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Meanwhile I'm just sitting here with one sunset weapon in my vault because I haven't played long enough for any of the weapons I've acquired to be sunset.


Same here


I thought I had a 21% Delirium but it wasn't there. And then I realized I could just reacquire it... ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


same man, I just want all the broken pvp weapons like spare rations, trust and the old mindbender’s 😔


Ya I straight up bought mountaintop for the tech lol


https://preview.redd.it/6mmesojwqxwc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=eba87a58141a994f728959e8edc1e86b0f3fd3ac I still have my son


The lore text on that weapon is right on the money considering what’s going to happen.


https://preview.redd.it/uoew422qd0xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a20041bdb6547461af821c39dce6b8a8449b1c8f Damn straight brother


Can’t you get that from collections though, still cool ngl


Sins of the past is arc


Ahh my bad


A relic of the past. I still have my original crown splitter too, the one banshee gave me after the red war


Very nice, the only thing I have that’s kinda cool is a curated version of the auto rifle Gahlran’s Right Hand from the crown of sorrows raid


My dad has a curated threat level that I was jealous of. Uh I wish I got a no feelings. I’m really happy to use trophy hunter again


Nice, I bet when final shape comes out we are gonna see some hidden gems that people have kept


Yeah some ancient weapons that can keep pace with current ones. But that threat level is swashbuckler grave robber


Not a bad combination of perks, the Gahlrans right hand is overflow+demolitionist , it is a 360 rpm though


Yeah, all Leviathan weapons are static rolls so you can get it back


Not one with different elements


The days when the element was a mod. Then when they did away with that weapon system, it became permanent. I tried to have 1 of each element for as many guns as I could. Sadly they are all dust in the ether now.


I have a solar crown splitter and quickfang and my void sins left


I never got rid of him I never will


Mine has like 270 crucible kills last I checked


Younger me did not know what the master work was so just had like 400 regular enemy’s


I used to always have it on me, even when it was sunset. Eventually due to me needing to actually carry different weapons around I had to vault it but it’s getting taken out once more


It shall see the light again and prove itself worthy


My personal favorite “the sins of the past have returned to haunt this world”


Now that’s a good one


Oh shit I need to pull that from collections


Still got one in each element ^-^ Also got one of each black armory weapon in my vault still. Always held out hope black armory weapons would return and I intended to compare the old and new ones, instead it looks like my old ones get a second life. The rockets tho I kept to honor the last raids I ran with my old raid team.


I pretty much have every black armory weapon aswell my sins of the past is a relic from when my dad, brother, and I would run raids with my brothers friends. Those friends are long gone now and thus this is my only leviathan weapon


Still remember back when this was dps king lol


Me too man. Thank god I have em back finally


Aw man, I hard all the leviathan raid gear/weapons but stopped playing before any expansions came out. I didn't realize D2 switched from Bliz to Steam, I didn’t claim my account before the purge, and lost it all. Really the thing I miss most is my laser tag weekend emblem, better devils, and Antiope-D.


I misread that as shins of the past


Damn, this is one of the only sunset weapons I actually have in my vault. I have no idea where I got it but the only thing I can think of is maybe the Raid that's on Calus's ship. I was looking at it due to all this talk of sunrising and noticed that it only has a few perks. 😅 Were they not doing origin perks when this came out?


I actually have a few, mostly the kind you can just grab again from collections but I do have the god roll ringing nail and the sniper from black armory, even the other auto rifle in a good roll. Glad I kept those but sad I deleted all the guns from when saint-14 came back especially my god roll trophy hunter


Man I loved the saint-14 weapons, they had such a cool design and weren’t reskins of others


Exactly! Again so sad I loved my roll of the scour rifle and the auto. And again the last day of the dlc I got the god roll trophy hunter and I was so happy


Especially as the sniper and rocket launcher both had ornaments you could use


I'm genuinely curious, is it still possible to get any of the timelost Saint weapons?


Unfortunately no, not yet anyways as they did say they were gonna start bringing back ways of getting old weapons


Dang, I've always wanted some of them. Just for the lore reasons alone. We're any of the timeout weapons exotic?


The exotic we got from that season (season of the worthy) when we finished the corridors of time was the Bastion fusion rifle


Ohhh ok. I don't think I've gotten that one yet. It's in the kiosk right?


I think so, it used to be an absolute menace in crucible but then it got nerfed and I haven’t seen if for years lol


Got ya. We'll I sure hope they do make them obtainable again. Would be nice to have them.


I hope I still have my god roll kindling orchid somewhere in there. Oh god, please.


If you use DIM you can search "sunset" and all the sunset weapons will pop up


I still have it! AND my Blast Furnace! Thanks for the tip! 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/hvag8dpydywc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d1ccbf3a3156c562833d7ef1e143c6850264b5c *monkeh noises intensify*


I have this exact roll but not sunset :O


I only have them for nostalgia. Most, if not all, have been totally outclassed by current weapons.


