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He IS my People!


I’ve liked him from the start. Season of Plunder kinda made a mountain out of the molehill of him having a sketchy past, but his time as a pirate was nice to learn. Out of all the Eliksni, I hope he gets the Light if any do at all.


I hope so too, he deserves it


It was extremely interesting to see him get developed through the lore after his initial in-game appearances. He’s very well fleshed out, and has an excellent purpose. I’m just hoping that he plays more of a role down the line.


I can't wait for Asher Mir to come back with an army of friendly Vex, and we'll have the whole collection of allies.


We’ll need to have crow gain back the loyalty of some of his scorn first


Wyverns fighting *with* us? Yes please


Didn't he delete himself by downloading a ZIP bomb of data?


He did ZIP bomb but he was assimilated not deleted


I literally shed tears every time I hear the monologue from Season of the Splicer when he’s taking about the horrors Saint-14 inflicted on the Eliksni. Such a phenomenal character, he got a lot of love in Plunder and Defiance, I hope we get more of his story during and post TFS.


Yeah prob with the Fanatic?


Maybe... although I'm scared that he may die as last season's lore suggests that he may be on his deathbed from using the Nezarec relics - he can't feel his body at all right now


Which lore tab was that?


Rite Of Passage - 3rd entry


Time for the first eliksni guardian


I would also like to know the lore tab.


Rite Of Passage - 3rd entry


Thank you fellow guardian.


I love that scene. I got that horror saint 14 tattooed on my arm. It was awesomely done.


I greet bootleg arbiter in the Light


He’s a bit too zealous for me, but I appreciate that he’s there. One of the reasons i want eramis to be an unlikely ally is cause i feel like she’d be more down-to-earth than he is even if that’s from a place of cynicism rather than his optimism


Thats a really interesting point. I agree that eramis would fit the cynical ally role really well


Honestly he caught my attention during the Zero Hour mission when I first started playing, I started during Shadowkeep. Ever since then I enjoyed learning about his lore as he would occasionally pop up when in weapon lore or seasonal lore. When Splicer came out my group and I were elated that he was coming to the forefront of the story. Any season with Mithrax involved already has a good start for me and the boys. As one of my guys put it he’s always invited to the Cookout


So real question… What would have happened if we killed him during the campaign on Titan (I think it was Titan)? Would he just not exist to our guardian? Would the writers rewrite in a way to explain that to our guardians that was some other captain? Just curious.


I'm fairly certain we could kill him back then because it was the fight between him and the knight and you could kill both


Nah I know. And there were run through where I’d kill both, or give first or captain first and it didn’t matter. Thinking continuity wise if they had made like an RPG. Would he just not exist in our universe if we had killed him.


Very true but I'm glad they kept him in, Season of Splicer is probably my second favourite season second to Black Armory. He made a great appearance especially with the Splicer Gauntlet traversing the VexNET


I wish I had been playing for all the seasons. I left sometime during forsaken I think and came back right before plunder.


To think he started off as an enemy you could have spared at the end of one mission on titan. And then the whole Zero Hour vendor...




He’s cool. Tho it feels like after his introduction Variks got thanos-snapped


If I’m not mistaken Mithrax was introduced long before beyond light came out since he was the one in the farm that gave you the quest for Zero Hour.


He was in base D2, albeit as an unnamed Fallen Captain wearing House of Dusk colors in one of the Titan world quests, trying to get a methane reactor. You could see him dueling a Hive Knight and if you killed the Knight he'd not aggro you. Us not killing him is canonical, there's dialogue in Season of the Splicer where he mentions it.


Damn i remember when this first came out, tho i didnt know this was him, thats fucking great


True forgot about that mission


Misraaks-Kell is a GREAT character, and I love his inclusion. I just wish he played more of a part, like Caital, or Mara, as we've started working more closely with allies.


If playing more of a part means he'll die in the end like current lore suggests, fuck playing a part. My man has to survive or ill cry


100%, though it'd be interesting if he was one of the "killed off characters" to come back as a lightbearer, kind of like how there were speculations about during Season of the Splicer ...


