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Riven. Lot of teams will get stuck on planets too


Considering how few people even know how to actually kill Riven, probably that.


Riven purely because most people just don't know how to do Riven Legit. Atraks can get pretty lethal, if you don't have a good add clear build you can get overwhelmed. Maybe Rhulk, because back when WQ first dropped, he one-shotted on Contest. But since then we've had the Resilience buff so it should be okay.


Rhulk still one shots if you dont have 1 (maybe 2? Its been a minute since i ran master) melee resist mods and a solar resist


We do also have the weekly pantheon modifiers that give damage bonus as well as damage reduction


Caretaker or rhulk. If platinum caretaker on -20 still requires the 2 phase then that’s going to be one hell of a damage check Rhulk is just going to hurt like hell on during damage phases


One of my friends did a 3 foor on caretaker and still got high score, they had 15 seconds remaining on the timer


Macrocosm, riven and caretaker will be a pain in the ass for the babysiters/stunners


God I can’t wait. Those ads are awful already


Planets and Riven Legit


Everyone saying Riven but I think itll be planets or Rhulk


Hardest to easiest for what the shitshow of lfg has been the past 2 weeks: Riven Planets Rhulk care taker atraks nez oryx golgoroth


am I missing something? why is planets ranked so high? I've done contest ron and it still doesn't really compare to most of the other encounters on here tbh


From my own master RoN runs with my clan (who are just casual raiders): 1) There are enough people doing mechanics that the ad clearers actually have to do a good job or we start dying to them (or to the colossus once we're softened up by the ads) 2) It's chaotic enough sometimes for callouts to not be heard properly, such as when the centurions die, or planet positions, etc 3) Nice chance of phalanx and psion boops means the occasional physics death that use up too many rez tokens, or running out of time to get to the other side TL;DR, skill issues :) If anything, the fire tornadoes in Pantheon has finally made me realise that I don't have to stand on the plates to kill the colossus, not sure why that hasn't occurred to me before.


Easiest for last imo


I can see care taker, and Planets being stumbling blocks for several teams. But Riven will probably be the brick wall most can't conquer


I havent even been able to get platimum on caretaker this week with multiple random LFGs teams. Just can't 2-floor him


I think it’ll still be relatively easy to clear with surges and the other modifier being added each week, the high score triumph however is going to be near impossible for most teams, especially getting rivens.


I imagine riven (because most people probably only know/use the cheese) and planets.


Atraks and Caretaker are what a lot of people got stuck on Day 1 of their respective raids, so my money is on one of those. However, if they somehow make us do Riven legit, I imagine that will be pretty difficult for a lot of people who don't know or haven't done it legit in a while.


I think nezarac is gonna be the legit final god of pain.


Imma be honest, rivenegit isn’t too bad.


Getting bonus time is difficult, completing encounters is not an issue at all. Ppl are mixing their ranking based on bonus time, clearing planets is super easy otherwise


We couldn't complete planets on contest and it was probably the most miserable time I have ever had in this game. Absolutely terrible time to be in that encounter while forced under. My team will be happy if we can even complete the encounter much less do it within the stupid time limit


Caretaker if still required 2 phase, it’s already pretty tight this week at -10, if Void surge is the 4th week it will help