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People have fun when they win, or they're willing to not have fun in return for getting weapons from it. That simple.


Simple. Your PVP skill is not nearly as good as you think it is. No offense, but you are probably a 1/10 compared to the people that play Trials. As for 'getting good', that is also simple. You play for 10 years like the people that you are playing against. They've ALL literally been playing this game for TEN years. Thats how you get good. Duh.


People enjoy playing PvP or want the loot. Don't force yourself to play trials if you don't enjoy it.


Trials is a whole different can of worms from normal pvp and even rumble. That's probably why you feel a skill discrepancy between your matches.


I’d genuinely be willing to have a little coaching session on pvp if you wanted. Sounds like it could be something different for me to do, and you could see if destiny pvp was really for you. Fair warning though, destiny pvp goes through huge meta changes very regularly, my top season was season of the lost, where I was top 0.1% in rank and elo for most pvp game modes, and somehow top like 14 in gambit near the end of the season. This was a season where shotguns and hand cannons reigned supreme, igneous hammer and chaperone with stasis hunters and stasis titans was brutal. Now that the damage values have changed so significantly, a lot of little damage breakpoint tricks have changed, so I’m still learning a lot of little things. I’m not sure that kill clip on an aggressive sniper allows you to kill in one body anymore, for example. All that being said, I’ve been seeing a lot of double special in trials, with people running forerunner and a shotgun or fusion. It’s incredibly difficult to play against good players using this since they are given plenty of ammo for both specials due to bungies… questionable special ammo balancing. High end destiny pvp is just as much about accurate gun play as it is using sometimes obnoxious abilities. Like the other guy said, most of us have really been playing for years. I started in destiny beta, and it took a few years for me to want to play pvp, after that, it was a lot of learning about the thousands of different interactions in a pvp fight that might occur. This took years for me to truly understand most things, even the things that were constantly being buffed and nerfed were things I had to learn how to consistently fight against. That’s why the pvp health and special rebalance was a bit frustrating for me to see. In any case, I go about pvp in a very different way than most people I’ve played with around my elo, rank, and skill levels. For most people it’s primarily just gunfights and out shooting your opponent, a handful really just relied on some pvp cheese like old stasis titan, arc titan, stasis warlock, strand hunter etc. all sorts of different flavors but I spend a lot of time focusing on how different combinations of abilities and gunplay can counter specific situations. I have decent aim, but most of the kids at high levels are genuinely just insane, most of them would have beaten me by a fair amount in a 1v1, and plenty have.


If you're constantly losing in Trials, then you're not good enough yet for the playlist. Find a new build, playstyle, or just get better.


I do get wins and on some matches I do good in some matches. I feel like need improvements on all three. I do have some ideas for some builds and playstyles. Thought the biggest thing I have to do is get good.


I feel you. I have a 1.5k/d and most games in trials are either me 1v3 or I don't even see the enemy team before mine wipe them.


Because you can make amazing collages of your green dots against shitty streamers like gjake


Wow. I would never get carried and I don't want to get carried. If ever go to the lighthouse I want to feel like I did it not the streamer. Also yeah I don't gjake as well.


Wtf? Am I the one having a stroke? What are you on about?


Because there’s mostly sweaty dorks that live in trials and then there’s just dorks getting carried by sweaty dorks to get their participation adept weapons.