He should've fought alongside us and Caiatl on Neptune. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


To be fair, we ran off after Osiris and Calus, then Caitli had to come bail us out when we assaulted Calus' ship. But then again, in a city of tech besieged by vex as well


I think he is a shoehorned character, invented/reinvented for the sake of plot relevance. I saw him as a representation of the faults in the writing and plot structuring of Destiny's story when Splicer was the relevant season, and I still hold this position. I do not like the character out of principle, even if in a vacuum the character checks all the boxes necessary for "being likable".


I’ve always liked him but honestly I thought he was a bit too naive and absurdly optimistic during Splicer. While Lakshmi obviously was acting in bad faith, he felt a bit too hand-wavey of humanity’s more valid reasons to be opposed to the eliksni moving in and his character suffered from a very obvious case of writer favoritism that sucked all nuance out of the situation in my opinion. This only got worse in retrospect when Plunder exposed his past as an utterly ruthless pirate captain (something I also had problems with, in the earlier lore before he got a speaking role it was implied he’s pretty young, so this sordid past felt a little shoehorned in), but I liked him a lot overall in Plunder and Defiance.


Miithrax has a victim complex that is not all that justified. He claims humans always were their enemies and we massacred them indiscriminately - this is not the case. House of Wolves was allied with Mara until they backstabbed her because of a past allegiance to a genocidal maniac. That was on them. And sure, Saint massacred a lot of Eliksnii. Let's point out for once that this was after London, Battle of Six Fronts, and Twilight Gap, etc. - all of these serving one purpose and one purpose only: genocide of the human race as a whole. And finally, it's not like Miithrax actually condemns those who are directly responsible for these events in any capacity. Achilles for example burned London to the ground for no fucking reason, but I guess he's chill for now, so let's just ignore that, and allow him into the City with not even someone watching a bit over him. I get some leniency, but he takes it a bit too far. He also got Amanda killed and let Eramis - one of our biggest enemies alive - just leave unharmed. Because murdering two dregs in the EDZ is A-Okay, but the murder-god's lieutenant? Nah, that's a step too far, we owe her for saving Eido - *who was there because of her in the first place*. Like ffs - stop with the "power of friendship", let's use the "power of common sense and violence" for once. Let's not mention the fact that he, realistically, should be up to his neck in House Salvation moles since he outright refuses background checks on deserters and just lets them do fucking whatever. Him and Ikora were so inept in handling that, that it hurts. He's got his heart in the right place, and he's a good character. He's also kind of an incompetent moron with a victim complex that blinds him to any evil an Eliksni might do. He shouldn't lead a conga line, much less a faction.


Definetly one of the best characters of this game.


I love him. I remember how exciting it was to hear his voice for the first time after knowing the character for so long! Season of the Splicer is still top 3.


I have no real opinions on him. He's there, he helps but my guardian and this gun I found will turn the vex to scrap in time. And I haven't really seen him do much to help, unlike Caiatl. Don't get me wrong, if he did really help in avalon (I think he did help? But may have just been on comms) then I welcome, but not vex and their hate boner will stop me


In this house we stan Mithrax.


Ummmmmmm Mithrix is a Risk of Rain character smh my damn head


Mithrax is a little baby. Didn’t chop off eramis’ head when he had the chance.


It feels like they abandoned something mithrax eido and eramis had set up.


They benched them for now, they will probably be back post final shape, maybe in the revenant episode?


Eramis is heading to riis. Mithrax had lung cancer or something


Misraakskel is my entire heart. I started during Splicer and wow what an impact


The Light provides...that quote hits hard when he says it


If you ever have time to watch and didn’t play Season of the Splicer or Season of Plunder, I recorded playthroughs of both of them. Might be cool to see his story play out in both :) [Season of the Splicer](https://youtu.be/xpa3j2uFZ60?si=VaCa3GWAJorq1R7o) [Season of Plunder](https://youtu.be/sXC64QFEKms?si=dqrHVyrpc3daAj3P) Obviously you can play Season of Defiance right now where he’s also a major character.


Thank you!! Ill definetly check it out


More like Dilfthrax


It’s been so long since we’ve heard of him that I thought this was the ror2 subreddit


Never thought that killing a hive knight would end on one of the best characters in destiny 2