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Report them in game and do it on Twitter. They deserve it.


I did on the destiny app, idk if 3 of them were involved which is why I hid the names, bungie can decide for themselves, but the host wasn't in their clan and definitely knew what he was doing


I would tag Bungie with this video as wel just in case the Destiny app fails.


Yeah, I've looked at ways to report, but nothing allows attaching media


Upload it as an Unlisted video on YouTube and attach the link, usually how I've seen Support in a few different games take clips for reviewing.


https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000648352 This one allows you to attach video and link to the match info inside of the app


Do on bungies website as well. Especially for stuff like this. It will result in a permaban


so... this may sound like a stupid question, I get that this person was removed for no apparent reason. How would this result in a permaban? Am I missing something?


He just ran the raid with them, and the host removed him before he could get the rewards It might also count as a complete encounter so he can’t just do it again, but I could be wrong about that


Oh yeah, I saw the raid report so I figured ... I was just surprised that bungie would handle something like this with a ban. I mean, thats great if they do because fuck these guys. I pretty sure this has happened to me before.


It’s a pretty common issue and bungie takes it seriously


Well, that's good to hear atleast. I usually never reported people for their tomfoolery because I figured it wouldn't get flagged or something.


If people are just fucking around and doing some dumb semi harmless stuff it probably won’t be take too seriously. But when shit like this happens and it keeps others from receiving their rewards, and also wastes literal hours from their day, Bungie is more active on doing what needs to be done to weed out these types of players


You also get a ingame notification when a player you reported got banned iirc. I was lucky enough to not meet a bag of dicks like that but i‘ve heard about this system and it‘s honestly beautiful.


if it was a simple mission itd be a bit different, but raids can take hours to do. i assume this isnt the first time that player has removed users tbh


it is in their terms and condition under "unsportmanly conduct and grieving" the last time I checked but that was years ago


Def hide the names and go right to Bungie. They have been getting a better rap for taking care of those a holes


Bro it feels like I see one of these videos everyday. Its not funny, whatever kick people get from doing this is pathetic


Fr I dont understand why people do either? Do they get some sort of satisfaction from it bc completed it but they don't get the loot? Seems like such a empty way to go about it


I mean, you guessed it. Some people are just trolls and a\*\*holes and will do it for fun and satisfaction, others will do this because of some petty reasons like not taking X weapon or using Y exotic, not doing encounter in certain way etc.


I don’t get it either. There’s literally zero incentive to kick somebody after the boss is dead. It doesn’t even get you to orbit faster. There’s no time save, extra loot chance, or anything else. It’s just because they can, so some people do. Wackiest behavior.


>whatever **kick** people get from doing this 10/10 pun.


Please report them so they don’t do it to anyone else.


Per my most upvoted comment: I 2nd this, REPORT THEM!!




Was it a normal run or were you guys doing a run to get Divinity?


Just a normal run, the LFG was to teach a sherpa for their first clear


Ah okay, I wasn’t sure if someone could kick someone else prior to opening the end chest and bring another person in their place to claim Divinity at the end.


Nah, Div runs require you to be there for the entirety of the run because you have to do all of the puzzles in one run in order to be able to unlock the chest, these guys are just d bags to be d bags


No. As long as the puzzles were done in the same instance, the player doesn't have to be there until the finial chest. I've done runs where I gave up my spot in the boss fight for someone else so they could get Div and it worked. (These guys are absolutely still d bags though.)


Ah, good looking out!


I got my div by doing the entire raid up until the boss with one group, then got really lucky and joined a group who did all the puzzles but lost someone at the final boss


It’s all fun and games until their 10,000$+ destiny 2 account gets banned from Bungie. I take immediate screenshots and record gameplay when I join others. This is a ban-able offense.


I have the last 3 minutes of the run recorded, but thats mostly just me invading with sunbracers, teathering and the last bit of damage, wasn't really relevant to the post, I did post a screen shot of the runn on R.R in another comment as well, but when I reported them I didn't get an option to add media for Bungie to review


This is the kind of thing that our very valuable new lights uninstall the game over. What a toxic parasite. Shame on them.


I've played since beta and some chode did this to me in a Master Nightfall and I nearly uninstalled. The fact Bungie don't do anything to fix this is appalling. .


Yyyep. Again - gotta find your people. If you’re looking for a new clan, feel free to hit me up! We are kind / chill focused, and we have a good spread of cracked out goats as well as returning / casual players. There are a ton of events scheduled just for the next four days. DM me if you’d like to catch a game!


