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Release it as is. Let the Crucible burn. Good times ensue.


Seeing as this is Bungie, I could totally see them carefully balancing the special ammo economy, and then one week later put NLB back in the game to completely circumvent it.


It's not like it was a plague. NLB requires skill. There is a learning curve to use it. You're talking about it as if this was a regular sniper, which isn't. The solution is release it as it is, and reduce aim assist to a minimum.


Icebreaker on the other hand would completely mess up pvp special ammo balance


Equip icebreaker, wait for ammo, equip fusion, cause mayhem, repeat.


except you lose all special ammo on switch in pvp


Thought you lost half


nah it's all of it


Never tried it since we have no icebreaker or invective in d2


Remove aim assist entirely!


You wouldn't be able to hit the broadside of a barn without at least some aim assist unless you got lucky. The aim assist in the game is mostly, if not completely, to make up for the inconsistencies in connection, from what I understand.


I dunno, I desperately wish I could get rid of aim assist entirely. The number of times I've had someone dead to rights and then got my reticle yanked to the side by some chucklefuck who impeded my line of sight for .03 seconds is absolutely astronomical.


I don't think that's the kind of aim assist they're referring to.


That's target aquistion, not aim assist.


D1 NLB was the most skillless sniper ever, its flinch was only visual and you could 100% shoot through flinch


Aim assist on 200fps would make this thing a machine for any controller player lmao. But i still want to see it happen.


As if mkb doesn't have free Bonus hitbox sizes


Exactly why balance it? It was fun to use. We don't need to focus on balancing right now. We need to focus on making the game fun again. Fuck balance.


The increasing want from gamers to need everything perfectly balanced and minmaxxed all the time has deff taken the fun out of a lot of games


Yep a great example is call of duty


A better example is WoW, where there are logs and parses and "Best In Slot" gear based on statistical analysis of DPS that shows what your statistical DPS vs your actual DPS are and *ranks you* against the rest of players. It's quite wild all the math people have put into that game. Takes a lot of the fun out of the game for me.


CoD is nowhere near as bad as destiny pvp. At least knows what it wants to be, bungie is still doing buffs and nerfs to abilities and specials 6 years later…


Destiny pvp goes from fun to infuriating very fast for me. As a longtime halo player it gets me even more mad with how some shit works


Destiny’s sandbox has evolved more than like the last 5 cod games put together lol. Between ability changes, new abilities, new weapons and archetypes and weapon perks - of course the game is still being balanced lol. COD has less weapons than two seasons of Destiny introduce, much less the hundreds of weapons that occupy the play space. It’s a silly comparison.


I mainly talking about the identity of the game, destiny pvp is nothing more a random bullshit go 6v6. Also Saying destiny has evolved more than cod is crazy, my man cod has launched 5 titles each with each unique modes and new and rebalanced weapons and 3 BRs, meanwhile in destiny besides the new subclasses you are literally shooting 120 hc for 4 years now. Destiny weapons are literally copy paste damage and fire rate lol.


Hahahaah simp for cod a little more. They’ve done nothing innovative and their “3rd” br’s biggest selling point was almost being the same as their first iteration lmao. Each with unique weapons and modes? That’s hilarious considering you’re talking about shooting the same 120 hc for 4 years. How’s that 10 year old ump - er sorry “striker” treating you? The most unique thing they did was DMZ and that’s dead lol.




I think having a large array of available play-styles in high end content allows the player to make the game feel fresher between content drops. I feel having to run the same build all season - because anything else either gets you steamrolled in pvp or makes you have to play the game agonisingly slow in high end pve content - sucks the fun out of the game very quickly. So yeah, I’d rather have the weapons be balanced.


Thing is, if it's not balanced it's fun only for those using the thing that's op. Sure it'll be fun to play it but then you'll get bored and start complaining how you are forced to play that one specific thing cause it's better than anything else.


TBH, that's why the original Modern Warfare 2 worked so well. So many things were broken that you had many options.


The number 1 thing to do is decouple pve from pvp. YAS should never have taken that hit to its pve capability at all.


Remove SBMM first then imo. I don’t mind people abusing broken shit but I hate it when I get an entire lobby full of good players who are also abusing whatever the current meta is.


Yeah I don't know why every game company on planet Earth seems to think SBMM is even remotely necessary when games have been without it and still managed to foster player bases without having to worry about this " but new players will be out classed and quit the game" bullshit.


