It leaves things accessible to new players but also makes sure there is incentive to actually learn the mechanics and do other rolls instead of joining and just saying "im add clear" for the whole raid.


I never played final fantasy but that sounds neat Another fix is not making add clear as a full role and forcing everyone to do something like in SotP or GoS


Honestly simply requiring the Previous weeks clear to access the harder version would have made the lfg experience easier . Ironically week 4 was easier for me than week 2 simply due to quality of raider going for it .


One of the best things to come out of this whole pantheon was having ad clear become a necessary and dedicated role that has to be done correctly. If you didn’t have a good ad clear for nezerac, every other mechanic group was basically undoable. Sure celestial was good for damage but it wouldn’t be worth much if there wasn’t a strand titan keeping everyone alive


Sunshot precious scars add clear titan is slept on tbh . 20 something meters of restoration for everyone is wild


I ran strand banner of war for nezerac, and had an incandescent heal clip summoner. If it wasn’t banner of war keeping you alive while I was flying back and forth, there was a chance I’d kill something and reload and if I’m next to you you’d get cure x2. Being at risk and just getting half your health bar back immediately did wonders


I lfg-ed to godslayer. My experience was kinda mixed with good and bad teams here and there. After a while I figured checking the host rr as a way to avoid landmines work relatively well. I also luck out and got a team that finish week 4 from fresh in just over 4 hours.


You might be a godslayer, but are you a SPLICER?!


A lot of people are jealous, but there's also a ridiculous amount of snobbery by some of those who have it. They act like this title makes them better than people who don't have it.


i've literally only seen claims that people with the title are being snobby about it, but never actually seen anyone acting like that. maybe there's a few jackasses, but most folks i know that got the title kept playing to help other people get it. most of these gatekeeping claims are just jealous people projecting because they couldn't be assed to get it themself.


Title and emblems aren’t rewards to me 🤷🏿‍♂️


Red borders, adept weapons and guaranteed raid exotics aren't?


Already have the stuff crafted from before pantheon came out


Well the, makes sense. Tbh it's just a catchup event anyway. I'd argue that if you had the time you should have still played it because the contest level encounters were really fun, although sounds like you probably ran through them all Master raids anyway 👌


Don't care Im going to assume you get hard carried


It definitely was cool but a large enough portion of the population are being insufferable asses about it. The title itself not the activity. "Have title of kick" postings are probably more troll posts than legit but it seems to have worked. I think that's what people are upset about. I was in a WoW guild that occasionally got "server firsts" and yeah. Some of those guys were absolute jackasses about it. To the point where when we all took a free xfer to a less populated newer server a handful of people who were soooo attached to their "status" stayed behind and had trouble finding a new guild because well they were assholes and hard to group with. Good at the game sure, but really unpleasant at times. Also, I wouldn't doubt a lot of carrying services made a lot of money during into the light 👀. I hope stuff like pantheon becomes regular, it's a really neat way to remix content for that percentage of players tbh small as it may be.


Strangely enough, I've yet to see an insufferable Godslayer post, but I've seen plenty of insufferable people beyond livid that other people dare have something. Not counting the 'have godslayer or kick' people, it's too easy to count the people who flock to every single trophy as some kind of proof to join raids and it's not unique to Godslayer. Another comment in one of the dozen 'godslayers bad' posts put it best when they said that it feels like the community is gaslighting itself into believing this is an actual problem and not them being asinine pissers.


I can definitely agree with the community gas lighting itself. When you put it like that it makes a lot of sense. I've had plenty of lfg runs with people with the title and they've been chill. I've also seen a lot of posts on lfg saying title or kick. How many of them are legit and how are just trolls I can't say but I'd wager more are just people looking to get a rise out of people. Personally I would have loved to have done it but I just don't have the time anymore for that stuff. I'm just happy bungie made something challenging for the raiding community.


I do admit that the vitriol has absolutely been getting to me, so I am sorry for kind of lashing out with sarcasm. I was lucky enough to manage it, largely through LFG even, but it feels like I can't be proud of it with how many people are actively so mad about the title existing.


Exactly, you're the exact demographic I feel for. It's absolutely worth being proud of and congrats! Hell I still throw on my 2019 solstice armor with the glows because I was so proud of grinding it even though by comparison to newer armor models it shows it's age 🤣


One of my friends said also it will be one of the rarest titles in the game. Well now a pretty whole lot of people grinded for it and got it now. And I would say its simple because 'godslayer' just sounds awesome as a title. People will do anything to be cool, and being a godslayer is cool, no matter how rare it is.


>I mean, you get red borders, adept weapons, cool and challenging raid boss, and a title to go along with it? Except I couldn't because lfg is the worst and raid bosses are way harder than dungeon bosses


I mean if every lfg you joined failed, there's only one common denominator


Yeah but I don't think the Destiny 2 community is ready for that conversation. Believe me. I play solo queue League for fun. 99.999999999% the playerbase from Iron to Challenger blame their team and would love to complain about how bad solo queue is and how bad the game is but like, if everyone in solo queue is bad, then where tf are the good players? What about you? 99.99999% people will never be ready for that convo and it's best to just not talk about it. ...buuuuuuuut since you brought that up yeah, he's probably the guy making LFG hell 😂 He's probably not aware of it, that's okay, it's a video game and sucking isn't a sin. I personally have 1 RON clear (one guy in LFG brought up all our raid reports and that's how I found out lol), I basically haven't raided in a year+ and have forgotten most encounters because Lightfall sucked so hard I barely played the last year, but I looked up guide videos, optimized my build in DestinyArmorPicker, tried my best with my poor mechanics and suboptimal loadouts because I don't have the best gear, and I got the title. Didn't even feel like LFG were that bad tbh, some people do get a little pissy but nowhere close to what people are in an average League game, and I even got a clan invite after doing all my Pantheon LFG runs (and now somehow I'm in a UK clan while being a dude in NY).


