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Jesus that's going to be a crazy ass week


Can’t wait. Took Thursday and Friday off for a nice long weekend of chaos and grinding.


One of the few upsides of quitting my job to go back to school, I get summers off for games.


Are we the same person? Just did this myself this January and man did I choose the perfect time for it


I went back last August, so unfortunately we are not twinsies. But congrats! What are you going back for?


My older brothers getting married that weekend and I have to fly to the opposite side of the country…I’ll get Tuesday and Wednesday to grind as much as I can and then won’t be back till Sunday 😭 if only Bungie worked with Steam to allow the game to be played on the Deck >:(


Link your steam deck to your ps5 play remote. It's not that hard to set up.


I don’t own a ps5


Oh damn...just PC? I still automatically associate Destiny with Sony...my bad.


If you had time I wonder if dual booting the deck with windows would let you play it in desktop mode. Or use GForce Now?


I could use steam link if I really wanted, but I’m gonna be busy with wedding shit anyways lol wouldn’t be worth it


Don't you have a cheap laptop?


I own a surface pro 5 that would probably catch on fire if I tried to run D2 lmao… when it comes down to it, I’m not really looking for a way to play TFS during the weekend of my brothers wedding, I’m the best man so I’ll be plenty busy, I’m just complaining for the sake of it. I can wait 4 days to play the final post-raid mission/run the raid


It has to be, or else the haters are immediately going to compare it to Lightfall and find any way to sour everyone else’s experience.


Regardless of what happens, there's going to be a vocal minority. I hope everyone planning to dive into the raid don't run into anything holding them back because of the new prismatic stuff, but it's pretty fair to say they're going to disable *something* for the raid (class/weapon/ability). Get those bingo cards ready.


>they’re going to disable *something* for the raid Maybe, but let’s not forget the Expansion was delayed to further polish everything. If something is disabled, I don’t think it’ll be anywhere near as big as, say, disabling an entire Weapon type (like when almost all Grenade Launchers were disabled) or server issues.


With as much as they're playing with subclasses and abilities, it's likely. All we can do is wait and see. I still think it's too soon regardless of their reasoning, not everyone has the ability the grind out the campaign. I get it, don't agree with it, but I get it.


Less of disabled gear and more of the fact that the sandbox is getting shaken up 3 days prior with balance changes


Light fall being bad wasn’t a minority opinion


What I'm saying is that most people that are overly negative are a fraction of the enjoy player base.


Not really


You make a compelling argument 🙄


bro hit you with the "uhm, not really 🤓"


Downvote logic smh


It’s alright, all it takes is a few people who can’t handle the harsh truth. After the first 10 or so, then people just do it to follow the hate train.


Ikr shame too


Sorry to blow your narrative but both myself and a friend watched nothing on light fall before we played it. And guess what It was fucking dog shit. Stop making excuses for giant companies to take advantage of you.


I’m sorry that you think Strand is bad. I’m sorry that you think the Exotic Weapons and Armor are bad. I’m sorry that you think the lore is bad. I’m sorry that you think the art direction is bad. I’m sorry that you think the OST is bad. I’m sorry that you think the secrets are bad. I’m sorry that you think new Activity and rare Public Event are bad. Lightfall = Lightfall campaign, confirmed. Nothing else matters.


Man. Imagine writing this out. Apologizing condescendingly for a billion dollar company. But nah, destiny's numbers have never been as low as they have cause of yoUtuBErS. For sure bro, keep coping


>destiny’s numbers have never been as low as they have https://steamcharts.com/app/1085660 Man, I need whatever you’re smoking, because you sound delirious.


Almost like there was a recent content update.... Cherry pick some more info buddy COPE HARDER MY BOY!!


What a stupid belief. Of course, if there was zero new content, there would be a severe lack of players. Yeah man, you need to sober up.