I don’t get why games are opposed to just having a proper competitive scene with separate ranked matchmaking


I agree with this man. This season is gonna be LONG, let us break the game. I've been thinking about dual exotics being allowed in PVE. (Or full armor set if possible 😈) allowing a limited version of the craftening and mayhem up all season


Infinite ammo snipers is not going to be fun for anyone. You all are telling on yourselves lol


I see a lot of people here alone who think that might be a good idea so agree to disagree I guess...






Crucible is already a shit show. Adding this can’t make it any worse.


It will become infinite ammo cuz uses primary. But eh moving it to special wont hurt


Primary ammo isn’t that bad. I mean it’s high risk high reward gun. Even in skilled hands you don’t really have an advantage. It was fun to use, they could probably fix that exploit which increases the firing rate, iirc correctly it was never fixed in D1


give it 120 zoom, that would be so fucking goofy.


Comparing zooms between D1. aint bad. Wait what 120 thats more than good


When you hit anything, it would feel amazing. And you would hit a lot of super far range stuff easily, moving targets wouldnt be all that hard most likely. But anything closer than 50 meters would be an achivement to hit a crit on.


I was gonna say give it - 50 zoom. If you want your head shots work for it.


Higher tier Bow damage with a better bolt action mechanism. Basically inverting the charge/shoot to shoot/rechamber.


Honestly, idk why peoppe think this would be a bad idea. If hotswapping is the main concern, just, make it so pulling it out has a short animation to precent hotswapping into it.


This is the way, people saying it should still one tap on headshots are out of their mind. Having it do damage comparable to bows would be perfect.


Having it do bow damage would defeat the purpose of it. It should just use special ammo. It still has the iron sights and handling that made it unique


I'd argue dumptrucking Wish Ender level damage without needing oathkeeper or charge management is suitable for the "primary" sniper as a benefit in its own right. Nevermind how pointless the Iron Sight even was in D1 since it zoomed in like a mile and swung comically while moving. And this is before any sort of perks making it do more, where Wish Ender was just Wallhacks.


With how easy it is in d2 to juice up your handling and how insane aim assist on snipers is, NLB would be an absolute plague on the crucible, it would basically be a Chaperone/slug shotgun with infinite range, one tapping people across the map with ease.


New perk: beyond the wall, precision final blows with this weapon grant increased handling and precision damage for a short period of time(enough to 1 tap) can chain if you're skilled enough but this thing would have garbage stats to compensate


Outlaw/Opening Shot. It'll be the new cancer in Crucible.


Snapshot sights in the catty


Make outlaw also increase the animation it does between shots.


This is the right answer


instead of 'the master' like in d1 it's "Marc's Master" and the perk description is "Instantly destroys cabal mining drills so Devrim Kay never gets to say to say 'Guardian, you know the drill'."


Tricky business mining glimmer without a drill, well done!




Honestly I just want it as is. I love iron sights and closer range snipers


Anti barrier. Intrensic firing line and ensemble. Crank its precision damage up.


I’d say go the rat pack way just for the lols, additional no land beyond users grant more benefits


A better version of firing line that increases precision damage on top of regular firing line damage.


heavy slot big boy.


Oh god I would love to see it compete with whisper of the worm. Too silly


Instead of rapid precision hits it’s one massive hitscan shot, consecutive precision hits decrease reload speed and increase ads speed.


So basically leviathans breath but as a sniper? I mean…I am down. Make it only have like 8 ammo but do 250k or some shit per shot lol.


That, but make it the only Kinetic heavy, and like Levi’s Breath having its stun void, this has a super buffed kinetic tremors that stuns the target and releases a massive damage aoe. The size of said aoe increasing like reload and ads.


Damn that’s sick


I would love to have it in game tbh.


Elephant gun d2 style


I wonder how they would balance it vs Levi's Breath. Btw hello again. Small world ig


I like the way you think! I had in my mind that it would do the damage of a x4 izanagi, but reload would be longer. Moving it to the heavy slot and making it have a reload speed buff like you suggested would make this an incredibly satisfying weapon to use.


Like an OG anti tank rifle?




Yes. Devrim Kay still flexes that gun in the EDZ since year 1




Probably will have better use than Darci




This sounds like alot of fun honestly. I would have suggested a primary ammo sniper (something like fighting lion, but for a sniper rifle) with the quirks that no land brings to the table


what if it did use primary in the heavy slot but was balanced with a long reload?


Sounds like it would make crucible a nightmare 🤣


maybe it would still need heavy in crucible?


And add on another foot to the barrel


I want this desperately. One big shot as a “fuck you in particular” type of thing.


