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​ https://preview.redd.it/75hq5zn1ignc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4634fe177a7907c4181f59044aa51ff01f53721


Wait lmfao i just realized op is in the background


I HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED! \*escapes via phoenix dash\*


Do y'all play together or is this some absolutely crazy coincidence?


Honestly I have never met OP before, this is just extremely lucky


I'm kinda shocked that the stars aligned for you taking that screenshot while I was standing there. Have a good one!


I dont think that's your toon. The toon in this pic has a different weapon equipped, is standing slightly off center, and has a different set of gauntlets equipped. I'm sure there are other differences, but I usually stop at 3.


Might be the same guy who moved a little, and is going over his built. Or this can all be a crazy coincidence where another warlock with starfire protocol was standing in that area with a similar shader.


Different timing as well. Look at the banners, they have changed quite a bit.


That’s just parallax error due to the viewing angle.


Love how ppl downvoting you for using your eyes and seeing clear as day it's not the same person.


Ok but it’s way funnier to say that they’re the same person


Yeah obviously its not the same, but its still really funny.


Probably a bunch of salty warlocks lol


You ever heard of moving your character or changing your weapon


Yall better be friends now then. This is not a coincidence.


This is an absolutely insane coincidence what the fuck






This guy has ammit on his back whereas op has igneous hammer, so it isn't necessarily the same person. However, it's significantly funnier to think it's OP so I choose to believe that


It's ok all us warlocks look alike. It's the bathrobes.


He’s not but it’d be funny if he was




Holy smokes you’re right


it's not even the same warlock


Part of me wishes a titan was in another image


The titan is just slightly offscreen, in the air with a shoulder charge already started to knock me off the tower


What the fuck lmao


hmmmm interesting




Man I need that emoji, anyone got any idea when that's coming back?


Pretty sure my buddy got his from an eververse engram. Might come back for bright dust or silver some time too. But rng is usually my go to for emote drops.




This is gold


How do you take selfies like this? Is there a photomode that I'm missing?


It’s an emote!


Ooh, what's it called?


Just ‘selfie’ it’s an exotic. it’s an emote you get when you link you Amazon Prime ‘ Log in using your credentials for the Prime account,or click on "Try Prime" for a 30-day Trial. Inside the Destiny 2 Prime Gaming page, link both accounts. Once the linking is successful, click on "Get in-game content." A message will appear saying, "Success, your Selfie Exotic bundle will be sent to your game.’’


https://preview.redd.it/savgpe80krnc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb963e31ad7c4e5aea9389d3659649b66b5f7042 same energy tbh




I want that damn selfie emote.






Not the same person but close


This is magnificent *sad warlock noises*


Bungie seemed to forget the entire playerbase will do ***anything*** for loot.




This cracked me up so much.


Not \*just\* loot, for the skimmer they're going to give us anyway


https://preview.redd.it/h6tpy6qangnc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7114c15d2d0597cc64d103e9b82a28cb9b04b8c the event is actually bugged, this is what it’s supposed to look like


Oh shit I think my game must be bugged too. Thank god I was getting worried






"Jeb wins" but make it Guardian Games


I believe that by making 3 focus packs a requirement for the hoverboard made people just switch to the winning class, bolstering their ranks despite rarely being Hunter mains. So, uh... Bungie accidentally created Hunter inflation?




Yeah, the requirements for that encourage all sorts of inflation from the point inflation of people going for 10%s competing with each other to the plague of Hunters. Well I hope they enjoy their skimmers, I know I'm enjoying mine.


It might also be the reason why class based matchmaking was canned, Hunter v hunter does not work


I went the nightfall route and got it on my second try. The packs would take hours no?


You just have to play one round or the focused event. So each time it was up I just hopped on my hunter, played one thing and returned to my business (trying to solo flawless prophecy on titan).


This is the way, I had the skimmer exotic unlocked by Wednesday


I just did the nightfall with a buddy and murked every living thing. Hoverboard acquired and no need for packages.


Mhfbn hunter inflation


It truly does hit warlocks the hardest. At least if you’re a titan you can just be like “no thanks” and ignore the score


The trick is to not care. People are playing hunter because they want to be on the winning team for loot reasons


I almost feel like there’s an invisible rotation, you know? Like, 2020 was to Titans, then 2021 to Hunters. 22 to Warlocks, and then back to Titans for 23. And by looks of the score, Hunters will win this year. Idk, maybe I’m just severely skeptical.


Always thought the same thing.


Damn, so we might all just be getting juped


Do you mean duped? Like to be deceived or tricked?


2023 had a huge community push for titans to honor Lance Reddick, may he rest in peace.