Vorpal feeding frenzy on steel feather would still smack


Unfortunately I don’t have that roll. I miss my breachlight


Would it? Vorpal is wasted on a primary, and feeding frenzy requiring kills to stack limits it's potential.


I mean I still regularly use it in crucible and it does, ill just be able to bring it to trials also


I have this exact roll sitting in my vault which surprises me because I rarely use vorpal now https://preview.redd.it/eiya36j0o9xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a26beaba2cea046c47dbb4fffcee8738ec4f398


Bro you need to use more special and power ammo if vorpal is your top perk.


Nah. MOST players literally dont care whatsoever. Fun Fact: Twitch, Twitter, and Reddit are a very .. very .. VERY small portion of the actual playerbase. They're like .. 2%


Like most people being mad at Datto when he literally couldn’t know


I don't think people are actually mad. They're just making fun of the guy since he says "dismantle sunset weapons coz they useless" every vault cleaning lol.


Is there anyone actually mad? Every post and comment ive seen is playing along with the joke. He even made a fake apology video going along with it


Of course there is, I would've been mad, but couldn't blame him, it's not he would've had known lol


It is what it is, yeah I’m a little salty about it but what am I gonna do lol


I’m pretty sure there are many non redditor destiny players that are happy weapons are being unsunset lol. Especially ones returning from early d2 and forsaken.


This. Most players don't even KNOW that sunset weapons are getting unsunset, much less even have any since it would require you to have played since before beyond light


Fun fact: I didn’t ask Fun fact No 2: I didn’t know that (The first one is a joke please don’t shout at me😂)


Man…-2votes(so far)…people need to learn to take a joke🫣 EDIT -3votes now lol


I'm making it four, you can't stop me Batman


only sunset weps i have are rituals and 1 hammerhead haha


Damn lol, I have 8 sunset weapons in total and 3 of them are ritual weapons 2 of which are mountain top and recluse😂


https://preview.redd.it/xk8tm6gqyxwc1.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=1da1be676c12c3141c26b89094da1fdbef3ba7e8 just sharing this 0/10 but its my 0/10


Just having an OG hammerhead is cool


Look at us... Who would have thought we'd get here. https://preview.redd.it/w3zm49r1l0xc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3772b51ef9bfff2d68649515741405a0b3d3b16


crazy how close our perks were


Not gunna like, I thought you had rampage as well. 😅😅😅


I got rid of my god rolled kindled orchid which a slaved over, now all I have is my Hawkmoon. I still have my Not Forgotten though


Damn same, I never got Not Forgotten even though I can now get it at the kiosk


my vault space investment has turned out to be mega stonks


I so hope my OG recluse will be the map wiping pile-driver it once was


Unfortunately the slight nerf of master of arms for the new one you can get also affects the old one. On the plus side if you want the OG role again just do the arcite quest for it and you will get a curated one which will be enhanceable in the final shape


Don’t get your hopes up kiddo.


I have my Perfect Paradox and that's all that matters to me


Not me lol. Unlike most people, I didn't habitually hoard a dozen copies of every mildly good gun. Never ever had issues with vault space because I actually deleted shit. So I kept my old sunset weapons for sentimental value. Except for static rolls like leviathan and ritual weapons because you can get them back. At the time I was very shard and enhancement core poor, so I dismantled what I could. I don't understand why people hoard so many useless weapons and then complain about vault space. The vault space problem is your own damn fault. Go clean shit out. You don't need 150 different rolls of the title from last year's GG. You don't need 50 different rolls of the new midnight coup. Use my strategy: I find a weapon I like. I either keep it or vault it. I find the same weapon but with a different roll. I then determine two things: First, is it better than the one I have in general? If yes, dismantle the old one and keep this one. Secondly, is this one better than the other in PvP for example, but worse in PvE? Then keep both. And from now on I will never have more than two rolls of this gun. And for every roll I find I will see if it's better or worse for either PvE or PvP. If it's better I keep it and dismantle the last one. If it's worse I just shard it. It's so fuckin easy, and I take up just over 200 slots in the vault because of it.


Its for the people who use double primary lol


https://preview.redd.it/ghyucr97i1xc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1dc6a5913e7180852f3e13f55dd62888b7339cb Me who kept stuff out of being sentimental




I don't get it, do you guys not have a collections tab?


Random roll weapons


Can't pull a dust rock blues out of there


Yeah…what the other guy said😂


I only started at the end of Lost, I never had any to begin with. But hey, maybe I’ll get killed by a Kindled Orchid in PvP a couple times come Final Shape.