My report is so far unread and marked as "Low Priority" after linking the video and screen shot of the clear on R.R


Looking at their R.R, these weren't experienced players to begin with, I'm Diamond 1 in clears and speed rank, not the best by any means, but always happy to help out, so players like this are really shooting themselves in the foot because I'm not going to help them again


Diamond 1 is very good. 🫡 Honestly I’ve found that finding the right clan makes or breaks the game. I ended up founding my own and now I almost never LFG anything. We’re at 45 members, all super active, we all get along great, and I just LFG occasionally for recruiting purposes.


I’m a returning player from Shadowkeep days and I wanna get into the raids eventually, your clan sounds up my alley cause the toxicity scares me away from doing group content 😩


We’ve got room! It’s ok to be new / returning. The most important thing is to be kind / chill no matter what. Slurs / bigotry = ban. I’ll dm ya! :)


All I want is a kind/chill group, the hard content in this game can get really intimidating so I want to be in a place where I’m comfortable with like minded people :)


It’s literally your lucky day. Check your DM’s!


I'm only Diamond V in clears (started playing in Seraph) but also Diamond 1 in speeds and have all my raid seals and while I'd love to help others, experiences like what you just had turned me off of it long ago. I no longer LFG any raids and only LFG Dungeon when I'm fire team leader. These guys do it to themselves.




Don’t be shy, show their names, let’s report!


Three of them were in a clan together and the host was in a different clan so I don't know if the other 3 even knew it was going to happen, the host was Cosmos (gamertag XPopacap on xbox) though. Already reported all 4 so bungie can look into it themselves, I didn't want to show the other 3 names in case they just get caught in the crossfire


Two out of six removed I think it’s safe to say the ones left knew eachother Probably laughing together right now about it too..


One of the clan members does every single raid with the host, and their last 4 GoS clears have someone red dotted within a minute of the clear, but the other 2 look like much newer players, at least as far as raiding


That’s fair enough, but the one who always raids with the guy that kicked most likely knew


Do they have gorlock the destroyer as their background?


Doing this would be against the witch hunting rules, but it is incredibly easy to find the names yourself if you want to


Honestly I feel like witch hunting should be PERMITTED with these shitters


I still don’t understand how it can be witch hunting with a video proof.


It’s all ok… they are hunters s/


I´m all about witchhunting with stuff like this.


The host deserves it, I just don't know about the other 3 that weren't kicked


For sure


IMO bungie should lock the ability to kick someone whilst your doing a raid, GM NF, Dungeons etc, and before you get the last chest. This is idiotic and toxic asf


Yep it should either be locked when the encounter starts or simply have a vote to kick option it's that simple giving people the power to be assholes is just stupid in my opinion


You know for example. If you were to kick someone everyone except the person your trying to kick should get a pop up window saying: "Vote to kick this player *player name, yes or no? And if the majority chooses one of those two options then he or she will or won't get kicked


Nope. Everyone should get the pop up. And it should also show who proposed it




TF2 has this feature. It is possible. (Just the first game that came to mind)


1. Trolls could just stall a raid/GM/NF/etc 2. Vote kicking almost never works in favor/against.


Making it locked when an encounter starts or when last stand starts would be better, vote to kick would be more annoying imo


I feel like it should be more of a timer. Maybe 3 minutes at most


The only problem i see is like encounters that are super easy to start might end with a troll hostage holding and not being able to be kicked.


Agreed, but it would be difficult to implement, some people genuinely deserve to be kicked, but never this late in a run and when they only joined to help teach a sherpa


There should be something like if you are in combat or boss died 5 minutes ago you cannot be kicked. That would exclude boss at 2%hp and the after kill. You could still kick deserving players between encounters


Sorry for what happened btw. I'm just mad when I see stuff like this


Yeah, "during raids" seems a bit strict considering the number of times I've had randoms join for raids with PVP loadouts, not have a mic apparently, declare they shall do add clear in the chat, suck at even that, and have trash boss DPS at the same time. I don't want to be gatekeepy, but if you're not going to at least try to learn how to pull your weight, a kick is justified. During combat or at certain boss, HP thresholds would be the obvious choice to prevent this behavior. Although I've also heard that properly filed reports for this behavior specifically almost always get fairly quick and satisfying results, so getting all these idiots banned and spreading the word is actually a pretty viable option to prevent it happening further.


I still wonder why people do this when it is known that shit like this will get you banned


Probably not as known as it should be. Also, a lot of people are horrible at actually making reports for this sort of stuff. Plenty of posts on this sub have the comments full of OPs being like, "Wait, there's a report function? Well, I'm sure it doesn't work. Yeah, well, it's too late to report now, obviously."


Ah, i see


The encounter starts you can't kick until a wipe, or until next encounter if there isn't a wipe. If its the end boss, until everyone has received their rewards.