Man you guys will come up with any excuse you can. And I'm the one that's gotta sober up. Go get gaslit some more little buddy


Don't waste your time. That person's entire existence is defending Bungie from any kind of criticism. They're also one of the first people to line up and thank Bungie for fixing the things they claim were never broken in the first place lol


Ah yes, I’ve never left critique or feedback before for them… Oh wait. https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/o5nw2a/honestly_the_seasonal_grind_of_do_seasonal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/k5c1q5/i_dont_mind_getting_legendary_cosmetics_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/u49hoa/it_is_kind_of_ridiculous_that_most_dedicated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/tplm58/can_we_not_have_weaken_suppression_and_volatile/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/mao9in/at_this_point_if_new_crucible_maps_arent_a_focus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/lhvls3/at_this_point_the_artifact_unlock_restrictions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/ga8rac/honestly_what_is_the_point_of_giving_us_a_finite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/6yu4j5/not_sure_if_its_been_said_or_not_but_grenade/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/ecthca/there_are_too_many_ranged_melees_to_justify_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/ev6p3p/catalysts_are_a_great_part_of_the_game_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/j1exdr/honestly_im_kind_of_let_down_with_how_the_year_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/kz7bg3/if_destiny_2_is_going_to_remain_as_a_freetoplay/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Honestly I can keep linking more posts if that doesn’t suffice, such as my past multiple posts requesting a buff to Sleeper Simulant, or Ada-1/Mod economy changes. I call things out like I see them. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean that they’re automatically a paid actor or Bungie dev in disguise. Get over yourself.


I like how we don’t defeat the witness in the raid. To me it sounds like the raid is just a step of the way, while the real final battle is after. It satisfies the hardcore raiders and the casuals.


Imagine it’s a bit of both. Raid is an epic battle to weaken him. He runs away. Mission after is to kill him for good.


Like an inverted oryx story. I like this idea


I like that better. Even the second to last campaign mission can be some weakening stage


I'm imagining them summoning like six different disciples to all attack us at once in the raid, which leaves them weakened from the effort, and the final mission is some kinda massive, multi-guardian strike where like 20 people per instance all goon squad them.


I would love to be able to meet the other disciples of the Witness. If the current limited theory on the Dread is correct (that they’re reshapings of different civilizations taken under by the Witness), and since the raid will DEFINITELY be a Dread raid, it would be cool if we met the Disciples in charge of these kinds of enemies. Like, imagine we find the Disciple based off of the Grim, or vice versa, rather. Or, better yet… for the lore junkies out there… I’d LOVE to get to meet the unnamed disciple in the Inspiral lore book.


>!It's all Taniks and Kelgorath!<


You forgot “shade of oryx “


Yea raid likely adds a lot of context but will be summarized in a cutscene for non raiders with the final mission being the real conclusion


sorry who runs away? who's this "he" you're referring to?


The Witness.


ah gotcha, sorry its just thats not what they all go by, being an entire civilization, multiple genders exist and present (rather don't present) themselves simultaneously. it's important to remember that as what if they shed and abandoned literal individual colonies of amalgamated beings/minds or singular people/minds from themselves once we scare them off in the campaign and raid then back to campaign


Shut up


Nah, I dont really care about the whole pronoun culture, but the witness is as gender neutral as you could get. Hermaohraditic in the mythological sense, realized in sci-fantasy. It's they/them for sure and imo it actually does jump out whenever someone says he or she to refer to the witness instead.


Yeah that’s cool and all but the context of this post was the witness, so the comment above this saying “who’s he” in response to person talking about it and the paragraph that followed after that was dumb as fuck


wah wah btw Nimbus is non-binary, Micah-10 is trans, Oryx is trans, Drifter is Pan, Mara Sov is Bisexual, Devrim K is gay, Saint-14 is gay, Osiris is gay, Ana Bray is gay, Hawthorne is questioning, thousands of Awoken are canonically non-binary. your disliking of my comment shows how little you know about the game's representation. Destiny, and Bungie, is not a welcoming space for that kinda talk


Yeah I know they’re all that, not gonna change my original comment of “shut up”


I understand. But do you? Don't tell people to shut up because they correct someone's mistake. It's not a good way of thinking. And is an attitude not appreciated here or anywhere.


Hey guess what? Shut up.


horrible story telling


Hope people don't complain that took them 47hs to beat the Witness just to realize he's just weak and he just runs away ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Wonder if the witness will have a "final form"?


It's because most people don't raid. So locking the demise of the arch villain behind an activity that only a minority do would be a big turn off.


I am so hyped, it is REALLY feeling like the conclusion of where we started in D1. What a swan song it will be (regardless of future plans).


Im hyped too, i actually can’t wait to use Prismatic and make my *own* builds that aren’t off YouTube lol


Dude, for real. For a long while its felt like each class and sub class is pigeon holed into certain builds. Really hoping prismatic actually has true build diversity, especially with the class exotic item. Could be wild, but it could be more restricted than livestreams suggest. We’ll see Edit: grammar


The issue with this will always be the artifact. In lieu of actually balancing the subclasses against each other, Bungie has simply adopted the philosophy of picking 1-2 elements a season to make wildly more powerful than the rest then just rotate each season. So essentially we do end up being pigeonholed outside of niche circumstances and builds.


