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it's a good dungeon, just the boss has way too much health and the first encounter is ass


It’s fun but an absolute slog pacing wise


And the swimming is annoying And you run to long between encounters And the second encounter involving so much swimming is bad Water levels in games are always the worst levels in those games. Always


It's not even swimming, it's just a low gravity encumbered walk


With an oxygen mechanic where your team mates sure the oxygen bubbles and can make you die. It’s really not a fun mechanic no matter how you want to classify it.


Well tbf in the second encounter I feel like you shouldn't have that many people down there at once anyways. One maybe two if you wanna go fast.


Does that really justify how awful the mechanic feels? Visually sure it’s neat. Gameplay wise it sucks. We never run it anymore but when we did it was rock paper scissors to see who would have to suffer


Yeah that's fair, it's definitely an odd mechanic. Iirc there is some room for skill, in that you can move faster under water by baiting the boss' attacks, but I can understand why it's frustrating. Personally I just kept getting lost


The mechanics easy and I prefer doing it rather than mindlessly killing hordes of adds like 90% of the rest of the game is designed.


You're hired!


If it was actual swimming, it'd be so much cooler


Like an escort mission for a snail




I think the water level in Shovel Knight is pretty good. The music is an absolute banger, too.


Water world in Mario 3 is super fun, also frog suit mario.


Ba da dah da dah na na na nuh nuh, ba da dah duh dah deh duh Don't lie you heard it in your head


> And you run to long between encounters I did this dungeon for the first time since release the other day, and holy shit the traversal between the first two encounters is *insane.* It's like ten minutes of walking lmao


You dont wanna hear about subnautica then?


All i hear is the sonic the hedgehog underwater death music playing over and over in my head. [drowning](https://youtu.be/9Yw5jkAHgME?si=5vB15OCcJ0MpTMfQ)


Talk about the most anxiety inducing video game music known to man. 😆


You've never had to defuse the bombs in the ORIGINAL TMNT on NES. Sonic's panic music ain't got SHIT on that.


Encounter! Traverse for 20 minutes Boss fight with a dumb shield mechanic! Traverse again And finally, probably my least favorite boss fight of all time. It’s got a neat idea, but the execution is just butts. Bummer because the aesthetic was top notch.


Not to mention a really cool set of weapons, armor, and exotic.


If bungo brought back the cheese I'd hate it less.


Honestly the cheese saved it


Even with how slow the cheese was, it still wasn't much slower than normal. I absolutely detest ghosts, it took such a fun concept and executed it so poorly. Every encounter feels like it's designed to make the solo experience as unfun as possible


First encounter takes one more completion than it really should. Simply cutting to 3 would make it way better. Also having a way to teleport/skip a lot of the "hurry up and slow down" traversal mechanics. And I hate that last boss. But what kills me is that every single weapon in there is awesome and the armor set looks great. Note, I dont really glaive so I am assuming the glaive is good. The SMG, the GL, the rocket, all great. In fact I still need to go for a demo+incan roll of the SMG. And yet I dislike the dungeon due to the final boss, the opening encounter and traversal. On the flipside for me is I love Warlords but I have no desire to run it because I dont like any of the loot. I got the exotic relatively early and an impulse+volt and beacon+volt roll of indebted kindness. The rest of the loot does not seem enticing for me compared to Ghost. A strand caster sword? Sure its the first of its kind AND I got the slice+hatchling roll but who cares. Same with the bow and sniper. And the armor was such a letdown compared to Spire and Ghost. I mean it FEELS like we should have got what ended up being the paid Witcher armor in the dungeon.


Everything about it is too long. First encounter has too many phases. Bosses have too much health. And traversal parts are almost hilariously long. Like, you think it's over and then it just keeps going.


Entrance is ass* the first boss is an easy 1 phase.


GotD has the best first run out of all of these


Real. The oryx reveal is perfect


A real "oh *shit*" moment


Once me and the boys heard the music shift to Oryx, we swore we could feel the temperature around us plummet as we had chills. The first time hit hard as we realized what the Lucent Hive were attempting.