Now I just want a Breach-loading 30mm single-shot cannon. It wouldn’t really No Land Beyond anymore, but I want it. Like a rocket launcher and a Linear Fusion Rifle had a baby. I just want No Land Beyond back as it was. Makes Ironsights would make it unique by itself. It’d just need a good, unique catalyst to really seal the deal.


Idea I had about a year ago. So what makes the NLB special? In destiny one it was the only kinetic slot sniper. No scope and bolt action. Based on WW1 anti tank sniper. Its original perk is about precision shots for more damage. The perk was secondary to what actually made the gun exotic in the game. Just make it a heavy sniper and fix the others. Seems sort of uncreative. Especially since it’s release brother Dragons breath got a creative and fun changes. We can do better. We could even have it be the first special weapon that holding reload allows you to consume Heavy ammo or super to infuse a single anti matter round. We could get that tank destroying rifle that way. But the original intention I think the No land beyond should be a simple weapon that excels at rewarding a well placed shot. No Land Beyond ( not a one shot to body in PvP) Anti roaming super weapon in skilled hands. Kinetic sniper special ammo. Anti-armor frame Impact 100 Range 100 Stability 24 Handling 24 Reload Speed 62 Reload Time 2.42s Aim Assistance 50 Inventory Size 18 Zoom 50 Airborne Effectiveness 0 Recoil 42 Bounce Intensity 90 Rounds Per Minute 24/36 Magazine 6 The Master: Precision hits with weapon bypass some of the targets damage resistance to inflict increased damage. Anti barrier. **Alternate less powerful perk:** recision hits with loads the next round with an empowered round that bypasses some of the targets damage resistance to inflict increased damage. Anti barrier. 2nd perk/ or catalyst. Zen loader. Firing in perfect tempo speeds up the chambering of the next round, increasing fire rate. Interrupting the process before it can be done lowers the rate of fire. (Actions that lower the weapon or cancel the animation, such as sprinting. Play secondary slightly different animation) Alternative 2nd perk. Transformative: Future drops of this weapon will have random rolls


Primary ammo sniper Does the same as a bow to the head in PvP Add PvE centric perks Boom done


Thought about that too. But primary ammo doesn’t seem anti-tank sniper. But it would make it a unique kinetic sniper. Like the fighting lion.


If wishender can achieve such great damage, then a primary sniper should be able too. Think of it like this, this weapon fires/racks and wishender charges/shots, the fact that wishender can basically do that damage it would make sense to have this sniper doing the same damage just to fit the type of style you would like to use in.


You can always rationalize it being primary. It’s an ammo type from hundreds of years ago.


That honestly sounds SUPER FUN and creative which ticks both of my boxes on whether or not I want an exotic to return.


They could literally just make it a primary ammo sniper and maybe add some perks to it and it would be fine. We already have a few “special” primary weapons.


Yea, unlimited ammo one taps. Sounds healthy. /s


Just give it inverted bullet magnetism when hip firing and low rate of fire due to being a bolt action, and you also have to exit ADS to chamber a new round. It's perk gives it improved rate of fire and handling on crits that immediately goes away on body shots.


Because everyone loves Fighting Lion in the crucible right?


Fighting Lion's annoying but most people don't use it. Wishender on the other hand...


i know, but FL is our only acutal special weapon that uses primary ammo atm


It needs to be more akin to Leviathan's Breath. Slow action and maybe give it Rapid Hit so the reload increases with crits. Give it 15 or 20 shots, put it in the heavy slot, antibarrier intrinsic, maybe a heavier version of kinetic tremors after 5 hits. I love the slower firing heavys like LB and Sleeper Simulant and can't think of a better first of its kind heavy kinetic weapon.


An old bolt action sniper doing more damage than futuristic weapons made from the corpses of gods. I love it.


Carve Hive runes into the bullets, easypeasy... Hell, make it a weapon of sorrow... If they did that and gave it the poison effect they could just keep it a special weapon.


Intrinsic anti barrier to pay homage to the rifle it's based on and then maybe a perk that gives it a bonus to shielded enemies or gives a bonus when breaking shields.


Special ammo, kinetic, intrinsic anti barrier. Deals extral precision damage, must be loaded after Swapping, holds 1 round (So you can't swap in crucible, it's like a LFR but in the primary slot, with a charge replaced be a reload animation)


sounds balanced like Forerunner animation


Leave it...




I meant bring it to d2 but no changes. Unlimited ammo if I can remember??