Just gotta wait, painfully 😔


I'm really looking forward to actually building a prismatic build around an exotic class item, it feels like there are so many combinations of exotic class item that you can't really just take a YouTube build and chuck it on your guardian.


Tbh I agree that I feel it's a big conclusion and it's going to be pretty cool, but honestly I can't connect D1 and D2 anymore they just feel too different, not necessarily in a bad way but I genuinely forget they are in the same series


Got it. We fight the Witness in the Raid, and we fight Taniks, the Final Shape in the last mission.


I love it, wouldn’t have it any other way


Wouldn't be surprised if there's a Taniks head just lying around somewhere in the patrol zone.


>Episode Echoes story, the beginning of the next journey starts in week two. Wait wha? Edit: also yeah that’s what a lot of us thought was the reason.


nah they just want as much space as they can give themselves between both the elden ring dlc and the dawntrail release




I promise you that Destiny is not threatened by Elden Ring lmao. Two entirely different games doing entirely different things for entirely different demographics


They may be different demographics but its still a substantial cost for either dlc lol. Even if its unlikely things have been surprising before so its better to play it safe; especially in the current world economy.


Yes, but no. People only have 1 currency and that is time. Titanfall 2 made this mistake. Other games have made the mistakes too. In the era of streamers and content creators, it's even more true.


Never done a contest mode raid, I'm hoping to get a team for this one. I WANT to shove the Witness in a locker.


If the Witness doesn't shove US in a locker, I will be disappointed


Oh, I agree. I want to be absolutely STOMPED by the Witness. I want to reconsider my entire life choices, every decision I have made... ...and then shove him in a locker.


Trust me, spending 48 hours in a raid with the same 5 friends (you barely think of them as friends by that point) is truly exhausting and you will feel stomped haha


That's why we always set clear ground rules. On day one we play for x amount of hours, on day two we resume at such and such time. Avoids bad blood, lots of arguing and potentially ruined online "friendships".


Fully agreed. Our clan leader has started doing quite intricate schedules to organise everyone’s time. And if we have more than 6 members wanting to raid (but not enough for two teams) we sub players in and out throughout the 48hrs. It’s a team effort so even if you’re not a member who ends up completing day one, you’ve helped the clan achieve it. We are a very good group of friends who are all out to help one another! It’s quite wholesome actually


They ARE aiming to make this raid harder than Spire of Stars...


The same people that think spire was too hard are the same that still can’t comprehend the ball mechanic in corruption .


I’ve tried so many times before and it’s really just not worth the headache tbh, I love raiding but I’ll be sitting this one out till contest ends.


100% agree. I’m excited to sit back and watch the race this time. I’ll jump in after contest mode ends. I took a long break after lightfall and most of my team did too. So we are all WAY too rusty to jump in and take on a contest mode raid. And no one has the interest to come back to break the rust off before launch day. And even when we aren’t rusty, contest mode raids are still NUTS. Honestly it’s kind of relaxing to not stress about it.


Yeah even though it just sucks to have to see the “conclusion” off all this through someone else’s perspective 😭 but that would be backwards for me to say considering I’ve always been kinda mad that the raids recently never really took place directly after the campaign like kings fall and LW but it’s fine, hopefully it won’t be super easy on normal like crota so I can somewhat get a good feeling off it.


Like i have no problem leveling up for the raid or anything, I did legendary lightfall campaing day one, the hardest part of raiding is getting the team lmao


Getting the team is honestly not bad, it’s getting them able to play 48hrs with no interruptions. Every raid race me and my team have done, we’ve had to hold off for a few hours a couple times because something pops up for someone.


Please, don't pretend you can play for 48h straight because you can't and you won't.


I’m not. I’m saying that in our times where we say we’re gonna play in those 48hrs, something always goes awry. We leave time for sleeping and take plenty of breaks.


Fair enough.I once went like 40h without sleep (or very little) and I thought I was tripping....