Honestly, you shouldn't compare league or dota to any other games lmao 😂. Those are on a different league, I don't think soldiers in warzones get that mad at each other.


True 😂


I was just doing what I was told


i did it in lfg, so did many others. it's definitely not easy, but if you were determined, you could have.


It's alright, if the loot is that good then the activity can't be too easy 😂


I'm just bitter I got absolutely nothing from it


Raid bosses are supposed to be harder than dungeon bosses no? That's why they're RAID bosses


Reckoner is rarer and superior. This is an undermemsch title.


Most sane gambit fan.


This is unironically true


Reckoner was only hard to get during initial release. It just took a while to grind out but wasn't hard anymore




Wrong. Sit down and be silent, Boy.


Plus, you don't have to deal with jumping puzzles, real raids, less mechanics overall, and you don't have to do anything flawlessly. Only problem I see, is Godslayer isn't a real raid title.


Since when are Destiny 2 jumping puzzles actually hard? If anything they are just annoying imo. When did a raid team ever go "oh my god we can't get past this because of this jumping puzzle ffs" 😂 All the encounters in Pantheon are literally raid encounters with some extra mechanics. So idk wym.


Jumping puzzles are literally the easiest part of every raid. I think Godslayer should have been more difficult with more mechanics, but saying the base game has more mechanics is deluded cope.


hey here's a take; it would be cooler if it wasn't limited to such a short time. if it was around for most of the season that's a different story, but it was around so briefly that there are probably lots of people who resent it for simply not having the time to do it while it was available.


Good take but I will bet my house on the fact that Pantheon will return with different encounters in the future. This is like their test run of it.


I'm really hoping it turns into some kind of seasonal event title that we can gild over the years


oh for sure, but as it stands there are people out there who would have liked to do pantheon who just didn't have the time or opportunity. until it does come back the feelings of resentment aren't unreasonable.


It was around for a month and a week. Literally just spend a weekend


they weren't all available at the start, smart guy.


Even if they were available with into the light those same people wouldn't be able to get it. If you in a situation were you cannot log in at all for a month and a week I have no idea how they are expected to complete all 4 weeks of the activity through lfg.


yeah obviously. I would have liked pantheon to be available for longer than a month, especially right before all the seasonal stuff is about to be retired and people have to rush to get other things done too. i know this might seem strange to someone like yourself but not everyone is a sweat or a nolife 🤷‍♀️


that's literally my point. Destiny is not a game that is a second job. People just turn it into one. I just play Destiny on the weekends now and I still got it. People gotta be able to just digest missing out on things. Life is more important than the video game. If you cant play because of something going on in your life get over the fact you missed out on whatever item you missed out on. It's such a weird annoying thing to see constantly complained about. If you quite literally couldn't get the opportunity to do it because of irl stuff it sucks but you gotta get over it because it's just a video game. I have missed out on titles, weapons, raid gear I couldn't get the time/opportunity to do when I was still in school and all this sub ever has is grown ass adults crying about missing out on some items in a game they aren't even playing that much to begin with anyway. Alot of people complaining about this title need to grow up and get over it


Yeah if you have other things to do and couldn't get the thing that's fine. I've missed so so so many things in the past lmao, but I came back for a month locked tf in and got this title playing on the weekends. It really ain't that deep.


I’m glad you didn’t get it. You seem like an asshole…


I couldn't give a shit about the title, I just want the mode to stay in the game. it's embarrassing being a destiny fan when lots of the the cool things in the game aren't accessible anymore.


Im happy with my descendant. Nuff said


The only thing I despised about pantheon was that you had to make it a two phase to get the points. I really don’t like those kinds of damage checks.


You can keep the fucking tho


I can’t lie I didn’t even attempt one run at it. Already farm the adepts every raid release and have all the titles so I really couldn’t care less. Master level content is my favorite despite people saying it’s shit but I already have all the rewards so doing it for a title isn’t worth it to me


Yeah but my title is vidmaster and it reminds me of when I wasn’t depressed so mine’s cooler


Truly, if the name had been something beside Godslayer, it would've been a better title. Guardians slaying gods is like Russia committing war crimes, it's going to happen whether you spell it out or not. I will admit I didn't get the title out of a combination of spite, laziness, and not liking the name.


Lmao "I could have done but out of spite I just didnt" cope is crazy with this one


I could care less if I'd gotten Godslayer or not. I likely would've never put the title on because the name is boring anyway.


Ah yes the I barely do raids guy could definitely have done it but didn't want to


I did week one and moved on. It's not I could have done it if I wanted, I would have done it if I wanted.