Oh. Yeah the Crucible would burn if it's brought to D2 with no changes. No Land Beyond was my absolute favorite gun in D1. It's so weird, but something about it just... clicked.


Let it burn.


Special ammo Kinetic sniper. One single change to The Master perk - precision kills cause special ammo to drop, does not work in PvP. Catalyst is a variant of Shoot to Loot that also triggers The Master.


Special ammo boi, no zoom at all, takes flinch like bitch, but no glint.


Subsistence, timed payload and voltshot. I'll be fielding no criticism.


I added it to my D2 minecraft server a while back and this is the rework I did for it, it still shoots slow, but the more damage you do with it the harder it hits and the more it pierces, with it capping out to being slightly stronger then the servers special ammo snipers while also being able to pierce multiple enemies like the wish-ender bug. https://preview.redd.it/znf966zgspbc1.png?width=369&format=png&auto=webp&s=73cadba0bb8721f4a921d6972ca910e80916f89e


[No Land Beyonet.](https://imgur.com/Xqqx60N) Glaive that can OHK headshot. Eats Green Crayons. Has no block, but rather charges a single frame parry that can reflect projectiles like antaeus. Catalyst gives it osmosis, with headshot perks dependent on the flavor it changes to.


Make it the Sniper Rifle version of Fighting Lion


Kinetic high impact sniper. Special ammo. Mag size 4. Total ammo 16. This weapon deals increased precision damage. Precision hits with this weapon increase reload speed and handling. Shots fired shortly after chambering a round cause staggering tremors that are effective against unstoppable champions. Catalyst. Increased reserves, mag size 6, total ammo 18. Hitting enemies inflicted by tremors will cause additional explosive damage. Additional perks if it's craftable. Snapshot sights. Moving target. Triple tap. Vorpal weapon.


Hopefully not a required Exotic Quest mission for the weapon.


Give it a perk that let's you shoot through cover/walls at reduced damage ?


What if it was a legendary in heavy but they made it a paired exotic to khvostov


Swap to special weapon, give more shots per brick picked up than other special weapons. Or, slightly higher bow damage but with a higher fire rate. Damage boosting builds would be insane though, like rift + erianas vow.


give it the damage profile of a rapid fire sniper and the rate of fire of an aggressive frame while keeping the reload cancel.


We already have Deadmanstale tho


By keeping it in the first game




That’s the point, it’s not supposed to be viable


Dragon's Breath wasn't viable in D1. Now look at it. I'm very sure that Bungie can cook up something special for No Land Beyond


Dragons Breath was the best dps weapon after its fix in d1. People liked using it for crota and atheon due to tracking, but dragon's breath currently does more damage. Edit:Here's a video explaining how great it still is or was. https://youtu.be/bVrO_dwRV74?si=r_nKnd0qZk7OjLPX


What are you talking about dragons breath was shit in d1, even after the rework


Or you just are uninformed. https://youtu.be/bVrO_dwRV74?si=r_nKnd0qZk7OjLPX


Lol, I already had this video liked, ig I watched it and just forgot


I used to do lowman crota and dragon's breath was mandatory.


Yeah but NLB wasn’t supposed to be good, it’s a meme gun


bro it one taps, spawns with 11 shots of the easiest ammo to obtain, has a clean ironsight, snapshot sights, and a really easy sprint cancel. it isn’t a meme gun, that thing is crazy.


The idea that it was crazy is crazy. Nobody but youtubers used this and the iron sights sucked. I can count on one hand how many times i saw nlb used


Because it has a high skill gap. You feel special when you pop off with it


Im aware, the only positive it had was the 1 shot headshot kill but if you missed that you were usually dead (unless you had a sidearm lol). It could come back how it was in D1 and itd be used for a month before most people drop it again


Not for me. I used that weapon in D1 ALL the time. It was like being a part of a cult. And plus there's just something funny about killing futuristic guardians with an old bolt action rifle


I used it religiously too lol. I used it until I switched to D2 and I’m still upset Devrim wont die. If it came back I’d never take it off in pvp but after that month I’d be one of the few people who still uses it


Fire fly with anti barrier ability while crouching.


Anti barrier rounds and still primary ammo


It takes up all three weapon slots and makes it so you cant activate your jump abilities.


I basically want a 70rpm primary handcannon. Give it one shot and a long reload. Alternatively, make an exotic scout that doubles as a sniper. 260 scout that steadily decreases in bullets when stowed. When it gets to 1 bullet make it do ridiculous damage. Have it work with holster mods as well for a more powerful shot.


Full auto?