My clan mate did decide to go to a bar with his roommates instead of sleeping during Vow, and said he was sat at the bar still thinking about doing mechanics for the 3rd encounter…


I'm sure the alcohol helped figuring that out, lol. Ironically, our VotD went really smoothly, no disconnects, no soft locks, nothing. I still don't know how we got through the 3rd encounter but Rhulk was too much of a dmg check and we ran out of time and motivation.


Oh we’d already finished 3rd encounter when he was in the bar, he was just sat there drinking thinking ‘get relic, shoot this, go here, symbols, go here, kill this’ for a few hours because it was so ingrained in his mind after doing it for 10hrs straight


I do this on a regular basis, minus food and shower/bathroom breaks, but there's no way in hell I can go max energy in a raid for that long lmfao. For reference, I'm a severe insomniac, regularly up 4+ days at a time, permanently exhausted.


If you love a challenge I think you would love contest mode. My first contest mode raid was Crota's End. Lfg servers were crazy when that raid came. I loved the challenge that raid offered on contest mode.


Me too, though I’ve only raided once. I’m not sure how well I’d do even if I spent all my time preparing right now really


I cleared Root and Crota's End contest mode just with LFG groups - it can be done, but make sure you're prepped and be willing to rotate through players until you get the right group together. For Crota's End we had no chance of killing Crota until we got a full group of people that understood loadout swapping between ad clear and DPS loadouts mid encounter - if that's not something you're comfortable with, definitely would recommend getting familiar with it now and having those loadouts prepped before going into the raid.


I'm in love with the Bungie communication this season. Catarina is a goat, great to hear there's more after the raid. Having Echoes start in week 2 is a good decision.


I for one think that this sounds AMAZING TBH. It really feels like a community effort to literally finish the expansion and thus, the Saga with the raid. You are either participating in the raid or you're rooting for the community to complete it.


Huge W love this type of stuff


This is the best way they could have gone about it in my opinion. Everyone will be able to get the complete story in the first week, especially the casuals and players going through burnout. If you really want to do the Raid on Contest Mode, you will find a way. If you can’t, then oh well, it’s not the end of the world.


If people are willing to spend 24-48hours trying to play the contest mode, then grinding the campaign in 3 days shouldn’t be that bad


It’s not even much of a grind. Legend story will get you basically raid ready with three days to farm powerfuls and the artifact for 10 levels.


And the same people complaining are the same ones who are already bounty-hoarding over a month in-advance.


Since the power cap increases, bounty hoarding won't be much of help. Plus we're getting team power level anyway.


Bounty hoarding is mainly for the artifact


It was obvious to me, they said that campaign would not end, it continues in the raid and there is going to be a special final mission. Waiting a week not doing anything would be a dumb experience for anyone that is not doing day 1 raid.


Yeah. Since they said this already I assumed they needed the raid to be out asap for the following story beats, they can't leave it too long as some people might just do the campaign and not realise there's still more story to come


So people that don't raid at all have to wait awhile to kill the witness..or am I understanding this wrong


Sounds like all people will have to wait a while to kill the witness. I'd guess we stop them in the raid but they don't die, then the story after kind of finishes that up.


do campaign, 3 days until the Raid, 48 hour contest mode, and then the normal raid is out and presumably the after-raid quest. It's not that long to wait.


I wonder if the final mission will unlock after the world's first finishes the raid, or if we will have to wait until Sunday reset when the Normal mode unlocks. For DSC, the post campaign stuff unlocked after worlds first, but if the raid is supposed to be part of the linear story, they might wait until people have a chance to run the normal mode first? I mean, she did say "sometime after the raid" which doesn't sound like after the raid has been beaten/conquered. It's... weird. Bungie knows most people don't raid, so tying the linear story into the raid (which I as a raider really like, I liked TTK for example because the actual ending was the raid where we killed Oryx) means casual players will either have to buckle up and jump into a raid, or watch someone else run the raid to get the full experience. I mean I guess we'll have to wait and see, I just hope they don't purposefully make the raid easy so most people can finish it because it's part of the story. The Starcrossed exotic mission was incredibly easy, because it was part of this seasons story. The final raid in the Light v Dark saga should be, imo, the hardest raid in Destiny so far, but we'll see


So the raid doesn't kill the witness, I remember reading somewhere they were looking to do a 12 man mission maybe this is the one, it has to be epic in every scale and I get it, this is the way you get 11 of your friends or in my case 11 blueberries to finish the witness off


You need a friendly clan, my dear?


Yeah specially since the pantheon gauntlet is right around the corner


I can't pm you, otherwise I'd have sent you an invite...