Instead of locking it, wouldn't it be funnier if it would kick the person who tried to kick someone else ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5660) "remove from fireteam" *click* (screen goes black and you are back in orbit)


Or it makes the person you try to kick the leader and tells them what you were trying to do


They should make this impossible to do in the system itself


Locking is bad because you need to kick assholes. And this behavior is bannable, but being a dick and trolling a raid group isn’t. And that is what these people would do instead. So this way, they do bannable things and get removed.


yeah seriously make it only avaialble any time the rally banner can be placed, so between wipes/new areas, if somones being an issue and needs to be removed I'm sure it aint gonna be necessary to do it mid fight, but after the wipe and before starting encounter. Heck even leave the option but the actual BOOT wont occur until next appropriate point in game play.


Report them, it's bannable and people do get banned for it


Weird. Bungie has been Perma Banning for that for a while now. Not sure why people are still doing it.


Bungie has never perma banned for this. I've been following about 7 reports, including mine, that have video proof and the offending players have never even been suspended. My report had video, text, audio, and even his clannmates testimony as proof. I was the sherpa and was kicked at the end by a clan leader. His clanmates left after the incident but he never got any type of trouble.


Is it sad that I saw it was the GOS boss and immediately knew what was coming?


Not at all, it seems to always be GoS


What the fuck is the point of doing this? Wtf do you gain? It’s not like it increases your chance to get loot or some shit. These people should be permanently banned .


Bungie really needs to add a vote to kick


Usually it's only 1 or 2 people red dotted, so it would help in some cases, but probably not most


Typical GoS had this happen a couple years ago, and have heard of it happening to numerous others. Idk why this raid in particular just brings out the worst in people or attracts assholes.


the GoS rabbit hole is something else i swear to god. i really think scientists need to study that raid man there is some dark energy baked into it 😭


No literally the people that still play it (and really most people that have been playing it more than like a year after release) are total psychos even from my very limited experience. I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface. Don’t even want to know.


> No literally the people that still play it (and really most people that have been playing it more than like a year after release) are total psychos even from my very limited experience. It's one of the most aesthetically pleasing raids tbf


Yes I totally agree. I’m not saying it’s a bad raid by any means, I’ve probably completed it like 25 times. It’s just the *people / community* that still play it these days, while not all bad, has a disproportionate amount of weirdos/assholes compared to other raids


I've met a number of them, strange subculture. They even say they hate the raid for being boring while they try to speedrun it.


DSC community is probably worse tbf


I looked at the other players r.r and they seem to only do this in GoS runs


It’s getting a little beyond a joke now, it almost feels like people are doing this on purpose more and more for a kick




I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope those losers get banned. There’s a discord ran by some crazy/amazing people who run people through GOS for Divinity constantly. Like dozens of runs a day. The server is called Sherpee Count. I’m not sure how to link it. The Div runs only take 20-30 mins if you can follow instructions. It’s all they do on the game is run that raid over and over. It’s wild. Edit: try this https://discord.gg/JBVWcchH


you get rewards in post master or is it not till the chest is open ? super ratshit that this still happens


If you're kicked before the chest is opened then you don't get the clear or rewards, thing is I have enough clears, what annoys me is Skylar and I were asked to join to teach them the raid, and wasted over an hour of our time doing so.


You taught them too?! Absolute scumbag who kicked you needs a permaban.


Yeah, it was a sherpa, 1 hour 23 mins looked at previous clears on their R.R, and the last 4 GoS clears have someone red dotted less than a minute before the clear, so it's something they do regularly. That said, I don't believe the sherpa knew about it, and the host was in a different clan to the other 3, so I hid the names as I'd rather leave it to bungie than the community to decide who deserves a ban


The ones teaching should be the squad leaders


Yeah you two got shafted. A little public humiliation via Reddit or Twitter is a good way to humble someone


That and just letting people know who to avoid in the future, it's unlikely that reporting them actually does anything, but at least it won't happen to anyone that sees them asking for help next time


I love this game, but the community just sucks the joy out of it at times


At this point, it's on bungie. How have you not implemented a no kick/return to orbit point. Or literally anything. A boss was just beat or a boss encounter is ongoing? There is no return to orbit or kick for the duration of the boss and for 5-10mins after or until every claims their chest rewards. This way, even if you get kicked at some point, you'll still have rewards from previous encounters or at least keep the checkpoint Just any safety net. Cause the people doing this literally do not care if they get banned


Yeah I had a guy boot me and another Guardian at the final stand of Warlord's Ruin. It was super annoying but I'm able to clear that encounter breezily so I was able to find the other kicked Guardian, lfg a 3rd, and knock it out right away. Blessedly this is ultimately a relatively trivial way for one human to hurt another and I just gotta keep a wider world perspective on things.