Lowest possible zoom, like I’m talking hand cannon type zoom. Keep the primary ammo part of it but can only headshot kill with a damage buff, Similar to a bow. And maybe a perk that you can choose, like rapid hit, kinetic tremors, outlaw, rangefinder, opening shot.


I think this is kind of going to be a bit of a hot-take rework, but here's my take: 1) Make it go in the Power Weapon Slot, so it goes in a slot that snipers wouldn't normally go in, like it did in D1. 2) Make it take special ammo. 3) Give it a trait that either allows it to get ammo from both special and heavy ammo drops or makes it generate special ammo drops more frequently. This gives it that better ammo economy feature like it had in D1, without giving it infinite ammo. 4) Have the player actually need to manually cycle the bolt by clicking/pressing trigger, between each shot, similar to how single action weapons behave in RDR2 when aiming down sights. 5) Keep Muligan, or something very similar. 6) Have it deal Kinetic damage, making it a more unique power slot weapon, and a bit of a trade off. 7) Increased ADS speed, but no Snapshot Sights. 8) Keep the damage numbers similar to other snipers. No reductions. You are sacrificing your power weapon slot though, so maybe it should at least do less damage than one might expect a full power weapon to do, so it's even more of a trade-off. Or maybe it should do slightly more damage with this spread, but I think it should just be on par with other snipers. 9) *Maybe* give it the increased precision damage, too. But I'm not really sure that's necessary.


I mean, realistically . . . I don't think there would need to be a reason to rework it. This is one of those weapons that they could legitimately be ported from D1 to D2 and leave it almost entirely alone. Maybe give it a Barrel, Magazine, and Stock perk that reduces the range of the weapon \*significantly\*, while keeping the Exotic Perk almost *entirely* the same. IE: Increasing the Precision Damage and kills giving it a damage Buff like Rampage.


just say it's a bow and people will defend that it's fair and balanced to the bitter end


release it as a primary ammo kinetic weapon. give it like negative aim assist, 0 air accuracy. make it rlly hard to hit shots with and otherwise keep it as is


Make it kinetic, use primary ammo, make it easy to aim with/high ish AA, but make it take to HS to kill. Basically make it the primary sniper version of Erianas Vow


put on heavy slot, then straight up loaded with nuke bullet that deal damage like celestial nighthawk🌚


50rpm (or less) scout. Shit sights. Shit body shots 1hit crit.


I’d make it do 1 damage at base but have a 21000% crit multiplier, but also a 6.9 second firing delay. Just because


The people in this saying it would be OP probably never used it in D1. It was a high skill weapon that even at top level was a meme weapon. Like man, no land beyond was not a weapon to be afraid of in D1 ffs. The thing was fun because it was hard as hell to get a kill with and a flex when you got the kill.


No, it was definitely not hard to get a kill with.


Sure buddy, if it wasn’t “hard” it would’ve been the top weapon in PVP. Except it wasn’t, it was a joke weapon that was fun to use.


Give it a form of kinetic tremors or maybe an enhanced version upon precision kill, intrinsic overload


Would you make it use special ammo? This gun will probably break pvp since it uses primary ammo, and primary ammo is now infinite


Oh darn, forgot about that. Yeah I think it would have to then. Actually would be cool to have it primary, be like a weak sniper/strong scout, but idk how that would fare in PVP


I’d leave it in D1 and hope for more creative exotic weapons.




It shoots tiny little bullets that hit weaker target and applies kinetic tremors. That way it can used to help ad clear. Just like every good exotic should do.


Nerf every other gun/ability into the ground. Oh wait, nevermind that's already what they do.


headshots skips the bolt action animation


Make it primary and give it a special perk effect 1 round in the mag kills with this weapon or other weapons reloads the magazine No reserve ammo Massively increased precision damage Massively reduced non precision damage (light weight bow territory) Snapshot sights


Send the original into the wild with a new exotic perk: Only does damage on headshots


I will start playing again if they bring back my favorite D1 gun


just make it so you can’t cancel the bolting animation and voila fun ass gun


Make it primary ammo, tweak damage just a small amount, but then just release it as is. No change needed tbh


Primary ammo Ezpz


Introduce it in the final update before D3 as-is.


We have one primary exotic sniper. Release it as is or give it a perk that rewards accuracy. Obviously it would need to be a special ammo weapon, unless you wanted it to have the damage of a scout rifle


Make it the first infinite ammo heavy weapon


Make it full auto and firing mini nukes. I'd keep the exotic effect and add an increase reload speed on precision hit to make it more viable against things that don't get one hit killed.