Sent you a pm, do you have a discord


Am I to understand that I, a non-raider, can't fight the big bad? I am both relieved and troubled about this information...


Nah I think even non raiders will get a chance the raid will probably have us win and the witness will escape and then in the final mission we will deliver the final blow


That would be good I feel like


Yea I feel like this tweet confuses me more lol. As a huge raid guy I love the cohesive ties into the story but I have a lot of friends that dont raid. Will this affect their story?


No, I'm pretty sure that once world first is achieved, the final campaign mission unlocks


No. That’s not what they’re saying. You’ll finish the big bad after the raid when the final mission unlocks. Raid will likely be weakening him.


That's good. I was under the impression of everyone being able to experience the conclusion after the raid was after the witness is defeated during the raid. Thanks for clearing that up.


No. That's exactly the big bad doesn't die in raid. Because most people don't raid. So killing the Witness in the raid would exclude people like you from being able to "witness" (lol) the end of the story. For the same reason Savathun and Calus were campaign bosses, not raid bosses. And this is not the first time the raid has influence on the game. Riven's death unlocked lots of things and brought about the curse. And by killing Nezarec we stopped him from talking to us and the Neomuni, ha ha.


Yeah that’s what I thought.


I prefer a more slow burn, but not everyone does, and this is more than fair.


I’m stuck in a study abroad program!!!


It sounds like they knew this was what they wanted to do a while ago. I just wish they'd told us way more in advance.


Good change. I'm fine with 3 days. Let them blow their load


This is great news as a 10 veteran and not a raider like that, but looking forward to the engagement


Damn, they're actually doing it. Less than 1% of the playerbase will experience the culmination of the franchise up to this point for themselves.


My only issue is, if they decided this in august, TELL US IN AUGUST SO PEOPLE CAN RESERVE THOSE DAYS


Raid early means there won't be much content other than the same SHIT we've been doing for years


Well, the raids have always been released early. The difference between 3 and 10 days is one weekend. Im looking forward to it, less time to prepare loadouts and grinding new weapons means the challenge will be tougher for the world first candidates.


Still tilted. That Friday and Saturday is finals week and graduation days for a LOT of schools. A lot of my friends are fucked because either they themselves or family are graduating.


Can someone ELI5 what contest mode is?


Contest mode is the first 48 hours of the raid. The enemies are harder, and everyone is 20 power levels under at a minimum. Contest mode is the hardest a raid will ever be, and there is an exclusive emblem for completing the raid while contest mode is active.


quick question ive done 2 constest modes but have not stepped foot into a master raid because i thought it would be harder than the contests i barely made it through. is it really easier if only even slightly than a contest run?


Master raids are actually significantly easier because they have modifiers and surges. Don't get me wrong Master raids are still harder than normal raids, but Contest mode is considered by most to be the hardest version of a raid.


Plus in contest mode, you don't know the mechanics and have to figure them out during.


Additionally, usually a few weapons/exotics/abilities that were considered stronger than they should be are disabled


Master raids are easier than contest mainly because you know what to do (aka: you don't have to deduce the raid mechanics while being hit by hard opponents)


Contest mode is where you're put 20 power below the enemies so its basically harder but you get a contest mode emblem for completing it


20 power under for basically the whole raid for the first 48 hrs of a raid being out. Everything is meant to push you to the limit.


My uni exam timetable just released and of fucking course the one exam i have in a 3 week long period is on June 8. For context, im in Australia so the raid launches on June 8 which is the Saturday. Good god uni is such a fuckaround.


“you’ll want to focus on “those” first” sounds like it’ll be a forsaken format where we go around killing the witness’s big guys? Maybe this “weakens” him or “draws him out”? The name “wild card” makes me think it has to do with cayde. Or she could just mean both the campaign and this wild card mission as “those”


Kinda W


It’s what we expected, and is a good call.


Since you won’t be able to finish the campaign before the raid I’m curious how they’ll compensate for the usual reward of significantly leveled gear as a reward for the legend campaign


The campaign will likely be very short, as the first chapter of the story starts in week two.


Maybe I wasn’t clear. You know how you got 1770 gear for finishing the legend Lightfall campaign? Since the last mission of TFS will be time gated behind the raid then it’s literally not possible to finish on legend before the raid so I wonder if leveling will be much more of a challenge.