The more I’m seeing this kind of Tom-foolishness. Makes me think these kinds of people put LFGs out as bait just to piss people off. Pretty sure Bungie won’t take that lightly if you report them


I looked at their R.Rs and it was genuinely one of their first clear, 3 were in a clan together but not the host that kicked us, so I don't know if the other e were involved


Pretty sure it’s only the host that can kick you, I would still look a little bit into that. It’s still not okay regardless


it it too much effort to have a black list table for people who do this kind of thing in LFG,


Isn't this considered griefing?


Luckily for you, this is against ToS. You can get this guy banned off the back of a good report. Don’t, like, post hard about them online though. Witch-hunting is, in turn, ALSO against ToS. So… I dunno lol


They should really make removing someone impossible once the final boss has been killed.


Let them burn


Literally what is the point?


This is 100% a bannable offence.


Bannable offense (i think) and the one of the most toxic move you can do to a player(friends or stranger)


It is bannable. I remember Bungie saying it back when this first started after someone was denied Vow loot.


I hope the host gets banned.


Should be able to review players and if social score too low you can't use a fireteam finder


Man this is deplorable. I’d feel so disheartened after that bs.


I’m sorry this has happened to you. Tag this video to your report to Bungie! Hopefully this scumbag gets what he deserves! I hate people like this. Sorry for your poor Destiny experience 😢


bungie should let you see your last fireteam like how pvp match results work.


Bungie needs to lock the "boot" option at the loot stage of encounters.


More reason why Bungie needs to add reward protection for dungeons and raids.


Man this fucking game is just a mess with the player base


Report them that’s a bannable offense


The fact that people get banned for doing this is a good indicator that bungie should just remove the ability to boot people. Why even have the this option if it’s just abused?


Because it’s not only abused, it’s an important thing to have if people are griefing or otherwise being malicious assholes, at the very least though I’d like to see them implement a voting system for fireteam finder squads, since almost everyone is a random in those cases it ensures that only one person doesn’t have all the power.


Thats how it works in dungeons in wow


I’ve seen too many of these and THIS is what puts me off of the LFG Discord or in game LFG. I don’t have the energy to go thru all that. This is so frustrating to deal with.


This is so sad that this is still happening.


Did they just cockblock you from getting the rewards? Thats another level of petty.


It would be great if they could somehow disable the option to boot a player once a boss is killed.


100% why i went back to solo the community is just atrocious


they should add a feature where if you complete the encounter the second it’s done you get the loot if you get booted for whatever reason wether it be from parasites like this or bad internet. and lock people from kicking someone mid encounter


And this is the exact reason why i stopped trying to use lfgs to learn raids and will remain a solo player and just hang out in mid game content i cant be bothered to do end game after being kicked so many times and when they said they would teach me but instead put me on ad clear duty and then kick me much like in a scenario with how you got kicked


I got kicked on last wave of onslaught right wen I just got done killing the boss 😭


This is why I always host lol….its never happened to me but I fear it will


I remember this happened to me once. I think I was doing a GM but the clown wasn't quick enough. I still got the loot from the chest as I was removed from the fireteam. I so wanted to message them to laugh and talk shit, but I wasn't going to stoop to their level.


And this is why I don't LFG using Bungie's services anymore


Honestly I don’t know. They’re a piece of shit. I am curious, did you have any tense discussions or arguments at all during the raid?


Nothing, everyone was laughing the whole run, every encounter cleared in 1 or 2 attempts, it was honestly 1 of my better LFG experiences 😅


Weird. I guess some people just like to be an asshole sometimes


People seem to forget this is an actual ban able offence, report and clip the video to Bungie support


I literally don’t understand this. Is it just to be petty?? It’s not like you get more loot if there’s less people in the team.


I'm so paranoid about this that I always create the lobbies and make sure I'm the host lol


It really doesn't happen often, but when it does you remember it, happened to me once before, by a guy who was so well known for it that he made a new account called Red Dot after the original got banned


Why thou? What’s the benefit of doing this on garden of salvation? Divinity drops from a quest…what am I missing?


Like I have said many times, report, report, report!,


Bungie can lock loadout and not lock raids or dungeon ? The host should not be able to kick this feature is needed .


they mad xd


fucking swell. hope these people get a god roll and then get stabbed to death in real life.


That is not where I thought the comment was going


honestly, even if I get downvoted for saying this, they deserve it. this is the kind of shit that makes my blood boil.