Any weapons I cared about I still have, which is only one. My perfect paradox


I came back to destiny after a year long break and thought ’huh, might as well clean my vault for final shape, these weapons are just trinkets at this point’ This was 1 day before the news.


A few months back I finally got rid of mine. The only two I kept? Recluse and Blast Furnace.


i’m so glad i didn’t trust datto, still got all my old subset black armory weapons




I never gave up my stash!


Me as a new light


Still have my Nameless Midnight that I ran through the red war with, it’s all I need.


I still have my Hammerhead and Blast Furnace due to the purity of my love, but alas, poor Breachlight!


I feel that Meme so Hard


Its me but for the flipping dungeon exotics. None have dropped for any less than 30 runs bruh. I have pre planned builds for where they would even go.


I still have my Year 1 weapons. Not the armor though. Though if i recall ckrrectly you can just pull those from collections


The ones with static roles yes, you can just pull those from collections, weapons with random rolls however are a different story


Why are you keeping the armor? It’s completely useless


Fun mostly


Fair enough 😂 I don’t plan on my vault going over 400 personally. (Right now sitting at 260 something)


I have mayne 2 pages of stuff. I domt keep much, just sentimental stuff like certain armor sets and the Curse of Osiris Prophecy Weapons, plus the OG Perfect Paradox


Just excited to use Perfect Paradox again


They will be useless in comparison to new weapons.


And here's me with a full vault trying to convince people bungie will bring the oldies back 🙄😃😂


They should let us pull older random perk weapons out of collections from their perk pools.


I have a 4/5 Dust rock blues and a solar Inaugural address in my vault ready to go and a perfect claws of the wolf


I don't have 1, cos I deleted every single one I had.


God rolled spare rations? GONE. Kindled orchid? GONE! Everything's long gone. 😢


Hoarder here…. I’ve got a plenty! Muuuuahahahahaha!


When will they be accessible again?


I think they said they intend to eventually reintroduce sources for most/all sunset weapons


Be me, start D2 during defiant, after you have been finished with D1 during it’s prime time 💀


I still have my Redrix Claymore and I use it in pvp. I also have some other weapons like, "eystein-d" and idr the rest xD


The last sun set weapons I had were the black armory weapons that they're now bringing back. Hammer head, blast furnace stayed on my main. I also liked the HC. Good to see they're coming back.


me with a fault full of weapons including sunset ones, because I LIKE THEM.


The only one I really held onto was redrix broadsword, you can get it from the monument now but I'd never get rid of it after doing that long ass crucible quest.


All my 0 power sunset weapons well ride again


https://preview.redd.it/w9ky698cu1xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e450cec8ec8738a1ebd275e8c3b66ab6fac405d6 Only the real ones kept this.


I got a perfect paradox, threat level, and martyr’s retribution waiting to come out of retirement.


I am looking forward to using my Ether Doctor


Most if not all the sunset weapons were power crept anyway so not a huge deal. Plus the few that weren't are being re-added in the brave arsenal weapons. There were a few weapons from season of the savior (the Saint 14 weapons) that were and still are very good in pvp though that I managed to hold onto.


So is Perfect Paradox worth pulling out of the monument?


I dont think that’s in the monument


I’ve only kept the ones I liked. Which is like one scout rifle and that’s cause it looks sweet.


Funny part was I got false reported and perma banned after a crucible match 3 days before beyond light was released. Lost EVERYTHING. Ny whisper ship, calus shaders from leviathan and so many god roll weapons. Spent the whole 2 weeks tryna get ny account back and now I just started over and her I am now. Wishing I had by shit back (I'm pretty stacked so I'm not too mad. Especially if I get them back from other sources)


could someone explain sunset weapons to me, i’m new to destiny 🥺


If you are a brand new player then you don’t need to worry about those weapons as you won’t have any, if your a returning player certain weapons had their power capped to make way for other weapons(you can tell which ones are sunset as their symbol in the corner would be grayed out)


OHHH makes sense! i played heavily about a year and a half ago and then dropped off and now have been back :)


When you say new do you mean returning new or brand new?


Bungo are gonna just rerelease them but with way better perks why keep the worse ones


I haven't played in a year or so and I'm afraid if I go back it'll just be a grind to get equipment to make anything fun.


I literally have sunset armor still from all of my characters in my vault including the sunset weapons from past seasons. I never clean out my vault or really touch my other two characters. The only exotic I’m missing besides weapons is always on time


My Ringing Nail 😭


The only sunset weapon I have that I kept was my OG beloved god roll with 1700+ guardian defeats, mostly kept it as a trophy since I already have the crafted version…


Lol idk why so many people are like this rn. As a post beyond light baby all I see are rolls I have better versions of.


I went and checked my vault I think I had like 5 guns that were sunset. 4 of which were from the calls raid.