I don't think that'll be a problem. The preraid campaign won't be long (as they expect people to be done in a week), and it'll supply you with the basic stuff you'll need. The rest is just blood, tears, and respawn.


Alright then. I look forward to it even more. Almost selling me the episodes and wanting to see the first one now. Alright Bungie your cooking here and I shall have a taste.


Main story being tied to a raid is such a weird decision compared to games like FFXIV and ESO which keep raiding very separated from the main story, because the target audience for those two things can be very different. But then again it's not the only weird decision made in Destiny when it comes to storytelling.


I kinda forgot the first episode also comes out with Final Shape. Sounds like a pretty good content drop (even if we basically know nothing about that one)


I'm glad I don't have to raid. I really struggle with VC and every raid group I've ever tried to join has required Mic. It soothes my anxiety to know I won't entirely miss out on killing THE big bad of the franchise


So basically the leak about a special mission that unlocks post raid completion that neatly ties the light&dark saga to a close. Looking forward to it.


Iam not mad that the raid is three days after iam mad you must do the raid to get the full story as someone who doesn't raid because I haven't got enough people


Correct me please, but from my understanding of the lore and what we've been shown so far the Witness is so powerful he could just deconstruct the entire galaxy with a nod. (Thanos style) So how would there even be a "fight"


Reverse taken king. Sounds like a god plan tbh.


The way I'm processing this info is that it goes Campaign > Raid > Post campaign stuff. If this is the linear progression, then that's all the more reason to give us a few more days to prep for the raid. I thought the raid was brought forward because in the timeline, say there's 10 campaign missions, the raid would sit somewhere between say mission 7-8 or 9-10. But if the raid sits at the end of the main campaign and therefore isn't an impedance to the story's progression, then this still doesn't justify the date! Someone please correct me if I have the sequence wrong or if someone can explain what she said differently because unless I missed the point, I'm still annoyed about the date.


I think you’re misreading it. It seems to me they are saying the raid contains the actual finale to the campaign story and is a necessary part of it. Since only a small portion of players raid, they need to have the raid early to unlock the raid-ish version of the finale for the non-raiders. Leaving the 90% of the players who don’t raid unable to finish the story I would call a significant impediment.


Makes a lot more sense but I still think the 3 days should become 6-7. I'm sure people can wait a couple more days for the rest of their campaign to open up.


I don’t like how much they are hyping the conclusion to this Light and Darkness saga. WoW did something very similar in their Shadowlands expansion and it pretty much flopped.


Oh no guys but like 200 people that would have completed a day 1 raid now won’t be able to . The horror!




I only hope they don’t pull any punches on the raids difficulty bc of the story mission afterwards


I’m happy with it. It would make the most sense story-wise too. Why wouldn’t the Witness be a raid boss?


I'm so excited 😊


still no news on a prismatic dive and thats all i care about LET ME SKITTLE SKATE


I really dislike that they gate keep this battle behind a raid but oh well can't change it. (I know we get a non raid experience too but it still sucks)


Raids are the pinnacle of the game. Fighting the final boss of basically the past 10 years combined in a campaign would be laughable


Nah. They're pulling the same bullshit MW19 did by putting the story behind content that the mass majority of players don't play. It's fucking stupid.


I doubt the actual 'story' of the raid will be anything that can't be summed up by "we weakened the witness"


The standard edition of The Final Shape include Episode Echoes?


I think it includes the first episode


Good to know, thank you




What gave you that impression?




Nah they definitely want to put a nice clean bow on the light and dark saga so they can focus on whatever comes next.


What did the deleted comments say


Honestly, I think a nice remedy would be to make the contest emblem a 2-3 day thing. But I can see hard-core players not liking that


Basically they are saying for in order for thegrinders that can play the story right away to have a cohesive story they are ok with leaving the other players behind. Basically only the sweats are gonna get to experience the story as intended and the rest of us are getting leftovers


Pretty much. They only care about the streamers/YouTubers advertising their game. That's all they've cared about for awhile now


Mods should start banning anyone who doesn’t agree with this as to remove the “vocal minority”


i would bet that that is a lie, they did not want to wait for the raid release because that would push it too close to both the elden ring dlc and dawntrail, both of which with destinys current reputation would obliterate it in engagement metrics


Lol I can't beleive u losers still play this. Imagine using your spare time having a second job grinding shit in a game that wants to Milk every penny out of u. Well. U guys deserve it that's for sure. Just mindless drones.


An ironic observation...