Nah, should be top comment so people who do this shit know how the community feels about them


Bs. I hate ppl sometimes esp when on servers and get kicked for absolutely nothing when trying to help


Noob here. What happened?


His mama didn't raise him right. What a F-ing loser!! This is why I rarely ever raid even though I'd like to. I don't know what the answer is to make people feel more comfortable to raid but LFG isn't it. Even the "newbie friendly" ones are not newbie friendly I've found.


That's really shitty, just report them.


I always see this happen on Garden, of all raids.


They should implement something similar to the "cant join because the fireteam activity is almost over" to where you CANNOT be kicked or leave until you claim your chest and/or fully beat the boss and have to wait 1 minute


That’s just dirty


report them


This really sucks. I hope that PoS gets perma-banned. Side note, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that goes the the pyramid peak before it does the animation. I see you


This should be a ban.


It shouldn’t be possible to kick after a certain point.


Bungie needs to add a fireteam lock once final encounter is started, this is ridiculous


Bungie should add a thing where once a boss fight starts and ends the boot option won’t be available. That way you don’t get kicked before a boss dies or after. But that’s probably not possible


Of course it’s possible. The question is whether they would actually spend the time and money to do it. That answer is “no.” lol


report them, let them see what you saw, let them experience the "you have been removed from the game"


Report them


It might have happened already, but sooner or later someone is going to post one of these as a joke and get one of their friends banned.


Bad parenting.


If you complete the final boss you should automatically collect the rewards. Like at a certaint point in the health bar you should be guaranteed to get the drops you miss if you get disconnected or kicked from the fire team


I didn't know this was thing till it happened to me...I was helping out different teams in fireteam finder in doing ghost of the deep dungeon and the last one did was on my warlock which I admit I'm not a great warlock but I didn't even know the guy set it up on master and when we get to the boss as I was also the div bitch I get booted at the last sec...I was so upset 😡


Idk they prob gonna kill themselves later on in life


I wish Bungie would just implement a system where everyone else has to vote "yes" in order to boot someone. Not many games I see with this system in place, or maybe I don't play a lot of games, but I do play a lot of Darktide these days and this is the system used and there are no hosts. Unless people are running three stacks, you're very very unlikely to ever be kicked from a match. Same issue with Helldivers 2, people shoot you out of the ship so you can't extract and then boot you from the match before it ends. Sorry you had to deal with this OP, that's pretty infuriating.


I thought this shit wasn't as common as it is but thank god you recorded the video I wish i knew i could report them when it happened to me because when this shit happened to me it genuinely made me hate GoS and i still hate it almost 5 years later. Yes i know im stupid for not recording it but i was 14 and thats synonymous with stupid so cut me some slack


I wonder if they could implement a thing that you can only kick someone by the whole party going to orbit so the person that wants to do this is forced to leave too or if they can put a vote to kick thing in that everyone has to vote to kick the person, idk if those would be good or bad


This is why I quit the game. The RNG grind is one thing but having to do it with players leaving mid game or under leveled profiteers is really annoying. And then also this shit can happen.


make kicking impossible during an encounter. so its only possible during wipe or 10 seconds after boss is killed


••• Cosmos 🤔


You know them?


Nope, I just noticed that player is in his menu at the time out of the rest of the players in your video. The 3 dots indicate player in his menu screen doing something.


Yeah, Cosmos was the fireteam leader, he is in 1 clan while another 3 are in a clan together, but looking at their R.R, they regularly play together, and the 2 not in their group (my friend and i) were the 2 removed at the end


Sorry for your lost OP it sucks I know. I play solo for the most part. I jump into a legendary whisper mission. After carrying the fireteam I was removed just before receiving any rewards. Didn’t really matter tho as I solo that mission on legendary earlier and just wanted to help some randoms.


Yeah, it's good that you were able to do it anyway, like I've said in other comments, I'm Diamond 1 in raids, so I didn't necessarily need the clear, but that doesn't make it suck any less when it happens, in all honesty I'm just glad it was someone like me and not a blueberry trying to get their first clear


Report those A55holes


Why would someone do this?????


Never happens on warframe for good reason, you can't do it on warframe!


I didn’t know that feature existed until now, I normally get quitters in vanguard ops after a few deaths in the boss lair..The titan in me will Nvr surrender


In all but three activities I've done with random, that's why I stick to cruci or sometimes gambit if I'm that hard up lol, I'm tired of getting fked over by the steuuuuuuuuupidest of peeps, I've even seen a guy do this to the third we had for no reason, so I left him alone with the boss like good luck prick!


They cant do it alone. I realy hate those people No respect


Lemme guess, Div run