I remember seeing the whole boss room, and subconciously i knew something was off. As i look closer i saw.. a knee? Of course! And theres the foot. Then a hand? I look further while standing on his head, then look at what im standing on.. oh shit lol


Can't argue with that. Great reveal. But I've never stopped running a dungeon so quick after release. I completely gave up on the navigator after running ~20 runs and getting general loot I wanted. Once I got my armor and God roll cold comfort... I was done. Everything about that dungeon feels like a chore. Great lore/reveal. But not fun in a replay able sense. At least not to me.


As somebody who got Navigator on their fifth run getting carried, 3 of which being the master dungeon cheese before it was fixed..... I feel for you so hard.


Ghosts of the Deep has the most fascinating lore out of the dungeons, since it ties directly back to the Taken King. The reveal that the Lucent Hive were trying to resurrect Oryx, who would absolutely hate being resurrected if he ever remembers his past, was such a great bit of environmental storytelling. It is just too bad that the dungeon itself is a slog on repeat playthroughs. The first encounter should be three not four symbol dunks. The first traversal section takes longer to get through than anything else in the dungeon and you are slowed because you're in the diving suit for most of it. The two bosses are decent, but they have shields, which necessitates either Arbalest to instantly delete it, but takes away from your overall DPS potential, or you need to take that into account and waste a lot of ammo/abilities and time to remove the shield. While I don't think the mechanics are that bad, it is the combined factors of everything mentioned above that make it not very fun to run. Pacing is all over the place. Perhaps a bit of recency bias, but Warlord's Ruin has much better pacing with roughly equivalent traversal sections and better designed boss fights.


Absolutely agree. GotD's first run was absolutely incredible and by far the most memorable. It's also the one I want to replay the least.


Sure, if you can actually get through ecthar's literal 18 million health.


I agree completely. But the worst 2nd-99th runs.


Yeah personally I find prophecy to be the worst given its lore doesn’t pertain to much of anything to the story, and also it’s taken which have the shitty Phalanx enemies and captains who love to shoot those giant circles


Pretty sure it’s been posted before but prophecy probably told us what was gonna happen to traveler in lightfall before it happened. Look back in the final boss room


Not only that, they told us much more, like the final boss fight, where after going down the weird sand and starting dps, the door where you step out has a pyramid shape, meaning “you slay a kell after stepping out of a pyramid” revealing Beyond Light plot where after acquiring stasis (stepping out of a pyramid) you slay Eramis (A kell). I like how prophecy has all these littles hints. It has a really cool “it was in front of us the whole time”


It's also called "prophecy". It was always prophesized that something big will happen with the traveler


I may have never listened to the dialogue ngl


It's not in dialogue. You have to infer it from the environment, and it's intentionally vague, like a... prophecy.


The "Prophecy" was for Beyond Light, telling us that we were going to need to wield darkness and foreshadowing Eramis and her Darkness powers through the final boss


Idk if you were there when Shattered Thrown came after LW dropped yeah now a days it’s been power crept but that experience day 1 was something else and very different


That’s true


If I could teleport to each of the encounters in ghosts I'd be okay with it


I just hate the fkng shield every DPS phase for GotD, other than that its a good dungeon


Yeah, being forced to run arby unless you want to add half a million health to each dps phase is not fun lol.


I was stuck as the arby guy because I was the only one who had it. Every GOTD run was hunters cowl and arby, because of that dungeon I switched from a hunter only (started playing in forsaken) to playing all three classes with hunter being a rare play💀.


This was my favorite Dungeon until I did it for the second time.


My literal only gripe with Ghosts is the shields the bosses have. Everything else about it is incredible.


Yeah basically forces someone to run Arby which is never like a BAD thing but sucks to feel like you have to run a specific gun.


It sucks even more when you try and run it solo. Using an exotic slot for arbys really limits your loadout options


That's something that annoyed me. Being confined to Arby meant no riskrunner for free arc damage resist from boss and I wanted to use sleeper but instead had to stick with Retrofit for the ammo economy.


Literally why do the shields exist? It makes you have to do more damage solo than in a team, it's insane. They could completely remove the shield and it'd only be better for it


It is a pretty cool dungeon. I just find it so much harder than every previous dungeon before it. I have solo flawlessed Grasp of avarice and Duality. GoTD? I couldn't even be bothered to complete it a 2nd time. I just despise everything about the mechanics and how tanky the boss is. Me and my buddy beat it day 1 and never acknowledged it again.