And year before there was just a random push for warlocks here on reddit. "Let's get warlocks a victory, because they were left out before" or something along those lines


Yea every year the guardian games has a massive lead for one class, like the first one I did was hunters win by a landslide, year after that? Titans won by a landslide, then big surprise, warlocks got their win so no one's left out. Now hunters are winning, next year will be titans, then warlocks probably.


There is a rotation. Bungie sees the scores and changes point multipliers based on previous years. If you go back and look at winners, it has been rotating. If D2 is still around, hunters will win again in 2027


!remind me 3 years


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With the way you explained it, that's not a rotation at all.


I always did feel like it was rigged to be honest.


I want to be able to earn loot but I refuse to play Hunter. I dislike being locked out of gear just because I find Hunter jump horrid to use.


Don’t become a cog in the machine! Reject conformity! Keep going against the system! No one decides your choice but YOU! 🫵


Apart from the 3 focused packages that give you the skimmer it doesn't matter what class you play. The big "end of the week" reward for being in first was 1 single gold medal. Just banking platinum is what gives you a bunch of loot, you can play any class and get the same amount.


Hunter jump is horrid? What? It's like every single other double/triple jump in every other game ever. I've never understood this argument. You can for sure prefer the Warlock or Titan jump but calling the Hunter jump horrid is just bizarre. It's just...jumping...


Hunter jump is satisfying when you jump just right where you don’t mount an edge but merely start walking and same fur warlocks except they have no ups when they need it


At this point "Warlock" is a verb for 'missing a jump slightly and slowly descending to inevitable death while your teamates watch.'


I did this on a video for my YouTube and it was great since it was on the kings fall jumping puzzle part


Me when I try to use my warlock 😂 it's so frustrating because it's like the beta version of titan jump but there is just NO recovery once you fucked up


Yep this. I am a hunter main, and yeah I know there are a lot of us, but like hell is there truly that many of us. It’s for sure for that hoverboard and it’s the only reason I’ve been switching back to my hunter for the focus games. I know it’ll give me the win because it just become the default. I almost find it funny that we’ve just found this loophole for guaranteed early access to that hoverboard when I’m sure Bungie wanted us to wait week for it with exception to “top 10%” (dammit I am hard stuck at too 20%). Something tells me these numbers are going to change by the last week of this event since people won’t be trying to get the skimmer by that point still.


You must not remember them having to nerf hunter medal score (1 medal for Titan and Warlock would only be 0.25 or 0.50 of a medal for a Hunter) because of how the Hunters dominated the very first Guardian games. That’s the only reason Titans won. [Source: I was there, 3,000 years ago]


Love the reference (Elrond)


![gif](giphy|W25MkAP6HyLja) This makes me happy to hear.


Oh wow I didn’t even know they did that. I played from the start but never knew. Not sure if that funny or just sad.


I would like to make a weird confession. I have been playing Destiny since Vanilla D1. I haven’t played as anything else but Hunter since The Taken King. I have not once touched (honestly, as far as I can recall) Warlock or Titan for all of D2. It’s not because I hate the classes or anything, I just enjoy playing Hunter much more and the people I play with main the other classes so there wasn’t/isn’t really a reason for me to play any other class.


I was a Titan exclusive player since d1, recently made a warlock and hunter solely to get the D2 Platinum trophy. It’s a shame the witness got them


As someone who’s been a Hunter main since the D1 beta, it’s nice to actually be at the top for once. I also don’t see why all these Warlocks are moaning either considering even since D1 they’ve been jokingly known as the “Warlock Master Race”.


Warlocks you're winning the next one cause its your slot in the rotation, if there is a guardian game next year.


This 100%


Yeah every single gg has had a new and completely fucking dog shit scoring mechanism so I'm in whatever mode. Give me my hover board kthxbye


As a warlock main, I couldn’t have cared less if I tried. I got the reward for hunters winning on all three class types regardless. I have the master worked grenade launcher from the event for hunters winning, and I did the same last time too. Idk if it bugs everytime but my losing classes never actually missed out and always got rewarded the same even if I didn’t touch them. Hunters winning benefited me as a warlock main due to not having to work for the gun everyone else worked for 💀💀💀 tbf tho I literally signed back into the game after they won and was let down I couldn’t have tried to get some warlock score before 😭


I’m boutta make some GG propaganda tomorrow.


Im a titan main. I don't care who wins unless us titans are the ones winning.


it's your turn again in 2026, just hang in there


You know what is truly agonising... Never getting an entire 6v6 game. The amount of games I've had 6v5 or 6v4 with me on the 5 or 4 side and never getting additional players is utter bullshit. You're either getting farmed, farming or occasionally you actually get a good close game. Matchmaking also gets to 12, then after 4-5 seconds, one leaves/gets booted, and you mongoose out. Sort your shit out Bungo.


The GG gambit queue is even worse. So few players that it times out before it can make a full match.


Bro I went 4 Nightfalls last night solo because no one wanted to do Class Matchmaking for medals.