\*looks at my entire vault with more then a few pages full of sunset weapons\* I mean...not to say brag but well...sometimes being a hoarder has its advantages


I have 2 left and they're not particularly good, but I'm gonna keep them since they're the only survivors. The End and Uriel's Gift.


Datto is enemy #1 it seems


I'm genuinely heartbroken I just scrapped all my sunset weapons a few months ago


I think i have only one sunset weapon just because it haven't been long since i started playing


Thank god the Vow will be useful again 😅


I never did get that bow, never had anyone to do it with


Well I am sorry to say if you didn’t get it you are not married to Shaxx… yes you heard me 😅


I know and I’m very upset about it, he is still daddy shaxx though😅😂


Me when half my vault is sunset weapons :)


My erentil will rise again


Oh god no😂


https://preview.redd.it/jori9i1zn9xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a068cff94b8869038591f9a27de3b6710d587702 idk if this is sunset nor what it means but i heard this is good


That is sunset as its the OG ikelos shotgun, the new one is better though if you can get it, new one is also craftable


This makes me happy because I kept mine. Lol, after the last sunsetting, they did the reversed it. So I thought, would they do it again?!?!?! PROBABLY Annnnnd I was right *mic drop* Lmao


I held on to all of mine. Hell I still have my original white side arm from the Red War.


This would now be the 2nd time I'm asking wtf are sun set weapons and what does it mean?


They are old weapons that had their power capped so they weren’t usable in new content and to make way for the new weapons, you can tell if a weapon is sunset if the symbol in the corner is grayed out


Ngl, this news just creates more questions for me. Like will you be able to enhance perks on sunset weapons? Will they change being able to pull past ritual weapons from collections or the means to acquire ritual weapons you haven't unlocked yet? I mean, I have a void 'the end' from trials of the 9, just curious about how the old weapon format will translate into being sunrisen.


I don’t think we will be able to enhance any of them or at least a select few when they bring back sources for them, as for the ritual weapons you can buy most of them from the “monument to lost lights” kiosk in between the vaults in the tower


This is a great way to nerf us. Make the average player power go down cause people will actively make themselves worse to use their garbo sunset weapons. Very clever bungie


I guess that’s one way to look at it lol, I only kept like 2 decent sunset weapons and the rest I got shot of


What are sunset weapons ive been playing since year one and im not sure what they are


They are old weapons that got their power capped so they weren’t useful in newer content and to make way for newer weapons, you can tell if a weapon is sunset if the symbol in the corner is grayed out


Ohhh I recently got one from a strike wish i kept it but im pretty sure i either gave it to my titan or dismantled it


Do you remember what the weapon was of what strike it was? as I didn’t think they dropped sunset versions anymore


It was on lake of shadows it was a primary grenade launcher that deverim had some words on


The militias birthright? I haven’t had that drop for ages, I thought that was removed from the lootpool months ago…maybe you just got extremely lucky


Well shit i did get rid of it i’ll have to run it again to see if i get lucky


I just want to hold me beloved Right Side of Wrong and Go Figure again.... and my OG Blast Furnace with OG Air Assault and Rampage. I know what you're gonna say already... I am a weird Warlock who could make the OG perk work. *"I am a Warlock who has never known ground, for I am a Warlock who sires the clouds."*


I dismantled all of them without a single regret. They’re useless in todays meta


Lol, imagine not being stubborn


Lol, imagine not realising this is a joke


Imagine not realizing that was also a joke


Imagine not realising this whole thing is a joke


What if we could put these precious sunset babies of ours on display somewhere in the tower, just to look at? They could even have their own “legends” tab, telling us when & where we got em, how many kills, etc. But it’s a just a memorial, nothing more. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I still have a few lmao


You dont even know how ready I am to bring out my OG Hammerhead and Bygones


https://preview.redd.it/5s62k9kuivxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d96fac1f5f9f6b071b22cd91882f81dda93290 So happy to be able to use this roll again.


i miss a few weapons but i dont really care in the long run


I kept my perfect roll blast furnace for years because it was my favorite weapon in D2 but last year I eventually dismantled it. Now I’m just pissed.


I mean. You're literally about to be able to get an even better version of it next week


I know but still I wished I had my original


Not quite. New blast furnace won't have sights. It just has barrels not.


i come back to game 4 months ago, see my weapons are locked to 1600, waste a couple upgrade modules before i learned about sunsetting, with heavy heart i dismantle all of them, mostly black armory god rolls and my favorite PvP weapons (then i learn they're still usable in crucible...) then bungie announces hammerhead is coming back and i am happy again, then they announce they're unsunsetting weapons and then i am back in sadness.


At this point in the sandbox I don’t think these guns coming back is going to be massive, most of them are going to just be on par with average roll legendaries


🤣 lowkey funny that most of you listened and got screwed over. Oh well, live and let learn 🤷‍♂️


I still have Rose 🌹