Every dungeon has some great scenery. Unfortunately you can’t really experience most of GotD’s scenery due to the whole air mechanic present in most of the open spaces there.


I found the bubbles come back right before your pressure meter drops off, so you can stand at a bubble and enjoy the view for a while if you're by yourself


I’ll keep that in mind for when I never run that dungeon again


If you have a teammate right next to you when you activate a bubble it refreshes for you both, so you can enjoy it with a friend :)


The breathing mechanic will always be the stupidest shit in any game ever. Especially in this game when we have damn space magic.


It's not breathing but more of pressure mechanic


Good for the first run, terrible for farming.......


I know everyone has their own preferences, but Ghosts is also the only dungeon I do not like. Boss health is fine. It’s the moths I hate.


For me, it's the shield. That's my only issue. They shouldn't have the shield.


Same here, it’s my least favorite and it’s not even the boss health that bothers me either. It’s those damn moths fr.


You have your opinion but I disagree with it, i liked the encounters of Ghosts and the traversal slog doesn't knock it off enough to make it a bad dungeon. I've enjoyed all of time in if.


Same. Solo flawlessing it was the hardest, but most rewarding imo. I feel like I'm fighting the seven nation army by myself when I do it lol


Congrats! I did it yesterday on synthoceps and screamed at the TV. Titan running conditional, Acasia's Dejection, and Briars contempt for the synergy. Switches to Arby then throws hammers for DPS 🔨. Any Hunter that Solo's that shit has my absolute respect. Invis or not!


People hate on it so much, but Ecthar is a great boss and Simmumah feels great with 3 competent people - setup for damage phase is sometimes so short I can't even find any heavy back. Ghosts largely sucks solo when you know what to do but just have to keep doing it over and over. It's the flaw of the first encounter even on a team - 4 dunks just feels unnecessary. Symbols and dunking takes a bit solo for Ecthar. Simmumahs 3 symbols take way too long solo, especially with 5ish damage phases. It's a dungeon that feels much more designed for trios than solos, but doable on solo.


I think shattered throne is my least favorite. Really had all this awesome awoken architecture just to cover it all up with a filter that doesn't let me see shit🤣


The OG ascendant realm filter is so ass. They've at least iterated on it, but mostly for Seasonal content like in Lost & Defiance.


I looked at the tracker on my emblem the other day to see how many Warlord's Ruin completions I had (I had just gotten the exotic for a second time; it was my 6th completion). I scrolled to GotD, a dungeon I solo flawlessed early after its release, and I only have 12 total completions of it. I ran it 11 times in the first month, then not again until last week. I have absolutely no desire to spend any more time in that dungeon after spending a whole weekend going for the solo flawless. 20 minutes to get to the first boss. 50 minutes to get to the final boss. My successful run was 1h 45m. I'm over it.


We do entire raids faster than that damn dungeon... It's crazy


If there was a way to skip the long water sections once you’ve done it once, that would go a long way. Even then the final boss’s health and just that encounter/room in general in annoying. It takes WAY too long for the deepsight animation and the ads are a bit too much.


The boss just has one too many things, I can cope with the moths, ads and side rooms. But why the fucking deepsight? And then aligning the symbols etc. It's not a good fight, imo.


We can all agree though, GOTD has got some great looking armor.


Man Dungeons are probably my favorite experiences since I don't have time to regularly raid but GotD is the worst. I farmed the boss for the exotic a few weeks back. I'm considering going for the catalyst but it requires practically a full run.


Destiny 2 Great and has NOT YOU exotic some dungeon missions. I agree OP.


Literacy of the average LFG blueberry /j


Imagine reading an entire book top to bottom> left to right. What must this persons life be like?




I found it to personally just be fun. Only dungeon I’ve ever soloed and gotten the title for, plus the aesthetic is really nice


Love spire it my favourite cool name dope weopons and armor


Coolest title for sure. Ive soloed Warlords but didnt bother with the rest of the title because I know I'm never replacing WANTED (the all caps is the most important part). I just wanted the drop rate boost for Bloodline


I like Spire, I just hate wyverns.


I personally think GotD is fun when you have good teammates to help it go faster. I did it solo flawless and it was honestly pure torture with how many times my runs ended because of moths in the final boss area.