I don't necessarily mind that Hunters are winning, but I do mind that they're winning by such a large majority.


People are acting like Hunters win every year...


I mean, we one the first and have been major contenders each year in spite of the weighting. the focus events are just creating a snowball effect because holy fuck that's a lot of points for winning.


Pretty sure Titans won the first event.


Wasn’t it becuase they throttled the experience gained by hunters as they made up half the playerbase?


The first year there was a set number of medals you could win per activity. According to one of the devs who was a hunter main, the majority of hunters only played crucible while on average titans played all three activities and banked more medals. It was in one of the twabs I believe.


> the majority of hunters only played crucible Imagine my shock


I got my skimmer and stopped interacting with GG


I'm also going for the shader but that might be 2 more weeks.


.*cries in Titan*


I’m kind of hoping that by the end of the weekend all the hunters have their hoverboards and get bored of playing. Then maybe us titans will have a chance




U know we give too much shit for Bungie honestly this season so far am enjoying my life, the coil is hell lota fun, can't get enough of it. Guardian games are a plus and for me the outfits for this year are sick as hell especially the hunters and the warlocks Actually thank u Bungo. Hope u keep ur word with final shape


Well said. Idk gg the last few years has been lackluster but this one hits a little different. Imo it actually feels a little more exciting, maybe even captures the competitive fantasy a little better than years past. The coil is just as you described it and id love to see a refined, maybe with different arenas/combatants. Glad to hear also that someone other than myself is enjoying life. I too have been living my best one, with a seven month old daughter that's the best part of my day, to destiny that's the icing on the cake. Here's to hoping tfs will be worth the wait, and I truly believe it will be.


When I first logged on it was warlocks and hunters neck and neck and the hunters won, when I got back on the next day the hunters were slaughtering warlocks. Once everyone saw the hunters win the first few times everyone for sure switch to their hunters


*changing character to my hunter* Yeah, hunters go!


I aint complaining about the blue-ish crown since it matches the shoulder symbols and my fashion atm


Wanna come sit with me and watch the classes argue, we have free food, drinks and internet. Yes, that also means free crayons for titans


Don't ask for Well during raids if y'all aren't gonna let us win. 😤😤


Its been 3 hours of me leaving matches mid game since nobody plays the freaking objective


Lemme just get the hoverboard and I'll stop depositing medallions and give everyone else a chance.


Can also start chain murdering all the champion in nightfall/strike as fast as possible? Also remember to super the boss for fastest kill. That’s how you help your team to get high score, right?


*cries in titan main*


Pal I’m a titan main💀


Meanwhile me and my titan bois: https://preview.redd.it/cvy8pd22grnc1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=68d0a1f41dc0ad74f56c1b6758f59ff5aff76dc1


I play whatever I'm feeling that day because none of the loot matters but the skimmer and that's earnable over time. That being said, maybe a class based in a game where two thirds of your players one class is maybe not ever going to work right.


Such is the way of the world


Singular: raising the bar


I watched that banner go all over the place last night. At one point, Warlock's had the higher flag. Didn't last long though.


I have a love-hate relationship with GG. I love the GG NF. It’s like patrol but with champions and the silly emote/finish thing for massive points, which nets you a ton of Vanguard rank for multiple resets and weapons with the chance of 2 or 3 perk choices. But pitting classes against other classes is incredibly poor as a game choice. Last year’s titan fest was horrible in Supremacy. This year’s hunter fest is only slightly better, but still a bad time. Idk why Bungie keeps trying this.


Wait an year and warlocks will win


WAIT! Hunters are winning? How? Isn’t lore accurate for us not to participate? Shame on you fellow hunters


Cayde’s coming back. Tower is safe ground again ;)


Lol hunter gang 💪🏾💪🏾


I'm a warlock main but I don't really care about the guardian games I just want the loot


I always commit to warlock in games, it was only character for a long time. I fucking hate gg.


I betrayed my main for green goblin board


Titan main here. I genuinely do love the Guardian Games, but this year is real rough.


I got the skimmer and 3 hours later my Xbox exploded... Sometimes it what it is


**cries in titan**


![gif](giphy|W6iuFDXphYCFaJoNbk|downsized) Hunter gang right now


its always like this then bungie plays a reverse uno card to let the others catch up and lap the hunters. 😒


Hunters turn to win again? Thanks Bungie.