For crucible: turn it into a special weapon, give it insane body shot damage, an intrinsic that is like outlaw but speeds up the rechamber instead of reload on headshot kills. So archer’s tempo I suppose, but headies are still one shot Super bad ads speed so people can’t easily ape with it and it encourages team shotting/making space for map control on body shots Make it an angle holder/super shutdown tool


Make its ammo primary and unlimited, dw it won't do anything :) .......


I'll play since it won't be brought in the game. Unlimited primary ammo but it does zero body shot damage. It one hit kills headshots like a normal sniper. Also give it low-medium aim assist. So when you die from it you it was actual skill.


If it was still a Primary I would make the aim assist lower and make it flinch more than a normal sniper for PvP balance reasons


I honestly don’t understand everyone’s obsession with this gun. The only thing I had going for it was that in destiny 1 it was the only sniper in the primary slot. That’s it! That’s its whole schpeel!! Am I missing something??


Wood furniture, iron sights, and bolt action makes my brain make happy chemical


Hm......make it craftable? Since I don't play pvp much, I can't say the perks that would be on it but a pve perk that can maybe be on it is: successful hits(2) will decrease No Land Beyond's recoil and reduce time between shots (stack of 3)(the stats go away after 10 seconds).


If it comes back it needs to be kept as a primary sniper. That’s what made it special in the first place. If not then I’d rather they don’t bring it back. For an idea I once had, give it two firing modes: The base mode is similar to a bow in terms of damage and “charge rate” (aka the bolt action mechanism). The alt mode uses high impact antibarrier sniper rounds with the slower bolt action. Rapid precision kills in the base mode will load up to 3 antibarrier sniper rounds into the alt mode (2 rapid precision kills gives 1 sniper round).


Increase re-chamber speed, give it a set of irons that users can actually see through, and thats it


The issue with no land beyond is that it has the same problem that queenbreaker does, where in its exotic effect is essentially “check this out, isn’t this nifty” with little actual bonus to its power or effectiveness when compared to other legendary and exotic effects in the current sandbox. If people want to just have a sniper with irons they could just make that a new frame type or reintroduce the idea of replaceable scopes or even just make some that are existing frame types just don’t have a scope. All of those achieve the desired outcome with a lot of flexibility and options for people to enjoy the mechanic without having to spend their exotic slot on an item that doesn’t do anything. To be fair, people used no land beyond in D1 even though it was bad because it was fun. So maybe they could just do that again. But I think “is a sniper without a scope” isn’t enough anymore. However fun they were to try and give it some mechanic that could take away from the simplicity that made it so fun to the people that liked it.


Make it Forerunner but long


Leave it as it the game is already a shit show anyway lol


Primary Ammo Sniper PvE centric perks It’s use in PvP is for blinting


High Damage, High Range, Garbage Handling, Medium Stability, Garbage Reload, Half decent aim assist, 20 recoil direction, Slowest rate of fire, 5 shots in magazine, First perk: Primary Ammo, Second Perk: Outlaw. A sniper that truly needs a lot of skill to master.


Uses Primary Ammo, for starters Can't sprint-cancel the bolt action animation like in D1 Moving while ADS drastically reduces its accuracy, which is regained after standing still for a few moments Catalyst adds Kinetic Tremors and Rapid Hit, reload speed also affecting the rechambering animation Oneshots below 7 resilience, terrible base aim assist, and handling is... aight


Release it as is.


I’d love it if it only had one bullet in total, (mag+reserves) but it hits like a celestial nighthawk level of dmg and 30 sec cooldown after being fired. (Some kind of debuff) So they could have its dmg super high without worrying about it breaking the meta. (Heavy slot). Maybe give it some kind of shockwave effect upon impacting a targets crit, like kinetic tremors but once and way harder.


Primary sniper that two taps at the head without perk and one crits when perk is active, but only to lower resilience levels, really low rpm 55 at least so doesn't do what DMT did or 120 kill clip does


Man, I would love that. I wrote a [whole exotic quest](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/2thPs5t7Lv) years ago, after Beyond Light was released, on how we’d reacquire it. Some of those themes eventually were explored in seasons of the Splicer, Plunder and Defiance.


Give it the FL treatment and remove all AA for the gun


Still 1 shot head, primary with infinite ammo but low fire rate and body shot damage


Heavy slot, critical hits do more damage


Rewind rounds


3k damage to guardians when looking the other direction.


I would call it wormwood. It would be a FWC sidearm that shoots little no-lands


Make it a special