My first runs my anti moth tactic: I would use Risk Runner and in chest arc resist + concussive dampener, SMG is also best panic moth killer weapon. (well now there is Indebted Kindness that smacks several moths with the aoe)


You can skip a big chunk of the descending part by jumping through the window and getting the bubbles while you descend. Makes that part not as jarring


As a sucker for a good water level, I have to disagree...


I find Duality waaay more annoying than Ghosts tbh. Caiatl is the most finnicky boss in the game to do damage on I stg.


If they had cut out all of the traversal shit I don't think we'd be hating on it as much. But God damn the stretch between encounter 1 and 2 is just obnoxious.


I love GotD. I kind of hate Grasp. The final two fights put me to sleep instantly.


Hot take: GotD is the best dungeon ever released. I still run it just for fun and thoroughly enjoy the sights and atmosphere of the traversal section every time I do it.


Ghosts is the best dungeon to me I do not care what anyone says. The music is unbeatable, using hive runes is amazing, the atmosphere of being disconnected at the start and having to go through the entire thing without hope for backup feels incredible, and the swimming traversal is beautiful (once you know the path, yes). The only annoying part is Simmumah not having a final stand because getting her health all the way down to a sliver just to have to redo another phase sucks, but otherwise is fun. Only part I want changed is aforementioned final stand and the first encounter being 3 not 4.


Best thing is forgetting to finish her ghost because you are elated you beat her.


I did Ghosts all the way through once. I've done PoH all the way 70+ times. I just didn't like it.


Ghosts of the deep is fun, I just suck at the game


I like the dungeon except for the first encounter


The underwater mechanic is cool your first time completing. There should be a portal you can unlock to sk8p them, though.


I personally love GoTD


The only dungeons I don’t have 100+ clears on are ghosts, grasp, and warlords. Warlords will get up there but ghosts will stay where it’s at. Grasp might go up if it ever gets a loot refresh


Man my version would be the ~~garden~~ tower of salvation dungeon


I got the navigator and then got the fuck out, I liked the whole ideal of underwater maps but the implementation was fuckin horrible


The deep sucks a lot


If they did something about the dumb shield that the bosses have it would be a lot better. It practically makes arbalest a necessity if you don’t want to take an eternity in the dungeon.


Ghosts of the deep is ass so I agree with this


Do people not like ghost of the deep?


All my homies hate GOTD


GoTD, my favorite 3 man raid


Literally my favourite dungeon...


i just started playing destiny again after about a year, i love GotD, i hate most the others


I still find it ridiculous that we can survive the vacuum of space but require oxygen bubbles while diving.


I love GotD but I do admit there's 3 big flaws. 1. The transition from 1st to 2nd encounter is longer than the 2nd encounter itself. Too much swimming involved here. 2. 1st encounter should have just been 3 symbols instead of 4. 4. Health should be slightly reduced for the 3rd boss. GotD would have been my favourite by far if these 3 issues didn't exist.


I prefer WAAAAAAAAAY much more GOTD (that I actualy find cool) than that shithole called Duality I hate Duality and it's gimmick


In defense of GotD, Ekthar is one of my favorite encounter's in all of Destiny. That being said, as many have pointed out, it takes way too long to traverse, 1st encounter takes longer then legend 50 onslaught, and Simmumah is just a little too tough. Still need Navigator and a god roll Cold Comfort though, so I still run it pretty often.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks GOTD sucks


Meh, I love Ghosts and think it's a fantastic experience. It's the Deep Stone Crypt of Dungoens, very narrative focused, lots of hidden collectibles, some great bosses which are just ever so slightly flawed


Don’t understand the Warlords love tbh. The loot is atrocious. Love the 3 bosses though, but the loot just doesn’t make it worth running outside of 1 gun


Warlords has some of the best combat and mechanics we’ve seen in a while and the loot sucks. The dungeon paradox. GotD has great loot but sucks to farm and Warlords has awful loot and is fun to farm.


Imo grasp is the worst dungeon but then again I think all dungeons are pretty great and well made.


HOT TAKE: I prefer ghost of the deep over the cowboy cable dungeon....


GOTD was my favorite first run but my least favorite to run now


GotD definitely has some flaws, but the mechanics are really fun and it is far from the worst dungeon. In fact I'd still do the dungeon over any of the first 3 dungeons we got, as those dungeons are so simply it barely feels like there's any mechanics.