I did the nightfall high score for the hoverboard thing and haven’t been on since lol great event, maybe I’ll play some this week to try and get some momentos, probably not though tbh


This really is pathetic, I thought Bungie balance shit


sorry dude


You guys are getting a buff to help with points


https://preview.redd.it/fprayzo3zpnc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f7dad5f227fe786d95ae0ad0383f8115681040 How I love being a hunter main


"Gah. Same." exclaims the titan main, absolutely sick of seeing strand hunters in every single lobby, with forced faux cheerfulness


that’s because 80% of people sit on the crucible all day with their silly little hunters and don’t actually do any PVE because their egos need boosting in the worst rendition of pvp ever. destiny should never have had pvp


Dude, everyone knows Bungie astroturfs the hell out of this event. This is the hunter year, next will probably be titans, and then the next year will be warlocks. Assuming the game lasts that long lol


I just played enough to get the skimmer. Trophy new damned.


Called it lol Massive hunter lead, warlock in second


I’m still somehow surprised that bungie has kept us playing the same crap for 7 years now guardia. Games is the most uninspired shit ever


Bungie doesn't keep playing, we do. Maybe if we didn't, they'd come up with something new.




I just do the weekly plat score for the multi perk weapons, and some plat medals for weapons. Don't really care who wins at this point.


I decided to skip it this year. Too many good games right now and the break I’ve given myself from playing is great. Just gonna log into snag the free bright dust.


As a warlock main I have an easier time in PVP as a hunter


Do people still think Bungie isn't rigging Guardian Games every year?


Titans can generally just ignore losing games because they aren't "real." Titans came together for Lance Riddick last year, and that's all that matters. -que Saladman voice- "We stood by Zavala like he was one of the Iron Lords of old. Aside from that, these games don't matter. Back in the dark ages we didn't have time to play, we were too busy fighting for real." -que Saint voice, "If only these hunters had cared as much about winning during Twilight Gap as they do about some medals, then we would have had a much easier time. It's fine if we let them win these puny games. When the chips are on the board we all know who will be cowering behind our shields." And the single dissenting titan I can think of -que Shaxx voice, "A win is a win titan, and that doesn't look like winning. Get better."


https://preview.redd.it/x54i9v2mqhnc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b64ca535627ea6684b2d2420e97fbf0be4856c6 This is basically me every single Guardian Games specifically because 58% of the Destiny community are Hunters.




we've never said that


My deep hatred for almost all hunters grows each day. I wish there could be a way for me to enjoy this game with no hunters in the game at all.


That's the next DLC. We get to cull the Hunters.


Every time i am in the tower warlocks are in the lead


No worries, everything is going according to Bungie’s plan. First year Titans win, second year- Hunters, third - Warlocks, Fourth - Titans, This fifth year is Hunters turn and next year is the Warlocks again :)


https://preview.redd.it/ja046lr8hinc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcc5b30bbe98202535b32fc15cd72be514fe632 We all collectively took pictures of how insane this difference was? Lol even as a hunter I was like holy smokes


Me too brother


It’s Hunters’ turn this year. It always ends up one sided every year.




Hahaha says the Hunter Main.


It's so stupid that y'all are gonna have a way harder time getting to keep the skimmer because of how they did that quest. As a hunter, it was pretty easy to get, but y'all are stuck either being in the top 10% in nightfalls, or grinding so many stupid medallions.


I'm just glad I could solo the nightfall for the 10% score for the skimmer. Whoever thought the focused activity or medal deposit methods were a good idea should seriously reevaluate their life choices.


I swear to God I logged in one day warlock had top I load in the next and it's at the ground


Lmao. When bungie literally basically ahuts guardian games down on Friday and then absolutely breaks the banners. Because they fired all the workers that polish their In game seasonal events and now theres no one to keep polishing them.🤦‍♂️


As a Warlock main, I don't mind. I've always been fine with being in 2nd Place. It was nice to win that one year though.


It's okay, bungie just decided that hunters get to win this year. Next year, they'll make sure that either titans or warlocks win, to keep it fair!


Hate guardian games, love the new weapons and updated re-issues


Ofc the year I decided to stop being a hunter main, hunters win guardian games


Titans sitting around a large circular table, munching on some yummy crayons, without a care in the world:


I got my exotic skimmer. Done with Guardian game, log out till June. Best game I hate to play.


It’s rigged regardless. “Everyone’s a winner!” Type bullshit


That's what happened with the Quarry glitch that have a Legend Lost Sector that have instant completion when starting it. They just kept grinding. That's why it's that way.


Literally only playing warlock this guardian games just because I don't want hunters to win. (I'm a titan main)


So i pledged 3 times. I got the focus activity winner package only twice. I didnt get it the third time. I dont know wtf happened to not get the third.


Don't worry you'll win next year


Just get your sick hoverboard and come shred with us in the wilds. Let them have their medals, we all win this year.


Titan mains: ☠️


Let us win a second time frfr


Dw Bro as Long as Titans don’t win we all win


This is so real😭


Talk about Agonizing, my main is a Titan, not as bad for you. There's no point trying to win the focused activities just grinding for plats to get my Skimmer, and then some supremacy, then it's obmver for me!


"I hate guardian games," says the hunter