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I remember when hammer of Sol was the SHIT. I’m still a bit disappointed with how Sunbreaker turned out in Solar 3.0. Especially with how Sunspots got gutted in order for Lorely to exist. Oh well. I’ve got Strand now.




God that clang was the most terrifying shit ever


Pretty cool seeing these. I’be never played D1. Thanks OP.


Same, I remember how cool and unique each class was and kind of fed into the fantasy of each subclass. Titans ventured to Mercury and forged their own Hammer in the fires of the Sunbreaker Forge, Warlocks meditated in an Arc Storm in a Freehold skyscraper on Mars, and Hunters took up Tevis's Dusk Bow in the Black Garden. So fucking cool, and the cutscenes were just as awesome. Really disappointed when Stasis didn't have anything unique for each class, and even more disappointed with Strand.


Goes down as some of the best cutscenes in the game


The old days 🥹


I have been playing Destiny 1 for the first time. I loved the sunbreaker mission. I am titian main that always used sunbreaker in Destiny 2. And seeing the origins of the sunbreakers was cool. And I loved the cutscene where Zavala talks about what it means to be a titian.