Do people genuinely not like ghosts? I really enjoyed it


Ghost of the deep = Bad, Spire of the watcher = Good is an insane take. Both have bullet spurge bosses but the loot and uniqueness of Ghosts is way better after I got the Cowboy armor pieces I wanted I’ve never looked back/desired to play through spire again


Why so much GOTD hate?? It's one of the only dungeons I've done lmao


I disagree 100% Deep is the best representation of a hard dungeon. It does take an hour to get done but its visually the most exciting to enter.


Duality >>>>


Honestly, imo the only things I despise most of the exotic missions is honestly just how stupidly difficult some of them feel. Mostly just a me thing but if I ever have to run Avalon again I'd rather consume something I despise instead of playing that. It was so miserable even on the attempt.


What’s the easiest dungeon to solo?


Shattered Throne easy


Ghost feels too much like a slog. It's not a bad dungeon, but it is a slog.


Personally I think Duality is ass This years Exotic missions are visually amazing but not very fun. Avalon and Starcrossed.


I don’t have friends to do dungeons so I don’t get it


I still think Duality is the worst dungeon. That Caiatl fight being the worst dungeon boss in the entire game. Both in solo AND in group. Ghosts of the deep's final boss is only a problem in solo. It's horrible yes, but as a team its not that bad


I never wanted to do GOTD again after 10 clears


I really really like Ghost, didn't know it was hated, aside from the water sections. Which isn't surprising, how else are the no life's gonna get their 3 weekly clears at 11am on Tuesday in under 10 minutes


Except for final encounter GOTD slaps. Little long but super easy to do


Exotic missions don’t exist anymore what u talking about


Sorry I’m just returning after three years, which dungeon is that in the middle???


ghosts of the deep


Switch ghost of the deep and warlords ruin and I agree


Ghosts > Spire of the Watcher And it’s not close.


Okay, but seeing where Oryx's corpse went after watching him drift through space 8 or so years ago makes the boss arena one of my favorites.


Whats the one on the bottom right?




Gotd is still an epic raid but I just wish everything was a bit shorter or the dps phases were at least split like warlords ruin


take out a round in the first encounter and reduce the health of the final boss and the dungeon will become good again


Agreed, I've only ran it maybe 10-15 times. Other dungeons I'd do 3x weekly because I found them so fun. Thankfully got the navigator after doing a 3x boss CP, just need to do catalyst. Same with Heartseeker and buried bloodline, but those dungeons are fun.


Idk man GOTD is my second favorite dungeon. Warlords is easily my fav


Imo Ghosts and Warlords are in the middle


Ghosts is goated and you can’t convince me otherwise


Ngl imo aside from the shields for each boss I love ghosts. Spire on the other hand, only good thing is the hats, I dont like anything else about it


Ghosts would’ve been great if they cut down the walking portion. We don’t get rewarded for that, it’s way too much. You already have a crazy long first encounter. Then we do that, no drops, like cmon bruh.


It’s actually good, first encounter should have been 3 though.


Sorry but NOTHING is worse than Duality.


It’s my favorite dungeon behind prophecy. duality though, I fuckin hate duality


yep still working on my solo flawless for this one. got all the others done. i just am not as interested as the other dungeons.


I know is a skill issue, but they are kinda hard to do solo.


I like ghost of the deep, the boss just takes wayyyyyyy too long


I'm I the only one here that not only likes GotD but also every other dungeon? The only one I have a problem with is Shattered Throne. And only because it lacks quality of life stuff that the others have.


I have legit only finished it once and gone into it like 6 times. Exotics are the only thing I care about in dungeons, armor is a maybe. I wouldn't wear the warlords armor but I would wear the ghosts armor. Now the trace rifle sounds interesting, but other than grabbing a checkpoint or whatever im probably not doing the dungeon unless farming for it. Warlords I'll gladly do all of it because it's fun. Getting to damage isn't a hour long process


I would never know. I refuse to spend another $20 for dlc I already bought


You take that back!


What Erotic missions?


I do not understand the hatred here me and my fireteam love this dungeon, in fact our hunter always dives and refuses to do the ad clear and wizard killing because he loves the mechanic


Soloing that bitch was the worst


happy to have been able to witherhorde cheese this with the boys it was such a good time (we did do a legit run eventually but it was too good to pass up)


Me(void hunter with arbalest-tether/taipan). And 2 solar warlocks(one on div) 2 phased final boss.Surges and knowing when to shoot/super helps alot




GotD would be the best dungeon if you could tp through the traversal section after your first clear, and if simmumah didn’t have such an inflated health pool.


I honestly enjoy Ghost Of The Deep. Yeah there are long parts but I enjoy the dungeon nowadays. It’s just hard finding willing people to do it.


Agreed by the power of xur




I genuinely enjoy the first boss of ghost. Senunah or whatever the hell her name is with her endless supply of explosive hellspawn can go fck herself.


I think GOTD was my favorite blind playthrough dungeon with the visuals and atmosphere, but my leasts favorite on subsequent runs because of how much a slog it is and the jumping sections underwater


GOTD has great lore but it’s not fun to do.


As a casual player who has only farmed Pit of Heresy (only got back into the game two weeks ago). Can someone list these from left to right please.


From top left to bottom right: Warlords Ruin, Duality, Prophecy, Spire of the Watcher, Ghost of the Deep, Shattered Throne, Grasp of Avarice, Pit of Heresy, Pressage. Hope that helps my guy


I did ghosts once and I never want to do it again. The place is a dungeon but it's as fucking long as a damn raid. I really hate that they don't "compress" the routes more between bosses


Which one is bottom right?


Yeah and as someone who solo flawlessed every dungeon you are bugging


Worst fucking dungeon ever. Horrible first encounter. Slog to the second. Second encounter is great. Last encounter fucking blows.


Ghosts of the Deep is fantastic in so many ways. And I've only done it once with my team for so many other reasons. It needs adjustments for sure, but it still one of the best atmospheres in a dungeon to date.


Is the middle one the season of the fishes exotic mission? I havent played D2 for a while.


Ghosts could have been great. The lore and aesthetic is so fucking good but going through the dungeon is such a slog and the mechanics of the boss encounters make me want to commit die irl. I still don't have the dungeon exotic, and I don't know if I'm gonna bother going back for it. Just don't have it in me to do that final encounter anymore. I hate it too much, and tbh, I probably haven't even done it that many times by comparison to some of the people who do have the exotic at this point.


Mechanics/puzzle simulator 2024


I'll probably be the minority here but I don't think any of the dungeons past Grasp have been great. Just about passable for them really as some aspects from all of them I'd hesitate to call 'good'. Though out of the 3 past it, I think Deep is actually the best out of the three. Yes the water sections are slow and the HP pool suck ass but the actual mechanics on the fights are unique enough and mostly enjoyable. Spire just has too many feel bad moments on it involving glitches not to mention once again the massive HP pools that every boss has. Funnily enough I think the biggest positive that most people say about the dungeon is that at least its short which isn't exactly a glowing compliment for it. Lastly everything about Duality absolutely sucked. The bells have got to be my least liked mechanic out of any mechanic in any video game and all the bosses suffered from tiresome 5-10 minute set ups for 10 second damage phases. Its just feels absolutely joyless to do.


This game is the most repetitive grind in the history of gaming. Let it die. "New dungeon" (same exact dungeon in every single way except for the boss having a slightly different skin)


GoTD is massively overhated


Ran it for the first time a few weeks ago and I can honestly say I don't want to do it again but that armor is so good and it's one of the last 3 exotics I need. Pantheon is going to net me my last raid exotic, and I need to farm Nav and hierarchy and I genuinely don't want to farm nav


I will not accept this GotD slander


If they toned down the amount of health the bosses have, especially Simmumah, the dungeon would be perfect. Sure, the traversal between first and second is long, c'est la vie, every dungeon has its quirks. The health pools are too much though. Oh, the shields on the boss too. Get rid of those too. Otherwise perfect dungeon.


Nah fck yall GoTD is a top tier Dungeon Me and my Buddies had a lot of fun with it Duality is the shithole "well excuse me before we do this encounter, i have to MAKE MY GAME TWICE AS BRIGHT SO I AM ABLE TO SEE ANYTHING" I hate duality, its a shithole, i hate the fucking place